2 minute read
By Ming Hao Dai '25
On Earth there are almost 200 countries Every country has its own population and its own traditions! As one of Earth’s many countries, Japan is an archipelago known for its unique blend of ancient traditions, sushi, manga and animations!
Now let's move on to our unique festivals.
In this 400 year old tradition that takes place on May 5, two sumo wrestler competitors are required to each hold a baby. They then attempt to make the baby cry by putting on scary masks. After successfully making the babies cry, the sumo wrestlers have to raise the baby up in the air as high as they can, so that the blessing granted on the baby can be enhanced and the evil spirits can be warded off! In the end, whichever baby cries first, wins However, if they cry at the same time, the baby with the longest and loudest cry shall win the competition!
First is the Naki Sumo Misturi, or The crying baby festival in English As some may already realize, it is related to Sumo wrestlers and crying babies. Even if you do know such a fact, after having understood the bizarreness of this competition, everyone will be shocked!
This festival held on the first Sunday of April, is officially known as The Iron Phallus Festival, or vernacularly known as the “penis festival”. Despite its funny name, this special event was developed from painful roots during the Edo period (1603-1868). During this time, it was thought that working women such as prostitutes and servants prayed at the Kanayama shrine to obtain resistance against misfortunes and diseases, especially for sexually transmitted diseases.
On the day of the festival, Japanese delicacies such as mochis and lollipops designed in the shape of male and female genitals are sold in food stalls along the shrine As the people buy the specialities, three Mikoshis (sacred religious palanquin) each carrying a giant penis of different appearance (wood, black and iron, or pink) march across the roads, as the main attraction of the day.
In the end, whoever can fling the plastic food on the plate the furthest, wins the contest!
In this contest, the competitors are required to yell out whatever their heart desires For example, a few competitors have once said: “I deserve a job raise!” Using this method, they can easily vent their anger for their job, school, and stress in general

Fun Fact: During the 12th Chabudai-Gaeshi competition, a dark horse called Shinya Chiba, flung the plastic fish a shocking 8.29 meters!
The Chabudai-Gaeshi, also called “Upending the tea table” in English, is a rather recent competition compared to the previous two. First, the competitor has to stand behind a small tea table with a plate and numerous plastic food items on top Then, the competitor accumulates ire in their heart as they wait for the signal from the judge. Just as the judge gives a signal, the competitor is required to yell out what their heart desires and forcefully flip the table! In the end, whoever can fling the plastic food on the plate the furthest, wins the contest!
There are many more bizarre events in Japan. However, I have only mentioned three of hundreds The rest is for you to find out and participate in by yourself in Japan!