ISCA Annual Report 2015

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Moving people




MOVING PEOPLE w w w.isca-w

ISCA 20th anniversary


A world of people building better societies through cultures of movement M ISSIO N

We build international relations between people, cultures, organiSations and sectors of society. Seeing sport as a culture of movement, we develop opportunities for learning, inspiration and action to induce social change.

Moving people The International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity. Founded in 1995, ISCA cooperates with its 209 member organisations, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. It has 40 million individual members from 80 countries, which represent a diverse group of people active within youth, sport and cultural activities.

A NNUA L RE P O R T 2 015

Moving people


ISCA moves the world


ISCA in numbers


President’s Introduction


ISCA and Cebr reveal cost of physical inactivity


Let’s get moving


Growing the movement in Latin America


ISCA challenges the European Parliament


NowWeMOVE Manifesto


NowWeMOVE Campaign


MOVE Week 2015


MOVE Congress 2014/2015


20th anniversary: ISCA celebrates 20 years of moving people


20th anniversary: From sport for all festivals to the MOVE Congress


20th anniversary: The evolution of ISCA


20th anniversary: ISCA is its members – the members are ISCA


20th anniversary: Branding ISCA


MOVE Quality


MOVE Transfer




No Elevators Day




Youth on the MOVE


Moving Age Network




Erasmus+ 2014/2015


ISCA a partner of 9 members’ and partners’ projects in 2014/2015


ISCA Staff


ISCA Executive Committee




Become a member

Colophon Title: ISCA 2015 Subtitle: Annual Report Key Subjects: Sport and Culture, international cooperation, advocacy, innovation in the sport sector, annual report, project summaries, account Publisher: International Sport and Culture Association - ISCA Copyright: International Sport and Culture Association - ISCA Layout: ISCA Secretariat Language: English URL: Version: 2.1 Date and Place: 28-10-2015, Copenhagen – Denmark Publisher category: Non-Governmental Organisation

Challenge Day Cross-sector Partnerships

ISCA supports Challenge Day, which took place on the American continent in May 2015.

ISCA works with educational institutions like Colombia’s national education service SENA to pave the way for better public health.


organisations in 2 North American countries

MOVE Week Latin America

was launched in September 2015, with Argentina, Colombia, Peru and Uruguay holding MOVE Week events in connection with MOVE Brazil Week.

ISCA moves the world The International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) promotes grassroots sport and physical activity across the globe. In its 20th year, ISCA has 209 member organisations in 80 countries who work hard to encourage more people in their countries to be physically active. Combined they have 40 million members.



is a European campaign promoting sport and physical activity with the vision of getting 100 million more people active by 2020. In 2015, the year-round NowWeMOVE calendar featured the European Panna Tour, No Elevators Day, NowWeBike, and the fourth edition of MOVE Week.


organisations in 9 Latin American countries

Move Brasil

is inspired by the NowWeMOVE campaign and the first MOVE Brazil Week was held in 2013. Its events tally leapt from 3,348 to 5,500 from 2014 to 2015. MoveWoman, Running to Work and Youth on the MOVE are other Move Brasil/ISCA initiatives.

Anniversary Celebrations at the MOVE Congress

The MOVE Congress is one of the few conferences in the world that focuses solely on grassroots sport and physical activity. This year ISCA will celebrate its 20th anniversary at the MOVE Congress in Copenhagen together with 300 participants from around the world.


organisations in 35 European countries


organisations in 16 Asian countries Gymnastics Festival

The Hong Kong Gymnastics For All Festival, supported by ISCA, took place in May 2015.


organisations in 16 African countries


ISCA is regularly involved in international conferences and forums where grassroots sport leaders, politicians and other stakeholders in sport and physical activity gather, to discuss issues such as public health, social inclusion, facilities and urban planning. In July 2015, ISCA Asia held one such meeting in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

MOVE Transfer

identifies initiatives that have been successful in engaging hard-to-reach groups in physical activity and transfers them to another setting.


organisation in Australia

MOVE Quality

is a process of improving the capacity of organisations to deliver effective initiatives for hard-to-reach groups.


ISCA 20th anniversary


member organisations

17 9 8

staff members from countries

international congresses







40 million people



â‚Ź 1,834,859 income in 2014

Working more than


days towards one goal:


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President’s introduction Celebrating 20 years of ISCA: History as a backbone and platform for future direction

When celebrating a 20 th anniversary it is natural to look back. We should allow ourselves to remind each other of the joyful moments in ISCA’s history and the many people who have contributed to building the organisation and networks we have today. Looking back is natural, but in my opinion it is just as important to use our collective history, experiences and achievements to find the right direction for ISCA’s future development based on the values and vision its founders developed back in 1995.

1. What is the value of your brand? To act in the future you need to know how you are perceived by your members, partners and society. Are you well-known? What are you known for? What would like to be associated with? 2. Do you have a platform for innovation? Innovation is necessary to compete in an increasingly competitive sector. This means both developing new activities and being ready to connect to and benefit from new trends. 3. Do your leaders demonstrate good governance? Leadership has become more complex for sport organisations. This complexity calls for “good governance”. Test your organisation’s governance with our “Self Assessment Tool” 4. Is your political influence sufficient? Are your engaging sufficiently with politicians? Do they respect you and consider you as a valuable

Moving people

civil society actor? Membership of ISCA gives you access to an international network of organisations with similar mission as yours and you can use this to build your case at a national level. 5. What do the media say about you? Most traditional media tend to give preference to stories about professional entertainment sport. When was the last time you hit the “front page”? Making your way to the media is tough – so you need to be smart. 6. What will make you relevant to society in 10 years? Having a long history is not a guarantee for a bright future. What makes you believe that your organisation will still play an important role in 10 years? Do you have a clear strategy? Asking these questions can be useful for you as a leader or staff member of an organisation – answering them is the key to preparing ourselves for the future. Mogens Kirkeby ISCA PRESIDENT

As both society in general and the sport/physical activity sectors specifically have changed over the years, ISCA and its members have to change and develop accordingly. History is a backbone and platform for our future direction. But are we prepared for the future? If I could ask you a further six questions as a grassroots sport organisation or stakeholder in recreational sport and physical activity, the following would frame what I believe is needed today and in the future to be a successful actor in this field:


ISCA 20th anniversary

ISCA and Cebr reveal cost of physical inactivity: €80.4 billion and 500,000 deaths a year in Europe alone The physical inactivity time bomb is ticking and we need to defuse it – fast. In working to promote physical activity through a variety of projects and the NowWeMOVE campaign, ISCA has seen clear benefits at the grassroots level when people are more active. They feel better, break physical and social barriers, become more integrated in their communities and they enjoy sharing their experiences with others. But promoting initiatives that help people become more active demands strong evidence that draws attention to the problem of being inactive, the action to be taken and the support needed to make a difference. That is why ISCA commissioned the Centre for Economics and Business Research to examine the physical and mental health costs of inactivity for Europe in 2015. The report, “The economic cost of physical inactivity in Europe”, presented overall results for Europe as well as case studies of six focus countries: France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and the UK. And the results were indeed striking: THE COSTS (per year) • 500,000 lives from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) linked to being inactive • Over 80bn euro – 5bn euro more than the world spends on cancer drugs in a year • 6.2% of the total healthcare expenditure across the EU-28 • 51.6 bn euro in indirect costs in the six focus countries • 23 bn euro in inactivity-related mood and anxiety disorders

THE POTENTIAL SAVINGS • 16.1 bn euro per year if one fifth of Europeans became more active • 100,000 lives a year with a 20% increase in activity • 11.8 bn euro per year in the six focus countries • Reduced risk of non-communicable diseases and depression • Fewer sick days and more productivity at work and school

THE INACTIVITY TIME BOMB • 1 in 4 European adults and 4 of 5 adolescents are physically inactive • In the future, physical inactivity could pose a bigger risk to public health than smoking • Without intervention, the annual cost for Europe could rise to 125 bn euro by 2030

There is a high cost to doing nothing


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Moving people

Let’s get MOVING “The economic cost of physical inactivity in Europe” is more than a report. It is a tool with free infographics and an animation video that can be used to push physical activity higher up on political agendas. It is a wake-up call that has sparked debate in online media and social media. And it a reminder that there is a free medicine available for our health and wellbeing – and that medicine is exercise.

#inactivitytimebomb ACCESS AND PROMOTION

LinkedIn campaign Impressions: 1,698,840 Clicks: 6710 Interactions: 1922 Contributing Stakeholders Microsite Users: 17,512 Page views: 26,897 Facebook People reached: 16,324 Media Partners

Twitter Accounts reached: 68,156 Impressions: 468,231


ISCA 20th anniversary

Growing the MOVEMENT in Latin America At the tip of the iceberg we saw brand new initiatives, an expanding campaign and new partnerships emerge. Beneath the surface lay the foundations for this progress: years of groundwork in promoting ISCA’s values, establishing networks and recruiting members on the continent.

youth volunteering. Further fundraising opportunities were identified and new projects have already been drafted. And a network activation plan is ready to leave the paper and reach a critical mass of sport instructors, teachers and volunteers.

The materialisation of the presence, importance and impact of ISCA in Latin America has never been so evident. From one side there is Brazil, publishing its first national research on sport and physical activity habits, and its citizens running around and doing squats during the largest edition of the Brazilian MOVE Week and sharing their experiences on social media with the same hashtag: #EuMeMOVO. From the other side there is Peru, organising 458 events to join Argentina, Colombia and Uruguay in expanding MOVE Week (Semana Muévela) in Latin America.

The work of ISCA in Latin America (LA) has been guided by the ISCA LA 2015 Action Plan, which has the following objectives:

Challenge Day was another mass-participation event, held in 22 countries and engaging over 49 million participants. The European Commission also funded the first cross-continental ISCA youth project, bringing the NowWeMOVE and Move Brasil campaigns together to promote

strengthen and renew 1 Toinstitutional bonds with and within ISCA’s member organisations in Latin America, from a series of actions that seek to know, link and encourage closer ties and effective participation in ISCA Latin America’s actions as a whole; identify, understand and 2 Toconsider the inclusion of new member organisations, from a series of enquiries and conditions that facilitate the maintenance of a more active, effective and relevant network of actions in Latin America; identify fundraising 3 Toopportunities in Latin America.

Move Brasil in focus Inspired by the NowWeMOVE campaign, Move Brasil is an open campaign to expand and facilitate sport and physical activity offers in Brazil and tackle the increasing number of sedentary people in the country: 67 million. The aim is to promote sport physical activity as something pleasurable that can improve quality of life and enhance social development. So far, 38 organisations are actively supporting the campaign and working together to increase the number of physically active Brazilians.


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Moving people

Growing the network in Colombia In 2015 ISCA established a partnership with Instituto Distrital de Recreación y Deporte (District Institute for Recreation and Sports) in Bogota, Colombia, to develop Semana MUÉVELA across Latin America and the Youth On The MOVE capacity building project for young grassroots sport volunteers. The partnership adds to ISCA’s ongoing work with the leading public education service in Colombia, SENA.


OF BRAZILIANS DO NOT DO ANY SPORT OR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. NATIONAL SPORTS AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY RESEARCH - DIESPORTE In June 2015, the Brazilian Ministry of Sport launched the country’s first National Sports and Physical Activity Research – DIESPORTE. The study was developed in partnership with Sesc and six federal universities. The study was financed by FINEP (Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos - Brazil). The National Diagnosis of Sport survey is also guiding the Development of a National System of Sport in Brazil, to which Sesc is contributing its experience and knowledge in the field. Main finding: 45.9% of Brazilians (50.4% of this number are women and 41.6% are men) do not do any sport or physical activity.

“I am truly honoured to serve as ISCA North America Chairperson. Ever since my first Congress and meeting the Executive Board, staff, and delegates, I knew this was an organisation who serves with passion and dignity. I am hopeful that the good work can be shared across North America as it has been in the past under the previous Chairperson.” Dr. Jayne Greenberg, member of the US President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition, appointed as ISCA North America Chair in 2015

Highlights in 2014/2015

MOVE Brazil Corridas A 9-week running programme for beginners, including a running app launched during Move Brasil Week in 2015. #MoveMulher “MoveWoman”, a special initiative held during March, the Month of Women, to emphasise the importance of being active in the everyday life of women. Dia de Correr ao Trabalho “Running to Work Day” took place on 19 June, encouraging people to “Leave your car home and put your tennis shoes on to go to work”. Meu desafio esportivo “My Sporting Challenge” was an action for the Challenge Day 2015, where participants challenged their friends on social networks to do any kind of activity and publish it. A successful attempt at mass mobilisation. MOVE Week (Semana Muévela) 19-27 September 5 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Uruguay); 5500 events in Brazil, 593 in the new MOVE Week countries; Over 350 cities; 9 coordinating partner organisations; Estimated over 1.5M participants reached


ISCA 20th anniversary

ISCA challenges the European Parliament In 2014 ISCA went to European Parliament to ask Members of European Parliament (MEPs) to show us their moves. This year they wanted to do even more! That’s because we showed them the results of our new study, pointing out that physical inactivity is costing Europe 80 billion euro every year. ISCA gained support from 14 MEPs to help spread the message about the importance of being active and getting behind physical inactivity initiatives such as the NowWeMOVE campaign and No Elevators Day.

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ISCA representations and memberships Member of the Steering Committee of International Platform for Sport and Development Member of the global NCD Alliance Member of the World Social Forum International Council Member of European Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health of the European Union Observer of the Expert group on “Sport, Health and Participation” of the European Union Member of the Bureau of the Consultative Committee of Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) of the Council of Europe Member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Liaison Group Member of European Civil Society Platform on Life Long Learning Member of the Program Committee of Play the Game Member of ECAS – European Citizens’ Action Service Member of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing Member of the European Year of Citizens 2013 Alliance


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Moving people

Bogdan Andrezej Zdrojewski MEP, EPP, Poland “What is important to me is that your initiative really gathers a lot of supporters. But today it is still not enough. I keep my fingers crossed for each of your actions. I wish you all the best and you can really count on me.”

Andrey Novakov MEP, EPP, Bulgaria “The good initiatives, such as yours, encouraging young people to move more, to do more sport, no matter whether in school or outside during the weekend, or at work even, I’ll support.”

Marc Tarabella MEP, S&D, Belgium “NowWeMOVE. I participate because it’s very important to push, to encourage each country to do something in this campaign.”

Julie Ward, MEP, S&D, UK “We need you, civil society and campaigning organisations, to be giving us the evidence as well. So we need that relationship between the work that we’re doing within the committees and within the debating chamber and the work that you’re all doing out there.”

Emma McClarkin MEP, ECR, UK “I think we really need to get it into our young people, making them move, making them take part in physical activity – making them enjoy it as well – but also making sure that everybody realises that they have an opportunity in MOVE Week to get out there and keep on the move.”

MEPs interviewed in EU Parliament Daniel DALTON (ECR, UK) Emma MCCLARKIN (ECR, UK) Mary HONEYBALL (S&D, UK) Julie WARD (S&D, UK) Marlene MIZZI (S&D, Malta) Bogdan WENTA (EPP, Poland) Sean KELLY (EPP, Ireland) Hannu TAKKULA (ALDE, Finland) Christel SCHADELMOSE (S&D, Denmark) Marc TARABELLA (S&D, Belgium) Andrey NOVAKOV (EPP, Bulgaria) Bogdan ZDROJEWSKI (EPP, Poland) Related questions raised in EU Parliament by Hugues BAYET (S&D, Belgium) Siôn SIMON (S&D, Denmark)


ISCA 20th anniversary

NowWeMOVE Manifesto



Watch the MOVEment Manifesto video here Video and script produced by Ollerup International Academy students Images: Mads Peter Iversen, Vitor Abud Editing: Vitor Abud Text: Vitor Abud, Luciano Felipe Lopes and Tomás Madsen


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Moving people

The NowWeMOVE Campaign In 2015 we introduced a year-round NowWeMOVE calendar of activities, featuring the inaugural NowWePanna tour, European No Elevators Day and the NowWeBike cross-border cycling tour, plus the fourth edition of MOVE Week. The expansion of the campaign has also included the production and distribution of 15,000 MOVEment pills boxes and our very first NowWeMOVE mascot as fun and creative ways to promote physical activity. Read the following pages to find out more.

MOVEMENT PILLS The MOVEment pill is the only medicine in the world that can be taken every day, at any time and in as large a dose as you need! Activity date: 30 minutes a day, 7 days per week. INACTIVITY RESEARCH (see pp. 8-9) A study of the economic costs of physical inactivity in Europe, focusing on six key countries (UK, France, Italy, Germany, Poland and Spain). Launch date: 17 June.

MOVE TRANSFER MOVE Transfer identifies physical activity initiatives that have run successfully in one setting, scaling them up or transferring them to a new setting. Project dates: October 2013-October 2016. MOVE QUALITY MOVE Quality identifies initiatives, builds the capacity of the organisations delivering them and rewards their achievements. Project dates: October 2013-October 2016.

NOWWEBIKE A cross-border cycling tour through 14 countries and spanning 2700km promoting physical activity and tolerance in Europe. Event date: 24 July-9 September.

NOWWEPANNA An interactive tour across 9 countries with shows and workshops inviting spectators to try one of the hottest new street sports: Panna. Event date: 22 May-3 June.

NOWWEMOVE EU PARLIAMENT (see pp. 12-13) On-site interviews with MEPs at European Parliament about the status of physical activity/inactivity in Europe and the road ahead. Activity dates: 2-3 June.

MOVE CONGRESS MOVE Congress is one of the few conferences in the world that focuses solely on recreational sport and physical activity. Event date: 5-7 November.

MOVE WEEK MOVE Week is an annual Europe-wide event showcasing the benefits of being active and participating regularly in sport and physical activity. Event date: 7-30 September.

NO ELEVATORS DAY No Elevators Day highlights a simple way for busy people to add physical activity to their day: take the stairs instead. Event date: June 5.

FLASH MOVE Choreographed groups perform a flash mob spontaneously in cities across Europe to promote the start of MOVE Week. Event date: 13 September.



MOVE Week 2015 MOVING ACROSS THE GLOBE WITH MORE THAN 11,500 EVENTS IN 43 COUNTRIES IN EUROPE AND LATIN AMERICA MOVE Week 2015 stretched its wings this year – expanding both in timeframe and in scope. In Europe, MOVE Week extended from 7-30 September to support the European Week of Sport, but many countries designated that 21-27 September would be the week MOVE Week would be in full swing. So did Latin America, where MOVE Week (Semana Muévela) was held for the first time in Argentina, Colombia, Peru and Uruguay, and the third edition of MOVE Brazil Week (Semana Move Brasil) started a day earlier.


Latin America

Almost double the number of cities




added another events to this tally


European countries took part this year

in Brazil alone







1.5 million







In support of the first year of the European Week of Sport by the European Commission, all 2015 MOVE Week activities were committed to this initiative, and NowWeMOVE campaign staff went to Brussels to make as many people as they could in and around The Square European Sports Village MOVE.


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6,500 dance to biggest FlashMOVE ever Over 6,500 dancers and passers-by promoted MOVE Week in the biggest FlashMOVE ever in 2015, doubling the number of participants from last year. Flash mobs popped up simultaneously in around 70 cities in 22 countries across Europe on 13 September – with this year’s choreographers (UFOLEP, USEP, FSGT, La Ligue de l’enseignement and Fédération Française Sports pour Tous) kicking off the celebrations in France on 12 September.

MOVE Week testimonials “Iceland has participated in MOVE Week from the beginning. We approach the campaign from a long-term perspective, encouraging MOVE Agents to start small and build on others’ experiences. We share ideas about how to get people engage. We have a goal: we want to see the campaign in every municipality in Iceland by 2020. We want every single person in Iceland to know about the vision and recognise the orange colour by that year. With 33 swimming pools participating in the swimming competitions this year, with over 450 events, with 55 towns participating, over 35,000 people involved and over 200 volunteers we believe we are on track to reach our goals. The land of ice and fire got very hot during MOVE Week 2015 – we will be even hotter next year.” Sabína Steinunn Halldórsdóttir, National Coordinator for Iceland “The Slovak Republic’s Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development participated during MOVE Week with their pilot project On bicycle to school with 100 participating schools. The schools not only carried out the events, they also came with ideas on how to improve conditions for cyclists.” Peter Bakalár, National Coordinator for Slovakia “The main purpose of MOVE Week, besides moving, is to let people have fun. If they have fun and go home with a good experience, then there is a bigger chance that they will keep moving after MOVE Week.” Nina Bay Rasmussen, Ollerup Academy of Physical Education, Danish MOVE Agent

Moving people

MOVE Week 2015 and FlashMOVE highlights

Belgium 800 Belgian Ministry of Finance employees gathered in Brussels’ famous King Baudouin Stadium to take part in a MOVE Week tournament. Bulgaria A bride, groom and their guests “crashed” the FlashMOVE in front of the Sliven town hall before their wedding ceremony. Croatia More than 500 health care workers from County of Medimurje, who are part of the Exercise is Medicine Initiative, wore orange shirts and distributed MOVEment Pills to promote MOVE Week. Italy A joyful Flash MOVE flash mob in front of the Italian Parliament and a UISP volleyball demonstration to promote freedom of movement were just two events staged in 70 cities across Italy. Poland Public transport passengers in Kedzierzin-Kozle were invited to pay for their tickets not with money but doing an exercise pointed to on a wheel-of-fortune. Slovakia The first Workout Park was opened in the city of Kosice during MOVE Week by the city Mayor. Slovenia The FlashMOVE stole the spotlight at the Slovenian pavilion at EXPO in Milan.



ISCA 20th anniversary


From Rome to Copenhagen Last year, the MOVE Congress saw delegates from a variety of sectors exchanging ideas in a lively blend of traditional sessions and workshops, an open space forum, and an urban orienteering tour of Rome as an open and active city. The interactivity didn’t stop there. Spontaneous active breaks in the main auditorium helped create a soundtrack to the NowWeMOVE campaign – a song sung by the participants and recorded and mixed by Tom Currie and Howie Sanders from AudioFuel, UK, during the Congress. But that was still no reason to stop reinventing the Congress. This year, 250 delegates from around the world will gather at Copenhagen’s popular street sport facility, GAME, to take part in a fresh new format of workshops, training sessions and behind-the-scenes tours that keep them on their toes and at the centre of the discussion. ISCA’s new research (see p. 8-9) will be used as a launching pad to unlock the potential of physical activity research, discover fresh approaches to grassroots sport activities and facilities, build a compelling case for support from a variety of sources, and use this as inspiration to MOVE the physical activity agenda forward!

“The MOVE Congress is an invaluable source of inspiration in the development of sport for all. We all benefit from sharing ideas and knowledge on how to get as many as possible to be physically active.” CARL CHRISTIAN EBBESEN, COPENHAGEN MAYOR OF CULTURE & LEISURE, DENMARK The MOVE Congress 2015 is organised in tracks under the following themes: Advocate. Innovate. Fundraise. Its 6 workshops and training sessions will cover related sub-topics: ADVOCATE

Inactivity Time Bomb: Using data as an advocacy tool


Reaching the hard-to-reach through effective initiatives and campaigns


Growing trends in physical activity


Leveraging mass events for sustainable physical activity participation


Increasing income from corporate, foundation and governmental donors


Visit the street! Behind-the-scenes of Copenhagen’s street sport hub

Project ID MOVE Congress Partners ISCA, DGI, City of Copenhagen, Sport Event Denmark and Lokale og Anlægsfonden Venue GAME (formerly StreetMekka), Copenhagen, Denmark Project period November 2015



ISCA celebrates 20 years of Moving People Starting the Movement On 10 February 1995, representatives of 28 national sport for all organisations from 23 countries established the INTERNATIONAL SPORT & CULTURE ASSOCIATION (ISCA). The founding meeting took place in Copenhagen, Denmark, and was the culmination of earlier discussions among grassroots sport organisation leaders on how to establish a platform for political and organisational collaboration across national borders and cultural boundaries. Some of the original “pioneers” had in fact gathered eight months earlier, on the initiative of the Danish Gymnastics and Sports Associations (now DGI), at Valdemar’s Castle on the island of Tåsinge. DGI held the meeting in June 1994 to coincide with the start of Denmark’s international multisport festival, DGI Landsstævne, in Svendborg. Management staff from 15 organisations put forward their vision for an inclusive umbrella for sport and culture for all organisations – and their vision would soon become reality. ISCA’s guiding philosophy was based on these pioneers’ belief in the dynamic strength of cultural diversity, organisational pluralism and their desire to help individual citizens exercise their right to physical activity. It was underpinned by sociologist Henning Eichberg’s notion of a “third way of sports”, which sees mass participation sport not as something competitive, but as an intrinsic part of popular culture and civic movement. A driving force behind the founding members’ first steps towards creating an association was that many grassroots sport organisations found themselves excluded from existing international sport structures, like the single sport federation structure, because of the “one country, one member rule”. The grassroots approach was also neglected by the international federations, whose primary focus was to standardise rules for international competitions. The founding members simply felt that the grassroots sport voice was missing internationally. So did many other organisations when they heard about ISCA. By 1998, 42 members had joined the movement and by the new millennium, ISCA was well on its way to being an umbrella for 100 likeminded organisations.

ISCA Membership Growth 1995-2015


Founding ISCA Executive Committee and members at first meeting in Copenhagen on 10 February 1995


130 2010

First Executive Committee





(back) Mr Laimonis Visockis, Latvian Trade Sport Association, Latvia (front) Ms Montserrat Mas, UBAE, Spain Mr Conal Duffy (Vice President), National Community Games, Ireland Ms Karen Bjerre Madsen (President), DGI, Denmark Mr Ruggero Alcanterini (Vice President), AICS, Italy (with hat) Mr Ed Ryder, People-to-People International, USA Mr Eric de Boever, BVLO, Belgium Absent: Ms Dominique Mifsud, UFOLEP/ USEP, France

26 1995

ISCA Members Note: ISCA conducted a review of active members in 2005/2006 and adjusted the tally accordingly.


From sport for all festivals to the MOVE Congress “Though festivals, tournaments, seminars, training courses and exchanges, ISCA works to enrich and develop popular sporting and cultural activities.” 1997 ISCA leaflet

It seems fitting that the first formal meeting about the creation of ISCA was connected with the DGI Landsstævne. Held since 1862 and with record numbers of participants in 1994 (41,500) and 1998 (45,000), Landsstævne was a booming example of what ISCA set out to celebrate and promote – the “joyful spirit” of participating in sport and cultural activities together. Only a year after ISCA began, it organised its first international Sport and Culture for All Festival in Riccione, Italy, in collaboration with founding member AICS. Other ISCA festivals were subsequently held together with ISCA members in Taipei, Taiwan with the Republic of China Sport Federation (1998), in Lille, France with UFOLEP and USEP (1999), and in Marijampole, Lithuania with NEMUNAS (2000). These events typically offered an array of traditional sports, plus less formal games like arm wrestling, rope pulling or seaside races, and a tour of the host city’s attractions. Later, a short conference to discuss issues in sport for all was added to the programme.

The emphasis at these festivals was often on youth and getting young people involved in organising and participating in the events. ISCA broadened its youth activities in the late 1990s to focus on Education through Sport as a learning tool. It established the International Youth Leadership Education (IYLE), which was an umbrella term encompassing week-long training courses and collaboration with Danish Sport Folk High Schools, particularly the Ollerup Academy of Physical Education.

The diversity of ISCA activities extended to seminars on grassroots sports issues in Africa and Latin America, and with its General Assemblies taking place as far and wide as Canada, Brazil, the Czech Republic and Iceland, ISCA had developed a truly global outlook in its first decade.

What was missing was a conference to bring all of these nations together. In 2003, the United Nations adopted a resolution to promote sport as a means for human development and later proclaimed that 2005 would be the International Year for Sport and Physical Education. This was the perfect opportunity for ISCA to launch its first World Congress on Sport for All in Copenhagen from 19-23 May 2004. And invite Adolf Ogi, Special Adviser to the Secretary General of the UN on Sport for Development and Peace and the former Swiss President, to give a keynote speech. He accepted.

A fine start for the Congress, which was renamed as the Move World Congress in 2009 and has since been held in France, Germany, Brazil, Spain and Italy in collaboration with ISCA members. The “MOVE” brand has continued to gain momentum through the EU DG SANCO-supported MOVE Project (2011-2013) and the NowWeMOVE campaign (20122020).

The evolution of ISCA – an international sport for all umbrella association 1995-1999 ISCA’s activities focus primarily on festivals, seminars and cultural exchanges.

1999-2000 The ISCA General Assembly in Montreal in 1999 decides to put more emphasis on youth projects, paving the way for an ISCA Youth Committee and several EU and European Council supported youth projects over the next 15 years. ISCA secures its first EU project funding in 2000 with a grant from the European Commission and Year 2000 Foundation for the project “Youth Values 2000”.

2001-2002 ISCA holds meetings in Brazil and Ghana to discuss strategies for expanding ISCA’s activities in Latin America and Africa.

2003 ISCA Asia holds first General Assembly in Thailand.

2003-2004 The European Year of Education through Sport (EYES) promotes cross-sector collaboration between the education and sport sectors. Two ISCA projects are selected for funding as part of the DG EAC EYES actions in 2004: the European Academy on Tour (EAT) and the International Academy of Sport for All (IASFA).

determinant for health, ISCA breaks through with its first large-scale EU grant for the PATHE (Physical Activity Towards a Healthier Europe) project.

2007-2009 The European Commission publishes its White Paper on Sport in 2007, outlining its commitment to addressing sports issues and recognising the social and economic value of sport. It makes sport a “new EU competence” in 2009 and introduces Preparatory Action grants in the field of Sport, with one priority being physical activity and health promotion. ISCA receives one of these grants for the SANTE (Sport Action Network of Europe) project – the first of four consecutive Preparatory Actions projects.

2010 ISCA puts volunteering in grassroots sport on the agenda with its second EU Preparatory Actions project EuroVolNet. It is also awarded a €676,000 grant for the EU DG SANCO supported MOVE (European Physical Activity Promotion Forum) project.

2010 Eurobarometer survey reveals a 20% gap between the EU average physical activity levels and the 5 most active countries’ levels. ISCA establishes vision to get “100 million more Europeans active in physical activity by 2020” and close the gap. ISCA President Mogens Kirkeby introduces the vision at a European Parliament Committee on Culture and Education public hearing.

2004-2008 Vice President Herbert Hartmann urges ISCA to focus on the health aspects of sport for all, believing that sport would start playing a bigger role in the public health and social agendas. From 2004, ISCA starts assisting its members in capacity building and advocacy in sport and health. When the EU establishes its second programme of community action in the field of health in 2008, including an action to promote physical activity as a key Source: Tine Harden/Play the Game

2011 ISCA sees a growing demand for good governance stemming from, among other public and private institutions, the huge problems facing many prominent sport organisations. It establishes and gets EU support for the Good Governance in Grassroots Sport project, and develops the first international guidelines and self-assessment tool for grassroots sport organsiations to evaluate and improve their governance structures.

EU for MOVE Week 2013 (and later for 2014 and 2015), which attracts 500,000 participants to 1259 events in 30 countries.

2013 MOVE Quality and MOVE Transfer initiatives are established with support from Coca-Cola Foundation. ISCA member SESC establishes the Move Brasil campaign and Move Brasil Week.

2014 MOVE Week 2014 smashes records with 1 million participants at 5601 events in 38 countries organised by 2350 MOVE Agents.

2014 ISCA secures funding from the EU’s new Erasmus+ Youth programme for Youth on the MOVE project to connect the NowWeMOVE and Move Brasil campaigns.

2015 2012 ISCA is awarded its fourth Preparatory Actions grant for the ACTIVE Network project focusing on facilitating partnerships between public authorities and non-governmental sport organisations. The NOYCE project and Global Dialogue Training Course see ISCA partnering with the Ollerup Academy of Physical Education and Hong Kong Gymnastics Association on its first cross-continental projects.

2012 ISCA is part of a consortium that hosts the SPORTVISION 2012 conference in connection with the Danish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, for the first time exclusively focusing on grassroots sport. MOVE Week, a panEuropean week promoting sport and physical activity, is launched by ISCA at the conference. Coca-Cola Foundation supports the campaign with a $500,000 grant. The campaign’s name becomes NowWeMOVE.

2013 Based on the success of the first MOVE Week in 2012 (140,000 participants and 250 events in 23 countries), ISCA receives a €1 million grant from the

The NowWeMOVE campaign launches year-round calendar of events. MOVE Week expands to Argentina, Colombia, Peru and Uruguay.

2015 ISCA commissions the Centre for Economics and Business Research to find the financial and human costs of inactivity in Europe – the result is a successful advocacy campaign called the Inactivity Time Bomb (inspired by our member StreetGames’ 2014 study of the societal cost of inactive youth in the UK).

ISCA is its members – the members are ISCA “In 1992, DGI and Nemunas had their first meeting in Vilnius, after that in Copenhagen. In 1993 Holger Vestergaard came to Vilnius and he talked about a future international grassroots sport organisation, which became what we now know as ISCA. We met again with others in Denmark in 1994 to talk about ISCA’s vision and objectives. So in 1995, I took part in the first ISCA General Assembly representing Lithuania. I am an ISCA signatory and Nemunas became an ISCA member this way.” Kestutis Levickis, Nemunas (founding member), Lithuania “What we missed when we joined ISCA was contacts to other European organisations and sport for all movements with whom we could cooperate and share our knowledge, skills and experience. Therefore we welcomed the establishment of a worldwide organisation like ISCA, which offered us membership and, at the same time, participation in various interesting projects and programs where we could both learn a lot and share our know-how with others.” Vladimir Dostal, Czech Sokol Organization (member since 1999), Czech Republic “We were very happy to take part in ISCA’s creation because before that, we had the feeling the grassroots sport organisations were being marginalised. Only the high level sport was on the agenda in the public debate. Finally, we had the feeling of no longer being the only one fighting for more physical activity among society. Besides that, integrating with ISCA´s network has really opened UFOLEP up to the world.” Dominique Mifsud, UFOLEP (founding member), France “In the late ’90s we got an invitation to join ISCA, but at that moment the German Gymnastics Federation decided not to join because it was more natural for it to be part of the International Gymnastics Federation. But from my point of view, the International Gymnastics Federation not really pursuing the activities we put in focus. So that was the reason I could convince my board to join ISCA.” Herbert Hartmann, DTB (member since 2000), Germany “Since we started our cooperation with ISCA, we increased our network of contacts and partnerships and we have had the opportunity to spread SESC beyond our borders, thus expanding our mission and actions. At the same time, SESC São Paulo has promoted ISCA and its values in Latin America.” Maria Luiza Souza Dias, SESC São Paulo (member since 2001) ISCA remembers Matt Kendall (centre of photo), StreetGames, UK, for his dedication and support for ISCA as a member, project partner and friend. Matt passed away in May 2015 after a 2-year battle with cancer.

Branding ISCA Pythagorean triangles Where did the trademark ISCA triangles come from? First ISCA Vice President, Ruggero Alcanterini, remembers that the logo we know today has its roots in the Pythagorean theory of music and harmony. He worked on a “Pitagora Theatre Show” in 1988 and drew inspiration from the triangles in the show’s poster, as well as his 1989 poem on Pythagorean harmony and life, when proposing a design concept for the ISCA logo in 1995. The coloured Pythagoras-inspired triangles (black, red, blue, green and yellow) chosen for the ISCA logo symbolised the five continents where ISCA’s members would be based.

Why did we MOVE? Over the years, we have tried to find a word that both tells what ISCA is and distinguishes us from global perceptions of “sport”, which are influenced by competition, entertainment, and prevalent stories of corruption and match fixing since the 1990s. “Popular Sport” to “Sport for All” are terms ISCA has previously used to indicate the inclusiveness of our sport sector, but they still include this ambiguous word “sport”.

1995 official ISCA logo – still used today 1996 first ISCA festival logo

1997 ISCA logo variation

Project logos using the ISCA colours and triangles

ISCA 20th anniversary logo The NowWeMOVE logo and mascot continue to use the triangle motif

The fact is that ISCA did not really find the right “brand” name for its activities in the early years. We needed a term which illustrated to our partners who and what we are. That is why we chose the term “MOVE”, which in a global setting with several major languages seems to work. The word “MOVE” alone and in combination with other aspects of what we and our members and partners do at a grassroots level, such as Moving People, MOVE Agents, MOVE Congress, and the NowWeMOVE campaign, is an inclusive term that encompasses sport. But it does not associate very strongly with elite sport, which is an advantage when telling ISCA’s story. MOVE has proven to be a fresh and sustainable brand name that ISCA will continue to develop in the years to come.

Sport and physical activity has its recreational purpose, but active participation in grassroots sport and the civic NGO sector has broader implications for society as a whole. ISCA’s founding members believed in the “power of people” to give grassroots sport a voice and the power of “Moving People” to create positive change in society. This is underlined in ISCA’s Vision and Mission. Now we have 209 member organisations who are Moving People in 80 countries across the world. Over the past two decades ISCA has helped shape the sport and physical activity sector and redefine the notion of “sport”. Today, more than ever, we know how important it is to support political and organisational infrastructure that recognises sport and physical activity as the key to creating more active, inclusive, productive and, ultimately, liveable societies. So ISCA looks forward to many more years of MOVING PEOPLE!

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MOVE Quality 2015 saw the completion of the first round of MOVE Quality. 15 grassroots sports organisations throughout Europe went through the process, focusing on making demonstrative changes in one of three available quality areas: developing and documenting a theory of change for their initiatives, building constructive partnerships and strengthening the competences of instructors in physical activity for children and youth. ISCA believes that quality is a key element in sustainable activation. Good quality initiatives will not only allow more people to become physically active, but also ensure that they remain physically active. As a result, ISCA has set up MOVE Quality: a 12-month long development process which provides organisations targeting hard-to-reach populations with an opportunity to review their current initiatives and improve specific aspects of these. Resources provided to the organisations during this development process include consultations from ISCA staff, external experts in relevant fields and an advisory board that has been set up specifically for MOVE Quality and MOVE Transfer. ISCA has now selected 11 new initiatives that will go through the upcoming MOVE Quality development process in 2015/16. MOVE Quality initiatives selected for 2015/2016 and their target groups: Spirit in Motion - ADP Albania, Albania: Disabled people Cheerful orienteering - Association Sport for all Serbia, Serbia: Preschool children who have not been physically active before Street Panels - DGI, Denmark: Youth population in urban areas in Denmark, typically 9-25 years old and mostly boys Wheelchair Tchoukball: let’s move to a new sport! European Tchoukball Federation, Italy: People affected by different kinds of physical impairments Social inclusion through traditional games and sports Geostrategic Institute GLOBAL, Macedonia: Children with intellectual and physical disabilities Nutrition and Movement - OKRA-SPORT, Belgium: Elderly people especially the less or not at all physically active ones

“If your organisation is humble enough to recognise it can improve its work, if you are open to changes in the work, from small ones to big ones, keeping in mind the need to reach your proposed impact, then this programme is for you!” Gonçalo Sequeira dos Santos, Associação CAIS, Portugal

You also get active...- Independent organisation of sport education in Kosovo, Kosovo: Children aged 7-12 years Active Long life for seniors (All 4 Seniors) - Lunga Vita Attiva, Italy: Elderly people aged 60+ Postari no Pozdravi - NGO TAKT (Together advancing common trust), Macedonia: Elderly people aged 55+ Let’s Train together - SD Partizan Skofja Loka, Slovenia: People with disabilities Learn how to cycle with safety - Greenways Social Cooperative Enterprise, Greece: Women with immigrant or refugee background

“There are a lot of difficulties in working with hard-to-reach populations – especially if you’re trying to approach this target group for the first time. So it’s always good to get some guidance and learn about good practices about the target group that you want to involve in your initiative. We will definitely recommend MOVE Quality to our organisational partners!” Bilyana Mileva, BG Be Active Association, Bulgaria



ISCA 20th anniversary

MOVE Transfer Eight grassroots sport organisations based in France, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and the UK completed the first round the MOVE Transfer national process in 2015, up-scaling their existing initiatives for hard-to-reach populations or transferring them to other organisations within their countries. MOVE Transfer national is a 10-month process and MOVE Transfer international is an 18-month process that identifies initiatives for various target groups that have the potential to be transferred to another country and facilitates this exchange. Both processes involve extensive consultation from ISCA and an advisory board appointed especially to the project. This serves to develop the capacity of the initiatives and the organisations that upscale, transfer and receive them. ISCA has now selected eight new initiatives to go through the MOVE Transfer national process in 2015/2016. Meanwhile, international transfers between Germany and the Czech Republic, Malta and Serbia, and the UK and Poland, Kosovo and Italy/Slovenia are still in progress. MOVE Transfer national initiatives selected for 2015/2016 and their target groups: Fair Play Football – Football for community development, Oltalom Sport Association, Hungary: Roma youth who are facing discrimination and racism TE.IS Program, Hungarian School Sport Federation, Hungary: Underprivileged students from the Hungarian convergence regions Club TE (Think Extreme), MOVE, Malta: Youth from socially disadvantaged backgrounds and refugees Social inclusion in/through sport, Sports Union of Slovenia (SUS): Children with physical disabilities BE Special, Association Sport for All Suceava, Romania: Special Olympics athletes Mountain for all (La montagna per tutti), UISP - Comitato Trento, Italy: Blind people Active Tuesdays, South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture, Scotland: Seniors Every Step Counts (Elke stap telt), OKRA-SPORT, Belgium: Seniors Ongoing MOVE Transfer international initiatives in 2015/2016: Initiative

Transfer organisation

Receiving organisation

Active Age

DTB, Germany

Czech Sokol Organisation, Czech Republic

Active Parks

Birmingham City Council, UK

V4SPORT Foundation, World Games 2017 and Municipality of Wroclaw, Poland

Doorstep Sport StreetGames, UK Clubs

Independent Organisation for Sport Education in Kosovo (OESK)

Summer on the MOVE

Kunsill Malti ghalliSport, Malta

Serbian Sport for All Association, Serbia

Ulster Sport Outreach

Ulster University, Belfast, N. Ireland

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy

Initiative in focus: International transfer of Doorstep Sports from the StreetGames, UK to OESK, Kosovo

“At StreetGames we are really proud of our innovative Doorstep Sports work which supports communities and young people around the UK. Thanks to ISCA, we can now support colleagues in Kosovo to improve their work too. We chose to work with OESK because they have already done so much to develop themselves, demonstrating outstanding personal commitment to what they do. We can’t wait to visit Kosovo and see what can be achieved during the MOVE Transfer Project,” Hannah Crane, StreetGames Director of Sport and Workforce

“Within 18 months we intend that several larger municipalities will start to implement the Doorstep Sports clubs, and if things go as we plan, then we believe that will see a huge rise in children’s interest in sport and physical activity in this period and in the future,” Elvira Dushku, OESK Chairperson Project ID MOVE Quality and MOVE Transfer Project period: October 2013 – October 2016 Co-funding: Coca-Cola Total project budget: €845,463.90 / SUPPORTED BY


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The NowWeMOVE event where the audience mixes it with the experts

The NowWeMOVE campaign introduced the European Panna Tour to its calendar this year to showcase one of the most exciting new street sports on city squares across Europe. The aim of the event was to demonstrate an easy and attractive way for young people to get involved in grassroots sport and physical activity. What’s more, it gave them the opportunity to practice their tricks alongside the experts in workshops and interactive shows.

Official website: Twitter: #NowWePanna



From 22 May to 3 June, the NowWePanna team of semi-professional panna players from Denmark, including three co-founders of Copenhagen Panna House, travelled around 3000km through eight European countries starting in Copenhagen and finishing in Budapest. The “grand finale” in Budapest featured some of the stars of Hungarian football and women’s European freestyle football champion Kitti Szasz in a showdown with the NowWeMOVE panna team and the spectators. Local partners in each city brought new stakeholders’ attention to MOVE Week and the NowWeMOVE campaign, particularly those from the football community who found it an interesting alternative to the typical football game. THE TEAM Suell Osmani, Kristoffer Licht, Amine Benmoumou, Soheil Haghani Moshkeleh

THE NUMBERS Countries: 8 Participating organisations: 19 Individual participants: 320 Spectators: 2230 Volunteers: 27 PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES/CITIES Denmark (Copenhagen), Slovenia (Ljubljana), Croatia (Zagreb), FYR of Macedonia (Kumanovo), Greece (Thessaloniki), Bulgaria (Plovdiv), Romania (Pitesti) and Hungary (Budapest)

“We noticed a lot of people coming to the panna pitch because they saw that we were having fun with good music and children in orange NowWeMOVE T-shirts running everywhere with a smile on their face.” Suell Osmani, Copenhagen Panna House Cofounder




ISCA 20th anniversary

No Elevators Day

21 countries step up for the cause of MOVEment The first European No Elevators Day took place on 5 June 2015, and with the occasion coinciding with World Environment Day the message could not have been clearer: Taking the stairs is a great way to burn calories, not electricity. Volunteers from 60 cities in 21 European countries closed off elevators and escalators in their workplaces and public spaces to promote stair climbing as a healthy habit that keeps people moving throughout the day. Participation in the event was voluntary and access to lifts was ensured for people with disabilities and medical conditions, as well as for those not willing to participate. The initiative was supported by MEPs, the Latvian Presidency secretariat in Brussels and in Riga, and also by the Belgian Ministries of Finance, Transport and Environment, Green 10, and BASE Company – all based in Brussels. No Elevators Day participants, including Kristalina Georgieva (right), EU Commission Vice President for Budget and Resources, tweeted their successes throughout the day. John Murphy, (58), who was attending an outpatient appointment at one of the participating hospitals in Lancashire, Scotland, said that seeing No Elevators Day being promoted caused him to think again about using the elevator when he arrived at the hospital: “I would have absolutely have taken the lift (elevator) without even thinking! It is amazing what a little prompt can do to help you be a more active throughout the day!”

THE NUMBERS Countries: 21 Cities: 60 Participating organisations: 162 People activated: 300,000+ (estimate) PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, France, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey and United Kingdom


Twitter: #NowWeTakeTheStairs #NoElevatorsDay

Kristalina Georgieva, EU Commission Vice President for Budget and Resources, demonstrated her support for No Elevators Day

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NowWeBike 2681km, 47 days, 14 countries, one goal: To promote physical activity and tolerance in Europe

Official website: Twitter: #NowWeBike

Rounding out the new events on the NowWeMOVE calendar in 2015 was the cross-border cycling event NowWeBike. The stars of the event were a Turkish team of recreational cyclists who started their tour on 24 July in Mugla, Turkey, riding almost 2,700km along 8 EuroVelo routes, passing through 14 countries before reaching their final destination, Brussels, Belgium, on 9 September. The goal of the NowWeBike tour was to promote physical activity and tolerance across Europe and to raise awareness of ISCA and Cebr’s report on Europe’s “Inactivity Time Bomb”. Apart from their amazing physical feat, the team engaged partners, the press and the public in side events in each country they passed through. On their arrival at the Square – Brussels Meeting Centre, the cyclists were awarded special diplomas for being Ambassadors of Physical Activity and Tolerance by ISCA Secretary General Jacob Schouenborg, ECF Secretary General Bernhard Ensink and EU Member of Cabinet Szabolcs Horvath (on behalf of the European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Tibor Navracsics).




ISCA 20th anniversary

Youth on the MOVE Latin America - Europe

Youth training and volunteering in grassroots sport

While young people proportionally are very active as participants in grassroots sport activities in almost all countries in the world, active involvement of young people in the organisational aspects of civil society initiated sports is often limited. The Youth on the MOVE project will create a platform for young people from different countries in Europe and Latin America to engage in the exchange and development of grassroots sport campaigns and initiatives promoting healthier lifestyles. It is also an ideal opportunity to strengthen the links between the NowWeMOVE and Move Brasil campaigns and build on the positive momentum taking place on both continents. The project is based on a 10-month training course through an online platform with virtual and physical meetings. Young participants from Europe and Latin America, aged between 18 and 30, will learn how to organise events, projects and other initiatives in their local communities, creating awareness of the importance of physical activity for a healthy lifestyle. The training will start in January 2016 and provide bilingual webinars, as well as sessions facilitated in small groups using the Buddy System methodology. There will be also offline training for European and Latin American participants, international guests, instructors and coordinators. A concrete opportunity to put theory into practice will be the MOVE Week 2016 – the European and Latin America Week of Sport and Physical Activity Promotion. In Europe, 30 young participants will be chosen to contribute, and 10 Brazilians and 20 participants from other Latin American countries will also be selected. Eight ISCA members in Latin America and 10 more organisations from the continent have already agreed to involve youth from their organisations in the project. The Youth on the Move project is co-funded by the EU’s Erasmus+ programme under Key Action 2, capacity building in the field of youth and is being led by the following partner organisations: • ISCA – International Sport and Culture Association (Denmark) • SESC-SP – Social Service of Commerce (Brazil) • UBAE (Spain) • V4SPORT – Volunteers 4 Sport (Poland)



Youth on the MOVE

Youth on the MOVE project has been funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union


YOUTH ON THE MOVE Mientras que los jóvenes son proporcionalmente participantes muy activos en las actividades deportivas y prácticas corporales, la participación de ellos en los aspectos organizacionales de la sociedad en relación a los deportes es a menudo limitada. Teniendo en cuenta el contexto global con respecto al trabajo voluntario de jóvenes en las acciones de promoción de la práctica de actividad física y el Deporte para Todos, se desarrollará el proyecto internacional “Youth on the MOVE”. El objetivo principal de esta iniciativa es capacitar a los jóvenes a través de un entrenamiento de 10 meses de duración por medio de una plataforma en línea, con encuentros virtuales y presenciales. El proyecto se basa en la Campaña Europea “NowWeMOVE” y en la Campaña Brasileña “MOVE Brasil”, en donde ambas tienen la misión de promover el Deporte para Todos y aumentar el número de personas que practican actividades físico-deportivas en Europa y en Brasil, respectivamente. Nuestra expectativa respecto al legado del proyecto es que, a partir de la capacitación, los jóvenes pongan en práctica sus conocimientos y experiencias, de forma voluntaria, a través de la realización de acciones, como proyectos, eventos

Organizadores del Entrenamiento de Jóvenes

y otras iniciativas en beneficio de sus comunidades, concienciando a la población sobre la importancia la práctica de actividad física y / o deporte para la salud y el bienestar. Como una oportunidad concreta es la participación activa en la Semana de Promoción de Deporte y Actividad Física – la Semana MUÉVELA, en América Latina y el “MOVE Week” en Europa. En su totalidad, creemos que el proyecto propuesto contribuirá significativamente para el aumento del número de acciones, actividades y eventos, o sea, para el desarrollo de iniciativas diversas con el objetivo de promover el Deporte para Todos en favor de ciudadanos latinoamericanos y europeos más físicamente activos, buscando una mejor calidad de vida. El proyecto es financiado por el programa Erasmus +, dentro de la temática de capacitación de jóvenes, desarrollado por la Comisión Europea y es liderado por cuatro organizaciones, son ellas: ISCA - Associação Internacional de Esporte e Cultura (Dinamarca) SESC-SP – Serviço Social do Comércio no estado de São Paulo (Brasil) UBAE (España) V4SPORT – Volunteers 4 Sport (Polônia)

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Moving Age Network ISCA and Active Age partners unite to establish active ageing network On the opening day of the MOVE Congress in Rome in October 2014, ISCA and the partners of the German Gymnastics Federation’s (DTB) EU-supported Active Age project launched the Moving Age Network. The Active Age project was successfully completed in 2015, having been carried out under the EU’s 2012 Preparatory Actions in the Field of Sport. Since its establishment, the Moving Age Network has grown from the 10 original project partners to 28 registered entities. The network is open to all organisations from inside and outside the sport-sector with an interest in promoting physical activity and sport initiatives for elderly people.

Its main objectives are to: • Stimulate and facilitate a regular exchange of knowledge and experience between the network partners • Collect and disseminate existing knowledge on active ageing via digital tools • Promote and initiate partnerships inside the network and with cross-sector stakeholders/networks • Stimulate new projects among the network’s partners • Recruit new network partners • Provide expertise/experts for advice and consultation

The first Moving Age Conference took place from 30 April-2 May in Gent, Belgium, with 50 participants from 15 countries sharing examples of successful physical activity initiatives for the elderly and getting a taste of some of the activities themselves. All presentations are available on the Moving Age webpage. The next meeting will be held at the MOVE Congress 2015 in Copenhagen.

For more information about the network, including news, partner details and a document library, please visit the Moving Age webpage aboutisca/movingage/ourmission Contact Herbert Hartmann to find out how your organisation can become a member



ISCA 20th anniversary

Fundraising Fundraising is integral to success in the grassroots sport sector But where does the money come from? Sport for all and grassroots sport organisation financing has been analysed in a 2011 report “Study on the funding of grassroots sports in the EU”. This report suggests how grassroots sport budgets are funded: • Households contribute € 40.4 bn (56.3% of the total budget for grassroots sport) • Local authorities contribute € 23.4 bn (a budget share of 32.6%), • National governments (via the funds channelled from lotteries and other budget allocations) contribute € 5.3 bn (7.4% of the total) • Sponsors contribute € 1.6 bn (2.2% of the total) • Revenue from media rights allocated to grassroots sport represents €0.5 bn (0.7% of the total) • The revenue from the compulsory levies on state lotteries, betting and gambling operators that is channelled to grassroots sport as opposed to all-sport is estimated, through this topdown approach, at € 1.1 bn (2.2% of the total budget for grassroots sport), 90% of which is channelled via government accounts Source:


7.6% 6.7%



2.2% 1.7% 1.5% 1.1% 0.9% 0.3%

NowWeMOVE (EU) MOVE Activation (Coca-Cola Europe) DGI Bilateral membership agreements Danish Ministry of Culture MOVE Congress support Youth on the MOVE (EU) European Voluntary Service (EU) Nordic Youth Organisation (NSU) Secretariat Erasmus + Partners' projects (EU) MOVE Congress fees Membership fees Non-project fees and partner revenue


Fundraising is an integral part of successful sport for all clubs, organisations and associations. ISCA is not different from its members in this respect. The ISCA Secretariat continues to prioritise fundraising on a daily basis by pursuing funding opportunities that match our strategic objectives and enable us to provide quality services and experiences for ISCA members. The distinctive nature of an international umbrella association dictates which type of support ISCA is qualified to receive and consequently explains why ISCA Secretariat funding sources are different from typical ‘funding of grassroots sports in the EU’. For instance, ISCA receives a greater proportion of its income from EU and corporate grants while receiving minimal financing from households and local authorities. The pages of this Annual Report dedicated to ISCA Fundraising are intended to provide an overview of the funds received and the work achieved through the generous support of our donors.


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Erasmus+ 2014/2015 ISCA, members and partners highly successful in first Erasmus+ rounds The first application rounds of the EU’s new Erasmus+ funding programme reaped rewards in 2014 and 2015, not only for ISCA, but also for our members and partners. ISCA secured its first Erasmus+ Sport Collaborative Partnership grant in 2015 for SportVoice, a project that will build capacity of civil society organisations to engage in active advocacy promoting health enhancing physical activity (HEPA). This was in addition to the successful 2014 applications for a Not-for-Profit European Sport Events grant for MOVE Week 2015 (€1 million) and a KA2 Youth Strategic Partnership grant for Youth on the MOVE. ISCA is also involved in another eight successful Collaborative Partnerships projects and one KA2 Strategic Partnership (see pages 34 and 35). These include BG Be Active’s Active School Communities, the German Gymnastics Federation’s (DTB) European Fitness Badge, the Hungarian School Sport Federation’s European School Sport Day, the University of Erlangen Nurnberg’s follow-up to its IMPALA project, Sport and Citizenship’s Physical Activity Serving Society (PASS), Alice Milliat Association’s European Network for Promotion of Women’s Sports, the Finnish Sports Confederation’s (VALO) Sport Club for Health (Associated Partner), TAFISA’s European Week of Sport Toolbox (Associated Partner), and EOSE’s From Strategy to Action project.

New ISCA project starting in 2016 SportVoice

To achieve significant progress in the implementation of the EU Physical Activity guidelines, civil society organisations need to play a more significant role, particularly as advocates for the guidelines towards national and local governments. However, the current capacity to deliver such advocacy is very unevenly distributed between organisations in different members states and overall not at all sufficient to play an effective role in policy making. The SportVoice project will play an important role in building this capacity by developing relevant tools and resources to facilitate the advocacy work of all organisations involved. The partners are European umbrella organisations with experience in advocacy at an EU level. They will, in turn, engage with their member associations (National Project Partners and beyond) to deliver capacity building, alliance creation and specific advocacy interventions on national and local levels. Partners: EPODE International Network, European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF), European Healthy Stadia Network, European Physical Education Association (EUPEA), International Association of Sport and Leisure Infrastructure Management (Slovenia), UFOLEP (France), V4Sport (Poland), BG Be Active (Bulgaria), UISP (Italy) and Greenways SCE (Greece). Project period: January 2016—December 2018 Grant amount: €500,000

MOVE Week 2015

The fourth edition of the biggest pan-European event promoting sport and physical activity. Project period: January 2015—December 2015 Grant amount: €1,000,000

Youth on the MOVE

The Youth on the MOVE project will create a platform for young people from different countries in Europe and Latin America to engage in the exchange and development of grassroots sport campaigns and initiatives promoting healthier lifestyles. Partners: SESC-SP – Social Service of Commerce (Brazil), UBAE (Spain) and V4Sport (Poland). Project period: March 2015—February 2017 Grant amount: €150,000


ISCA 20th anniversary

ISCA a partner of 9 members’ and partners’ projects in 2014/2015

Active School Communities, BG Be Active, Bulgaria The Active School Communities project will equip community sport organisations with an adaptable toolkit they can use to collaborate more effectively with schools on physical activity initiatives for primary school children. The toolkit will also assist them in establishing contact with and advocating toward governments to drive the impact of their initiatives. The knowledge base used to develop the toolkit will be drawn from an experienced group of partners from research institutions, the education sector and nonprofit sport organisations from nine countries in West, East, North and South Europe. Partners: ISCA, the European Physical Education Association (EUPEA), Willibald Gebhardt Institute (Germany), Youth Sport Trust (UK), Sport and Citizenship (France), Hungarian School Sport Federation, UISP (Italy), DGI (Denmark), South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture (UK) and SUS (Slovenia). Project period: 2016-2017 Grant amount: €470,000

European School Sport Day, Hungarian School Sport Federation, Hungary The Hungarian School Sport Federation has organised the Hungarian School Sport Day each year for a decade, moving almost 200,000 children in 2014 as a flagship MOVE Week event. With a Collaborative Partnership grant, it is now rolling out its school sport day to other European countries in an international consortium. The European School Sport Day, as part of MOVE Week and the European Week of Sport, was tested in Bulgaria and Poland on 25 September (simultaneously with the event in Hungary), with more than 300 schools in Bulgaria and 157 schools in Poland adding to the 800 schools registered in Hungary. The European School Sport Day project aims to connect Europe through school sport and to develop a methodological toolkit providing scientific background for school sport day events. Partners: ISCA, EUPEA, BG Be Active (Bulgaria), V4Sport (Poland) and Youth Sport Trust (UK). Project period: 2015-2016 Grant amount: €238,675

European network for promotion of women’s sports, Alice Milliat Association, France The overall objective of this project is to establish a European Network for Women’s Sport Promotion, with particular attention given to women at risk of social exclusion (e.g. immigrants and inmates) and racial discrimination. It will focus on network building, as well as stimulating and promoting awareness-raising events and initiatives that encourage participation. Project period: 2016-2018 Grant amount: €500,000

From Strategy to Action, EOSE, France The S2A (Strategy to Action) Project is focused on the Sport and Active Leisure Sector and in particular on the skill needs of sports administrators – the people, in paid and voluntary roles in middle management in national and European sport organisations across the EU, who are crucial in fulfilling the Sector’s potential as a social and economic driver in Europe. Project start date: September 2015 (30-month expected duration)


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European Fitness Badge (DTB), Germany This project aims to develop a motivating and scientifically verified fitness badge that both increases awareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) and encourages adults to be more active. The project partners will deliver and promote the badge throughout Europe, enhancing the capacity of sport and physical activity organisations to include more people in their initiatives. Project period: 2015-2017 Grant amount: €396,924

Moving people

Sport Club for Health, VALO, Finland (Associated Partner) Promoting national implementation of Sport Club for Health (SCforH) programmes in EU member states. The project is based on the SCforH project (20092011), which was supported by the EU Preparatory Actions for Sport 2009. Project period: 2015-2017 Grant amount: €490,967

IMPALA Project, University of Erlangen Nurnberg, Germany

European Week of Sport Toolbox, TAFISA, Germany (Associated Partner) (International Network to Implement EU Physical Activity GuideLines on Infrastructure Development) responds to demands by the 2013 EU HEPA Council Recommendation in the field of infrastructure development through adoption and implementation of the “European Guidelines for Improving Infrastructures for Leisure-Time Physical Activity in the Local Arena [IMPALA Guidelines]”. The IMPALA Guidelines include practical, policyoriented activities on the development sport facilities, recreational infrastructures, and green and urban spaces.

A practical ‘toolbox’ for EWoS organisers and participants at a local, national and EU level, including a marketing and promotional strategy for the effective implementation of the EWoS.

Project period: 2015-2016 Grant amount: €453,489

Physical Activity Serving Society (PASS), Sport and Citizenship, France The PASS project is gathering and analysing European data on the scale, costs and related consequences of physical inactivity in Europe. The analysis is intended to provide content for raising awareness of the physical inactivity crisis among key stakeholders including political decision makers.

Project period: 2015 Grant amount: €200,000

Other successful Erasmus+ bids by ISCA members: Hungarian School Sport Federation, Shaping the principles and development areas for health-oriented physical education, €300,000 Bulgarian Sports Federation for Children Deprived of Parental Care, Sport for all, €436,429

“We have witnessed and contributed to increasing capacities in our member organisations to apply for European funding themselves and it is our strategy to continue to do so, enabling more and richer European project experiences for our members,” ISCA SECRETARY GENERAL, JACOB SCHOUENBORG

Project period: 2015-2017 Grant amount: €476,483


ISCA 20th anniversary

ISCA Staff What were our MOVEs in 1995? ISCA’s staff share their retro physical activity memories from the year ISCA began.

“In 1995, I was a political science student. My MOVE was playing snooker with my wannabe intellectual comrades! But I also signed up for a semester the following year in the Danish Sport Folk High School in Sønderborg. Once there, I was involved in everything from Optimist Class Sailing (love the name) to Frisbee-Golf. Oh, and did I mention that Sønderborg had international students too and that is how I got involved in ISCA?”

“As a university student I played in student leagues in basketball and flag-football (American). There was even a day of sumo wrestling as I recall!”

Jacob Schouenborg

Marvin Radford

Secretary General

Head of External Relations and Fundraising

“My MOVE in 1995 was aerobics/dance, skiing and wind-surfing. And it still is today. Nature was and still is my favourite sports facility.”

Saska Benedicic Tomat


Head of Projects

Project Manager

“My retro 1995 move… At that time I was doing judo, crawling around on the tatami.”

“1995 was the year of the NowWeMuayThai, complete with flying fists and high jumps.”

Baptiste Colin

“In 1995, I swapped my Reebok pumps for an Andre Agassi Nike bandana and with that switched MOVEs from basketball to tennis. TV aerobics was still all the rage and I warmed up for school with a half-an-hour of Aerobics Oz Style - which was as much about fitness as it was about lycra and clichéd Sydney Harbour backdrops.”


“In 1995 I was immersed in Political Science studies at the University of Aarhus, Denmark, and had the privilege of living at the university dorm on campus. The dorm was situated in the middle of a park with magnificent old trees, rolling hills, and green lawns. I spent many hours there, taking a break from dusty books, running up and down the slopes with music in my ears thanks to my state of the art Sony Discman. Coldplay’s “Speed of Sound” was a favourite, but despite lots of practice I never became quite that fast!”

Laska Nenova

Finance and


Project Manager

Campaign Manager

“Summer 1995!!!” (the photo says it all)

Rachel Payne

Pedro Bellini Emmanoelli

Communications Manager

Communications Coordinator

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“20 years ago my favourite exercise was running. I liked to run so much that I started running from… school. Skipping school was not the brightest idea, but it was still fun!”

Georgi Staykov

Teodora Dragomirova

Digital Marketing



Moving people

“When I was a child, I was so active and bursting with energy all the time that my parents decided I had to get involved in some kind of sport to do the magic of exhausting the “unexhaustable” me. And it worked – in 1995 I was 8 and I was truly falling in love with swimming, which still holds its number one position in my ‘Top 6’ MOVEs: swimming, functional training, weightlifting, volleyball, the featherball from my childhood, and the recently added outdoor running.”

Assistant “In 1995 I was 4 years old, like a real revolutionary time kid I had skipped crawling and was walking already. I guess I was very fascinated with the world and felt like walking could be more efficient way to discover it. As I was growing up on a farm, me starting to move faster wasn’t good news for the animals, especially the fluffy cats and cute dogs that I would chase around. I guess through movement I truly found a love for nature and animals around me, through movement that brought me so much joy!” “This year I made a giant step towards my independence, because in 1995 I learned to walk! The time when I had to hang onto the sofa and crawl to reach my destination was over. I saw the world on a larger scale and shared a dream with my twin brother to climb the mountain we could see in the distance. We didn’t know yet that this dream would come true several years later…”

“Although I was only 5 years old, I remember it was all about the MOVEs. After some very serious ballet classes, I spent my days competing with friends to find out who was better at Chinese jump rope (or “gummitwist”), or running to find the best hiding spots during our hide and seek sessions. The most important thing was to show your skills and MOVEs and to have lots of fun while doing it.”

“In 1995, I was just a 6 years-old kid who had started primary school. I remember I had signed up for football lessons. These were my first steps towards football and I am still playing it after 20 years. That’s a long period of time playing football, right?”

Vizma Bramane

Nenad Borkovic




Jessy Boudenne

Monika Rešetar

ISCA Youth Officer (EVS FROM MARCH 2015 TO FEBRUARY 2016)

ISCA Youth Officer (EVS FROM MARCH 2015 TO FEBRUARY 2016)

“Back in 1995 I was saving up money for Roces inline skates, which cost a fortune at that time. Just before summer started, I managed to save around 200 Deutsche Mark and finally bought them. I spent the whole summer rollerblading without any protection for the knees or elbows and my scars from falling are still visible today. After few years, my younger brother inherited them and continued the tradition of rollerblading without protection and getting many scars.” “I was only 6 years old in those days and my right ankle was broken due to a burst of energy while playing outside with my friends. It didn’t stop me from starting to play tennis a couple of years later, exploring the nature in the countryside I was living in or building cubby houses in the trees.”

Elizabeta Kresic

Jérôme Guiraud



Marie Grillet

Jana Stehliková

Tatiana Camargo




Merle Schops

Kai Troll


Development Director


ISCA 20th anniversary

ISCA Executive Committee

President Mogens Kirkeby DGI, Denmark

VICE President Maria Luiza Souza Dias Serviço Social do Comércio (SESC), Brazil

Vice-president Herbert Hartmann Deutscher Turner Bund (DTB), Germany

EXECUTIVE committee MEMBER Jean-Claude ARNAUD Union Sportive de l’Enseignement de Premier degree (USEP). France

Candidates nominated for ISCA Executive Committee 2015-2017 EXECUTIVE committee MEMBER Liliana ORTIZ DE LA CRUZ Fundacion pro Deporte y Recreation para todos, Colombia

EXECUTIVE committee MEMBER Toni LLOP Fundació UBAE, Catalonia, Spain

President: Mogens Kirkeby - DGI, Denmark Vice Presidents: Maria Luiza Souza Dias – Serviço Socio do Comércio, Brazil Toni Llop - Fundació UBAE, Catalonia, Spain Members: (order of election year/receipt of nomination)

EXECUTIVE committee MEMBER Jakub Kalinowski Volunteers for Sport (V4Sport), Poland

EXECUTIVE committee MEMBER Siu Yin CHEUNG Gymnastics Association of Hong Kong, China

Liliana Ortiz De La Cruz - Fundación Pro Deporte y Recreacion para todos, Colombia Siu Yin Cheung - Gymnastics Association of Hong Kong, China Jakub Kalinowski – Volunteers for Sport (V4Sport), Poland Philippe Machu - UFOLEP, France

ISCA EUROPE CHAIR Filippo FOSSATI Unione Italiana Sport Per tutti (UISP) Italy


Honorary committee Member Ruggero Alcanterini Federazione Italiana Sport per Tutti (FIST), Italy

Jean-Michel Villaume - Fédération Française Sports Pour Tous (French federation “Sports pour Tous”), France Detlef Mann - Deutscher Turner-Bund (German Gymnastics Federation), Germany

Moving people

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Finances General support and payments

2015 (€) estimated 491241

Project related support
















































2014 (€)

2013 (€)

2012 (€)

2011 (€)





ISCA EXPENDITURES General projects and activities Youth projects Assembly, committee meetings Secretariat Depreciation Total RESULT

9.3% 13%

3.8% 3.6% 3.1%

Diversity of European Commission support to ISCA from 2000-2015 DG EAC Sport Unit (grant making in 2013.) Erasmus+ Sport (grant making in 2014.) DG SANCO/Health and Consumers DG EAC Youth in Action (grant making in 2013.) DG EAC European Year of Education Through Sport 2004 DG EAC General Operating Support Erasmus+ Youth (grant making in 2014.) DG EAC European Voluntary Service DG EAC Europe for Citizens Programme DG EACEA LifeLong Learning - Jean Monet

3.1% 2.0% 1.4%





































ISCA turnover from 1998-2015


ISCA 20th anniversary


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• Play an active role in addressing the global inactivity crisis through our internationally promoted NowWeMove campaign

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Moving people

Vester Voldgade 100,2

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