ISB Prospectus - 2012 March

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Building your child's future!

Building your child's future

Overview The International School of Bucharest (ISB) is a not-for-profit international school serving the needs of international students aged three to eighteen. It is also open to children of Romanian families. An enviable and spacious learning environment, the school is set in a new purpose-build modern building in Sector 3, Bucharest, overlooking the Swan Lake to the front. Over 40 nationalities are represented among its 600 children. Our curriculum is based on The National Curriculum for England and Wales, adapted to meet international best practices.

Diploma programme which means our students can apply and go on to respected universities around the world. The International School of Bucharest (ISB) and its curriculum are fully recognised by the Ministry of Education and Research, Romania. ISB is accredited as a Cambridge University International Exam Centre for International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and International A-Level Diploma Programmes which are accepted by universities and colleges throughout the world as well as in Romania. ISB is also a regular member of the Council of International Schools (CIS).

We offer International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE) and International A-Level

the International School of Bucharest


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International Recognition International A Level and AS Level have widespread international recognition as educational qualifications. This recognition is because: • International A and AS Level qualifications are recognised by universities as equivalent in value to UK A and AS Levels • Good grades at A and AS Level can result in one full year of advanced standing or credit at universities in the USA and Canada • Good A and AS Level grades are vital for admission to all the world’s major English-speaking universities and many non-English-speaking universities • A and AS Level are rigorous programmes that encourage high academic standards • A and AS Levels have a high profile amongst Englishmedium international schools around the world

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Mission Statement Our goal is to provide the students of the International School of Bucharest with the best possible programme of academic and personal development in a challenging and supportive environment.

We recognise and celebrate achievement

International Recognition At the International School of Bucharest: • We aim to develop a love of learning, which will remain with the individual long after the process of formal education has finished.

Philosophy At the International School of Bucharest: • We believe that all our pupils and staff are unique human beings, capable of spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical growth and development. • We value truth, freedom, justice, human rights, the law and collective effort for the common good. • We believe that pupils need to be taught to learn and build on new skills and develop socially. • We value families as sources of love and support for all their members, and as the basis of a society in which people care for others. We believe we should respect the people, places and environment around us.

• We also wholly believe that pupils learn to value and treat others with respect, not only for what they have but also for what we can do for them. • We recognise and celebrate achievement.

We aim to reward achievement of all members of our school community for their successes

• We believe relationships are fundamental to the development and fulfilment of ourselves and others, and for the good of both the local and wider international community. • We will provide a balanced and broad curriculum which will include all pupils of different abilities and needs, from the Early Years Foundation Stage to Secondary.

• We will encourage cross–curricular learning, supported by advancements in technology wherever possible to enhance the learning of our pupils. • We will provide our pupils with a stimulating and caring environment to learn within, where the development of the whole child is a priority. We also encourage our pupils to develop as independent learners who can make positive choices for their own learning and development. • We fully encourage parents to take an active role in their child's education and development. • We aim to reward achievement of all members of our school community for their successes. • Our pupils are members of their local community and of our host country, Romania. We recognise our students come from a multitude of cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds. We therefore seek to provide a secular education that reflects and draws from this diversity by embracing the ideals of international understanding and responsible citizenship.

• We offer a range of extracurricular activities and trips to broaden the experience of school for our pupils and to enrich their learning of academic and social skills. the International School of Bucharest

Primary School

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Primary School Early Years

Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2

At International School of Bucharest (ISB) we believe that every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support to fulfill their potential. The early years of a child’s education is a unique period of time and their experiences during this crucial stage of development has a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in it’s own right, and it provides the foundation for children to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up

The centre houses, pre-Nursery (2 to 3 years old) Nursery (3 to 4 years) and Reception (4 to 5 years old) classes. We follow the UK’s Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, which provides guidance on the learning and development for children aged from birth to five years old. In the Early Years Centre, children learn through a combination of teacher-pupil initiated activities and, of course, play. Children’s learning experiences are encouraged and developed across a wide range of provision areas, both indoors and outdoors. In addition to classrooms the centre houses it’s own dining room, sleep room, computer suit, music room, soft play room, multi-purpose room (for PE, games, assemblies and meetings), and large outdoor areas with sandpits, water play areas and a range of adventure playground equipment for each age group.

Early Years (age 3 to 5) The International School of Bucharest - Early Years and Foundation Stage provides a safe and secure environment in which very young children can grow and learn.

Our staff is responsible for ensuring the development and learning for the children in their care by fostering positive, respectful and supportive relationships with both children and parents.

Throughout the week children experience a balance of opportunities to learn, through their own initiated play in the provision areas continuously available to them and through adult lead class or group activities. This balance changes as children mature and move through from pre-Nursery to Reception. Developing learning needs are taken into consideration with regards to environment, resources, challenges set and daily routines. Close relationships are built with parents, teachers, and assistants to ensure each child has the best preparation for the next stage of their education.

Children’s learning areas are large, well planned and appropriate to the age and needs of the children. Classrooms are set up to encourage young children’s natural play behaviour and allow free access to a wide range of resources.

the International School of Bucharest

Primary School

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KS1 consists of two year groups: Year 1 (ages 5/6) and Year 2 (ages 6/7). The underlying aim is to provide a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment that encourages children to become confident in their own abilities.

Key Stage 1 (ages 5 and 6) The principal focus of the British taught curriculum is to develop Literacy and Numeracy skills. The majority of teaching time is spent with the class teacher and other curriculum areas covered in class include Science, History, Geography, Art, DT and PSHE. The children are also in the fortunate position to be taught by specialist teachers in the areas of ICT, Music, PE, and Romanian Studies. The differing natures in pupils’ personalities and academic abilities are recognised and catered for by varying teaching and learning strategies according to the needs of the class, group and individuals. Young children are active learners so plenty of opportunities are provided for first hand experiences of the curriculum to build a sound basis for future learning. In addition to this, a variety of quality resources are used to complement the teaching of the curriculum.

the International School of Bucharest

The remainder of the curriculum is punctuated with a variety of educational excursions to enhance and “bring alive” the topics covered in Year 1 and Year 2. Throughout the year all children in Key Stage 1 take part in class assemblies. These give the children the opportunity to show case work they have been covering in class and to perform in front of an audience. All parents are invited to come and watch their children’s class assembly along with the rest of the Key Stage 1 children. KS1 classes also benefit from teaching assistants to provide additional support for activities within the classroom. Teaching and support staff aim to guide, encourage and challenge the children; all within a caring and supportive environment that promotes independent lifelong learning.

Primary School

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Key Stage 2 consists of four year groups: Year 3 (ages 7/8), Year 4 (ages 8/9), Year 5 (ages 9/10) and Year 6 (ages 10/11) where children experience a wide, varied curriculum and an increasing range of activities.

Key Stage 2 (ages 7 and 10) We aim for an exciting, broad and balanced curriculum and teachers keep the children’s experiences and interests at the forefront of their planning. Physical Education, Information and communication Technology, Music and Romanian Studies are taught by specialist teachers. In Year 5 and 6 the children also receive specialist teaching in French and Spanish. The children are encouraged to participate in ExtraCurricular Activities that take place three days a week after timetabled lessons. Activities for this Key Stage may include: Football, Basketball, Robotics, Computer, Cookery, Recorders, Piano, Swimming, Art and Tae Kwon Do, and many more. A highlight of each year in this Key Stage are the Residential Trips that take place in October-November and in May. During this week all the children spend at least tow night away from home in a variety of locations, these include Sinaia, Brasov, and Predeal.

the International School of Bucharest

This experience is integrated into the curriculum as an important part of the children’s education and a way of developing their independence. Our pupils make excellent academic progress and the results are always good. By the end of Key Stage 2, our students are ready, academically and emotionally, for the transition to Secondary School.

Studies are taught by specialist teachers

Primary School

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Secondary School Key Stage 3

Key Stage 4 Key Stage 5

Key Stage 3 consists of four year groups: Year 7 (ages 11/12), Year 8 (ages 12/13), and Year 9 (ages 13/14) where we support children in achieving their best in a rigorous, specialist-taught curriculum.

Key Stage 3 (ages 11 to 14) We encourage active learning, critical thinking and excellent communication skills. An important part of this is taking part in debates and giving presentations; our students represent the school at various functions and participate in the school council and other meetings. Our students join the sports teams and make the most of the clubs programme. Trips, theme weeks and visiting specialists enhance the well-structured curriculum. We also help students to prepare for IGCSE subject choices. There are school exams at the end of each year. At the end of Year 9, students can take the National Curriculum Tests for Key Stage 3 in English, Mathematics and Science. Students also take the checkpoints by Cambridge University.

the International School of Bucharest

Secondary School

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Key Stage 4 (ages 10 and 11) The International General Certificate of Secondary Education At the beginning of Year 10, students begin the demanding two-year IGCSE programme. IGCSE programme provides a rigorous, challenging academic course of study. These courses are internationally recognized standards of excellence accepted by education systems and schools in many countries around the world. A wide range of subjects on offer at ISB will give your child a more rounded education. Choices are made bearing in mind a breadth of disciplines, possible career choices, aptitude and enjoyment.

the International School of Bucharest

The students work towards an IGCSE qualification in each subject they study and typically achieve strong results. In addition to these courses, we encourage students to develop personal and social skills. All our students have to take part in the Physical Education programme to foster health, fitness and well-being. Many choose to be involved in sports lessons and extra-curricular clubs. We also help our students to look to the future, giving them useful careers advice and all look forward to the university trip to UK in Year 11.

Secondary School

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Key Stage 5 (ages 12 to 13) International AS/A Level Diploma Programme Pupils study the AS/A2 International A Level programme in Year 12 and 13. International A Level is recognised worldwide as a requirement for entry into higher education. Study and examination at A Level give students in-depth knowledge and lifelong skills that prepare them for success in higher education and employment. At the International School of Bucharest (ISB) almost any combination of the wide choice of subjects available. Students have the freedom to select the subjects that are right for them – either follow a broad course of study, or specialise in a particular area. International AS Level is typically taken at the mid-point of an A Level programme and is optional. We offer AS Level as a qualification in its own right to increase breadth in the curriculum and allow students to complement other subjects they are studying.

the International School of Bucharest

Secondary School

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Student Support Services At the International School of Bucharest, we think it’s important to give all our students the support they need to thrive. To that end, we offer lessons in English as a second language, learning support plus programmes for gifted and talented students.

At the International School of Bucharest we think it’s important to give all our students the support they need to thrive. To that end, we offer lessons in English as a second language, learning support plus programmes for gifted and talented students.

English as a Second Language - ESL At ISB children have a wonderful opportunity to improve their language learning skills by adding a new language to their language repertoire. The children are provided with opportunities to use language to communicate in a wide range of activities. They learn by doing, by trying out language, and modifying it to serve communicative needs in natural and authentic contexts.

We encourage the student to communicate in English

We create learning environments where a child feels comfortable, accepted and happy, while feeling challenged and ready to take risks, knowing that mistakes and misunderstandings are accepted as essential to the process of learning a foreign language. In our ESL program the four skills of language (listening, speaking, reading and writing) are taught as an integrated whole and not in isolation. This makes language learning natural and therefore easier for the learner. Reading and writing stories, poetry and plays, performing role-plays, drama and puppet plays, reciting poems and chants, singing

the International School of Bucharest

songs, playing games, watching videos, listening to cassettes or CDs, making recordings, incorporating arts and crafts, using the computer for various purposes, peer tutoring and group work etc. –are ways in which learning opportunities are created in an engaging and motivating manner. With this approach language skills such as grammar, vocabulary and sentence structures are learned in meaningful contexts where it is easier for the children to make connections and practice these skills for real purposes. As student numbers are small teachers are able to establish a close relationship with the students who in the early days may feel lost and confused. In such instances the ESL classroom can be a real heaven for ESL students.

Student Support Services

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Learning Support

Pupils with Special Educational Needs

Our experienced, highly qualified and dedicated teaching staff wants to give every student the chance to succeed.

SEN or Learning Difficulties encompasses a wide range of learning barriers. At ISB we have a team of caring professionals to help identify and manage these learning barriers with the help and guidance of a multiprofessional team, depending on the specific case need. With the help and input of the whole team we individualize each learning difficulty, and implement a manageable Individual Education Plan which aims to differentiate discreetly through mainstreaming and Inclusive teaching.

We recognise that all students learn differently but some may need more support and guidance to make the most of the curriculum we offer and achieve their potential. We give short-term or long-term support, depending on the needs of the students. We keep a close eye on progress and adapt the programme as necessary to make sure it develops along with the student in question.

Gifted Talented When a student is naturally gifted, we want to make sure we stretch and challenge them. We make sure our teachers are fully aware of how best to work with exceptionally able students and get the best from them. We also run specialist sessions for students to advance their higher-level thinking skills.

the International School of Bucharest

Dedicated teaching staff wants to give every student the chance to succeed.

Student Support Services

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Co-Curricular Activities At ISB we recognise the value of sport in the life of our students and have spent much effort in developing sporting facilities.

The Creative Arts The International School of Bucharest (ISB) provides the scope for our students to develop skills beyond the academic fields through participation in creative arts.

Sports Classes in music, art and performing arts help to develop creative talents and encourage imagination and confidence.

At ISB we recognise the value of sport in the life of our students and have spent much effort in developing sporting facilities.

Among the school’s facilities is a large stage area where regular performances are created for the benefit of both fellow students and their parents and families. the International School of Bucharest

Teamwork, as well as self reliance and confidence, can all be fostered through sport. Overall, we believe that it should be about enjoyment. We hope that this approach will inspire our students to pursue sport and personal fitness throughout their lives.

Co-Curricular Activities

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Extra-Curricular Activities The extra curriculum program at the International school of Bucharest (ISB) has an excellent choice of activities available to students. Teaching staff involved in extra-curricular clubs have specialist skills, interests and qualifications outside their normal teaching duties which in turn means we can offer a diverse range of activities.

Extra-Curricular The extra curriculum programme at the International school of Bucharest (ISB) has an excellent choice of activities available to students. Teaching staff involved in extra-curricular clubs has specialist skills, interests and qualifications outside their normal teaching duties, which in turn means we can offer a diverse range of activities.

In addition to teacher-based activities, ISB also offers extra-curricular activities; ISB also offers extra-curricular activities run by outside providers. Outside providers working within the schools extra-curricular program are expected to operate in a professional manner that demonstrates quality planning and sound educational outcomes.

At ISB we feel that the extra-curricular program is a valuable part of our school and hope that the wide variety of clubs available ensure that every child’s extracurricular needs and interests are catered for.

new and exciting areas in which to generate student interest. Students’ ideas and suggestions for new clubs are often a starting point for the following terms clubs.

The schools clubs change on a term by term basis and teaching staff are always on the lookout for the International School of Bucharest

Extra-Curricular Activities

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Daily and Residential Trips Throughout Key stages 1 and 2 children will have the opportunity to go on a variety of day trips in and around Bucharest.

Trips will usually take place within normal school hours and a snack, drinks and lunch are provided by the school canteen.

Educational visits enhance the children’s understanding and enjoyment of what they are learning and provide the students with a wider experience that is offered within school.

From Year 3 students will take part in a residential visit each year to places such as the Carpathian Mountains, Brasov and the Danube Delta.

Residential visits, varying from three to five days, play a crucial part in a child’s development, enabling them to develop independence and build confidence away from the family.

about plans for the trip well in advance through a meeting with teachers involved. A full list of clothing and equipment will be provided and special dietary requirements catered for.

All children should be given the opportunity to attend wherever possible. Parents will be advised the International School of Bucharest

Extra-Curricular Activities

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Facilities and services The attractive building is fully equipped and the grounds include a central library with more than 8000 books, science labs (science, physics, chemistry, biology), three computer suits, two music rooms, art and design studios, three multipurpose rooms, a 350 seat conference hall, cafeteria, football field, multi-sports area, playgrounds and a garden.

Our Campus and Facilities

Our Teaching Staff

The main campus is located in the east part of the city at Pantelimon. The Early Learning Centre is located at Pipera, which accepts students up to 6 years old. ISB campus offers a wide range of facilities to support and accommodate the learning process of students. Our classrooms are spacious with relatively small class sizes. The campus offers modern, high quality facilities for students and teachers.

The recruitment of high quality teaching staff is of fundamental importance. Therefore, we employ a diverse teaching staff who have a wealth of international teaching experience that enable us to deliver the teaching of the National Curriculum of England and Wales across the school to a high standard.

The attractive building is fully equipped and the grounds include a central library with more than 8000 books, science labs (science, physics, chemistry, biology). Three computer suites, tow music rooms, art and design studios, three, multipurpose rooms, a 350 seat conference hall, cafeteria, football field, multi-sports area, playgrounds and a garden.

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Facilities and services

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Cafeteria Services Hot and cold nutritious lunches are prepared daily in the school cafeteria.

the International School of Bucharest

Facilities and services

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Transportation Services A local transportation company provides transport for all parts of Bucharest. Early Years and Primary school buses will have an adult to supervise the children.

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Facilities and services

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