Newsletter 2010 2011 november

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EYFS &Key Stage 1 Newsletter November 2010 Recept Reception

Nursery This term Nursery visited the farm at Pantelimon. We loved seeing all the different animals and we were allowed to stoke them and feed the goats and sheep grass and give carrots to the rabbits. Our best bit was feeding the baby cows with their milk bottles, they were very thirsty! This month we have been learning all about shapes and we now ow know circle, square, triangle, rectangle and sometimes hexagon! We did lots of shape printing and collaging and went on shape hunts in the classroom looking for certain shapes. We are looking forward to International Week and are excited about visiting the other EYFS classes that are decorated as China, Romania, France and America. We hope to be trying lots of different food from around the world and dressing up in our international costumes for the parade on Thursday. Birthdays this month: None!!

This term Reception classes have been learning all about animals: Farm, Wild and Birds. We know now the difference between wild and domestic animals and we know where they leave and what they eat . Also ,we know some very interesting facts about animals! For example, did you know that the ostrich is the fastest bird and can run up to 70km/h ? Or that the small car on the road is probably the size of the heart of a blue whale? We had lots of fun learning about animals! animals Outdoor time In the Foundation Stage Curriculum the outdoor classroom is considered to be vital to enhance the children children‛s learning. We therefore will be using the outdoor area daily. It is essential that the children have a coat, hat, gloves, sensible outdoor shoes, and some wellies, if possible for the bad weather. We will be going out in all weathers...even snow! Because of weather conditions our trip to the ‘Zoo’ was canceled but we will be taking the children to the ‘Puppet Theater’. More about this later!

October was a special month for Year 1 students who celebrated diversity during the International Week. This event brought huge smiles to all our faces: we learnt, laughed, danced, explored new cultures and customs and wore traditional costumes. costumes The main foyer was decorated with the flags of different nations, 1M became Switzerland and 1A Canada due to Mrs Brigitte and Mrs Annie who made a special effort to decorate the two classrooms.

Year 1 Year 1 learnt about some of the traditions and stories linked to India. The children enjoyed an IW activity where they were required to make traditional Indian lanterns and to decorate the house with lights. Indian people celebrate many festivals and one of the most well known is Diwali, the Festival of Light. At this time people decorate their homes and temples with different kinds of light- a simply spectacular sight! Finally, it just remains to be said that we all enjoyed our International Week, learnt much and look forward to next October when we hope to discover more about our world and our fellow inhabitants! Both Year 1 classes will be performing their first class assembly after half term. The dates are as follows - 1A Thursday 4 4th November at 2.30 and 1M Friday 5th 5 November at 2.30. We look forward to seeing you there!!

Year 2 Year two was excited to participate in International Week events just before the half term break. The children had the chance to experience different countries and their culture, and learn interesting facts about them. They wore their national customs to a colourful parade par and had the chance to taste international cuisine prepared by great Mommies. Both parents and children had the opportunity to watch a spectacular show of international dances prepared by KS2 and KS3. In October year two teachers were also happy to welc welcome parents in the school for a parents’ evening. We would like to thank parents for coming, sharing useful information about their children and being open to teachers’ suggestions. On 14th October year 2G had a yummy assembly about a World Food Day. Children dren had prepared a dance, talked about different kinds of food and sang songs about healthy food.

Key Stage 2 Newsletter November 2010 YEAR 4

Year 3 In year 3 our recent History Topic has been the Romans. We decided to bring the topic to life by having a 'Roman Theme Day' Day'. We all dressed up in Roman costume me and discovered how weird it was wearing a toga. During our lessons we learnt much more about Roman Life, in PE we had javelin lessons and a solider training camp, as we were imagined we were Roman Soldiers.. In Romanian Language we learnt some Latin. In Numeracy we looked at the Roman Numerals and did our calculations with them instead. We still had ICT, but used this time to playy interactive games to find out more about life in Roman Times! We made clay pots and mosaics, but the most enjoyable part of all for most of us was our Roman Banquet, as we fed each other with Roman foods.

Year 4 enjoyed all the activities for the international days. Miss Liane’s class presented us with a spectacular ‘dances from around the world’ assembly. Great costumes, fancy moves and a wonderful array of hats. If you missed it, be sure to visit the school website!

The international parade allowed the children to show off ttheir traditional costumes. On display were outfits from many different countries including Romania, Turkey, USA, India and Brazil.

A great learning experience, bring history to li life! Many Thanks to all teachers involved, especially our specialist teachers.

Just when we thought things could not possibly get any better, the children were whisked off to visit several countries for ‘Around the world day’. They participated in traditional dances, tasted local dishes, played games, sang songs and filled their passports with stamps!

YEAR 5 Year 5 have had a very busy couple of weeks recently, the highlight being the residential trip to Sinaia. Although the weather was very wet and cold for much of the time, it did not dampen our spirits. We spent our time climbing up through muddy forests (while while trying not to attract any bears!), enjoying a guided tour around Peles Castle (and then getting extremely wet while buying lots of gifts) and using the cable cars to ride high up into the clouds. Luckily we were able to use a covered football pitch for or some recreation time when the rain was just too heavy for us to be working in Sinaia Park. All of the students took part in a talent show on one evening. There was a very wide range of talent on show, from dancing, to acting, to magic tricks and everybody ody had a great time. All of the students were on their best behaviour and were a credit to our school and to their parents. If you wish to see all of the photos that were taken, they are to found in the Gallery on the school web site. Happy viewing.

Year 6 In October Year 6 enjoyed a busy but sunny trip to Tulcea and the Danube Delta. We were able to visit the Delta on a beautiful boat trip and saw much of the area’s wildlife, including egrets, cranes, moorhens, and it was rumoured, even a snake! We also learned a lot from our trip to the Ecological Museum aand Aquarium, as well as the Folk Museum. Here we saw traditional Romanian costumes and customs and investigated not only the native species of the Delta, but also those which have become extinct. However it wasn’t all work! We also had a quiz, talent show and a pajama and cake party, with some special prizes being awarded. The students showed the best of themselves and made ISB and their parents very proud of their independence and responsibility. Well done Year 6!

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