Nursery newsletter 04 04 2014

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Nursery Newsletter – Friday 4th April

Thank you for being the Maker Baker this week, Hasan! The cookies were delicious!

What we learned about this week Our transport topic was divided into the following areas: land, air and sea. Learning about transportation helps children identify many things that they see around them daily. We can:       

ride on a bicycle or a motorbike ride on a car or train travel on a boat - sailing boat, rowing boat, and motorboat travel on a horse, camel, or elephant travel by airplane or in a hot air balloon travel by spaceship or in a rocket use our feet to travel, walk, hop and jump.

We have encouraged the children to develop as an individual and as part of group work in a variety of ways. Our transport topic is linked to our songs, stories, videos, and circle time discussions.

Communication, Language and Literacy - Circle Times During our circle times we have discussed the differences between different transport forms. We have talked about seat belts, road safety and the traffic light colours. This week we have talked about Air transport. We have talked about the different jobs at the airport: ticket agent, security guard, captain, and flight attendant. We have discussed about passports and what foods you may find on the plane. So far we have learned and listened to a variety of transport songs and we watched some PowerPoint presentations. You can listen to the transport songs on YouTube: Down by the station Watch the cars go by … The school bus We all live in a yellow submarine Row row row your boat The wheels on the bus Traffic lights I’m a little airplane Transport song - In Knowledge and Understanding of the World (Science) We encouraged the children to talk about the different people who work with air transport, such as pilots and spacemen and we have talked about travel though the air - birds, kites or paper airplanes. How things work? Explore the various sizes of wheels, the differences in track patterns, why do airplanes and buses have more than two wheels? What about a hot air balloon? Why doesn't that have wheels? What shape are wheels? Why? What would happen if wheels weren't round? We have learned that some airplanes have none and take off and land on water, or on snow or ice. Many smaller airplanes have three while larger airplanes have more.  Mathematical Development (Numeracy) Sorting and counting transportation vehicles by road and air; Dot to dot 1 to 5 number rocket and airplane; Using the language heavier and lighter when playing with the balance scales; Shape transport. Creative Development (Art) Developing our fine motor skills through painting, colouring, cutting, gluing and using our imagination to create some of the following activities. Fireworks using glitter and paint; Paper helicopters; Airplanes from pegs; Hot air balloons; Rockets out of shapes;

They have pretended to be train/bus drivers, pilots and ambulance driver. In Cooking we have made cloud cookies...yummy!

What we plan for next week As the next week’s topic is : Sea Transport we are going to discuss different types of ships, yachts and fisherman's boat. Each boat has a different size, shape, and job to do. In Science, we will investigate floating and sinking experiments (boats, sponges, size, weight, type). On Friday, we will go on a trip to the Aviation Museum. We will leave around 9 a.m and we will be back to school by lunchtime. Please return the permission slips by Wednesday. Thank you! On the last day of this term, on April 18th the children should wear a coloured T-shirt based on the houses that they are in. David/ Hasan – Grizzly Bears Adelina/ Sofia - Lions Arvin/ Vakos - Leopards Andrea/ Carl – Elephants Thank you!

How you can help your child You will be travelling to and from school each day – talk to your child about your means of transport and any plans for holiday travel. Talk about the importance of the people around us who are there to help us when and if we need them.

MAKER BAKER Each week a child will be chosen to be the “Maker Baker.” The role of the Maker Baker is to bake something at home with you to bring to school on Friday for snack. (The snack should be for 13 children and should not have nuts in it). Thank you! Baking together is a fantastic opportunity for parents and children to spend special time together as well as building language while talking about ingredients and quantities and procedure. The Maker Baker will also have special jobs to do during the week such as line leader and teacher helper. The Maker Baker for next week is: Ilgaz Iclek

Notices:  Spring is here!! We have noticed that many families are enjoying playing in the playground after school. You are most welcome to use the facilities and get to know other parents and children. However, we do ask that you tidy up any toys that your child has played with and that you supervise to make sure the equipment is being used safely. Thank you!!  Miss Kitti did a children's yoga course in Greece recently and is going to offer a yoga club in Term 3. She is doing a trial class on Monday 14th June from 3:10pm - 3:40pm. Please let your child's class teacher know if your child is participating in the trial session.  We are performing some spring songs and dances for your entertainment on Wednesday

16th April at 11am. The Spring Show will be performed outside in the back playground. We will start promptly at 11am so please don't be late. Your child's class teacher will let you know if you need to provide anything for the costumes. We look forward to seeing you all there!  The last day of Term 2 is Friday 18th April. On this day the children will participate in an Easter Egg Hunt in their house teams. Children should wear a t-shirt in their house colour on this day. Class teachers will email a list of house teams so you know what colour your child should wear. School will finish as 12 midday.

Dates for your Diary:        

Art Week - Monday 14th April Spring Show – Wednesday 16th April at 11am Last Day of Term 2 – Friday 18th April. School finishes at 12 midday. First Day of Term 3 – Monday 5th May Science Week - Monday 5th May Sports' Day (at Pantelimon campus) - Wednesday 14th May Whole school trip to Mogosoaia - Friday 23rd May (parents welcome) Transition Day (for children going to Pantelimon campus next year) - Tuesday 10th

 

Farewell Barbecue - Thursday 12th June 4pm - 6pm Last Day of the Year - Thursday 19th June. School finishes at 12 midday.


PE lessons are on Monday from 10:00 - 10:30. Please wear the PE uniform and trainers on this day. Song of the week: Transport Song - Star of the week: Arvin Shams – for being friendly and for showing great enthusiasm in

learning. Well done, Arvin!

With kind regards, Miss Monica and Miss Amalia

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