Reception newsletter 14 03 2014

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Reception Newsletter - Friday 14th March

What we learned about this week

In Communication and Language we talked about our experiences of doctors and dentists. We learned about the different equipment they use. We really enjoyed role-playing the job of a doctor in our class hospital. We had a special visit form a cardiologist, when we listened to our own hearts. We talked about what food was good for a healthy heart and also which foods we should eat to keep our teeth healthy. We learned how to brush our teeth correctly and how to wash our hands thoroughly – just like a real doctor! In Maths we learned the vocabulary of addition. We talked about it being more, plus and counting on. We used lots of different ways to help us to add two numbers together, including counting the total number, counting on a number line, using our fingers and by putting the largest number in our heads. We made a flower with two different coloured petals and made an addition sentence to match it. In phonics we learned the sounds v, z, and x. We practiced reading captions containing these, answering silly questions and playing circle and card games.

What we plan for next week In Communication and Language we will focus on fire-fighters and police officers. We will talk about fire safety and road safety. In Maths we will continue with addition and begin to write number sentences. We will use lots of practical activities to help us. In phonics we will be learning ch, sh and th and playing games to reinforce these sounds.

You can help your child at home by: Practicing tricky words using the following game: Read questions using

By PLEASE using login and password to log onto to find the Maths and Phonics, Literacy and Understanding of the World homework that has been set. These games can be repeated more than once and your score will be saved on the success tracker for yourselves and the teacher to view. Using bug club for reading if you have registered. There may still be some registrations available but please check with Miss Adriana. The cost is 25 RON for the year. Reading with your child at home- talk about the title, author, front cover, blurb on the back cover and the pictures in the story. Ask questions about the story e.g. about the characters, what happened at the beginning, middle, end, etc Notices and reminders Spring is here!! From Monday if you arrive between 8:15 and 8:30am please take your child to the back playground. There will be a teacher on duty from 8:15am. If you arrive before 8:15am then please wait with your child. Thank you! Please check at home if you have any books from school. Many library books have not been returned. Children who do not return the books will not be given new books. Lost / damaged books will have to be replaced. Thank you! Don't forget to sign up for a meeting with your child's teacher on Monday 17th March. The meetings only take 15 minutes and it is an important time for you to be updated on your child's progress at school. Please do not send toys or jewelery to school. Sometimes these things get lost or damaged, which is very upsetting to you and your child. Thank you to Raluca Birzu (Teo’s mum) who is a cardiologist and came to talk to us about how our hearts work and how to keep them healthy. We all got a turn to listen to our hearts on a real stethoscope.

Dates for your Diary:

Maths & ICT Week (10th March) Parent-teacher meeting – Monday 17th March School Day - Saturday 22nd March 8:30am - 3pm School Day - Saturday 5th April 8:30am - 3pm Art Week (14th April) Spring Show – Wednesday 16th April at 11am (change of date) Last Day of Term 2 – Friday 18th April. School finishes at 12 midday. First Day of Term 3 – Monday 5th May

For news and updates please follow us on Facebook PE lessons are on Mondays. Please wear the PE uniform and suitable footwear on this day. Library is on a Friday. Please remember to return your book either before or on this day. Our stars of the week are: Discoverers: Ana – for being friendly and happy around other children Explorers- Bogdan – for improved behavior and kindness to his friends Have a wonderful weekend!  From everyone in the Reception team: Miss. Kitti Miss. Corina, Miss. Madalina and Miss Larisa

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