Newsletter 2010 2011 february

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International School Of Bucharest


Primary Newsletter Nursery

This month in Nursery we have been learning all about Fairy Tales. We have read and acted out lots of stories like The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood and The Gingerbread Man pretending to be the gingerbread man and running around saying ”Run, run as fast as you can you can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man!” We have also done lots of cooking: making gingerbread men, making porridge for Goldilocks and making cakes for Grandma. We have built the Three Little

Pigs houses out of straw, sticks and bricks had a Bears picnic with our Teddy Bears. We had lots of fun doing this topic and liked all the lovely things we made. We are hoping to go to

Birthdays this month: 


learnt then we can join in!


Thank you for sending in the ap-




the puppet theatre soon if they are showing a fairy tale we have

propriate clothing for outside, when we play outside we are very warm and cozy!

RECEPTION 02/01/2011

January Newsletter This month in Reception we have been learning about 3D shapes and we now know about sphere, cube cone and cylinder. We made all kinds of crafts and work related to this topic and we went for a shape hunt around the classroom.

In Literacy we are learning about let-

be inaccurate, the experience gives

Birthdays this

For the last two weeks we have been learning about Transportation, land, air, water and under water. We are looking forward to go to the ‘Aviation Museum’ on Friday to see all kind of different airplanes and helicopters.

them further practice and more im-


ter names and how to blend for reading and segment for writing. Please encourage children to write letters and very simple words at home. Even though some of their spellings might

portantly they will see themselves as writers.

Mark Florov

Elif Karacan

Happy Birthday!

Here are some useful links with games and activities to play at home - free song, the alphabet song.

Year1 02/01/2011

Exploring The School In Year 1 the children have been going around the school. They went to the medical room, canteen and the offices. They also wanted to see what Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 students do in their classes. Then they looked at photos taken from the trip which they talked about and wrote what they noticed about older students’ behaviour. Year 1 started to use past tense! In History the children have been finding about new and old toys. They brought their modern toys to school, talked about, shared them with their friends and described them.

Year 1 had special guests: Mrs. Annie brought her old toys, a baseball bat and glove and explained the rules of this tough game to 1A. Did you know that she was the only girl in a team of boys? In 1M Mrs. Brigitte came and told the children about the games she used to play as a child. The children were very surprised to hear that she didn’t have a TV as a child so had to make up games to occupy herself.

Year2 Newsletter 02/01/2011

In Humanities this month Year 2 has been learning about a village in Africa, which we will compare to a village in Romania. This has been linked to our Geography unit and will finish with us visiting the Peasants Museum on the 1st February.

In this year’s Art Contest, the topic has been “RED.” We have been drawing or painting pictures in red or using different shades of red. Classes have already started practicing for the KS1 production that will take place on 16th February. We are very excited about our upcoming show.

YEAR 3 International School Of Bucharest


A Healthy Start We have made a good and healthy start to the New Year and term in Year 3. In Science we have been learning about healthy eating, good diets and how to look after our teeth. We have found out what different animals eat and how this changes the types of teeth they have. 3B’s assembly will tell us more about this. While 3K’s assembly showed us how our brain works and how we are all different and clever at different things. We are planning a trip to the dentist to find out more about how to look after our teeth and make sure they stay healthy.

Linking in with this in our Literacy lessons we have been writing and following instructions, in 3B they wrote how to make fruit salad, very healthy. In 3K and 3R we wrote about how to make sandwiches we had lots of fun then following our instructions making ( and eating!) our own sandwiches. In our PSHE we have set ourselves goals for the year and thought hard about how we can achieve them, most of us wanted to be better at division, so we’re going to practice our times tables!

Year4 02/01/2011

Skaters of Year4 This week year 4 enjoyed an ice skating trip to Cismigiu Park. Whether showing off their skills racing around the rink, or having a helping hand from the teachers, everyone had a fantastic time. A big thank you to Miss Laura and Miss Adriana for organising this wonderful event!

Art Competition Year 4 also enjoyed participating in the “Red Art” competition. We discussed the merits of each picture, what we liked about them and left post-its on our favourite pieces of work. Congratulations to the winners and to everyone that took part! Golsa, Ali Fethi and Alexandra’s pictures were winners from year 4


Year5 Newsletter Winter Fun Year five have had a very busy and exciting start to this new term. Besides the added excitement of throwing snowballs, sledging around the playground and being able to go ice skating as a year group, they have all been hard at work in class with a range of activities. As an Art & DT project, the students are working hard to make a moving toy. They have all carefully designed their toy and have learned how to move it using axles and cams. They are now in the process of constructing their toys and are doing a very professional job. Over the next week or so, we are looking forward to seeing some interesting designs coming to life. In our history work at the moment, we are all looking at the ways our lives have changed since 1948. The students have been studying the development of areas such as music,

fashion and technology and how that has affected ordinary home life. As part of this topic, we are planning a 1960’s themed day, to take place on Thursday the 10th of February. We hope that the students will be able to dress in fashions of the time and will experience different activities all themed around that exciting and colourful decade. It promises to be lots of fun!

YEAR 6 Lead Story Headline

Using our Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning topic, called “Going for Goals!” Year 6 have been taking more responsibility for themselves and others this term. All the students have some prefect duties, helping students in KS1 and KS2 to enjoy break times and follow the Golden Rules. In Literacy lessons, the students have been learning how to present newspaper reports in a journalistic style, creating written pieces and dramatic performances.

The students have also been preparing for the Art Contest, using imagination and flair to create artwork on the theme of “RED.” What do you think of our efforts?

Ice Skating ISB Skating Cup Between 24 and 28 January 2011, ISB sports department organized an iceskating week for key stage 2 students and teachers. Every year as part of winter sports, key stage two goes ice skating at Cismigiu Park. Ice skating is an exhilarating, relatively inexpensive activity that provides an excellent source of exercise and entertainment for the children and why not for the entire family.


This year ISB offered two cups for the best performance on the Ice to Daniel Bogar (5W) & Beatrice Draghiceanu(6S). Well done!!! We would like to thank all teachers (especially to Ms.Laura and Ms.Adriana) and parents for their support to make this event a success.

Ice Skating ISB Skating Cup Between 24 and 28 January 2011, ISB sports department organized an iceskating week for key stage 2 students and teachers. Every year as part of winter sports, key stage two goes ice skating at Cismigiu Park. Ice skating is an exhilarating, relatively inexpensive activity that provides an excellent source of exercise and entertainment for the children and why not for the entire family.


This year ISB offered two cups for the best performance on the Ice to Daniel Bogar (5W) & Beatrice Draghiceanu(6S). Well done!!! We would like to thank all teachers (especially to Ms.Laura and Ms.Adriana) and parents for their support to make this event a success.

Art Exhibition And Auction On Friday 28th January, we had a Red Day in school and this culminated in the Art Auction. This was a wonderful event, at which parents and teachers bid to buy the art, having fun and also raising funds for ISB. At assembly, the winners in each year group were presented with diplomas and special T-Shirts with their artwork printed on the front. Our thanks go to Ms. Sorana, Ms. Veronika and the other Teachers who helped to make this such a colourful event and we look forward to the next contest!

Art Contest During January, all the students in the primary school took part in our first ever Art Contest. The theme was “Red� and every student submitted a piece of work. The standard was very high and the judges had a difficult job choosing the best pieces from each year group. These pieces were framed and displayed in the school lobby where parents and students viewed and commented on the beautiful paintings, drawings and collages.

Art Contest During January, all the students in the primary school took part in our first ever Art Contest. The theme was “Red� and every student submitted a piece of work. The standard was very high and the judges had a difficult job choosing the best pieces from each year group. These pieces were framed and displayed in the school lobby where parents and students viewed and commented on the beautiful paintings, drawings and collages.

Art Exhibition And Auction On Friday 28th January, we had a Red Day in school and this culminated in the Art Auction. This was a wonderful event, at which parents and teachers bid to buy the art, having fun and also raising funds for ISB. At assembly, the winners in each year group were presented with diplomas and special T-Shirts with their artwork printed on the front. Our thanks go to Ms. Sorana, Ms. Veronika and the other Teachers who helped to make this such a colourful event and we look forward to the next contest!

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