ISB WEEKEND ACADEMY For year 7,8 and 9 students Dear parents, The last period in this academic year for the Weekend Academy programme will be held between ​2nd of March and 13th of April. *10 % early bird discount on the list prices is available until 10th of February. *Former students will be offered additional 10% discount until 10th of February. *The registration is open until 28th of February.
Subjects 10.00-10.50
Football or Gymnastic
Students should choose one of their interests.
Python Programming or Maths
Students should choose one of their interests.
Python Programming or Maths
Students should choose one of their interests.
Robotics or Guitar
Students should choose one of their interests.
Drone or Art club
Students should choose one of their interests.
What is Python Programming? Python is an interpreted high-level programming language for general-purpose programming. The syntax in Python helps the programmers to do coding in fewer steps as compared to Java or C++
What is the benefit of it? It is easy to learn and will give kids the basics of programming concepts. After learning basics of programming they can switch to any other language more easily. What Python used for: ●
Web development (back end)
Machine learning, data mining
Game development (rarely)
Scientific and mathematical computing
System automation and administration
Computer graphics
Finance (stock markets, etc)
What is Drone Club? The club will provide the students beginner skills and mindset needed to learn how to fly a drone.
Fees: Subject
Whole programme for 7 weeks
900 Ron
Hourly rate
50 Ron
For registration fill out the below form and return it to Ms. Cigdem Karaman, the coordinator of the programme by email at
Please Read & Sign: I am the parent or legal guardian; hereby authorize IEC to act for me according to their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention for the child or children named above. In addition, I give permission to IEC staff to begin CPR if deemed needed. I understand it is my responsibility to provide accident and health coverage for the child or children or participant named above while I am, or they are attending IEC courses on Saturday. I also authorize the child or children, or participant named above to participate in all IEC indoor and outdoor activities. Undisclosed behavioral issues that my child or children have may cause their dismissal from the program. In this case I realize I’m not eligible for a refund. I will not hold IEC liable for common accidents that happen involving my child (ren), while in IEC’s care. I agree that photos and/or video of my child or children or participant named above may be used by IEC for marketing purposes. Your signature conveys agreement with all IEC policies, written, posted and verbal and that you will be an ethical, considerate parent who lavishes heaps of appreciation upon your child’s caregivers who work for praise and leftover cookies. The nonrefundable payment is due with the completed registration form. The invoice according to the selection above will be sent to the parents by email. There is limited space available in the program. A space is not held or secured until a completed registration form is received with full payments for the program. Payment by bank transfer should be made to the bank account below. Company name: INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION CONSULTING S.R.L Bank: Bank Transilvania IBAN: RO23BTRLRONCRT0356912101 Parent’s Name/Surname: ________________________. I understand the nature of the Weekend Academy Programme in which my child/ (Name)________________________ , school________________________;class _____________will be participating and that he/she supposed to obey all school regulations during the course of the activity. I give him/her my permission to participate in the above-described activity.
Date: __________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian _______________________ IMPORTANT
KNOW: ________________________________________________________________________ EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS: ____________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you have any questions or you need more specific details, please do not hesitate to contact the programme coordinator, Ms. Cigdem Karaman.
Kind Regards, WA Coordinator Cigdem Karaman 0771307942