Newsletter 2010 2011 december

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Early Years Foundation and Key Stage 1

Newsletter December 2010 Nursery This month Nursery went with Reception to visit the Puppet Theatre. We had great fun watching all the different types of puppets: some were really small and some were very big, like the lion and monster that made us jump at the end! In the classroom we have been learning all about different types of musical instruments and different sounds that we can hear. We got to play different instruments and make instruments using beans, cups and card. We also listened to sound clips of different animals and household sounds and had to guess what was making the noise. We are now very good with our ears and can listen very carefully.

Reception This half term Reception children have started practicing their Jolly Phonics. Children are very enthusiastic to learn about sounds around them and to practice their sound songs and actions. We are working very hard to learn our numbers but learning is so much fun in Reception! We have also started our weekly homework and we would like to thank all the parents for their continuous support so, well done dear parents! Reception I had their first Assembly about tolerance. It was a beautiful Assembly about ‘Tolerance’. Excellent job Reception I! If you want to see more go to

We are looking forward to next month when we have lots happening. For book week we will be going to visit a book shop in Bucharest, visiting the school book fair to buy some books and dressing up as our favorite book characters. We will also be visiting the Early Learning Center in Pipera to join them for Winter parties.

Happy Birthday! Nuri, Khaled, Sabina Happy Birthday! Millie, Patrick, Violeta

YEAR 1 YEAR 2 This month Year 1 have been very busy decorating their classroom doors in the theme of a book. 1A did ‘The Very Lazy Ladybird’ and 1M did ‘Aliens Love Underpants’. They worked very hard to create art work to display on the doors.

Both classes had a class assembly at the beginning of the month. For those of you were able to come along and watch the children we think you will agree what fantastic performances the children gave. You can still watch both assemblies on ISB TV on the school website. 1M will also have another assembly this term on Thursday 2nd December at 2.30pm.

The major theme this half term in Year 2 was remembering. In History and PSHE students have been investigating war and how societies remember the people who have died, this has been emphasised in the class assembly of 2B and the trip to the Military museum on the 30th.

It was great to see so many parents at the school’s Open Day and the class assemblies this year. We understand the impossibilities of trying to find time from busy schedules but the children really enjoy showing their work. Class 2B retold the story about Genghis Khan and his soldiers remembering the dead, and Class 2P shared interesting facts and their favourite TV programmes for International Television Day.

In Geography this half term the children have been learning about their local area. To link with this topic we will be taking the children to the circus on Thursday 9th December to find out about the types of leisure facilities there are available within the local area.

Finally in Year 2, classes have already completed decorating class doors in anticipation for this year’s book week. Traditional stories are the theme for this year and we are all hoping the children will create just as beautiful costumes for themselves. Enjoy the National Day celebrations!

Key Stage 2 Newsletter December 2010 YEAR 4 YEAR 3

In year 3 this half term we are learning about the weather and the different seasons. Class 3B in particular put a lot of work into their class assembly where we learnt about the different weather conditions around the world. They performed some great songs and dances. Everyone in 3B did a brilliant job and it was great to see so many parents come to watch the show. In science we have also been investigating light and learning about how shadows are formed. We measured the size of our shadows over the course of a day and discovered that they change size and position. In art we have begun to explore different patterns in everyday life and from other cultures. Everyone has produced some fantastic patterns using stencils and stamps.

Year 4 L have been doing some pretty exciting experiments in Science this month. They are studying forces and have learnt fascinating facts about friction, air resistance and aerodynamics. In this experiment the children are adding salt to water to change the up thrust and make the egg float!

4F’s class tried their hand at drama this month in literacy. They acted out a short story about a man who could not turn his car alarm off. The children used improvisation to demonstrate the behavior of the different characters and talked about how the man felt throughout the ordeal.

4M’s class took on the appearance of a tailor’s workshop as children made a start on making their money containers/pencil cases. Children are learning to design, cut and sew material and use buttons or Velcro as fasteners.


YEAR 6 During November 6S wowed Key Stage 2 with their assembly all about laughter. We saw three different sketches which not only made us giggle, but also helped us realize the power of a good laugh.

Y5 Trip to the chocolate factory! On Friday 19th November Year 5 went on an afternoon trip to the chocolate factory. During the trip the children learnt about how chocolate is made which linked with our science topic of ‘Changing state’. They also learnt about packaging which also links closely to our art topic about containers. At the chocolate factory the children were given a tour and shown how and where all the chocolate is made. The children also got to sample some different types of chocolate such as white chocolate, milk chocolate and dark chocolate. They were also given a demonstration which showed how the different colored chocolate snowmen were made! At the end of the trip all the children received a bag of chocolates (Yummy!).

In class, Year 6 have also been busy learning how to write adventure stories. The children have created stories with different scenarios, like those you would find in a computer game. They worked together to complete storyboards and imagine the different fates of their characters. You can read extracts of these stories in 6B class.

“My favorite part of the trip was watching them do all of the detailed parts by hand” Anahita 5D

“My favorite part was tasting all the different chocolates” Yavuz 5C

It was a great day out for everyone!

6B and 6S were delighted to finally win “The Golden Shoe” for their hard work in preparing a P.E Assembly for other students, parents and teachers to watch. It was a visual spectacle, celebrating the talent and dedication of our great students. We saw dances based on hip hop, soldiers, skipping and Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” Well done to everyone who gave up their free time to make this such a wonderful performance!

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