Nursery newsletter 28 03 2014

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Nursery Newsletter – Friday 28th March

What we learned about this week

We started this lovely, sunny week by sharing news from the weekend. The children then drew a picture and told us a sentence to write. We were impressed to see their drawings. We have played many games based on the transport topic such as: I Spy! , Guess and Tell and another one that has included environmental sounds. In Art, the children have learnt to develop their skills using diverse resources. They have been busy making shape vehicles, cars from toilet paper rolls and a traffic light. At this age, children use their imagination in art design, music, dance, imaginative role play and stories. They have recognized and explored how sounds can be changed, have sang simple songs from memory, have recognised repeated sounds and have matched movements to music. They have learnt a new song called “Down by the station�.

In Cooking, they made healthy car sandwiches. They have all enjoyed it! In Personal, Social and Emotional Development the children who have recently joined the Busy Bees Nursery Class have been learning to sit and listen to others when they are speaking. They have learnt the rules of how to be a good listener, to work as part of a team and a pair. It is very important to develop their ability to show their feelings in an appropriate way, to take pleasure in who they are and what they can do. They learn every day to be sensitive to the needs, views and feelings of others, which makes us very proud! What we plan for next week

Next week, we are going to talk about Air Transport. In Art we are going to creat an airplane using pegs, a hot air balloon and a helicopter. In Maths we are going to sort

flashcards into land and air. During Circle Time, we will watch PowerPoint presentations about air transport, while paying attention to the sound that each transport makes. As a team project, we are going to make a fireworks display.

How you can help your child You can play a very interesting game on the computer they have enjoyed. Enjoy!

MAKER BAKER Each week a child will be chosen to be the “Maker Baker.” The role of the Maker Baker is to bake something at home with you to bring to school on Friday for snack. (The snack should be for 13 children and should not have nuts in it). Thank you! Baking together is a fantastic opportunity for parents and children to spend special time together as well as building language while talking about ingredients and quantities and procedure. The Maker Baker will also have special jobs to do during the week such as line leader and teacher helper. The Maker Baker for next week is: Hasan Cem Ors

Notices:  If you would like school to be open on Saturday 5th April then please let your child's teacher know by MONDAY. We will only open on this day if we have more than 15 responses. Thank you!  Spring is here!! We have noticed that many families are enjoying playing in the playground after school. You are most welcome to use the facilities and get to know other parents and children. However, we do ask that you tidy up any toys that your child has played with and that you supervise to make sure the equipment is being used safely. Thank you!!  Please check at home if you have any books from school. Many library books have not been returned. Children who do not return the books will not be given new books. Lost / damaged books will have to be replaced. Thank you! 

Thank you to the parents who attended our morning tea on Thursday. It was great to

welcome our new families to ISB Pipera.  We are working very hard to help your children to develop their independence at school. Please help us at home by encouraging and teaching your child to feed themselves, toilet and wash their own hands, put on and take off their own shoes and jacket. Children love to be able to do things for themselves and teachers love it too!! Please send shoes to school that your child can manage independently (or almost!!). Thank you!! Dates for your Diary:  Art Week - Monday 14th April  Spring Show – Wednesday 16th April at 11am  Last Day of Term 2 – Friday 18th April. School finishes at 12 midday.  First Day of Term 3 – Monday 5th May PE lessons are on Monday from 10:00 - 10:30. Please wear the PE uniform and trainers on this day. Song of the week: tune of “I’m a little teapot”

Star of the week: Carl Wandel – for great listening skillsWith kind regards, Miss Monica and Miss Amalia

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