“Comfort Zone” Solo exhibition by Gerald Moroder at iSculpture Gallery, San Gimignano

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Minuscole e spoglie figure in legno e in bronzo attendono sulla soglia. Immobili. Non avanzano, non indietreggiano, contemplano la possibilità di evadere da spazi fisici e interiori più o meno angusti, dalla comfort zone di cui questa mostra è racconto visivo. Paiono a volte timidamente sedotte da uno spiraglio di luce che dissolve dubbi e timori, a volte semplicemente sospese, in attesa. La compostezza dei volti e la postura non suggeriscono né angoscia né urgenza, piuttosto la placidità di chi sa che il comfort, oltre a precludere, protegge, oltre a limitare, rassicura. Le figure sono posizionate in freddi e spigolosi antri quasi privi di sbocchi che si aprono sul fianco di pareti rocciose (Senso unico), in meste fessure di ridotte dimensioni (A suo tempo ), in grandi spazi condivisi non di rado crocevia di solitudini (Sfera privata), in anfratti (Nankunuraisa, Comfort zone) o in ampie aperture finalmente irrorate di luce (Il primo passo, Spiraglio) quasi a suggerire via via, a mo’ di climax, la decisione ormai presa di valicare gli abituali confini e di spingersi oltre la comfort zone. È evidente fin dal primo sguardo la grande maestria di un artista che, con lavoro certosino, spalma, plasma, foggia e stratifica finemente la terra toscana rendendola simile a roccia. Non assistiamo ad una svolta rispetto al territorio esplorato sino ad ora, quanto a un’evoluzione, a una riuscita evasione dalla zona di comfort, che mai tradisce la personale cifra estetica e stilistica.

E se è vero che “outside your comfort zone is where the magic happens”, a Gerald Moroder, con queste eleganti e straordinarie opere, la magia è pienamente riuscita.

Docente del Liceo Artistico “Cademia”, Ortisei

Tiny, bare figures made of wood and bronze wait on the threshold. Motionless. They don’t advance and they don’t retreat. They simply contemplate the possibility of escaping from more or less cramped physical and interior spaces, from the comfort zone which this exhibition visually narrates.

Sometimes they seem timidly seduced by a beam of light that dispels all doubts and fears, sometimes they are simply suspended, waiting.

The composure of the faces and posture convey neither anguish nor urgency, suggesting the placidity of those who know that comfort protects as well as precludes, and reassures as well as limits.

The figures are positioned in cold, craggy caverns with almost no openings in the rock faces (Senso unico), in small, gloomy cracks (A suo tempo ), in large, shared spaces, often crossroads of loneliness (Sfera privata), in ravines (Nankunuraisa, Comfort zone) or in spacious clearings finally bathed in light (Il primo passo, Spiraglio) almost as if to progressively suggest, by way of a climax, the decision to break through the usual boundaries and venture beyond the comfort zone.

The outstanding skill of an artist who meticulously spreads, moulds, forges and finely layers Tuscan earth, making it similar to rock, is evident at first glance.

What we see is not so much a turning point with respect to the territory explored so far, as an evolution, a successful escape from the comfort zone, which never betrays the personal aesthetic and stylistic code.

And if it’s true that “outside your comfort zone is where the magic happens”, Gerald Moroder has perfectly succeeded in making that magic happen with these elegant and extraordinary works of art.


Gerald Moroder was born in Milan in 1972.

He attended the art school in Ortisei, Val Gardena, where he lives and works. He creates his sculptures with various materials such as wood, iron, porphyry mixtures, soil and brick.

“With the earth, the stone, the wood mixture the sculptor wants to have a different experience every time, pervaded by the moods that can be collected within the productive nature of his existence.

Through these ancient materials he persists in seeking a configuration that corresponds to the sense of a fracture with the world, or of a wound, or of a laceration with the existing to be filled with an embrace.

For the sculptor the important thing is not to feel excluded from the desire to belong to the mother earth, to enter its magma and to ascend to the sky, bringing the work from terrestrial impurity to celestial purity, and vice versa from the purity of the idea to impurity of language. “

Wikam- fiera d’arte / Palais Ferstel / Galerie Hartl / Wien

Comfort Zone / Galleria iSculpture / San Gimignano

Wikam-fiera d‘arte / Palais Ferstl / Galerie Hartl / Wien (A)

Cambiamento/ Forte di Fortezza / Fortezza (I)

Inant / Galerie Kunst Herrmann / Neumarkt i.d. Oberpfalz (D)

Art Karlsruhe / Galerie Kunst Herrmann / Karlsruhe (D)

Schloss Laxenburg /Galerie Hartl / Laxenburg (A)

Unika / Ortisei (I)

Kaiserliche Hofburg / Galerie Hartl / Innsbruck (A)

DAF Frankfurt / Galaria Cater / Frankfurt (D)

Fair for Art Vienna / Galerie Hartl / Wien (A)

Progetto artistico 5° Anniversario dell’omicidio di Daphne Caruana Galizia / Malta

Progetto artistico per il 30° Anniversario dalla strage di Capaci/ Fondazione Falcone

10 Year Celebration / Galerie Hegemann / Munich (D)

Art Karlsruhe/ Kunst Herrmann/ Karlsruhe (D)

UN-fair Milano/ Lavit&Friends Artgallery/ Milano

DAF-Köln/ Galaria Cater/ Koln (D)

Fair for art Vienna / Galerie Hartl / Wien (A)

Art Innsbruck / Galerie Hartl / Innsbruck (A)

DAF-Frankfurt/ Galaria Cater / Frankfurt (D)

Groß-ART-ig / Galerie Hegemann / Munich (D)

Atmosfera / iSculpture Art Gallery San Gimignano

Achiet / Galerie Herrmann / Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz (D)

Unika / Ortisei (I)

DAF Frankfurt/ Galerie Cater / Frankfurt (D)

Malerei und Skulpturen / Kunku / Ladis (A)

Zug um Zug / Museum am Dom / Trier (D)

Art Innsbruck / Galerie Hosp / Innsbruck )A)

Art Karlsruhe / Galerie Hosp / Karlsruhe (D)

Mostre Recenti | Recent Main Exhibitions
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019


DAF / Galerie Cater / Koln (D)

Natural Moments / Galerie Hegemann / Munich (D)

Balanz / Tublà da Nives / Selva Val Gardena

Art Bodensee / Galerie Hosp / Dornbirn (A)

Unika / Ortisei

AAF / Galerie Hegemann / Amburg (D)

Group Show / Forum Kunst / Millstatt (A)

SetUp Art Fair / Galleria Lavit & Friends / Bologna

Art Innsbruck / Galerie Hosp / Innsbruck (A)

Art Karlsruhe / Galerie Hosp / Karlsruhe (D)

DAF / Galerie Cater / Köln (D)

Lucca Art Fair / Galleria Lavit / Lucca

Art Bodensee / Galerie Hosp / Dornbirn (A)

Highlights / Galerie Hegemann / München (D)

Unika / Ortisei

Kunststrasse / Imst (A)

“Soul“, galleria iSculpture, San Gimignano

“Soul“,Museo di Chiusa, a cura di Anna Lisa Ghirardi

“SetUp Art Fair“,Bologna,iSculpture Art Gallery

Art Innsbruck, Innsbruck (A)

Kölner Liste, Cologna Galaria Cater

Art Bodensee , Kunsthalle Hosp

“Forever never comes”, Parco archeologico di Roselle, a cura di Lapo Simeoni

Art Karlsruhe, Cologna, Kunsthalle Hosp

Kunsthalle Hosp - Die andere “Art”, Nassereith (A) con Daniela Pfeifer

Circolo Culturale „La Firma“ ,Riva del Garda

21. Unika , Ortisei

“Vernissage du Cœur” , Strasbourg (F)

2018 2017


“Sculptures for a scenery of art”, Casole d’Elsa, a cura di iSculpture Art Gallery

“Boden!Bildung”, Ihlienworth (D), a cura di Samuel Fleiner

Kunst in der MIIL, Cermes/Merano con Daniela Pfeifer

“Lo Spazio dell’Essere”,iSculpture Art Gallery San Gimignano

“Incontri”, Galleria Augenblick Tannheim (A) con Daniela Pfeifer

Fiera internazionale dell’arte “Art Innsbruck” (A)

“greencall”, Kränzelhof, Cermes/Merano

20. Unika, Ortisei

“Kunststraße 2014”, Imst (A)

Galleria Kass, Innsbruck

Circolo artistico e culturale, Ortisei

Frühlingsmesse Graz

19. Unika, Ortisei

RE-ART T(w)oo Ihlienworth (D), curato da Samuel J. Fleiner

“arteotto“, Cavallermaggiore

“Kunststrasse Imst“ , Imst (A)

“Alter ego”, Istitut Ladin Micura de Rü, San Martino in Badia

IV AAM - Arte Accessibile Milano

Unika, Ortisei

54. Biennale Venezia - Pad. Italia Torino

“Skulpturen”, Galerie im Kies, Altach, Austria

“La pesante leggerezza dell’essere, Spazio Arte, Bibione

“Il gesto e la forma”, Spazio Arte, Bibione

“Kunst in der Miil”, con l’artista Christian Stl Holzknecht, Cermes, Merano

“O genießt die Augenblicke”, “Labyrinthgarten Weingut Kränzel”, Cermes, Merano

“Città - Spazio - Futuro” Südtirol [un]defined 10, Merano, a cura di Giorgia Marotto

“Biennale Gherdëina”, Ortisei, a cura di Chiara Canali

“Arte a confronto” a cura di G. Di Brindisi, Ortisei

Unika, Ortisei

2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Contents & Credits

All works in Plywood, Terra di San Gimignano and Resin

“A suo tempo” - Cm. 100 x 100 - 2024

“La grande porta” - Cm. 100 x 100 - 2024

“Nankunuraisa / Con il tempo si sistema tutto” - Cm. 90 x 90 - 2024

“Sfera privata” - Cm. 100 x 140 - 2024

“Spiraglio” - Cm. 120 x 120 - 2024

“Vie d’uscita” - Cm. 70 x 80 - 2024

“Il primo passo” - Cm. 60 x 75 - 2024

“Senso Unico” - Cm. 60 x 60 - 2024

“Comfort zone” - Cm. 50 x 50 - 2024

“Sezione” - Cm. 90 x 90 - 2023

Images from previous exhibitions

An image of the Artist’s studio in Ortisei

Gerald Moroder

“Punti di vista” - Cm. 171 x 70 - 2023 - Private collection

“Il Risorto da combattimento” - 30° Anniversario dalla strage di Capaci/ Fondazione Falcone

“Cambiamento” - Forte di Fortezza (BZ)

“Unika 2017” - Ortisei (BZ)

“Soul“, Museo di Chiusa, a cura di Anna Lisa Ghirardi - 2017

“Forever never comes”, Parco archeologico di Roselle, a cura di Lapo Simeoni - 2017

“All’alba” - Cm. 150 x 120 - 2021 - Private collection

“Senza parole” - Cm. H 197 - 2022 - Private collection

Fotografie | Photographs - Matthaeus Kostner

Impaginazione | Layout - iSculpture Gallery

Traduzione | Translation - An.Se Traduzioni


© 2024 All rights Reserved

iSculpture Art Gallery

| Text - Nicole Demetz
Via San Giovanni, 56 | San Gimignano



i Sculpture Italian Contemporary Sculpture Gallery

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