Issaquah Valley Elementary 2018-19 Annual School Performance Report

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Annual School Performance Report Issaquah Valley Elementary School

Issaquah Valley Elementary School 555 NW Holly Street, Issaquah WA 98027 (425) 837-6600 Principal Michelle Pickard

Mission Issaquah Valley Elementary students, staff, parents, and community share the responsibility for the education of all children in a caring, nurturing, stimulating environment that fosters growth, mutual respect, and a desire to learn.

Welcome Involved parents and community members enrich our schools and enhance our students’ learning experiences. At IVE we love our family atmosphere and focus on our entire community coming together to support our children. We have extremely dedicated parents and staff that put the child first in all our decisions. When you walk into IVE you feel a spirit of joy and a clear focus on learning.

Teacher Experience Teacher’s with


Teacher Experience data for the 2018-2019 National Board School Year 53.5% will be available via OSPI at a later date. Certification


For complete school data, please visit OSPI’s website Average Yearsat: Teaching Teachers with Master’s/Ph.D


OSPI Data State testing is required by state (RCW 28A.230.095) and federal law. The federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), enacted in 1965, is the nation’s national education law and shows a longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students. On December 10, 2015 President Obama reauthorized ESEA as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). These state and federal laws result in elementary students being regularly tested by the State to assess their progress as they move through school. State tests at the elementary level which fulfill the federal Every Student Succeeds Act include the following: • Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA): English Language Arts (ELA) and Math tests (3-5) • Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS): Science test (5)

District Report For budget details and more go to annual-community-report/ The Issaquah School District believes in seeking continual feedback from a broad and diverse range of constituents regarding their experiences with the District and their neighborhood school. See the Community Polling Study site at for more information and survey results.

Demographics Grades: K-5

Enrollment: 619 91.2%


23.3% 18.6%


9.9% 2.6%



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Highlights Issaquah Valley Elementary School is a team of staff, parents, and community members working together to provide a high-quality learning environment for all students. Teachers and staff are dedicated to helping each child perform at high levels—both academically and socially. A highly supportive PTA provides art, enrichment activities, fiscal support, and community events like Movie Night and Pancake Dinner, to enhance the educational experience of students. During the 2018-19 school year, the PTA held two successful fundraisers, a fall Cougar Campaign and a spring Fun Run, which helped to fund classroom setup, technology subscriptions, and school programs such as Art Docent, Ballroom Dancing, Gardening, Angel Program, Dads at Recess (DIVE), Science to Go and many more. Issaquah Valley enrichment programs and clubs include Girls on the Run, World Drumming, Chorus, Scratch programming, various Art and Music classes, ASAP Math, ASAP Reading, and more! Issaquah Valley staff is highly trained in literacy and math instruction, effective use of technology, and differentiated instruction designed to meet the needs of a wide range of learners. A curriculum aligned at each grade and across the grade levels provides structure for a sequential plan of study for students. Dedicated and talented teaching staff provides a student-focused learning environment. Issaquah Valley was excited to implement the district adopted Elementary Social Studies curriculum this year. The guiding principles of the adoption center around the tenets that inquiry is at the heart of Social Studies, a commitment to integration with other content areas, and an action based philosophy. An important focus of the curriculum is that it embodies and encourages multiple perspectives and points of view for the purpose of building global citizens. Several special programs work together to help meet the varied needs of students. The Title I Reading and Math programs provide instructional support for students. Our ELL Program meets the needs of our English Language Learners. SAGE (Special Approach to Gifted Education) and PEP (Primary Enrichment Program) programs provide weekly pull-out instruction for gifted students as well as Challenge Math. A Special Education program, full-time Behavior Coach and

Highlights Continued full-time Counselor provide additional support for students in need. Issaquah Valley Elementary has partnered with Swedish Hospital to provide a full time Health Counselor. This amazing partner provides students and families therapy for those who are at risk or who need additional social or emotional support. Issaquah Valley Elementary is happy to have a close relationship with the Issaquah Schools Foundation. The Foundation’s generous fiscal support for IVE programs allows us to provide greater support for students and families, such as classroom grants and after school programming. ISF VOICE mentors (Volunteers of Issaquah Changing Education) come to the school every day to support many IVE students. Issaquah Valley continued to make free breakfast available to students this year in partnership with Issaquah Schools Foundation. Students could choose from options like cheese, granola bars, milk and fruit. IVE partnered with the King County Library System and Humanities Washington once again to provide Prime Time Reading, a bilingual family reading program, to many Spanish speaking families. Families read books, participated in a Socratic discussion, and shared a meal, as they were introduced to the benefits of the library system and reading at home.

Improving Student Achievement School Improvement for IVE is focused on Reading. Teachers utilized our adopted Making Meaning Curriculum, Balanced Literacy approach, and focused on an action plan geared to promote and improve students’ literacy skills. Teachers worked to deepen their knowledge of assessment and responsive teaching to promote learning for all students. Title Reading services were allocated to serve students not yet reading at grade level, focusing on closing learning gaps for students. IVE initiated ASAP Reading this year, an after school intervention program available to qualifying third, fourth, and fifth grade students.

Special Programs Students at Issaquah Valley Elementary School have the option to participate in a wide range of special instructional programs housed in other schools in the Issaquah School District. These include the Science-Tech class for fourth and fifth grades and MERLIN, the full day gifted program for grades 3-5.

Before/After School The Issaquah School District provides a tuition-based before and after school child care program here at Issaquah Valley called Cougar Club. In addition to this school age care program, a wide range of activities and after school classes is available to Issaquah Valley students through the school PTA and private instruction. These activities include drama, art, language, and dance. Many of these classes are offered at school while others are offered at nearby locations. Classes may vary from year to year.

What’s New The Issaquah School Board adopted a new District Equity Policy at the June 27, 2018 school board meeting. The new policy, known as Executive Limitation-16 or EL-16, was officially adopted after a thorough process that involved drafting policy language and refining it based on community feedback. The district is working diligently to increase knowledge about diverse cultures and races and to become more culturally competent. Our equity work includes recruiting and supporting diverse staff, providing professional development for staff, curriculum development and implementation, parent and family engagement, and ensuring equitable opportunities for students.

Assessment Two tests given to elementary school students—The Smarter Balanced Assessment and the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science help indicate how well Issaquah students are learning.

Smarter Balanced Assessment The SBA consists of two parts: a computer adaptive test and a performance task. Writing is included at every grade level and students are asked to solve multi-step, real-world problems in math. Performance tasks ask students to determine an array of research, writing, and problem solving skills. The SBA results describe student achievement (how much students know at the end of the year). The Grade Level Total ELA and Grade Level Total Math charts on the right-hand side of the page indicate the percent of students in third, fourth, and fifth grade who met or exceeded standard in ELA and Math on the SBA compared to the percent of students who met or exceeded standard in ELA and Math district-wide.

Grade Level Total Math

Grade Level Total ELA 82.2




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Grade 5 WCAS - Science

The WCAS fulfills the federal requirement that students be tested in Science once at the elementary level. The WCAS measures the level of proficiency students have achieved (what students know and can do) based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The WCAS assesses all three dimensions of the learning standards (Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts). The numbers on the chart represent the percentage of students in grade 5 who met or exceeded standard on the NGSS compared to the percentage of students in grade 5 who met or exceeded standard district-wide.




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