Newsletter May 2012

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G O L D M E D A L AT I Y I P O PA G E 1 4


I N F O M AT R I X PA G E 1 6



Upcoming Events 18 May

KS2 Sports Day

21 May

World Day for Cultural Diversity (UN)

23 May

Year 1 Production

25 May

Primary School Rollerblading Day

28-30 May

Year 4 Residential Trip

4-5 June

Year 3 Residential Trip

4 June

School Closed (Rusalii)

4-8 June

Primary School Assessment Week

9 June


15 June

Year 13 Graduation

20 June

Year 6 Production & Graduation

22 June

Last Day of Summer Term

The International School of Bucharest Sos Gara Catelu, Nr.1R Sector 3 032991Bucharest, Romania

Tel:+4 (0) 21 306 9530 Fax: +4 (0) 21 306 9534

Children Carnival On 9th June from 10.30 to 12.30 the PTA together with the School is organising a Carnival for the children. On that day there will be a lot of interesting activities and a raffle. Good reasons to come:

• There will be a lot of activities for the whole family; • You can meet other parents, children and teachers; • You can take part in fund raising.

What is there to do at the Carnival: • Try all the games and activities; • Win raffle prizes; • Taste international food.

How can you make this event successful:

• You might consider donating money or prizes to the raffle or games; • You can be a volunteer in one of the activities; • You can donate cakes or desserts; • You can buy raffle tickets.

Nursery News


e have had two excursions over the past few weeks at school. In class we were looking at the People Who Help Us in the Community and so we went to visit a dental surgery geared up especially for young children. The children got to sit in a real dentists chair, meet several tooth fairies and have their teeth checked. Since we returned from holidays we have been very busy learning and discovering many things about different animals. We got to visit a farm where we got to see and touch real farm animals and play on a fantastic trampoline.

in the Nursery Classes who came along to see us sing and dance for them, the children really enjoyed this especially the costumes that they wore. Our children have certainly grown up and are now very capable learners at school. It is wonderful to see all the children engaging in the activities we plan for and implement and enjoying the friends they have made this year.

Of course before the holidays the classes in Early Years performed their Spring Show songs. Thank you to all the parents

Reception News


ow that we’ve reached Term 3, students are trying exceptionally hard to only speak in English at school. They help their classmates and remind them to always use English. Almost all of them have a large enough vocabulary that they can make themselves understood at all times. This is fantastic progress! It is great to hear that students are also using English at home. Those students practising English at home have made the most progress at school. The students in Reception are doing a fantastic job with reading. Although most of them only began reading last year, they are all progressing very well. They love books and enjoy listening to stories and reading by themselves. The school Reading Challenge has helped to improve the students’ concentration and they are focussing more on the letters and words. The winners of March’s Reading Challenge in the Recep-

tion classes were Adi and Server – well done! Over the last couple of weeks we have been learning all about staying healthy by eating lots of fruits and vegetables and doing different kinds of sports. We all love chocolate and other foods that are not very good for our body, but we know now that we can eat them ‘from time to time’. And of course, what a beautiful way to end Term 2 with our excellent Spring Show which we know you all enjoyed! The students all did a wonderful job. Reception also visited the farm at Pantelimon in week 2. We loved seeing all the different animals and we were allowed to stroke them and feed grass to the goats and sheep and to give carrots to the donkeys. Our best bit was seeing the baby animals, piglets, lambs, and a 1 week old baby pony!

Year 2 News


ear 2 have been busy in the last few weeks learning about different animals. We went to Pantelimon Farm and learned about the animals that lived there and their babies. In class we learned about some different mini beasts and their features. We are using this new knowledge to make 3D mini beast models using a technique called papier-mache. As you can see, they are already looking very accurate.

This will become a beautiful butterfly

I am sure you know what insects these are


We were able to fe

ed the calf

Year 3 News

he children enjoyed the Health and Fitness Week in April a lot. On Thursday, 26th April, Year 3 visited the newly opened Sports Museum. We saw a lot of paintings about different kinds of sports made by children, and photographs and different objects belonging to famous Romanian sports people. It was a beautiful day so we also went to Herestrau Park and played there. Altogether it was a very ‘sporty’ day! at these great paintings we then all took part in a workshop. During this workshop we created our own still life pictures using chalk pastels. It was quite messy, but we had lots of fun and everyone produced a lovely picture. We finished this interesting day with a picnic in Cismigiu Gardens, where we enjoyed the sunshine and played with our friends. We are all now really looking forward to our residential trip in June. Year 3 have all enjoyed a great trip to the National Art Gallery this term. After learning about ‘Paintings, Pictures and Photographs’ in our topic work it was brilliant to see many different pieces of art inside the gallery. We learnt more about still life and landscape paintings. Everyone listened carefully and enjoyed discussing the different pieces of art. After looking

Nursery News

“Now Nature hangs her mantle green on every blooming tree, and spreads her sheets o’ daisies white out o’er the grassy lea.” The ISB ELC Pipera world sent winter away for a long walk and took advantage of the very first month of spring. Nature came alive in our school garden and made our hearts blossom!

Nursery A news – Miss Monica and Miss Irina

The month of March, 2012 meant for Nursery A a fulfilled time that we spent together as we learnt about “People who help us. The children understood the meaning of each job as well as some work places. During the last week of the month, we started to learn about insects, both creepy crawlies and more friendly insects. The day that we were all waiting for was the Adventure Trip to Snagov. The children and the staff enjoyed a beautiful day in the forest. We were busy finding the treasure in the deep forest as well as the sport competitions. We are looking forward to the next trip to come as the nice weather came back to us.

Nursery B news – Miss Roukie and Miss Amalia

Spring in Romania is always celebrated by giving a “Martisor” to your beloved ones. This is how we know that the 1st of March – the first day of spring – is here. So, this is why we celebrated the new season, with“Martisoare” which had red and white strings on, meaning Love and Sincerity. The 8th of March was even more exciting! Nursery B tried their best to show and share all their love and good thoughts to their mothers. We put everything down on a card, added a smile on, and shared the moment with the mothers… We’ve also experienced lots of new adventures as we had the “House Competition” between the teams and trip to Snagov where we had a treasure hunt and joined in many enjoyable games. We are looking forward to more fun activities for the months coming!

Reception News Windy days, rainy days, sunny days…no matter the weather, they are all fun-filled days for Reception P Busy days we would say, Spring is here, have no fear Mother’s Day have come and passed, Forest Trip we had… at last! Competitions… we sure did, To the farm we went and fed – All the animals in there Walking two by two, in pairs


eception P had a very busy month, lots of interesting and adventurous trips full of laughter and joy. We made “Martisoare”, as a Spring Symbol, prepared a fantastic show for Mothers’ Day, planted a tree in Snagov forest and learned lots of things about spring and life cycles, farm animals and their babies. Keep up the good work Reception P!

News from Year 1 M

arch has been a very exciting month in year 1. On a trip to the Bricostore we bought a selection of plants and seeds that we have been growing for topic. We understand what a plant needs to grow and have taken care of them. Our writing has been on non-fiction for the last two weeks. We have looked at pictures of Antartica and written sentences about what we would see if we were there. At the beginning of the month was the spring tournament. We had lots of fun racing each other. Events consisted of relays, egg and spoon race, 3 legged race, bean bag throw had lots of fun. Another tournament will be arranged and the standing jump. Everyone participated and soon! The forest trip was very successful. We all enjoyed the treasure hunt, climbing Rock Mountain and attempting the balance bean was fun. Everyone found the treasure and well done to elephants, who found it in the quickest time- 9 minutes 59 seconds. The picnic we had was lovely and we ended up planting a tree by Snagov Lake. The whole day was tho-roughly enjoyable. Science was on the agenda for science week. We made a won-derful collection of “junk” monsters and went to the main campus in Pantelimon to take part in the science fair. We saw some things that made us go “wow”! Take a look at some of the pictures and Fyodor standing on raw eggs!


e are proud to announce that our school qualified in the Mark Twain Theatre Festival Final.Children in our Primary Theatre Troup worked very hard for this and we would like to invite you to support us in the audience Thursday 9th of June,12.30p.m at Rapsodia Theatre(on Lipscani). Our show is called ‘Alice in Wonderland’ - a rewritten version of it- Musical. There will be singing, acting and dancing- the costumes are great and the children are amazing! We hope we’ll see you there to encourage and cheer for us!

“Saptamana Altfel” I

SB participated on 2nd of April in “Saptamana Altfel” organised by Spectrum School. Children were engaged in many fun activities and came back with lots of prices and diplomas. Many thanks to Mr. Paul & Ms. Laura for giving children in 2P a good opportunity to make new friends and enjoy physical activities.


Famous people day

ear 6 enjoyed their Famous People Day recently at ISB. They dressed up as a famous person and presented their autobiographies in role. Celebrities such as Lady Gaga, Jackie Chan, Messi, Jessica Alba and Micheal Jackson were present, as well as Einstein, Queen Victoria and Annie Oakley. Year 6 have been studying biographies and autobiographies as part of their Literacy work and have been researching Important People, past and present, in Topic lessons. Everyone had a Fantastic Famous People day.


Twisted Tales

n Wednesday 7th March Year 4 had their school production. The theme of the production was ‘Twisted Tales’, and each play was based around a wellknown fairy tale. Class 4B started off the play with their take on ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’, followed by

the costumes. Miss Adela also deserves special praise for her hard work designing and making many of the props on stage. Thank you to the parents for attending. We all enjoyed a very successful day!

Class 4C that did, ‘Once Upon a Time in Fairyland’ and the show was concluded with 4L performing ‘The Queen’s Orchid’. All the children looked wonderful in their costumes, and a big thank you goes out to the parents for making it such a special day by ensuring the children learnt their lines and for helping with



he third workshop from the Comenius international project, A Short Movie from the Viewpoint of Young European, took place in Naples, Italy, from 16 to 21 April 2012. Students and members of the staff involved in this workshop met their colleagues from the other partner schools from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Greece and Turkey. The topic was Our town – Legends and History. Our students from year 10 prepared a movie about Bucharest. We went around the historical places of Bucharest and we made a short movie about our town’s legends, history and important places. We all enjoy filming in the Lipscani Area, the Manuc’s Inn (Hanul lui Manuc), the Old Princely Court & Church (Palatul si Biserica Curtea Veche) , the Stavropoleos Monastery (Manastirea Stavropoleos), the Russian Church (Biserica Rusa), the Coltea Hospital (Spitalul Coltea), the Sutu Palace (Palatul Sutu), the University of Bucharest (Universitatea din Bucuresti), the Patriarchal Cathedral and the palace of the Patriarchate and the House of Parliament (Palatul Parlamentului or Casa Poporului). Majdah Fadiah and Alexandru Constantinescu were responsible with editing the movie. We all enjoyed this experience and we also enjoyed going to Naples and meeting again our project partners. We’ve had another exchange of experience with them and we all benefited the information sharing. We also visited Rome and Pompei and we’ve been impressed by these beautiful historical sites. Eugenio Graziani from year 10 was our guide in Rome and he did the “impossible” in order to show us the most important places in such a short time. This was another enhancing experience and, of course, we are all looking forward for our next project meeting that would take place in Latvia in October 2012.

Naples workshop team:

Eugenio Graziani, Andjelina Acimovac, Rashid Aktaa, Emirhan Cebi, Melih Arda Sevigen, Viktor Dimitrov, Narmin Sharbek, Andreea Iordache, Majdah Mohd Fareed, Andreea Catalina Bolmadir, Cosmin Timofte

and teachers:

Carmen Zaharia, Catalina Elena Scutariu



everal students from Year 12 enjoyed a 5-day trip to London, with the purpose of visiting various universities according to their career choices. They visited many top-notch universities like Imperial College, Kings College or UCL, but also took the time to do some sightseeing and enjoy the lovely weather (surprising for rainy London!). They took in some sunshine in Regents Park, but also learned about their cultural backgrounds from the many statues and other displays of history from the British Museum. The students even had a dinner with ISB alumni, where they talked about university experiences and plans for the future. Overall, it was an excellent trip. Thank you to Mr. Sinan and Mr. Ahmet for coming with us and being awesome! Katy Simitzis, Year 12

ISB alumni, along with former students, attended a fun reunion and enjoyed reminiscing about their school days at a nice Turkish restaurant in London. Thank you all for coming!

Trip To Paris


uring the Easter break, the school has organized a five day trip to France for KS3 students. On 7th of April, shortly after arriving in Paris, the students were picked up from the airport and began the trip with a panoramic tour of the city. Throughout the trip, the twelve students accompanied by Mr. Ahmet and Mr. Bekir, had the opportunity to visit many famous and historical places in Paris like: Le Grand Louvre, Versailles Palace, Notre-dame Cathedral, etc. They also had a fun time visiting Cite des Science (the Science Museum) and taking a cruise on Seine River. The students also spend a whole day in Disneyland Park which they didn’t seem to get enough of. Overall, the trip was a huge success and we are hoping to organize more in the nearest future. Birhala Maria 8A

Trip to Constanta


t the end of the Spring term, Year 5 visited Constanta, for their four-day residential trip. We know how much every Year 5 class have benefited from the experience and feel that the team-building opportunities stand the children in good stead for the rest of the year and for facing new challenges in Year 6 and the future.

In our trip we visited: the Aquarium, the Dolphinarium – where we enjoyed a dolphins show, Exotic Birds exhibition, Micro-Delta, Navy Museum, Bricul Mircea – the school ship, fregata Regina Maria – war ship, etc. We had fun in the local park – Parcul Tabacariei where we played lots of games. We walked around the Tomis harbor. At night we had different activities such as: talent show, pajamas party, etc

The visit was intended to enable students to gain independence, develop their teamwork skills and to expeThe field trip was a huge success and they all returned rience outdoor activities that we are not able to offer with a healthy glow! It was thoroughly enjoyed by all. in the normal school environment.

Health and Fitness Week


he ISB PE Department organized the Health& Fitness week, between 23rd and 27th of April 2012. Sport and physical activity can always make a substantial contribution to the well-being of people. The schedule for the week was full of cross-curricular activities such as: designing posters and T-shirts; reading sport and health articles; learning about the human body and how to keep clean and healthy; entering specific data in computer files; history of the Olympic Games, visits to the Sport Museum and many more interesting things. were also included in the schedule. Teachers were also active during the week. They played football and basketball after school time and tried the Zumba program. All the activities helped the students to understand the importance of well being, and how to feel good in their body, mind and spirit. They also helped them get the most out of life whatever their age.

The Primary Assembly was an excellent show about how sports are represented in our school and how excited the students are when you ask them to participate in any physical education activity. The cheerleader groups brought a big smile to parents’ faces and for sure we would like to see them again. Many fun activities such as rollerblading, invasion games and dance performances along with more competitive games against students from other schools


Gold Medal to our Young Inventors

his year the 6th edition of IYIPO (International Young Inventors Project Olympiad) took place once again in Tbilisi. We (Soumeira Chatzi, Sumeyra Celik and Ayse Korkut) participated in the engineering category with our project called “TIME LIMIT” representing our school ISB (The International School of Bucharest) and Romania.

its. We have chosen Edirne-Istanbul 0-3 highway as our pilot run because this highway is one of the Turkish highways which uses electronic toll collection system OGS.

IYIPO unites the best young inventors, showcasing our talents at an international stage, enabling us to submit our projects and the judging done by high level scientists, providing the opportunity to compete with friends gathered from all over the world and ministering to promote intercultural dialogue and collaboration. This year there were above 90 projects from 30 countries involved. This projects were categorised in six different areas which were: Maths, Chem- At the end of each day IYIPO social events took place. istry, Information Technology, Biology, Engineering We were hosted by the President of Georgia Mikheil and Physics. Saakashvili in his palace. We also went to the Tbilisi’s Bridge of Peace which is made of glass and still. We were also hosted by the minister in his house for dinner. We tasted different delicious foods from the Georgian cuisine. The closing and awarding ceremony took place in the ministry of education of Tbilisi. There were three groups of Bronze and Silver medal awards and two groups of Gold medal awards. After all the excitement and impatience we were honoured with GOLD MEDAL awards. The opening ceremony and presentation of projects took place in Radisson Blu Iveria Hotel. The ceremony started with the national anthem of Georgia continued with the speech of the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili. From each country one representative student was on stage with their flags representing their country. Romania was represented by Soumeira Chatzi. Our project TIME LIMIT, aims to reduce traffic accidents caused by limitless speed on the highways. Together with other techniques already in use, this project aims to be an additional “speed demotivator”. It works on the paid highway networks with toll collection systems. The reason for the system we use on highways is that we can control the entrances and ex-

In our opinion, we did not only return to Romania with our gold medals but we also brought a little Georgia in our hearts. We experienced unforgettable memories during our days in Tbilisi. We wish to bring more gold medals by participating to other project Olympiads in other countries for our school.

Sir Winston Churchill Future Leaders Debating Competition Winners


SB Wins Third Sir Winston Churchill Future Leaders Bucharest International Schools Debating Contest Monday, April 2nd, 2012. This year’s event was held in the International School of Bucharest, and five schools participated: • • • • •

The British School of Bucharest (2010 & 2011 winners) The Cambridge School of Bucharest The International British School of Bucharest The International School of Bucharest The Mark Twain International School.

After a closely run and exciting final the judges: • Martin Fergus Harris OBE, The United Kingdom’s Ambasssador to Romania • Duncan Mothersill, of the British Council, and • Peter Burba, of the United States Embassy to Romania unanimously declared the team from The International School of Bucharest winner. The competition was organized and presided over by Kendall Peet, Headteacher of the International British School of Bucharest. The five ISB students who played in the final rounds were: Rama Bikbachi, Tuba Tugce Goktas, Andreea Iordache, Esther Hallal, Lorand David Stoica. The Fourth Sir Winston Churchill ‘Future Leaders Bucharest International Schools Public Debating Competition will be held at the ISB, during 2013.


10th Edition of Infomatrix at ISB

nternational Computer Projects Competition Infomatrix project was born of our desire to bring together the best students in ICT. Infomatrix is an International Informatics Project Competition organized by Lumina Educational Institutions, the Ministry of National Education, Research, Youth and Sport and ISMB to encourage young people to apply their imagination, their passion, and their creativity to technology innovations that can make a difference in the world today. The competition is not just about promoting professional excellence, however; it also serves to promote intercultural dialogue and cooperation, through the involvement of students and teachers from many different countries.

The Romanian-Turkish Gala


omania and Turkey celebrated their friendship through a show: The Cultural Romanian – Turkish Gala held on Tuesday, March 27, 2012, at Sala Palatului. The idea of organizing a cultural evening came from a desire to develop friendly relations between the two countries, knowing that real multicultural dialogue is beneficial for both nations. The event, organized by Lumina Educational Institutions started with an exhibition of handmade objects and traditional costumes. During the exhibition, along with Balkan music, visitors could enjoy traditional Romanian and Turkish dishes. The exhibition that marked the beginning of the Romanian – Turkish Gala was followed by a show mainly by our school students. The show brought on the same scene talents of the two friendly countries. The show did not lack Romanian and Turkish folk songs, unique moments of stand-up show, interpretations of songs written by famous artists of the two countries, poetic moments and not least the famous dances. In the opening of the Gala, the President of Lumina Educational Institutions, Mr. Fatih Gürsoy underlined the importance of culture - identity card of any nation, written throughout its history in which we find all the values of past to present, reunited. Accompanied with public applause, this year’s winners of International Turkish Olympiad went on stage. The medals were handed by our partners: the Ministry Secretary of State: Mr. György András Király, the Mayor of District 2: Mr. Neculai Ontanu, His Excellency, Mr. Omur Solendil, Ambassador of Turkey in Romania and the General Director of Lumina Education Institutions: Mr. Fatih Göktas. The show was hosted by Andreea Marin Banica and a well known Turkish presenter, Ilker Gultekin. In her presentation, Mrs. Andreea Marin Banica, Violeta`s mother, one of the ISB students, shared her first impressions about our school. Few years ago she visited the International School of Bucharest with a project supported by UNICEF for raising funds for the affected families in Haiti. Under this initiative, children managed to raise a significant amount of money through direct involvement in making the crafts that were sold. At the end of this charity event, two students from Year 1 asked for an interview which Mrs. Marin Banica said was the best interview ever.


Guitar, violin, piano, choir and musical production clubs are continuing their program. Students are more interested and their progress is a great reward for the hard work they put in every week. Their performance on the ISB stage is keenly anticipated!

The cheerleaders’ group is a great addition to our extra curriculum activities program and the students are ready to perform during the LUMINA Football Cup.


rd club session started on 23rd of April and will last for 7 weeks. A variety of activities are offered, leisure as well as academic, giving the students more opportunities to develop, improve or extend their skills and talents. More competitive games of basketball and football took place during last month, preparing our students for the up coming competitions. ISB teams will perform on May and June against other private schools from Bucharest in different competitions, hoping to win more and more trophies.

The little ones, 3 to 6 years old, are enjoying an hour of swimming every week. Their big smiles are evidence of this!

Fencing and tennis are making new fans. Even the younger students, 4 years old, are joining the activities!


pen Minds club has excellent participation from year 8 and 9 students. In this club the students experience a very wide spectrum of activities, from adventure sports to art exhibitions, from topic discussions to science applications. They will not only gain knowledge related to history, science, culture and technology, but they will also develop multiple skills like leadership, democratic decision making, critical thinking, time and risk management.

Space Camp O

n the 9-13th of April some children from ISB went to Space Camp Turkey. In the Space Camp we did lots of things related to space and physical science. Such as, we went on different types of simulators, one of them was 1\6 chair that simulated how people walk on the moon. in addition we constructed rockets and launched them. Each one went about 100m high. On the last day we did a mission like when a rocket launches. We learned lots of things and i enjoyed it very much. PHILIP from 6S


Science Week

rom 19-23 March we celebrated Science Week at ISB. Our Science Week was packed full of fun and educational (of course!) science-based challenges and activities. We launched the week with a challenge set by Flora the explorer. Each year group participated and worked towards designing something for Flora. In Reception class they made sun hats. In Years 1 and 2 they designed sunglasses. In Year 3 they worked on designing a lunch box and in Year 4 parachutes were tested! In year 5 they made and tested snow shoes and Year 6 made a prototype for a car.


n Secondary, students are challenged by Gravity Car, Slowest Ball and Balloon Rocket Contests. We have hosted guest speakers from universities to give a speech about the importance of science in our lives, healthy nutrition and environmental issues. Year 7 students have been to an evening visit to the Astronomical Observatory to see amazing stars and galaxies at night sky. Year 8 visited Geological museum. There was a Botanical Garden trip organized for Year 10 students. Year 10 students also participated Biology Poster Contest.


fter school on Tuesday we held a ‘Science Evening’ which was full of fun activities such as Who Wants to be a Millionaire Quiz Contest, documentary presentation, and night sky observation. Pupils were challenged by ‘the Egg Drop Contest’, which was followed up with a big Camp Fire and a delicious barbeque.

Year 8 at Geological Museum


Year 10 at Botanical Garden

Year 7 at Observatory

n Wednesday Primary had an inspirational assembly of famous scientists with lots of music and dancing! Thursday was class competitions, when we had fun making rolling balls in Year 5 and 6. KS1 and Year 3 and 4 took part in a bridge building competition. Well done to all the children who took part in these - it was very difficult to choose the winners! Congratulations to 1S who created an amazingly strong bridge! Lots of children entered the ‘Science is fun’ poster competition, and the winning entry was Jasmin Vondenhoff (6S).


riday was the big day of Science Fair. There have been more than 40 projects displaced and explained by Primary and Secondary students. Walking on Non-Newtonian Liquid pool was one of the most entertaining demonstrations. Outdoor activities like sound bomb and potato gun took the attention of everyone.


rimary students displayed a variety of experiments and fantastic Rubbish monsters. Prep class contributed with human body t-shirts, layers of the Earth models, and posters.


veryone had a great time engaging in all sorts of science fun, including exploding things, making things and even setting fire to things... a real mix!

The winners of the Science Fair have been awarded during assembly on Friday: 1st Place Projects: • • •

Singing rod by Oana Popescu and Ayla Seyedin - 8A Invisible jelly marbles by Tudor Ion and Petru Rey - 8A Circuit Game by Rama Bikbachi and Tugce Goktas - 11A

2nd Place Projects:

3rd place Projects:

• •

Dry ice Exeriments by Ilke Ozcan, Derya Yildirim and Maria Birhala - 8A Lava lamp by Alexandros Gkogkos 7A and Anais Al Shami 8B Acidity Rapid Test for Juices by Catherine Katevaini -

Home-made plastic by Rebecca Dumitrescu, Crina Boanca and Dilara Akdag 8B Power plant by Rashid Aktaa 10 A Rapid starch from sweet fruits by Nermin Sharbek and Andreea Iordache - 10A

The Importance of the PTA What is the PTA?

The Parent Teacher Association is a team of enthusiastic volunteers drawn from amongst the parents, teachers and others within the school community which meets from time to time to look at ways of improving the running of the School and the wellbeing of the students. Together with the School, the PTA organises fund-raising events and helps the School to make various activities really successful. Our PTA is very active and over the last three years has organised a number of events which have raised quite a lot of money. Some of this was donated to: The Fundeni Oncology Hospital, Fundeni Paediatric Hospital, a Leukaemia Department and an eye correction operation for a little girl. Some of the remainder was spent on various things for the School: climbing wall, musical instruments, new software and books for the library. The PTA is also very involved during International Week, the Christmas Box Gift Campaign, Winter Party and the Children’s Carnival with lots of fun activities for children of all ages.

PTA Barbeque


n Saturday 5th May, our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) held their first Summer Barbeque. The Vondenhoff family kindly offered their home as the venue, and as you can see from the photographs it was a resounding success. There were lots of games and activities for the children including, football, table tennis, a playground and a toy sale. For the grown ups there was good food, drink and excellent company. At the barbeque, we asked for donations for a new dance studio, which will be built on the ground floor of the Primary Building, and we raised a magnificent 4,500 lei. This is a first for a school in Bucharest and will provide students young and old with a dedicated space to learn a new skill and show off their talent. The PTA would like to thank all the participants, parents, teachers and children, for their great generosity and we are looking forward to seeing you at the summer carnival on June 9th.

Fit for Fun Y

ear 1 have been busy this month preparing for their show ‘Fit for Fun’. We have been rehearsing songs and practising our lines. Year 1 parents are invited to come and watch the performance on Wednesday 23rd May 2012 at 1.30 in the school Theatre.

Lumina Football Cup

The 9th Edition of Lumina Football Cup. Monday, April 2nd, 2012 The 9th Edition of LUMINA Football Cup brought together more than 300 players from 12 private schools from Bucharest, Constanta, Ploiesti and Iasi. The ISB teams trained by Mr.Scott Cable, Mr.Murat Agce and Mr.Ahmet Dundar played amazing football and managed to get trophies for each age group.

The special awards for the best player went to ISB for U8 and U10 age group and FIREBALLS for U12 age group. Best goalkeeper trophy was also won by ISB.

The results table is as follow: U8



1st place




2nd place




3rd place




Botanical Garden Trip


n one nice and sunny Saturday,during Science Week,together with Mister Sinan Kosak and Miss Mirela Simionescu,year 10 did a field trip at Bucharest Botanical Garden.They had the opportunity to admire different endemic Romanian species of plants,they visited also the Green House for exotic plants,where the air was perfumed with the smell of orchids and orange blossom flowers.They had a quick visit to Botanical Garden Museum,to learn how the plants can be preserved.A wonderful spring weekend day together with Year 10,ended all the activities for Science Week.

Family Table Tennis

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