ISB Parents Information - Year 2

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Useful Information for Year 2 Parents September 2014

Year 2 Team Welcome to Year 2 •We would like to share what your child will experience and how they will grow, achieve and develop in Year 2. •We are a team of teachers and support staff who work together to provide the best possible learning opportunities. •Ms. Karen, Mrs. Peall •Ms.Monica, Mr.Stephen •Ms. Veronica, Ms. Madellina and Ms. Carmen

What do you need? • A school bag – big enough to fit homework folders in it Un ghizdan in care sa incapa dosarul pentru tema (A4) • School uniform – all items must be named Uniforma- scrieti numele copilului dvs. Pe eticheta • Spare clothes – in case of accidents Puneti haine de schimb in ghiozdan pentru evenimente neprevazute. • A named water bottle O sticla de apa pe care scrieti numele copilului .

We are responsible for: • • • • • • •

English Maths Science PSHE Humanities Golden Time Assemblies

Curriculum We follow the Cambridge Primary Curriculum for English, maths and Science. We are using the national Curriculum of England and Wales for the other subjects. •

English. Taught daily. Develops all forms of communication in English (Speaking and listening, Reading and Writing.)

Maths. Taught daily. Focuses on mental and written calculations, as well as areas such as shape and space and measurement.

Science. Taught as a core subject this year. Focuses on developing scientific inquiry


Combines History, Geography, Design Technology and Art. These are taught through a common theme, which changes every half term.


Personal Social Health Education: We aim to teach our students about developing friendships, setting goals and developing good hygiene routines.

Other subjects taught include: • • • • •

Romanian/Turkish Physical Education (PE) Information Communication Technology (ICT) Music ESL is provided for students who are developing their English.

Daily Routine It is important that all children arrive at school on time to line up outside the main building for 8:25am. • • • • • • • • • • • • •

8.30 - 8.40 - Registration 8.40 - 9.30 - Lesson 9.30 - 10.20 - Lesson 10.20 - 10.45 - Break/Snack 10.45 - 11.15 - Phonics and handwriting 11.15 - 12.05 - Lesson 12-05 - 12.50 - Lunch time 12.50 - 1.40 - Lesson........Library once per week 1.40 - 1.55 - Break 2.00 - 2.30 - Lesson 2.30 - 3.00 - Assembly/ Golden Time/Lesson 15:10 - Buses leave 15:15 -16:15 Clubs

Homework & Communication •

Class teachers will communicate with parents on a weekly basis via Educare about class activities and upcoming events. Personal appointments for more serious matters can be made through the office.

Homework- Homework is sent home every Friday and is expected to be returned by the following Wednesday.

Homework will reflect the weekly learning in class.

Children are strongly encouraged to read every night.

Education City homework is also set every Friday.

Reading Books and Bug Club This year we will be using new reading records. This is a chance for you to listen to and discuss your child’s reading in a positive manner. Please record the progress of your child and see/respond to feedback from your teacher. Reading books will be sent home regularly for your child to read at home. This year all children will have access to Bug Club, an online reading resource.

Assemblies and productions Assemblies Monday- whole school assembly Tuesday- Key Stage 1 assembly • Each KS1 class has one assembly. This may require them to learn lines and songs or bring costumes. We invite you to attend your child's class Productions • Each year group will host a production for the parents to come and watch. Year 2 will perform in the Spring term. We would love to see you all there.

Uniform and Trips •

• • • •

It is important that all children wear the correct school uniform. Please ensure to label/name all items of clothing. On PE days, children will be expected to come to school wearing their PE uniform with the correct footwear. Black/Dark shoes please. No studs allowed. Jewellery- A watch and stud earrings are allowed. Educational trips are planned for throughout the school year. We encourage all children to participate.

Clubs •

After – school activities greatly enhance the curriculum. There are a wide variety to choose from for both children and parents.

Including… Academic clubs, Sports, Music, Languages, Computers, Cooking, and much more.

Look out for the club information that will be sent to you soon!

How to help your child? Arrive to school on time (8:20am) Collect your child on time (lessons end at 3:00pm from inside the school gates and After School Clubs at 4:15pm) Respect lesson time Sleep Use Home reader (Yellow Book) Homework routines Read with your child and help with home learning . Remember library lessons-Bring back books. Pack bag with your child (Healthy snacks) Reward

Parent Handbook

Please take some time to look at the Parent Handbook which can be found on the school website.

Educare and contact , ,

You can contact us using the above email address, through the school secretary or by writing a note in the reading record book. If your child is sick or will be late to school/ leaves school early please inform us by email or through the school secretary.

Thank you! We are going to have a fun-filled year of learning.

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