Key Terms
Content experts – scholars, practitioners, or both – in one or more Health Domains and/or ISCOPES Program Departments. Advisors make recommendations to Learning Communities, Project Teams, and the ILT as needed.
Community Coaches are practicing clinicians, health educators, teachers, and administrators from Partner Sites who are committed to enhancing community health and mentoring future community-oriented health practitioners. Faculty Coaches are scholars from The George Washington University who are committed to community-oriented healthcare, interprofessional health education/promotion, and disease prevention. Both community and faculty coaches participate in Learning Communities.
Health Domain
A health issue and/or population (defined by a common trait or set of traits) that serves as the main focus of a Learning Community. For FY13, the ISCOPES Health Domains are Guardian Engagement, Healthy Teen Scholars, Adult Health Literacy, People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities, Transitioning Veterans, and Senior Wellness.
ISCOPES Leadership Team (ILT)
ISCOPES is developed and administered by two health professionals guided by feedback from Advisors, Coaches, Students, and various Key Stakeholders. Their goal: to cultivate collaborative opportunities for fresh learning and smarter serving across GW and the DC Metro Area.
Implementation/Debrief Cycle
9 cycles are set up throughout the academic year to guide the implementation of a Project Team’s Project followed by a debrief with their Learning Community. Project Teams and their Learning Community may choose when/how to implement (at least 1 site/cycle or multiple sites/cycle) and when to debrief (once/cycle) using ISCOPES guidelines. One block of time per cycle is reserved for debriefs as needed.
Key Stakeholders
Scholars, practitioners, and consumers who are not serving as an ISCOPES Coach or Advisor, but have a vested interest in the Health Domain being addressed by a Learning Community may choose to participate in that Learning Community.
Learning Community
A Learning Community is made up of Students, Coaches, Advisors, and Key Stakeholders who are passionate about a particular Health Domain. Each Learning Community explores one Health Domain. Students and Coaches commit at least 8 hours per month throughout the academic year to learn/debrief within their Learning Community and serve on their Project Team. Advisors and Key Stakeholders participate when able.
Partner Sites (Sites)
Community-based clinics, schools, government entities, non-profit organizations, and various living communities partner with ISCOPES to link the University to the community. Employees, volunteers, and/or clients from these sites may participate in a Learning Community.
Program Departments
ISCOPES Program Departments include program development, evaluation, communications, recruitment, participant relations, and internal operations. The ILT manages these departments and their deliverables guided by feedback from program participants.
Project Team
A student team charged with implementing a Starter Project then analyzing/adapting it within their Learning Community. Each Project Team is assigned to one Learning Community. Project Teams can be broken into sub-teams for simultaneous implementation at multiple sites.
Starter Project
Each Project Team is presented with an initial health education/promotion project developed around community-identified needs and latest best practices. Projects are meant to be implemented, analyzed, and adapted for each Partner Site the Project Team serves.
Students are enrolled at GW and are interested in playing a part in personal and communal healthy living. Each student serves on an interprofessional Project Team housed within a larger Learning Community.
Tell Me What All These Words Mean!!
ISCOPES Key Terms and Definitions 9/2012 – 4/2013