Strategic Plan 2017 – 2020

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Strategic Plan 2017 – 2020


Table of Contents Presentation of the Strategic Plan and Cycle

Mission, Vision and Guiding Principles Strategic Pillars 






Presentation A Strategic Plan provides us with direction for improvement. Our Mission at ISF is to support each student’s academic, social and personal growth. In the same way, we, as a school, are committed to growth through a process of evaluation, reflection and development, to ensure we are responding to the needs of our community, our evolving context and our desire for excellence. The 2017 – 2020 Strategic Plan is the result of a concerted process of consultation, based on feedback from staff, parents and students. Through surveys, focus-group discussions, community meetings and student councils, important information was gathered about what is working well, and what needs our attention, today. Our time-based plan is designed to maintain the strength of the four constants of our school – the learners, the teachers, the community and our infrastructure. Specific goals in relation to each pillar show where we intend to focus our energy over the next three years. Each goal involves specific development and evaluation steps, which will form the basis of our community’s work as we move ISF forward on its path of continual improvement for our students, staff and families. ISF Board of Directors

Debra Williams

Strategic Planning Committee

Head of School





Synthesis/Finalized Plan


The Strategic Pillars

Community Review & Participatory Revision


Draft proposal

Mission, Vision and Guiding Principles MISSION: ISF aims to provide a caring learning environment that promotes personal, social and academic growth through challenging and engaging programs, in order to develop respectful responsible students who strive to have a positive impact on others and the world around them. VISION: Inspire every student to reach their personal potential.


Our Core Values

The International School of Florence is committed to: 

Providing a safe and healthy school environment.

Encouraging intellectual curiosity, critical thinking and enthusiasm for learning as a lifelong pursuit.

Enabling students to realize their highest potential.

Providing students with depth and breadth of knowledge, understanding and skills in a broad range of academic subjects.

Upholding appropriate standards for personal behavior.

Building confidence, self-esteem and leadership through curricularand extracurricular activities, including athletics, the arts and community service programs.

Nurturing intellectual, social and physical growth while identifying and meeting each student's developmental needs.

Recognizing creative expression and promoting an appreciation of beauty.

Developing positive moral and social values for personal fulfilment and for the good of the community.

Fostering understanding and respect for diverse cultures and the differences between them.

Encouraging appreciation of each student's heritage.

Promoting competence in English and in at least one other language.

Continuing to attract and retain exceptional staff.

Ensuring financial sustainability into the future.


At ISF, LEARNERS follow challenging programs that foster the growth of the whole person and provide the foundation for lifelong learning.

Support the growth of each student academically, socially and emotionally - Ensure a continuum of development which is well supported at all levels - Use data to identify growth and potential growth over time - Create a school-wide homework philosophy and implementation plan - Expand Approaches to Learning and Well Being Programs throughout the school

Integrate benefits of digital technology as a learning tool - Determine when, where and how digital literacy skills are taught - Ensure risks and benefits of technology use are integrated in school-wide Well- Being program

Provide opportunities to enhance students’ understanding and engagement in a multicultural, changing world - Continue integration of the UNESCO Framework for Global Citizenship and Intercultural Learning - Integrate awareness of environmental sustainability at all levels of the school




At ISF, TEACHERS work in and contribute to a stimulating, innovative, collaborative professional environment.

Use research from the field of education and relevant feedback to drive effective teaching - Review and enhance professional feedback mechanisms - Define format for sharing research findings

Support the professional growth of teachers as lifelong learners - Review and improve the school’s comprehensive professional development plan

Foster the well-being of our staff as a collaborative community of professionals - Enhance systems for sharing good practice across a variety of groups in the school - Calendar meetings and opportunities for increased collaboration in the schedule - Implement peer observations and feedback mechanisms according to best practice




At ISF, COMMUNITY encompasses our current, past and future students, parents, teachers and the broader local and international community.

Enhance community participation to empower our mission - Strengthen Parent Association and promote its interaction with ISF staff - Review and strengthen welcoming plan for all new members of the community

Enhance external relations network - Structure student participation in service-related, cultural and internship experiences in Florence area - Establish and maintain relationships with local authorities in relation to school strategies - Expand relations with university admissions offices to improve students’ higher education opportunities - Further integrate the educational opportunities provided by Florence and its unique cultural heritage




At ISF, sustainable INFRASTRUCTURE supports the mission of the school structurally, financially and operationally.

Ensure financial sustainability - Define measurable criteria and indicators to assess the school’s financial position over time - Pursue additional sources of revenue and a fundraising campaign - Seek support of Italian, local and national officials and business and civic leaders to increase support for operations and capital projects

Finalize new campus project - Align marketing strategy with the new campus potential - Become an environmentally sustainable school

Optimize the facilities at our present locations - Review didactic technology provision - Enhance building and maintenance efficiency - Continue to monitor standards of safety for students and staff



INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF FLORENCE Junior School (Pre-School to Grade 5)

Upper School (Grades 6 to 12)

Villa le Tavernule - via del Carota, 23/25 50012 Bagno a Ripoli (FI), Italy telephone: +39 055 6461007 fax: +39 055 644226 e-mail:

Villa Torri di Gattaia - viuzzo di Gattaia, 9 50125 Florence, Italy telephone: +39 055 2001515 fax: +39 055 2008400 e-mail:

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