Newsletter 2007 2008 april

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InCAS S and PIPS P Assesssmentss

Spring S and M Mother’ss Day Celebra C ation

Last month h the school started wo orking with the University o of Durham in England to introducce a programmee of internaationally reccognised wh hole school asseessment to o ISB. Onlin ne testing was trialled in M Mr. Jackson n’s Year 4 class (INCAS)) for the subjectts of English h (reading, ccomprehenssion and spellingg) and math h (general m math, addittion, subtraction n, multiplicaation, division and mental arithmetic.) Baseline assessments (PIPS) were w also trialled d in Ms Hen nderson’s Eaarly Years cclass testing reading, math and phonics. The tessting was an outstanding su uccess and w we are pleaased m next yearr we will be the to announcce that from first schoo ol in Rom mania to use u the tests throughoutt the Primarry school. TThis means tthat the schoo ol can reeport yourr child’s age equivalent performan nce for thee areas tested. a measu ure their year on year y We can also improvemeent. The eveen better news is that the children loved being tested like this using the computer. So everyone is a winneer!

On 7th of March 2008 o our studentts performeed a special show to celeebrate Spriing, Martisor an nd especiallly Mother’s Day. Th he children n were reaally enthussiastic about prreparing this show and d their bigggest wish was to o create a memorablee day for their t motheer. We think the W ey succeedeed!

Interna I ational Book Week Th his week the child dren in Early Yeaars Fo oundation and the P Primary Sch hool will be b en njoying a vaariety of acctivities linkked to books an nd authors. We hope tthey will be e encourageed in their readiing by listen ning to man ny of the staaff members m r reading sttories at break an nd lunchtimes eeach day; learning poem ms with theeir claass mates to perform ffor the whole schooll on Wedneesday and w writing th heir own sto ories called 'The Red Baalloon' fo or a competition with p prizes fo or the best eentries. We expect it to o be a busy w week of fun n and exxciting bookk activities.

Inter rnation nal Sc chool of o Buc chares st

S Science e Wee ek At ISB we h A had our firstt ever ‘Scien nce Week’ which was very successsful and en njoyed by all pupils. Th he o objective w was to prom mote Sciencee and makee children m more enthu usiastic in Science. The e week had a r range of act tivities desiigned to invvolve all pupils. On Mo onday our SScience Coo ordinator M Mr. Ward held a an opening assembly w where he caarried out a simulation of a volcan no erupting. During the e week every p pupil from Nursery up p to Year 6 6 was given n the opporrtunity to visit v the wo onderful An ntipa Naturral H History Mus seum. On TThursday alll classes too ok part in aa whole school Sciencee Challenge,, where eacch c class was given g an ho our to comp plete the taask of build ding the tallest structure using straws s whicch p produced an interestin ng selection n of some very v innovaative design ns. Finally o on Friday a Science qu uiz w was held in the assemb bly to conclude the weeek’s activitiies. All in all a great weeek!

Children vvisited the scieence displays p prepared by each class

Winner of the Talleest Structure C Challenge

Earlyy Years Found dation visit of the Science Fa air

House teams c H ompeted at th he Science Qu uiz

Inter rnation nal Sc chool of o Buc chares st

Gam mes Af fternoo on by PTA P On the last SSaturday off March, th O he 29th, as some of yo ou know, a games parrty was organised by tthe PTTA. At the entrance o of the multipurpose ro oom, each p person was given a baadge with h his or her first name in ordeer that everryone knew w what to caall each other. At first, all of the faamilies tookk a seat alon ne. A After that, the t peoplee began to start talkiing togethe er and they began to o play gam mes and haave co onversation ns. We played Ludo, Pictionary, ch hess, Conne ect 4, Outbu urst and maany other in nteresting and popular gam mes. Evven if only the childreen knew eaach other, in half an hour, many families sstarted to participate at different gam mes, sharingg the joy off being child dish again. I saw some of the pareents who loo oked like th hey had forgotteen how to play, being too busyy with their adult business. In n no time, so ome of theem discovered the pleasuree of being reelaxed and playful amo ong children n. Twistter was one off the most likeed games of th his event Twenty ffamilies had fu un with their cchildren and teachers he most po opular gamee was Twister. My brotther and I w were playingg with somee small, butt flexible girrls. Th Laater, my fam mily and I p played Outb burst with aanother fam mily and it w was fun and interestingg even thou ugh w we had not p played the ggame beforre. It didn’t matter who o won. It just mattered d that we had fun. At tthe beginning I tthought thaat we had too much time and we e would get bored but at the end I thought w we needed a few w more hou urs! Th he refreshm ments weree great! The cheese and tomato ones weree my favourite. All in all, we had d a sp pecial afternoon. It waas special beecause we had lots of fun, food, music and we shared it all with o our faamily and frriends. by A Alexandru Con nstantinescu 6 6W

Inter rnation nal Sc chool of o Buc chares st

Residen ntial Trip to P Potigra afu

Te eacherss’ Trip p to Istanbul

TThere will b be an opporrtunity for yyear 4, 5 an nd 6 students to join an amazing caamp for fou 6 ur d days wheree they willl have thee chance to t e explore the nature while w enjoying lots of o d different kiinds of fun games. Th he camp will w t take place o on 34 acress of farm lan nd owned b by t the school which is located in Potigrafu, P Ploesti. Thee site includ des accomm modation fo or m more than n 50 peop ple, fenced d, 24 hou ur s security, m many speciees of domestic animalls, f fruit trees,, and lots of space for outdoo or a activities. T There will a also be tripss to nearby destination ns a as well as a a nature waalk into the woods. Th his w be a great chan will nce for all children to t e explore nat ture and havve lots of fu un.

Due e to the NA ATO summit our schoo ol was closed betw ween 2 and d 5 April. TThe ISB teacchers wanted to m make the beest of their time off so they decided to ttake a trip tto Turkey an nd what a ggood decisio on thatt was! We visited som me of the most famo ous and d fabulous monumentts in Turke ey like Haggia Sop phia, Dolm mabahce P Palace and d The Blue Mossque. Thee Miniaturk Museu um left us speechless an nd the Bossphorus bo oat trip was w incrredible: Eurrope on one side, Asiaa on anotheer. Everybody sho opped at the exotic Grrand Bazar, at the delicious Spice S Bazaaar and at the t luxurio ous Cevvahir Mall. We all had d a wonderrful time! We W wou uld like to give g a big TTHANK YOU U to all tho ose thatt made thee trip possible for uss and we are a lookking forwaard to next year’s trip to the Maggnificent TU URKIYE!

In fron nt of Dolmaba ahce Palace

Reminders • • •

Spring term finishes on Thurssday, April 2 24. Summerr term will sstart on Mo onday, May 5. th h We wo ould like to remind you to renew w your contrract by 30 of April to o reserve yo our child’s place at ou ur school forr the next academic ye ear. The acaademic caleendar for yeear 2008‐20 009 is now p published on our web ssite.

IInternational School of Bucharest 9 9-11 B-dul Ene ergeticienilor,, Sector 3, Bucharest P Phone +40 (21 1) 346 59 25/2 27 F +40 (21) 346 Fax 3 59 25 p


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