Newsletter 2010 2011 may

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ISB Primary Newsletter Nursery Â

MAY 2011


We also visited the circus to tie in with our previous topic. We were amazed at the acrobats that could climb up ropes and swing from their feet! We also loved the animals they had: elephants, lions, camels and bears, they could all do very clever tricks. It is finally starting to warm up outside and we love to take our toys out in the fresh air to play. As the weather warms up please send in a sun hat for your child and ensure they have a named bottle of water for use in the classroom and outside.

During April Nursery, Reception and KS1 held a theme day, the theme was the Jungle and everyone came dressed as lions, tigers, snakes and monkeys. We joined up with Year One and they came to our classroom for party food and then we joined them for some activities. The big children were so good with us they looked after us and helped us. We hope to join up with them again soon.

Reception 1st of April was so much fun for all the children in Early Years and K1 when we had our ‘Jungle Day’. It was so nice to see everyone dressed up in their favourite jungle animal. We also had a reading session with year 2 children that came to read stories for Reception children. This month we have been learning about Dinosaurs. This topic was very famous and the children enjoyed making fossils and dinosaurs skeletons out of pasta. It seems that everyone had a lovely Spring break and we are all excited for the last 2 months of Please remember that on Wednesday the 11th of May is our annual Sports Day so come and join us for some great outdoor fun! We are looking forward to go to the ‘Henri Coanda ’ Airport on Thursday the 12th of May, and we would like to thank Mrs. Ulmeanu for making this trip possible.

Year 1 April brought Jungle Day to ISB and some very unusual visitors came to school! The Year 1 classrooms were filled not with boys and girls but with elephants, tigers, snakes, butterflies, monkeys, leopards and many more jungle animals! The ‘animals’ took part in a parade through the ‘jungle’ to show off their costumes! All of the animals looked fantastic and 2 Well done to Ilie Velea and Alexandra Neascu in 1M and Amir Hamze and Dilara Abdi in 1A! After the parade the ‘animals’ were very hungry and needing feeding. Both classes went to Nursery to share the jungle snacks........delicious! Afterwards they got busy making jungle crafts like ‘slithery snakes’ and ‘tropical birds’! What a fun and busy day! ISB also had ‘Health and Fitness Week’ this month where Year 1 took part in extra sport and physical activities! Many children enjoyed tasting and drinking fresh fruit juices at playtime! The clear favourite being freshly squeezed orange juice.....yummy!! Some children took part in an assembly to promote the importance of eating fruit and vegetables. During playtime the children enjoyed playing parachute games, different sports and riding their scooters! We would like to say a big thank you to Ms Laura and

Year 2 April was full of activities for KS1. On Friday, 1st April while many folk were celebrating All Fools’ Day, KS1 and Early Years were holding their Jungle Day. There was a costume parade and the children with best costumes won certificates and pineapples. For the rest of the day the children enjoyed fun activities in mixed age groups.

The first week of April was a Health and Fitness week for the whole school. Children had different activities during breaks organised by teachers and parents. A mixture of children from years 1 and 2 held a PE Assembly together with our PE

On the 12th April year 2 went to Reception during the Guided Reading period and read books to the little ones. At the start of April, 2B presented three familiar stories. Each story was aimed at a different age

Reception, year 1 and year 2 were then able to ask questions to the main characters from each story where they were finally able to find out; what does a Billy Goat Gruff really eat and why are giants always mean!? On the 14th of April, the day before we broke for Easter holiday 2G prepared an assembly depicting Spring and Easter. The children

Year 3 Well it’s May already, the year is really flying by now, we ended last term focusing on ‘Health and Fitness’ and the whole year group took part in activities at break and lunchtimes as well as enjoying the fruit juices on offer from our Secondary Student Council and parent helpers. The first week of April was a Health and Fitness week for the whole school. Children had different activities during breaks organised by teachers and parents. A mixture of children from years 1 and 2 held a PE Assembly together with our PE teachers.

As a year group we encouraged all our pupils to be more active and enjoy the outdoors more in this better weather with a trip to the park. We had a healthy picnic lunch then played football, basket ball, skipping as well as playing on the swings and slides. It was a great trip and fantastic to see all our pupils playing so well and being so healthy together!

We are beginning to plan our Residential Trip which will be in June (9th – 10th) where we will be staying in a holiday park and making the most of lots of outdoor activities. This term our topics are Plants (Science) and Communicating with others ( Geography) so if you have any interest in these subjects and would like to share it with us then please let us know and we’ll welcome you into school to share your passion and ideas with the pupils. We look forward to seeing you all at the Carnival at the end of the month!

Year 4 Just before the holidays, children planted a variety of seeds in small pots and looked after them in the classroom. It was very exciting watching them germinating. Once the plants were strong enough we then replanted them around the school. Look out for them when they begin to flower! 4M studying the plants as they grow

As well as growing plants for the school, year 4 are studying habitats. Here 4F’s class are learning about food chains.

Time to replant the flowers in the school grounds

Emir sharing his knowledge about where food comes from

Year 4 also finished the topic on electricity. Children used a variety of electrical equipment and built circuits to make bulbs light, motors turn and buzzers buzz! Children learnt the difference between series and parallel circuits. They also studied the dangers of electricity and how to use it safely.

4L demonstrating their science skills making a complicated circuit

Year 5 It may seem a little hard to believe, but we really are into the final section of the school year. Time just seems to be shooting along. We are all now looking forward to a very busy run up to the end of the year. At the moment, the Year 5 students are being introduced to two new, main topic areas. We will be studying history as our Humanities area, more particularly the Ancient Greeks. We are looking forward to finding out about many of their myths and legends and about the many inventions and improvements to society that they were responsible for. We are also designing and making class tapestries showing some of these myths and legends. It should be great fun watching everybody trying to improve their needlework skills!

Year 5 will also be studying different aspects of life cycles in science. To begin with, they will look at the life cycles of flowering plants. To help illustrate this, the students have already planted some flower seeds which have now begun to grow. Some of the classrooms now have their own ‘mini jungles’ in them. The idea is that these plants will then be transplanted into areas around the school, helping to create a colourful school environment.

Year 6 This month, the Year 6 students completed their work on Biographies and Famous People with a theme day on Friday 15th April. The students dressed up as a famous person from history, created Pop-Art pictures and learned about how celebrities use their fame to help others.

Thirza from 6B won the costume competition for her presentation about the actress Marilyn Monroe and Bruno from 6S won the cake making competition for his Pirate Ship.

At our party, we were also treated to ipod cakes, Hungarian pancakes, black and white biscuits as well as sweets and other famous foods!

This month we will begin preparing for our Year 6 production. We don’t want to give away all of our secrets now, but we heard a whisper that there will be adventure on the high seas at ISB in June. Watch this space‌!


Summer is on its way and so is our very popular Summer Carnival. We need your support to run activities, sell tickets or donate a prize for the raffle.

If you can help in any way, please e-mail Ms. Cristina We look forward to seeing you all on Saturday 28th May!

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