Tiger Mountain Community High School 2015-16 Annual School Performance Report

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Annual School Performance Report Tiger Mountain Community High School

Tiger Mountain Community High School

355 SE Evans Street, Issaquah, WA 98027


Welcome to Tiger Mountain Community High School (TMCHS). The 2015-16 school year was marked with (425) 837-6200 tremendous transition and growth. http://connect.issaquah. Staff and students shared powerful wednet.edu/high/tiger/ learning experiences both in and out default.aspx of our classrooms as all members of TMCHS planned, prepared, and Principal implemented individual transition LaShae Lee plans. Students identified their next best academic placement for the 2016-2017 school year following Tiger’s closure, and all students and staff expanded their self-advocacy and independence skills.

Mission Tiger Mountain will become an in-demand choice school that consistently serves 200 students and engages them in authentic learning experiences that prepare them for specific careers and postsecondary learning. Our values include: Community, Character, Citizenship and Respect, Responsibility, Relationships.

Purpose Tiger Mountain Community High School provides students with individualized instruction, diverse course content, and student-centered curricula in a tightly knit community to meet students’ academic needs and future career goals.

Demographics Grades: 9-12

Teacher Experience Enrollment: 22 83.3%


Teachers with Master’s/Ph.D


Teacher’s with National Board Certification


0 Average Years Teaching Experience




District Report


2.6% 0% k




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In March 2014, the U.S. Department of Education declined to renew the state of Washington’s conditional Elementary and Secondary Education Act Flexibility Waiver for schools receiving Title I, Part A funds. This decision affects all schools in Washington State, which are now subject to the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). Washington is the only state that has lost its waiver and must revert to NCLB standards and timelines of assessment. For schools and districts to be considered succeeding under NCLB, schools must meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) standards. For schools to meet AYP, 100 percent of all students, regardless of special needs or English language mastery, must meet proficiency standards. Tiger Mountain met AYP this year. For complete information about the Issaquah School District’s assessment data, highly qualified teachers, annual yearly progress, and state NAEP (of Educational Progress) results, please visit the state’s online district report card.

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For budget details and more go to www.issaquah.wednet.edu/district/annualcommunity-report/ The Issaquah School District believes in seeking continual feedback from a broad and diverse range of constituents regarding their experiences with the District and their neighborhood school. See the Community Polling Study site at www. issaquah.wednet.edu/district/polling for more information and survey results.

Improving Student Achievement Through skillful alignment with State Common Core Standards at grade levels 9, 10, 11, and 12 teachers aligned projectbased, authentic, hands-on activities in cross-curricular learning environments in support of student engagement. Technology has been incorporated in all content areas to increase student skill, relevance, and engagement. With small class sizes individual student learning needs are met with personalized supports and planning. In preparation for transition to student’s next learning environment, practices were put into place at TMCHS to familiarize students with typical functions at comprehensive high schools and larger school environments in support of their individual achievement.

Special Program Set on a beautiful flora rich campus with classrooms open to a lush green courtyard, Tiger Mountain Community High School offers a relaxed natural setting for learning. Our highly qualified and experienced staff fosters a nurturing educational environment while maintaining high academic expectations of our students.

Transition Planning With the closure of Tiger at the end of the 2015-2016 school year, all students have participated in the process of aligning their goals with desirable next steps in their academic careers. Selfadvocacy has been explicitly taught and each student has interacted with various representatives from universities, colleges, high school completion programs, alternate high schools, and comprehensive high schools. Likewise, students have experienced direct instruction on making healthy choices, healthy living, and decision-making. Through research, self-assessment, and planning aligned with student goals, each student helped create an individualized transition plan for their academic and career futures. In preparation for transition to a larger school environment, and to elevate identified student concerns related to transition, math classes at TMCHS were located on the Issaquah High School campus. This move further prepared students to navigate larger school environments and familiarize themselves with new learning environments. As part of the transition process, students experienced a comprehensive high school fire


Grade Level Total ELA 93.7%

Two tests given to elementary school students—The Smarter Balanced Assessment and the Measurement of Student Progress (MSP)—help indicate how well Issaquah students are learning.

The 2015-2016 11th Grade Smarter Balanced Assessment results in English Language Arts and Math were suppressed by OSPI due to the low number of students from our District who took the tests. These assessments were required for accountability, however, 11th grade students who had already met their graduation requirements through other assessments opted out of the test. For information from OSPI on test suppression data, please visit OSPI at http://reportcard.ospi.k12.wa.us/ TemplateDetail.aspx?domain=SBAC&schoo lId=114&reportLevel=District&year=201516&gradeLevelId=11&groupLevel=District& waslCategory=1&chartType=1&yrs=2015-16



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Grade Level Total Math



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Smarter Balanced assessments will go beyond multiple-choice questions to include extended response and technology enhanced items, as well as performance tasks that allow students to demonstrate critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Performance tasks challenge students to apply their knowledge and skills to respond to complex real-world problems. They can best be described as collections of questions and activities that are coherently connected to a single theme or scenario. These activities are meant to measure capacities such as depth of understanding, writing and research skills, and complex analysis, which cannot be adequately assessed with traditional

assessment questions. The performance tasks will be taken on a computer (but will not be computer adaptive) and will take one to two class periods to complete. Smarter Balanced capitalizes on the precision and efficiency of computer adaptive testing (CAT). This approach represents a significant improvement over traditional paper-andpencil assessments used in many states today, providing more accurate scores for all students across the full range of the achievement continuum.


The Smarter Balanced Assessment is a system of valid, reliable, and fair next-generation assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in English language arts/literacy (ELA/literacy) and mathematics for grades 3-8 and 11. The system—which includes both summative assessments for accountability purposes and optional interim assessments for instructional use—will use computer adaptive testing technologies to provide meaningful feedback and actionable data that teachers and other educators can use to help students succeed.


Smarter Balanced Assessment


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In spring 2011, the state replaced its broad 10th-grade math High School Proficiency Exam with two End of Course Assessments. Now, students take the End of Course 1 assessment at the end of their algebra course, no matter what their grade level; they take the End of Course 2 assessment at the end of their geometry course, no matter what their grade level. In spring 2012, the state similarly did away with the broad 10th grade science HSPE and replaced it with the Biology EOC Assessment. OSPI suppressed some data from being publicly released, for information on why and how, please visit OSPI at http:// reportcard.ospi.k12.wa.us/TemplateDetail. aspx?domain=SBAC&schoolId=1442&repo rtLevel=School&year=2014-15&gradeLevel Id=8&groupLevel=District&waslCategory=1 &chartType=1&yrs=2014-15

Grade 10 EOC-Biology 90.8





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