Annual School Performance Report Cougar Ridge Elementary School
425-837-6400 • 4630 167th Avenue SE, Bellevue, WA 98006
Principal Drew Terry
Welcome School is a wonderful place for children to come into their own and be who they are. We have enormous appreciation for our families and the way we work as a team—home and school together—on behalf of our children. We know we are a part of a special community!
Mission Climb every mountain • Meet every challenge • Work together to reach the summit • Take pride in the successes of one another • Share • Appreciate diversity in our world • Laugh
District Report
To review the Issaquah School District 2019-2020 budget details and more, please visit www.issaquah. The Issaquah School District believes in seeking continual feedback from a broad and diverse range of constituents regarding their experiences with the District and their neighborhood schools. See the Community Polling Study site at for more information and survey results.
Data from the Office of the Superintendent of Instruction (OSPI) State testing is required by Washington State (RCW 28A.230.095) and federal law. The federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), enacted in 1965, is the nation’s national education law and shows a longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students. On December 10, 2015 President Obama reauthorized ESEA as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). These state and federal laws result in elementary students being regularly tested by the State to assess their progress as they move through school. State tests at the elementary level which fulfill the federal Every Student Succeeds Act include the following: • Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA): English Language Arts (ELA) and Math tests (3-5) • Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS): Science test (5)
Demographic Data
Grades: PK-5
Enrollment: 524
80 60 43.1%
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Teacher Experience Data Teacher’s with National Board Certification
Average Years Teaching Experience
Teacher with Master’s/Ph.D
COVID-19 Pandemic In an effort to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), Governor Jay Inslee ordered all schools in Washington closed as of March 17, 2020. While the initial order mandated school closures only through April 24, 2020, the order was extended to the end of the 2019-2020 school year due to increasing COVID-19 infection numbers across the state. The Issaquah School District submitted its plan for remote learning at the end of March 2020, and remote learning began for all students on Monday, April 20. Students and staff moved to an online classroom setting, using various platforms such as SeeSaw, Classlink, and Office 365. District laptops and internet hotspots were distributed to families in need, and free meals were still provided for families qualifying for the Free and Reduced Lunch program at designated pick up spots around the district daily.
Highlights 2019 – 20 marked our fourth year of Positive Behavior Social Emotional Support (PBSES) implementation. As a staff, we worked together to reinforce common school-wide expectations. Our school-wide expectations are known as “The Bobcat Way: Be Safe, Be Kind, Do Your Job” are posted with specific behavior expectations for all areas of the building. Classroom teachers maintained their own behavior reinforcement systems within their classrooms, while students earned Bobcat Coins in general areas of the school for following the Bobcat Way. All students worked together to earn school-wide rewards, which they voted on, by earning a set number of Bobcat Coins. Our entire certificated staff continue to successfully implement the Second Step Social and Emotional Learning curriculum. We are looking forward to furthering our work around PBSES and have positive momentum moving forward! •
All Cougar Ridge students participate in weekly library, music, and physical education classes taught by, certificated teachers.
Cougar Ridge hosts an Art Docent program overseen by several Cougar Ridge parents who both have extensive backgrounds in art. Classrooms receive monthly parent-led art lessons which are centered around district art standards.
Our Student Council worked together to support others by collecting books for a teacher in Lesotho and three teachers in South Africa. Members of our Student Council planned to attend “We” day in the spring but school closures due to COVID-19 resulted in this event being canceled.
Cougar Ridge students, families, and staff came together as a community to celebrate learning and culture at our Art Fair, Veteran’s Day Assembly, and the Spelling Bee. Events such as Lunar New Year, Music Concerts, and the PTSA fun run were canceled. Our special events are hosted and supported by the collaboration between PTSA and Cougar Ridge Staff.
Students in 5th grade attended Camp Warm Beach this fall, chaperoned by teachers and parent volunteers, to participate in learning and team/community building activities.
Improving Student Achievement
It is our goal that all students grow academically and experience success. We set high academic standards for students and continually work to improve instruction so students are successful. With that in mind, we have set a School Improvement Goal which states: •
By spring of 2021, 92% of students in Grades 3 – 5 will meet or exceed standard on the Smarter Balance Assessment in ELA.
Our opportunity gap goal states: •
By spring of 2019 75% of students in Grades K – 5 that receive reading services (LAP and LRC I) will be at standard or increase their instructional reading level by one or more based on their grade level F&P expectation.
Working towards these goals, we continue to utilize best practices in reading instruction. All classrooms provide a daily literacy block in which reading and writing skills our intentionally taught. Some of the strategies used are: Guided and differentiated reading groups, Making Meaning comprehension strategies, and individual conferring, use of Book Room resources, intentional read aloud and shared reading opportunities, use of quality mentor texts, Readers Workshop tubs (Grades 3 – 5), and reading response journals. Professional development provided to teachers during the 2019– 20 school year utilized resources from within the building and from our district Teaching and Learning Department. Common Core State Standards (CCSS) of Reading practices were the foundation for staff training sessions. In addition, teachers were provided guided reading strategies and in-service trainings to better meet the needs of all learners including our ELL, struggling learners, and our fast processors.
Special Programs
Cougar Ridge is one of four district elementary schools to host self-contained classrooms for students with special needs (LRC II).
Before and After School
Chess Club, Student Council, Green Team, Books to Africa, CR News Crew, Spanish Club, and ASAP (After School Assistance Program) in Reading and Math.
What’s New
During the 2017 – 18 school year, Cougar Ridge Elementary underwent a major construction project. The main office, OT Room, Speech Office, and LRC II classrooms were completely remodeled and relocated. A vestibule near the main office was also added to our school for safety reasons. In addition, six classrooms and an activity area were added to a new wing on our campus. These changes will provide greater security and far more space for our students to learn.
State Testing Two tests given to elementary school students—The Smarter Balanced Assessment and the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science help indicate how well Issaquah students are learning.
COVID-19 Disclaimer
Due to early facility closure and suspension of end of year testing, 2019-2020 assessment data is not available. The data below relfects the school’s scores for the 2018-2019 school year.
Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA)
The SBA consists of two parts: a computer adaptive test and a performance task. Writing is included at every grade level and students are asked to solve multi-step, real-world problems in math. Performance tasks ask students to determine an array of research, writing, and problem solving skills. The SBA results describe student achievement (how much students know at the end of the year). The Grade Level Total ELA and Grade Level Total Math charts on the right-hand side of the page indicate the percent of students in third, fourth, and fifth grade who met or exceeded standard in ELA and Math on the SBA compared to the percent of students who met or exceeded standard in ELA and Math district-wide.
Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS)
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The WCAS fulfills the federal requirement that students100 be tested in Science once at the elementary level. The WCAS measures the level of proficiency students 80 have achieved (what students know and can do) based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The WCAS assesses all three dimensions of the 60 learning standards (Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts). The numbers on the chart represent the percentage of 40 students in grade 5 who met or exceeded standard on the NGSS compared to the percentage of students in 20 grade 5 who met or exceeded standard district-wide.
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English Language Arts (ELA)
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