Reception newsletter 04 04 2014

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Reception Newsletter - Friday 4th April

What we learned about this week

In Communication and Language we talked about Spring. We discussed the first signs of spring and went outside to look for evidence of this. We took photos of the things we saw. We will also discussed changes in nature and weather and how rainbows are formed by doing a rainbow experiment. We drew our own rainbows and read a story about Elmer and the Rainbow. We started to make wooden plant pots for planting next week. In Maths we continued to talk about subtraction and begin to write number sentences. We did lots more practical subtraction activities and play some interactive games on the smartboard. We used fruits to pretend we were at the shop and used adding to find the total number, and subtraction to find out how many were left when we ate some! We used dinosaurs to tell a story which used addition and subtraction.

In phonics we revised the sounds we have learned so far, plus putting our blending and segmenting skills into practice. We played different games to reinforce these skills and assessed our tricky words, reading and writing skills. We talked about the different sounds that the letters make and used stickers to write and match the lower letters to the capitals.

What we plan for next week In Communication and Language we will focus on plants growing. We will talk about what they need to grow, parts of the plant and read stories about plants and seeds. We will begin to talk about planting seeds and what will happen to them. In Maths we will continue revising addition and subtraction, using real life problems. In phonics we will be learning the new digraphs ng, ee and or, plus continuing with revision and assessment, to see how we can move on after the holidays.

You can help your child at home by: Practising reading: using the ABC sound section of the Learn to Read Section Counting forward and backwards from 10 (or beyond) Using the following link for a cool dinosaur addition and subtraction game: lding_expressions_final.swf Shooting fruit game (addition and subtraction) tshoot_subtraction.htm

Using addition and subtraction in everyday situations, e.g. I have 5 cookies and I eat 2. How many are left? I buy 5 apples and 4 oranges. How much fruit all together?

By PLEASE using login and password to log onto to find the Maths and Phonics, Literacy and Understanding of the World homework that has been set. These games can be repeated more than once and your score will be saved on the success tracker for yourselves and the teacher to view. Using bug club for reading if you have registered. There may still be some registrations available but please check with Miss Adriana. The cost is 25 RON for the year. It is an excellent and fun way to encourage your child to read online books. They also collect ‘bug points’ for each story they read. Reading with your child at home- talk about the title, author, front cover, blurb on the back cover and the pictures in the story. Ask questions about the story e.g. about the characters, what happened at the beginning, middle, end, etc Notices: 

Spring is here!! We have noticed that many families are enjoying playing in the playground after school. You are most welcome to use the facilities and get to know other parents and children. However, we do ask that you tidy up any toys that your child has played with and that you supervise to make sure the equipment is being used safely. Thank you!! Miss Kitti did a children's yoga course in Greece recently and is going to offer a yoga club in Term 3. She is doing a trial class on Monday 14th June from 3pm - 3:30pm. Please let your child's class teacher know if your child is participating in the trial session. We are performing some spring songs and dances for your entertainment on Wednesday 16th April at 11am. The Spring Show will be performed outside in the back playground. We will start promptly at 11am so please don't be late. Your child's class teacher will let you know if you need to provide anything for the costumes. We look forward to seeing you all there! The last day of Term 2 is Friday 18th April. On this day the children will participate in an Easter Egg Hunt in their house teams. Children should wear a t-shirt in their house colour on this day. Class teachers will email a list of house teams so you know what colour your child should wear. School will finish as 12 midday.

Dates for your Diary:  Art Week - Monday 14th April th  Spring Show – Wednesday 16 April at 11am th  Last Day of Term 2 – Friday 18 April. School finishes at 12 midday. th  First Day of Term 3 – Monday 5 May th  Science Week - Monday 5 May th  Sports' Day (at Pantelimon campus) - Wednesday 14 May  Whole school trip to Mogosoaia - Friday 23rd May (parents welcome)  Transition Day (for children going to Pantelimon campus next year) - Tuesday 10th June  Farewell Barbecue - Thursday 12th June 4pm - 6pm  Last Day of the Year - Thursday 19th June. School finishes at 12 midday.

For news and updates please follow us on Facebook PE lessons are on Mondays. Please wear the PE uniform and suitable footwear on this day. Library is on a Friday. Please remember to return your book either before or on this day. Our stars of the week and Maker Bakers are: Discoverers – Yezern, for excellent reading and helping with our water bottles Explorers- HIba, for excellent reading and writing skills Have a lovely weekend!  From everyone in the Reception team: Miss. Kitti Miss. Corina, Miss. Madalina and Miss Larisa

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