Reception newsletter 28 03 2014

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Reception Newsletter– Friday, 28th March What we learned about this week In Communication and Croak, croak I am a frog! Language, we have learned about the life cycle of a frog. Children have looked at fiction and non-fiction books about frogs, watched videos and sequenced the frog's life right from when the eggs were laid to when they became adult frogs. In Phonics, children have been reviewing their sounds. The challenge now is for the children to read the sounds blended together and also to use magnetic letters to make their own words. Please help them with this at home during their reading and other activities. How much are these flowers?

In Mathematics, children have learned about words that describe size, height and capacity. They have learned the meaning of big, small, tall, short, heavy and light. We measured each children's height and also had a competition to see who can build the tallest tower. Children also sorted big and small objects.

What is heavier than a pencil?

What we plan for next week Next week, we are planning to continue reviewing the letter sounds in Phonics, and we will work on adding and subtracting in Mathematics. We will learn more about life cycles and signs of spring and see how each child's plant is growing. So far, many of the plants are growing and even one bean has already sprouted!

Invitation Reception M will be having their assembly on Tuesday 1st April from 2:30p.m. in the school theatre. Everyone is welcome! Wh en

We are proud to be Stars of the week!

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Notices and Reminders Finally, our Early Years Production will be happening on Tuesday 15th April. Children are working very hard learning their lines and singing the songs.

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Have a wonderful weekend! Reception team: Mrs. Alina, Mr. Mark, Mrs. Ali, Miss Cristiana, Miss Roukie, Miss Angela and Miss Raluca

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