Gerald Moroder - "Lo spazio dell'Essere" - iSculpture Art Gallery San Gimignano & Casole d'Elsa

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Gerald Moroder Lo Spazio dell’Essere

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MORODER Lo spazio dell’Essere

S I T E S P E C I F I C I N S TA L L AT I O N H O T E L C A S T E L L O D I C A S O L E SEPTEMBER 5th - 21st 2014 S O LO





SEPTEMBER 6th - 21st 2014


“L’opera d’arte è sempre una confessione”


Sono la materia e il concetto più sublime dell’Essere a rappresentare allo stesso tempo poetica e fonte ispiratrice di Gerald Moroder. La materia, intesa come base primordiale della natura e dell’uomo, assunta per costruire con senso estetico e compiuto tutto ciò che ci circonda. L’essere, come figura centrale dello spazio vitale o del mondo esteriore e, insieme coscienza interiore dell’umanità che in tale mondo vive, combatte, crea. Come spirito errante esso si confronta con lo spazio circostante, lo scruta, si interroga e ne indaga l’essenza. La superficie che descrive la materia è come tessuto lunare, misteriosa, apparentemente senza fine; l’essere, la sua essenza ne vengono rapiti,

ampia e

anche se forse con

timore, se ne lasciano coinvolgere, dando vita ad un’interazione che non ha né origine né meta nel tempo. Fin dagli inizi, la figurazione di Gerald Moroder avverte come il bisogno di divenire essenziale, di trascendere fino a smaterializzarsi e costituire spirito. Le sue linee, prima scolpite nel legno, poi formate nell’impasto di porfido, a dispetto della gravità della materia, sembrano danzare, vagare senza meta o librarsi nell’aria, inarcarsi per percorrere uno spazio indefinito. Questo stesso spazio diviene nuovo parametro fondamentale nella ricerca più recente dell’artista. La figura caratteristicamente curva o longilinea è scomparsa, ma essa continua ad abitarvi come soffio vitale, quasi ultraterrena. Ad assimilare le due apparentemente distinte produzioni, di nuovo la materia. Essa costituisce il legame dell’artista con la propria terra, dall’iniziale utilizzo del legno della tradizione locale, fino alla roccia delle sue montagne. Il luogo che lo ha visto crescere, la Val Gardena, è lo scenario perfetto, suggerimento ed incentivo per le sue creazioni: la forza del paesaggio è infatti costante essenziale della produzione scultorea dell’artista, la durezza della roccia diviene malleabile nelle sue mani ma ne mantiene le sfumature cromatiche. Come un impressionista, Gerald Moroder coniuga questi elementi, per tratteggiare scenari che hanno per risultato affascinante poesia ed elegante energia.

It’s the material and the most sublime concept of Being to characterize Gerald Moroder’s poetic and source of inspiration. The material, understood as a primordial basis of man and nature, are employed with a sense of aesthetics and encompass all which surrounds us. The being, as centre of the vital space and of the exterior world, and at the same time the inner consciousness of humanity, which populates this world lives, fights and creates. As a wandering mind the human being faces the surrounding space studying it, questioning himself and and investigating on its essence. The texture of the material resembles the moon surface, it is mysterious, wide and apparently never-ending; the being and its essence are enchanted by it, even if with a bit of awe, and thus get carried away giving life to an interaction that has neither origin nor time. Ever since Gerald Moroder’s figures have felt the need to become essential, to transcend until dematerializing and being mere spirit. Their lines, carved first in wood and later formed in a porphyry mass, despite gravity of the material, seem to dance, wandering aimlessly or freeing themselves in the air, bowing backwards in order to cover an indefinite space. This same space becomes a new fundamental parameter in the artist’s most recent quest. The figure, which used to be sinuous and long-lined, has disappeared, but it continues living there as a vital breath, nearly celestial. Again it’s the

material which unites two apparently distinct productions. The material

represents the artist’s binding to the own region from the initial use of wood in the local tradition to the rock of his mountains. The valley which saw him grow up, Val Gardena, is the perfect scenery, inspiration and incentive for his creations. The strength of the landscape is indeed an essential constant in the artist’s sculptural production, the hardness of the rock becomes malleable in his hands but maintains the chromatic shades. Like an impressionist, Gerald Moroder unites these elements to draft sceneries that result in fascinating poetry and elegant energy.





The project iSculpture, literally “Italian Sculpture”, was born to promote those skills and knowledge that, treasuring tradition and past techniques, remain the excellence of our country. Updated in the concept of “beauty”, sculpture is perhaps the most complete art, in which matter and shape come together in a continuous challenge to renewal, without ever leaving a constant acquisition of consolidated parameters relating to balance and know-how. The works of our selected artists represent a significant example of contemporary Italian sculptural production in the fields of ceramics, bronze, alabaster, wood, marble, iron and “new” materials. The selecting parameters are those of high technical ability and originality.

iSculpture Italian Contemporary Sculpture Gallery



V i a B e r i g n a n o , 2 5 t e l . + 3 9 0 5 7 7 9 4 0 2 0 7 w w w. isc ulp t ure. it - info @i s c u l p t u re.i t

iSculpture was established in 2012, with the aim to promote both young and successful Italian sculptors. Our attention is mostly focused on the research of the new borders of the Italian figurative arts. Tradition and modernity merge together in the 14th century architecture and the renovation works, facilitating a timeless dialogue between the art works and the spectator. Its first location in San Gimignano is today joined by another exhibition space in Casole d’Elsa (SI), a historical town located at the border between the provinces of Siena and Pisa which has been for many years influenced by international art and culture movements. iSculpture is the first art gallery featuring only Italian sculpture.

iSculpture Italian Contemporary Sculpture Gallery


D ’ E L S A

V i a C a s o l a n i , 2 5 t e l . + 3 9 3 4 8 9 3 3 0 4 8 7 w w w. is cu l p t u re.i t - i n fo @ i scu l pture. it

Site Specific Installation


doppia trittico al castello

Hotel Castello di Casole is really honored to welcome the incredible sculptures of Gerald Moroder. When the contemporary art meets the history and the charm of an historical Tuscan Castle, the result is simply magical.

Castello di Casole – A Timbers Resort, is a five-star resort and residences in Tuscany, Italy. One of the largest private estates in Italy, is located in heart of Tuscany, near the beautiful cities of Florence, Siena and San Gimignano. The castle’s rich history dates back to the end of the 10th century, when it was built and christened Querceto Manor. Querceto Manor often hosted the political exiles of nearby Siena until it fell into decline starting in the 15th century. Owned and reconstructed during the 19th and 20th centuries by the Bargagli family of Siena, esteemed local aristocracy. During the late 20th century the Castello was owned by prominent Italian film director Luchino Visconti, who entertained European and Hollywood luminaries throughout the estate The historic 4,200-acre estate features 28 artfully restored and reconstructed Tuscan farmhouses, and a 41-suite boutique hotel complete with a world-class spa and wellness center, swimming pool, pizzeria, stylish bar, visionary fine-dining and casual restaurants, 10 hotel villas, and a stately penthouse. The estate is also home to a model game preserve, 88 acres of vineyards, 13 acres of olive groves and an expansive trail system. Travel + Leisure World’s Best Awards 2014 : No. 1 Resort in Europe

Gerald Moroder


Gerald Moroder was born in Milan in 1972. He attended art school in Ortisei, Val Gardena, where he lives and works. He creates his sculptures with various materials such as wood, iron, porphyry mixtures, soil and brick. In the centre of his artistic quest, Moroder puts the human being whose fragility he lays bare thanks to formal reduction and thus recalling more universal existential issues.

“ In his research, earth materials are placed in the foreground, almost privileged for their pristine force of impact with the image of reality and of today’s mankind. Through these ancient materials he is determined to find a configuration corresponding to the sense of a break with the world, or a wound, or a laceration with the existing that is to be bridged with a hug. For the sculptor, the important thing is not to feel excluded from the desire to belong to the Mother Earth, to come into her magma and ascend to the sky, bringing the art work from earth’s impurity to the purity of heaven, and vice versa, from the purity of the idea to the impurity of language. “ Chiara Canali


2014 Kunst in der MIIL - Cermes/Merano with Daniela Pfeifer - Italy “Lo Spazio dell’Essere” - iSculpture Gallery, San Gimignano & Casole d’Elsa - Italy “Begegnung”, with Daniela Pfeifer - Galleria Augenblick Tannheim - Austria

2013 Galleria Kass - Innsbruck - Austria Circolo artistico e culturale - Ortisei - Italy

2012 “Alter ego”- Istitut Ladin Micura de Rü - San Martino in Badia - Italy

2011 “Kunst in der Miil” - Cermes, Merano - Italy

2011 “Skulpturen” - Galerie im Kies - Altach - Austria “La pesante leggerezza dell’essere” - Spazio Arte - Bibione - Italy

2010 “Il gesto e la forma”- Spazio Arte - Bibione - Italy “Kunst in der Miil”, with Christian Stl Holzknecht - Cermes, Merano - Italy

2007 “Die Einsamkeit des Denkens”, Galleria Cassa Raiffeisen - Tirolo - Italy - Curated by Else Prünster

2006 “Chiamarsi dentro” - Galleria Spazio Arte Luna - Bolzano - Italy

2005 Surgical Academy Gallery - Double Show with “Chiro”- Rastatt - Germany “Mythos der Materie”- Double Show with Filip Moroder Doss - Hartberg - Austria


2014 International Art Fair “Art Innsbruck” - Austria “Greencall”- Kränzelhof, Cermes/Merano - Italy 20° Unika - Ortisei - Italy “Kunststraße 2014” - Imst - Austria

2013 Frühlingsmesse Graz - Graz - Austria 19° Unika - Ortisei - Italy RE-ART T(w)oo Ihlienworth - Germany - curated by Samuel J. Fleiner “Arteotto” - Cavallermaggiore - Italy “Kunststraße ” - Imst - Austria

2012 IV AAM - Arte Accessibile Milano - Italy 18° Unika - Ortisei - Italy

2011 54° Biennale Venezia - Pad. Italia Torino - Italy “La speranza brilla più dell’oro”- Arquà Petrarca - Italy Collaboration to the project “Movemënt” Collective art work for Unika

2010 “O genießt die Augenblicke”, “Labyrinthgarten Weingut Kränzel”, Cermes, Merano - Italy “Città - Spazio - Futuro” Südtirol [un]defined 10 - Merano - Curated by Giorgia Marotto “Biennale Gherdëina” - Ortisei - Italy - Curated by Chiara Canali “Arte a confronto” - Ortisei - Italy - Curated by G. Di Brindisi 17° Unika - Ortisei - Italy

2009 “Holz-Art”, “Kunstforum” - Halle - Germany “Aschermittwoch der Künstler” - Bistum Trier - Germany “Wooden Sculptures” - Galleria Andreas Baumgartl - München - Germany 16° Unika - Ortisei - Italy “Il mistero nella scultura”, cappella di S.Pietro in Archivolto, Verona

2008 “L’arte del legno” - Spazio Arte - Napoli - Italy 15° Unika - Ortisei - Italy “Deberieda” - Centro Culturale di Ortisei - Ortisei - Italy 3° Kunstmesse (fiera d’arte) Merseburg - Germany

2007 “Contenitore di emozioni “- Galleria Metropolitan - Lecce - Italy “Contenitore di emozioni” - Spazio Lattuada - Milano - Italy “Contenitore di emozioni”- Baveno - Lago Maggiore - Italy “Koiné Vicenza” - Vicenza - Italy “KunstArt” - Bolzano - Italy “Non sempre ci sono le parole” - Giardino dei Cappuccini - Bolzano - Italy “Arte Natura“ - Bolzano - Italy “Stanze” - Galleria Civica - Bolzano - Italy 14° Unika - Ortisei - Italy

2006 International Sculpture Symposium - Zinnowitz - Germany “Estate Artistica Veneziana”- Centro d’arte San Vidal - Venezia - Italy “Chiamarsi dentro”- Galleria Spazio Arte Luna - Bolzano - Italy “Arte Padova” - Padova - Italy 55

2005 15° Unika - Ortisei - Italy “Hèdoné” - Museo Ladino “Ciastel de Tor” - San Martino in Badia - Italy “Dance of Life” - Centro Cristallo - Bolzano - Italy Spazio Arte “Luna-Mondschein” - Bolzano - Italy “Skulpturen aus Südtirol” - Daetz Zentrum - Lichtenstein - Germany “Tra sogno e realtà” - Wiener Staatsoper - Wien - Austria

2004 14° Unika - Ortisei - Italy “Hèdoné” - Istituto italiano di Cultura - Athens - Greece

2003 13° Unika - Ortisei - Italy “Sculture” with B. Walpoth, F. Canins, G. Prugger - Mobili Bertossa - Bellinzona - Switzerland ArtExpo - New York - U.S.A.

2002 “L’arte della scultura” - Muggiò - Italy

2001 12° Unika - Ortisei - Italy “Atelier zur Mühle” - Weiningen/Zurich - Switzerland “Giovani Scultori” with A. Demetz, L. Demetz, G. Demetz, M. Senoner - Bolzano - Italy Castel Anras - Lienz - Austria



2006 “Ein Foto wert“ - 1st prize at the competition for the new SMG-South Tyrolian exhibition booth.

2007 “ “Hochachtung”: awarded work at the competition “Nova“, announced by the Chamber of Commerce of Bolzano. -3rd prize award at the competition “Leben-wohnen-genießen” announced in occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Fair-Trade Bolzano.

2008 Winner of the competition “Gesichter einer Landschaft” in St. Magdalena in Villnöß and realization of a sculpture for the nature park house Puez-Geisler. -Finalist at the art competition “Premio Arte 2008”, Milan.

SPECIAL PROJECTS & PRAISES - European representative for the group “Völkerverständigung – eine olympische Idee“ in Lichtenstein. - “Sospeso“, work out of the sculpture cycle Gedächtniszuständein the permanent exhibitions in the Ladin Museum „Ciastel de Tor“. - “Alter Ego“ and “Sitzend“, works in the private collection of the Surgical Academy Gallery in Rastatt, Germany. - Ideator of the “Fans“ (sculptures in joint work by Unika) - Co-ideator of the work “Wings- wing beat over borders“, side event of the Manifesta 7. - Works in the permanent exhibition of the Labyrinthgarten Kränzel, Tescherms, since 2009. 59

Table of Contents


4 Gerald Moroder - Photo by Tobia Moroder 5 “L’opera d’arte è sempre una confessione - The Art work is always a confession” by Umberto Saba 7/9 “Lo spazio dell’Essere” Text by Patrick Pii and Francesca Cundari 8 Gerald Moroder - Photo by Tobia Moroder 13 “Stop” - Iron Powder & Resin - Cm. H. 205 - 2013 - photo by Matthaeus Kostner 15 “Pioggia 2” - Porphyry Powder and Resin - Cm. 100 x 38 - 2014 - photo by Matthaeus Kostner 17 “I Cacciatori” - Porphyry Powder and Resin - Cm. H. 51 - 2014 - photo by Matthaeus Kostner 19 “Seduto” - Porphyry Powder and Resin - Cm. H 41- 2014 - photo by Matthaeus Kostner 21 “Equilibrista” - Porphyry Powder and Resin - Cm. H. 42 - 2014 - photo by Matthaeus Kostner 23 “In punta di piedi” - Porphyry Powder and Resin - Cm. H. 68- 2012 - photo by Matthaeus Kostner 25 “Ma...” - Porphyry Powder and Resin - Cm. H. 92 - 2013 - photo by Matthaeus Kostner 27 “Senza Titolo” - Porphyry Powder and Resin - Cm. 76 x 76 - 2013 - photo by Matthaeus Kostner 29 “Winter” - Porphyry Powder and Resin - Cm. 73 x 73 - 2013 - photo by Matthaeus Kostner 31 “Senza Titolo” - Porphyry Powder and Resin - Cm. 100 x 100 - 2013 - photo by Matthaeus Kostner 32 “Prima della tempesta” - Porphyry Powder and Resin - Cm. 120 x 78 - 2014 - photo by Matthaeus Kostner 38-39 “Eccomi” - Site Specific Installation - Castello di Casole - Photo by Patrick Pii 40-41 From the Site Specific Installation - Castello di Casole - Photo by Patrick Pii 42-43 “Guardare oltre” - Site Specific Installation - Castello di Casole - Photo by Patrick Pii 44 From the Site Specific Installation - Castello di Casole - Photo by Patrick Pii 48 The Artist’s Studio - Photo by Matthaeus Kostner 48 From the exhibit “Alter ego” - San Martino in Badia - Italy - Photo by Gustav Willeit 50 Gerald Moroder - photo by Matthaeus Kostner 51 The Artist at work - Photo by Tobia Moroder 52 From the exhibit “Skulpturen” - Galerie im Kies - Altach - Austria - Photos by Gerald Moroder 54 From the exhibit at “Greencall”- Kränzelhof, Cermes/Merano - Italy - Photo by Tobia Moroder 56 From the exhibit at Circolo artistico e culturale - Ortisei - Italy - Photo by Tobia Moroder 56 From the International Art Fair “Art Innsbruck” - Austria - Photo courtesy Art Innsbruck 58 From the exhibit “Alter ego” - San Martino in Badia - Italy - Photos by Gustav Willeit 59 From the exhibit “Hèdoné” - Museo Ladino - San Martino in Badia - Italy - Photo by Gerald Moroder 59 From the exhibit at Unika - Photo by Egon Dejori 62 From the exhibit at 54° Biennale di Venezia - Pad. Italia Torino - Italy - Photo by Gerald Moroder

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© iSculpture Gallery - All Rights Reserved PRINTED IN AUGUST 2014

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