Nursery newsletter 17 01 2014

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Nursery Newsletter – Friday, 17th January

What we learned about this week Dear Parents, We are delighted to welcome Haciyev Vahid in Nursery Busy Bees Class. We wish you the most rewarding experiences! After a school week that have just passed, I am sending you the most important information regarding this week and the one that it is ahead of us. Lately, the children started to acquire language skills through singing nursery rhymes. The main learning objectives are to gain awareness of rhyme and alliteration used in popular nursery rhymes. They learned the lyrics of “Old Mc Donald had a farm”, “Ba, ba, black sheep” and they found out that the sheep give us wool and meat. They watched a very interesting video of how a sheep’s wool is cut. We also made a book called “1,2, buckle my shoe” where they had to colour and to stick. I put a lot of emphasis on developing their speaking confidence and questioning skills while

asking each one of them to come in front of the class to act out, to sing or just say their name. Numeracy skills are developing through counting rhymes and number games. They already know to name the days of the week and with a bit of help to name what day was before and what day comes next. The children started to show curiosity of the world around them through exploration and discovery of their environment and the beautiful grounds as they played very nicely at the kitchen area while preparing something yummy for their teachers. They also loved to play with the farm animals feeding the animals and naming their favourite one. Creativity is nurtured through a diverse selection of materials and resources. Children had the opportunity to develop their creative skills through colouring and painting different farm animals and making a sheep using paint bubbles. Social skills are encouraged through sharing, caring, playing and working together. Physical skills and co-ordination are developed as the children increase in confidence and experience new things. What we plan for next week Next week, we will continue to learn other two Nursery Rhymes, "Miss Polly has a dolly" and "The wheels on the bus" while trying to act them out. We are going to play dominoes and to paint a bus using big cartboard. If you happen to have a big box that you don't need please bring it to school. Thank you! On Thursday, we are going on a trip to Baneasa Mall to see the dinosour exposition. Please return the permission slip and 20 Ron attached by Tuesday. Thank you! How you can help your child Please, bear in mind that each rhyme your child sings with you will be a milestone in their speech, language and communication skills. Your children will love to sing along with you, watch the animation and perform the actions of the songs. A few tips:

+ When you talk to your child get down to their level and look at them + Say your child's name before you start talking to them + Offer your child choices throughout the day "Would you like your teddy or your car?" + Talk to your child about what they are doing.

MAKER BAKER Each week a child will be chosen to be the “Maker Baker.” The role of the Maker Baker is to bake something at home with you to bring to school on Friday for snack. (The snack should be for 13 children and should not have nuts in it). Thank you! Baking together is a fantastic opportunity for parents and children to spend special time together as well as building language while talking about ingredients and quantities and procedure. The Maker Baker will also have special jobs to do during the week such as line leader and teacher helper. The Maker Baker for next week is: Teo Angelov


Please can you ensure your child is at school by 8.30 prompt so that we can begin the school day. The children are offered a range of free-flow activities at this time of day, which is important for their development and social skills. It is also a time where the teachers make observations and are able to concentrate on working in small groups in order to support children’s learning. This is also the time when some of the children have focused ESL lessons so it is imperative that they attend. Thanks

Please can we emphasize again the importance of your child eating breakfast at home. The snack that we have at school is not until 9.45 and often the children are hungry before then. It is important that they come to school well rested and with a full tummy to help them to concentrate. If you have any questions regarding this please speak to your class teacher.

Please can we ask you to ensure your child has a water bottle to use at school. We have been talking about recycling and protecting the environment so would appreciate it if you could send a ‘non-plastic’ disposable bottle e.g a hard plastic or metal one would be preferred. These can be washed and reused and can be bought at most large supermarkets or sports shops.

Welcome to Yezen and Amro plus family. The boys have joined the Reception Explorer's class

The front gate will be locked all day except between 8:15 - 8:45am and 2:45 - 3:15pm. During those times the security guard should be standing next to the gate helping to supervise children arriving and leaving. If you arrive outside of those times you will need to buzz to enter. All visitors to the school should buzz and be announced before entering. If you see the gate open at any other time please let Miss Sarah or Miss Adriana know so we can communicate our expectations with the security company.

If your child is absent for 3 or more consecutive days we ask that you bring in a 'Adeverinta Medicala' or 'Aviz Epidemiologic' from your child's doctor to prove that your child is well enough to return to school. Some parents are complaining that sick children are in school and passing their germs around. Please keep your child home to rest if he/she is unwell. Thank you!

We are now required to send you a message via Educare once per week. This is to keep a record of parent-teacher contact for accreditation and monitoring purposes. We will use Educare to notify you of homework as well as any incidents we may have at school that should be recorded. You will receive an email after 4pm if I have put any notices on Educare that day. Please let us know that you have received this message.

Dates for your Diary:       

Trip to Dinosaur Exhibition (23rd January) Science week (17th February) Matisor (3rd March) Mother’s Day Breakfast (7th March) Maths & ICT Week (10th March) Spring Show (8th April) Art Week (14th April)  For news and updates please follow us on Facebook

 PE lessons are on Mondays. Please wear the PE uniform and trainers on this day.

 This week our Star of the Week is: Carl Wandel for two great first weeks at school!!

 Song of the week: Old Mc Donald had a farm

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