ISB Scholarship Programme
Aim ISB aims to provide access to high standards of education to external candidates who thrive academically, have an impeccable conduct, live in Bucharest and cannot meet the expense of a private international school. Objective The ISB Scholarship Programme’s objective is to grant three full Secondary School scholarships to bright students between the age of 11 and 17. Deadline for submitting applications for the ISB Scholarship Programme is 1st April, 2015 Brief information on the ISB Scholarship Programme 1. ISB Scholarship Programme is available to students who are not currently enrolled at ISB 2. Students who would like to apply for scholarship need to prove academic results and impeccable bahaviour conduct 3. Parents are asked for a full disclosure of family income, as requested by the members of the Scholarship Committee. 4. Financial condition is evaluated annually and scholarship beneficiaries must provide financial information each year in order to renew their scholarship agreement. 5. Students will benefit from full scholarship only on the understanding that excellent academic results and impeccable conduct are maintained 6. Successful candidates are asked to sit a Maths and English test at the school on the 6th April 2015. All selected candidates need to bring the following documents in original: • Official school academic transcripts for the past full two academic years and half of the current academic year • Recommendation letters from the current Mathematics Teacher & English Teacher • Students’ personal statement (an essay of maximum 1000 words which introduces yourself as a student) • Parents’ salary slips from their current employer(adeverinta de salariu ) • Declaration signed from parents that they do not have other financial resources The Scholarship Committee is formed by members of the Senior Management Team and Heads of Secondary School English, Mathematics and Science departments.
Who is eligible to apply? We accept applications from students who are not currently enrolled at ISB, age 11 to 17 and who cannot meet the expense of ISB education. How can I apply? If you would like to apply for the full scholarship at ISB for the academic year 2015/2016, please fill in the on line Application From and send the following application documents to school by 1st of April. The original documents can be brought to school or scanned copies can be sent by e-mail at, with the understanding that the original documents are provided on the assessment test day. 1. Official academic transcripts for the past full two academic years and half of the current academic year 2. Personal Statement (essay of maximum 1000 words) 3. Recommendations from the English and Mathematics Teacher, including their contact details 4. Both parents’ income statements (adeverinta de salariu) 5. Declaration signed by parents that the family doesn’t have any other financial resources 6. In case of divorced parents, please provide the legal documents which prove the legal custody of the child
Applicants who fail to provide all necessary documentation by the appropriate deadline will be disqualified and will be informed of the specific reason for ineligibility. Timeline: 1st of April: Deadline for submitting applications 6th April: Successful applicants are invited to school for tests 28th April: Test results available