Parents information evening year 6 2014 15

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Parents Information Evening Tuesday 9th September 2014

Year 6 Teaching Staff Mustafa Karabulut (Year leader) Andrew Morgan (Science coordinator) Alice Asmarandei Mark Eady Claudia Ciopasiu

Specialist subject Teachers • •

Andreea Roman- Romanian Language Elena Bouhar - Romanian 2nd Language • Sebahat Ozdemir- Turkish Language • Laura Morrison - Physical Education • Adriana Cocora - Physical Education • Monica Țele- ICT • Ioana Damian- Music Teacher • Carmen Florea- French Language • Ahmet Dundar- Spanish Language • Sebahat Ozdemir- Turkish Language

ESL and SEN Teachers • Mariana Dutescu– ESL (English Support) • Cristina Guralivu - Special needs teacher

Curriculum 

We follow the International Cambridge Curriculum Over 750 schools follow the same curriculum around the world Ease the transition of students from primary to secondary National curriculum to International curriculum

Cambridge Primary Checkpoint •

At the end of the primary phase of education (end of stage 6), Cambridge Primary Checkpoint for a diagnostic assessment of the general level of ability attained by learners.

Checkpoint tests are in English, Mathematics and Science.

The tests are marked by Cambridge examiners. The results are issued with unique feedback reports which are valuable for informing future teaching and learning at school, group and individual level.

Curriculum •

English (Literacy) - 5 sessions a week and 30 min guided . Develops all forms of communication in English. Speaking and listening, reading and writing. ●

Maths – 1 session each day. 1 session problem solving every week. Focuses on both mental and written skills, as well as shape and space and measurement.

• Topic is History, Geography and Art. 2 sessions every week. These are taught through a common theme, which changes every half term.

Science – 2 sessions every week. Giving students the understanding of how and why things work. Biological and physical subjects.

Topic lessons combine Humanities (History and Geography) & Art.

Example: Year 6 Name of Unit - RIVERS We normally start with a trip – Trip to the water purification plant. History - 45 min per week- History of the Danube and Amazon Rivers Geography - 45 min per week- Rivers around the world and what rivers are used for. Art - 60 min per week- Make a model of a river and the landscape surrounding it using clay, paint.

Science usually follows the Topic Unit. Science- 90 min per week-experiments - How to separate solid particles of different sizes by sieving [for example, those in soil] -That some solids [for example sugar] dissolve in water to give solutions but some do not dissolve [for example, sand, chalk].

Other subjects taught include: • • •

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Romanian/Turkish – 2 sessions Physical Education (PE) - 2 sessions Information Communication Technology (ICT) - 1 session Music – 1 session Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) – 1 session Spanish/French/Turkish (Year 6) – 1 session

ESL is provided for pupils with limited English.

Daily Routine It is important that all children arrive at school in time to line up outside the main building for 8:30am. • • • • • • • •

8:30 - 8:40 8:40 – 10:55 10:55 – 11:15 11:15 – 12:10 12:10 – 13:00 13:00 – 15:00 15:10 15:15 – 16:15

Registration Lesson Time Break Lesson Time Lunch Lesson Time Buses leave Clubs

Homework & Communication •

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Educare is used for the teachers to communicate with the parents and to record homework tasks and reading. Parents should check their e-mail on a daily. Class teachers will email parents on a weekly basis to provide information about class activities and upcoming events. Education city Bug club Children in KS2 should spend between 45-60 minutes on homework each night. Reading diaries/book loan Children are expected to read everyday 15 min.

Assemblies and productions Assemblies Monday - Whole School Assembly Wednesday- Key Stage Assembly Years 3,4,5 & 6 During the Key Stage 2 Assemblies, parents are invited to come along to watch their child perform. Year 6 Graduation & Show At the end of the year Year 6 have their Graduation and Show. It takes place in June.

Uniform and Trips •

It is important that all children wear the correct school uniform. On PE days, children will be expected to come to school wearing their uniform and change into a proper ISB PE kit before the lesson. Black school shoes are part of the uniform. Sports shoes for PE. Girls should not wear jewellery.

All KS2 students will go on an educational trip each half term.

Year 6 Residential Trip – Predeal The trip is for 4 days where students have practical learning, fun and gaining independence. This year the trip is on the 7th of October.

Clubs •

After – school activities greatly enhance the curriculum. There are a wide variety to choose from for both children and parents.

Including… Academic clubs, Sports, Music, Languages, Computers, Cooking, and much more.

Look out for the club information that will be sent to you soon!

Essential booklet

• Parents' Handbook 2014-2015

Important events and dates: • Ice bucket Challenge (The 13th of September 2014) • Health and Fitness Week (The 15th of September 2014) • Residential Trip (The 7th of October 2014) • Book Week (The 20th of October 2014) • Firstep (The 2nd of February 2015) • Check Point Exam (The 24th of April 2015)

Thank you for coming!

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