Nursery newsletter 21 03 2014

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Nursery Newsletter – Friday 21st March

What we learned about this week Dear Parents, We hope that this newsletter finds you very well! The topic of the week was called “Land Transportation”. The main objective for this week was to help the children to distinguish between different modes of transport and to pay attention to the different sounds that each makes. Each Monday they have a chance to share with everyone how they have spent the weekend. They tell one another how they played in the park and what they ate. Sharing experiences from their past helps them to be conscious about the time in the past and in the present while using simple sentences such as: “Yesterday I stayed home or Today I go to school” and so on. During Circle Time, Miss Amalia has reviewed the means of transport that they learned last week and they have looked at different images while trying to notice the differences between them. They have talked about the rules that they have to follow while walking the street such as: holding hands, looking on both sides, crossing the street on the zebra crossing, looking at the green man when crossing at the lights. In Art and Craft they have made a zebra crossing while following the pattern and in Cooking they have made traffic lights cookies.

What we plan for next week In the next four weeks we will continue to learn about land, sea and air transport. In mark making, they are going to use different size sponges in order to make a transport picture. We are going to watch an educational video about the safely crossing the street. You can find it at the below address:

We are going to play the game “Guess and tell” while using a bag filled with transport toys. Each one of them will pick an object and without looking they have to guess what it is. After this, they will practice the sound it makes. In Physical Development, we are going to play all sorts of games. Below you can find a couple of ideas and suggestions that you can use while at home:         

Transport mimes – getting on a train/into a boat/in a car Movements based on vehicles Follow my leader Stop/go games using traffic light colours Positional games Fast/slow games based on modes of transport Construction kits Make tracks with footprints Set up an obstacle course to travel along

In Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy we will use activities which will include:  Positional words and games  Sorting vehicles  Making 3D models of vehicles

On Wednesday March 26th, I am looking forward to take the time to talk to each one of you about your child’s progress in school. Please sign up for an appointment. The meeting will last for 15 minutes so please be punctual. Thank you! I am looking forward to be back on Monday!

How you can help your child As Miss Sarah has mentioned on the last notice, we are asking you to help your child to be independent while eating, washing his/her hands, getting dressed/undressed or completing little tasks like putting coats on pegs. It seems like basic stuff to you and me but it allows them to become independent and develop their personalities.

Tasks a three-year-old can do:    

Put away the toys. Make a game of it -- put on a CD and see if everything can be picked up before the music stops. Help sort the washing. At three she can sort her clothes from the rest of the washing, and the whites from the colours. Set the table. By three she should be able to set places for the family, but will still need help with the cutlery. Help with housework. Three year olds can dust, wash the table and mop the floor if you squeeze the mop out for them.

Notices: PLEASE NOTE - School on Saturday 22nd Match has been CANCELLED. This is due to a lack of children intending to attend school on this day. If you would like school to be open on Saturday 5th April then please let your child's teacher know ASAP. We will only open on this day if we have more than 15 responses. Thank you! Spring is here!! If you arrive between 8:15 and 8:30am please take your child to the back playground. There will be a teacher on duty from 8:15am. If you arrive before 8:15am then please wait with your child. Thank you! Please check at home if you have any books from school. Many library books have not been returned. Children who do not return the books will not be given new books. Lost / damaged books will have to be replaced. Thank you! We have many new families in our school this term. To welcome them to our school we are having a Parents Morning Tea on Thursday 27th March from 9:00 - 10:00am. All parents are welcome to join us in the staffroom to meet and chat with other parents. We hope to see many of your there!! We are working very hard to help your children to develop their independence at school. Please help us at home by encouraging and teaching your child to feed themselves, toilet and wash their own hands, put on and take off their own shoes and jacket. Children love to be able to do things for themselves and teachers love it too!! Please send shoes to school that your child can manage independently (or almost!!). Thank you!!

Dates for your Diary: Art Week - Monday 14th April Spring Show – Wednesday 16th April at 11am (change of date)

Last Day of Term 2 – Friday 18th April. School finishes at 12 midday. First Day of Term 3 – Monday 5th May

For news and updates please follow us on Facebook PE lessons are on Monday. Please wear the PE uniform and trainers on this day. Song of the week: Down by the station Star of the Week: Petrache Adelina Maria – for good behaviour and for trying hard to speak in English.

With kind regards, Miss Monica and Miss Amalia

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