Reception newsletter 28 03 2014

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Reception Newsletter - Friday 28th March

What we learned about this week

In Communication and Language we talked about the role of a post officer. We enjoyed posting letters and wrapping parcels. We also talked about builders and the different vehicles they use. We made our own house pictures using giant bricks. In Maths we started to learn the vocabulary of subtraction and began by counting back 1 and then 2 or more. We used some familiar songs to help us. We made 10 green bottles into skittles and knocked them down using a ball and made number sentences to show how many were left. We also made some frogs and lily pads, taking away some frogs by making them jump off the pad and wrote our own subtraction sentences. In phonics we learned the oo sound and played lots of fun games to review all our sounds. We practiced reading captions and revising all our tricky words. Some of us are reading books to each other too. On Friday we went on a FANTASTIC trip to the Fire Station. We got to sit in the fire engines and go for a ride, spray the water from a giant hose and watch fire fighters use stretchers and tools to cut through metal. We even got to see the paramedics leaving to go on a real rescue mission. A photographer took some photos and will forward them on so we will update you next week.

What we plan for next week In Communication and Language we will focus on Spring. We will talk about the first signs of spring and go outside to look for evidence of this. We will take photos of the things we see. We will also discuss changes in nature and weather and how rainbows are formed by doing a rainbow experiment. In Maths we will continue to talk about subtraction and begin to write number sentences. We will do lots more practical subtraction activities and play some interactive games on the smartboard. In phonics we will be revising the sounds we have learned so far, plus putting our blending and segmenting skills into practice. We will play different games to reinforce these skills and attempt to write out own captions using common and tricky words. You can help your child at home by: Practising reading: using the ABC sound section of the Learn to Read Section Read questions using Counting forward and backwards from 10 (or beyond) Using addition and subtraction in everyday situations, e.g. I have 5 cookies and I eat 2. How many are left? I buy 5 apples and 4 oranges. How much fruit all together? By PLEASE using login and password to log onto to find the Maths and Phonics, Literacy and Understanding of the World homework that has been set. These games can be repeated more than once and your score will be saved on the success tracker for yourselves and the teacher to view. Using bug club for reading if you have registered. There may still be some registrations available but please check with Miss Adriana. The

cost is 25 RON for the year. It is an excellent and fun way to encourage your child to read online books. They also collect ‘bug points’ for each story they read. Reading with your child at home- talk about the title, author, front cover, blurb on the back cover and the pictures in the story. Ask questions about the story e.g. about the characters, what happened at the beginning, middle, end, etc Notices: If you would like school to be open on Saturday 5th April then please let your child's teacher know by MONDAY. We will only open on this day if we have more than 15 responses. Thank you! Spring is here!! If you arrive between 8:15 and 8:30am please take your child to the back playground. There will be a teacher on duty from 8:15am. If you arrive before 8:15am then please wait with your child. Thank you Please check at home if you have any books from school. Many library books have not been returned. Children who do not return the books will not be given new books. Lost / damaged books will have to be replaced. Thank you We are working very hard to help your children to develop their independence at school. Please help us at home by encouraging and teaching your child to feed themselves, toilet and wash their own hands, put on and take off their own shoes and jacket. Children love to be able to do things for themselves and teachers love it too!! Please send shoes to school that your child can manage independently (or almost!!). Thank you!! Thank you to the parents who attended our morning tea on Thursday. It was great to welcome our new families to ISB Pipera.

Dates for your Diary: Art Week - Monday 14th April Spring Show – Wednesday 16th April at 11am (change of date) Last Day of Term 2 – Friday 18th April. School finishes at 12 midday. First Day of Term 3 – Monday 5th May For news and updates please follow us on Facebook PE lessons are on Mondays. Please wear the PE uniform and suitable footwear on this day. Library is on a Friday. Please remember to return your book either before or on this day.

Our stars of the week and Maker Bakers are: Discoverers – Beom- for reading all 11 of his tricky words Explorers- Bodgan – for excellent behavior and listening skills Have a wonderful weekend! From everyone in the Reception team: Miss. Kitti Miss. Corina, Miss. Madalina and Miss Larisa

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