Villages and their City Bridging the Rural-Urban Dichotomy through Spatial Development in Bareilly Ishan Kumar Garg | SPA/NS/UD/865 | MUD Sem IV
A quarter of the 8000 Indian cities have an urban masterplan! Million Plus Cities
Very Large Village
Other Class I Cities
Large Village
Class II Cities
Medium Village
Class III Cities
Small Village
Class IV or V or VI Cities
Hamlet or Smaller
Source: Census 2011
“Metropolitan Invasion” | Administrative Problem | Land Use Problem | Infrastructural Problems | Growth of Slums | Social Problem
Villages as Intact Community
The thesis aims to create a rational playground for both rural and urban population, which create possibilities for economic cum knowledge transactions beyond their local boundaries.
Nainital Haldwani Nepal
Moradabad Rampur
2nd Rank In Ease Of Doing Business
Bareilly, Itself acts as an Economic Magnet to several tier 3-4 cities around
If Uttar Pradesh succeeds in attracting global manufacturers, the process of urbanization in the state will speed up, causing an unprecedented strain on the infrastructure of its cities.
Leaders, Laggards, Slowdowns & Catchup Districts
The state and the city should prepare for this change! Bareilly, A Slowdown District, Surrounded By Laggards.
Bareilly, Counter Magnet City To NCR And Towns Around
The Selected Zone To Nainital
Ram Ganga River
Bareilly Municipal Corporation
Bareilly By-Pass
Bahugul River
To Pilibhit /Nepal
Pilibhit Bypass
Nakatiya River
To Lucknow
Bareilly Urban Agglomeration Villages to be Agglomerated
Mudiya Ahmed Nagar Chawer
City Builtup
City Boundary Limits & the 66 Villages to be Agglomerated in upcoming masterplan
The City Growth & The Airport
City plans to agglomerate more village lying on its fringes, Currently the villages at North Easter part of city are witnessing maximum urban sprawl.
Source: Draft Master Plan 2041
The Selected Zone
Saidpur Village
Opted zone is enclosed by Trishul Airbase (recently upgraded with Civil Enclave under UDAN Scheme) on SW, Nakatiya River on E and intersection of Pilibhit Road & Delhi Lucknow Bypass on north.
Delhi Lucknow Bypass
Mudiya Village
Site consists of 3 Villages, Master Plans envisions this zone predominantly as residential.
Bareilly Airport
Ahmed Nagar Village
Chawer Village
Nakatiya River
Opted Zone Land Use as per MPD 2021 Hospitality
Green Reserves
Source: Draft Master Plan 2021
Villages & their current Boundaries Institutional
Mudiya Ahmed Nagar Airport/ Airforce
Saidpur Chunnilal
To Pilibhit
To Bareilly
To Pilibhit
To Bareilly
With time, this zone saw several characteristics of Urban Sprawl Rural Displacement | Breaking interconnections | Dynamic Land conversions | Speculations
Land Ownership
Land speculation
Mudiya Village
Ahmed Nagar Village
Mausmi Farms Sakshi Builder Sahara India
Chawer Village
Khandelwal Brick Kiln Owners Saluja & Sons Airforce
Airforce Zone
Today, Rate of Land speculation is even more, after Civil Enclave Proposal. Farmers have no other option to sell, and look for alternative mode of livelihood.
Hospitality Temporary Functions
Rohillkhand Med. Col. Gupta Builder
Brick Kilns
500 M
Govt, Land (Airport) Govt, Land
Land pooling is possible to have a better planning approach, these speculated lands along with existing farmlands can lead to a planned Rational Urban Rural Fringe
Ecological Landscape:
4 B
Pilibhit Road Proposed 4 Lane
Speculated land
Endangered tree specie due to road expansion
Bamboo River Nakatiya
Villagers planted bamboo along river edge to retain soil / edge.
River coarse approaching 500 M
1. 2. 3. 4.
100m green belt along NH to must to curb vehicular pollution 30% of fertile farm lands still survives (67.1 Hec. out of 227.20 Hec.) 30 m offset as Green reserve to be considered from river centre, as per Govt. guidelines i.e. under continuous real-estate threat. Giant existing Green Reserves at Airforce premises, Mayur Chetna van to be retained.
2 Ficus virens or Pakad Tree
3 Chetna van in ruined state due to less footfall
Ecological Landscape:
Catchment Near Canal
Nakatiya Catchment
Preferable Buildable/Non Buildable
AA’ Source: GIS Mapping
Water Permeable fencing Aqueducts Waste Water Clogging Airbase PART- 1
Restricted by Govt.
Part from River’s older course
Waste water clogging from village into River’s older course
Govt. land reclaimed for seasonal farming
Pilibhit Road
SECTION - B Vacant River Bed
Defunct Canal & its Aqueducts
Source: Author
Mudiya Ahmed Nagar | Chawer
The Villages
Everyday Networking
500 M
• • •
CHAWER Literacy 66.11 % Livelihood Marginal workers 223
• • • •
MUNDIYA AHMED NAGAR Literacy 53.15 % Livelihood Agricultural Labourers 197 Marginal workers 284
Weekly Market
Villages interdepend on cultural, edu., daily needs but Physical barriers hinders “Pedestrian Dependent” villagers
The Villages Kiln Workers
Stage 1
Zardozi (Embroidery by Golden/Silver thread) Stage 2
Cane / Bamboo / Wooden Furniture Stage 3
Cash Crops & Urban Farming
More Employment | More Revenue | Rural Urban Interactions Integration and upgradation of these traditional livelihood with processing and selling (markets) options will tap villager’s economy. Platforms like small-medium scale productions, Direct Producer-Consumer-Designer interactions will generate own service sector
Dialoges : With Stakeholders
HOTEL HELPER:I am the only servant working from my village into this (Radisson) hotel. Here staff members are immigrants from different parts of the country, staying in our village.
KILN WORKER: Kiln functions for 7 months,
in off season, we are either cultivator, zardozi worker or labourer. Kilns provide major livelihood for nearby villages, Remaining 3 will soon shut down leaving many searching for an alternative.
FARMER FROM MUDIYA AHMED NAGAR (OWNER): Builders approach us daily for our
land, but for us our land is like our daughter. Urban Farming seems interesting although we already do it informally. Stray cattle, monkeys are big challenge!
ZARDOZI CONTRACTOR MIDDLE MAN: High GST rate increased product value but decreased demand. Boosting zardozi will help many poor families here. It empowers women as well.
FARMER (CULTIVATOR) : We took this land on lease, 50% off the profit goes to the land owner living in the City. Apart from vegetables, rice or wheat, oil producing crops are much profitable!
LABOUR : our land was taken long back by
airport in 1990 and by Sahara in 1998. Now we either have small parcels of lands or we have nothing.
YADAV COMMUNITY: We have small parcels
of farm land here, Yes! good business option like dairy, products, bakery, ice etc. can be produced by us locally!
we are bound to do farming only, because our farm are under no construction zone (100 m) due to airport. Fishery is also prohibited here.
HOTEL MANAGER : this is the ambitious
location in whole city with Bypass, Airport and upcoming SEZ. Soon 3 more 5 star hotels are to open within this part of Bareilly!
REAL ESTATE DEVELOPER : many gated societies 7-8 Three star hotels are about to come. Big chunk of Sahara land lying empty is for sell. Many developers are planning to come together and develop this piece of land similar to crossing republik.
STUDENTS : No Government schools after
8th class, relays on high fee pvt. schools. We either walk or take paratransit for better safety. Coaching is located at least 5-6 KM, in the city. We use these big empty plots for recreational purpose.
POULTRY FARMER : it's a good profitable Source: Author - Stakeholders interactions
Yes, There are a variety of stakeholders BUT, MUTUAL RELATIONS are absent. Developing these mutual relations would benefit all. Design strategies must cater to generate interdependencies.
business, requires least infrastructure & management. Our customers are the city wholesalers who come here and buy from us directly.
RESIDENT : We have GAIL pipeline, but people
are afraid to get its connection, might be a costly deal! Health care facility is very poor, public primary health care centre is mostly closed.
Livelihood Opportunities Ahead Diversification of livelihoods and of local economic bases is a key element of rural development, and is closely linked to urbanization as well! Alternative Livelihood
Urban Agriculture
Rurban Service Sector
• Handicrafts, an effective measure to create in situ employment, reducing poverty and the income gap between urban & rural regions which in turn should help in better life style as well.
• As major part of the Urban Fringes are occupied by the city forces, There is still a significant green cover offers opportunity for Urban Agriculture.
• Hi-tech Transportation, Retails, Event management, Hospitality , IT and ITeS, Tourism, Financial Services, etc. enabling settlement residents to diversify their income sources.
• Craft skills, usually being passed down through generations & over the centuries, today they are also recognised in the global market. FEATURES: Economic: Craft villages typically enjoy income four times higher than any agricultural villages Social Impacts: An open opportunity for non working, specially women. As mostly its homebased, privacy, not an issue. Sustainable: Contractors usually provide raw material & collect finished products. Least or No infra needed, least maintenance cost. Flexibility: Apart from craft, workers also contribute into farm activities if required. Assistance can be obtained to facilitate access to capital, production technologies and scientific Advancement.
• Urban Agriculture, is integrated into the urban economic and ecological system. FEATURES: Urban Food Security & Nutrition: Fresh & nutritious food intake, customisable as per urban need, diminishes rising future food insecurities. Social Impacts: Urban Rural Bonding, physical and/or psychological relaxation Urban Ecology: Better Micro climate, Green buffer reducing UHI, less resource consumption (water, fuel), capturing dust and CO2, etc. Urban Economy: Urban Agriculture empowers livelihood and increases job opportunities. PARAMETERS of Urban Agriculture : • Types of location & Available Land • Types of products grown • Types of economic activities • Product destination/degree of market orientation • Scales of production and technology used
• Such cohesive environment on the peripheral zone will lead to Healthy Rural-Urban interactions. FEATURES: Opportunity for Non Farm : Upcoming development forces can embrace Non Farm group at respectable positions. Discourage Immigration : Usually Poor Immigrants target urban villages for shelter leading to informal, poor liveability with tangled morphology. Social Impact : Exposure to service sector will contribute in upgrading native’s lifestyle. Mediator : With the increasing business activities, village itself will develop a need for mediators through service. Skill development for such services at local level need to be enhanced.
To Delhi To Pilibhit
To Lucknow
Mudiya Village
Bareilly Airport
Nakatiya River Ahmed Nagar Village
Trishul Airbase Chawer Village
500 M
To Bareilly
Source: Author
Policies/regulations : Existing - Recommended
Mudiya Village
Ahmed Nagar Village
Chawer Village
500 M
Source: Author
Vision & Strategies An intact community or rather an identity based in the cluster of Bareilly’s fringe villages that is equipped with the power of production, flow of goods and services from its traditional rural-based producers or natives catering to the growing needs from GLOCAL consumers. The proposal envisions a resilient system that offers a robust interplay between the natives and fresh settlers rather than a separation.
Reconnecting the broken linkages between the cluster of villages and reimagining them together as “A COMMUNITY”
Reinforce or form the identity of fringe areas Charging Traditional Livelihoods to create more job opportunities 1. 2. 3.
Farm Lands (Continuous Productive Urban Landscape) Local Crafts Water Bodies (River, wetlands)
Introducing Local Tourism as a catalyst of regenerating the fringe villages A seamless entry - exit node for the city Leaves behind a glimpse of Bareilly into the visitor’s memory Enhance direct consumer – manufacturer interactions. Adaptive reuse of 1. Vernacular Houses 2. Vacant or dilapidated structures 3. Defunct Canals / Aqueducts RETREAT VOCATIONAL URBAN-RURAL INTERACTIONS
• • •
Promoting share of various programs/ amenities Increasing “Sense of a Place” Reviving a “Sense of Solidarity”
• •
A compact and efficient RURBAN form & fabric Comprehensive, integrated and regional land use planning
Defining the smart growth pattern
Upgrading Rural Areas with Urban Amenities • •
• • • •
• •
Enhancing the quality of life Support existing social capital while stimulating new development through stakeholder collaboration and local empowerment strategies to incentivise the natives, who are usually left out
Utilizing the existing heritage in an urbanising rural context integrated into future developments
To Delhi To Pilibhit
To Lucknow
Mudiya Village
Bareilly Airport
Nakatiya River Ahmed Nagar Village
Trishul Airbase Chawer Village
500 M
To Bareilly
Source: Author
Selected Site : Design Demonstration To Delhi To Pilibhit
To Lucknow Mudiya Village
Bareilly Airport
Nakatiya River Ahmed Nagar Village
Trishul Airbase Chawer Village
To Bareilly
500 M
Source: Author
Selected site (800m x 900m Approx.) includes Chawer Village and Ahmad Nagar Village where the following strategies have been demonstrated: Airforce Noise Mitigation for Chawer Village River Edge Redevelopment Proposed Community Spine, That Binds Villages Proposed Linkage to Mitigate Traffic Congestion Canal Redevelopment Urban Farming Proposal on existing Virgin Lands(Preferable Non Buildable Area) • Pedestrian Friendly Nodes • Village Upgradation by “PURA MODEL” (Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Areas) • Regional Land Use planning for Future Growth over Preferable buildable areas (Hospitality, Village Expansion, Mixed Use Development, Institutional & Public Spaces) • • • • • •
Zones & Their Inter- Relations
Movement Diagram
Demonstrating : Ecological Connections
Ecological Connections : Walkways (Canal Redevelopment)
3 4
5 4
5 Defunct Canal, with negligible water catchment is being transformed into a series of Public Activities, essentially required by Chawer Village’s population.
Ecological Connections : Walkways
Ecological Connections : Walkways
Ecological Connections : Urban Farms (7 Layered Food Forest)
Growing 7 different layers of foods (Fruits and Vegetable) under Forest like Ecosystem. • A 7 layered Forest helps in retaining the soft river edge while ensuring the “30M buffer zone” along the river. • This will commercially benefit villagers and will also act as a local tourism attraction. • It also mitigates “River Approaching Settlement” issue • Proposed Walkway along this forest promotes seamless pedestrian movement.
Ecological Connections : Food Forest - Before
Ecological Connections : Food Forest - After
Ecological Connections : Food forest would also empower these rare species, Being their Natural Habitat!
Ecological Connections : Urban Farms
Defunct canal producing Macrophytes and Pisiculture products.
Realising the Potential Of Production, “N” number of Cash Crops can be grown that not only fulfils the need of locally growing Hospitality and Residential sector but also Exports Food Products after processing them! Hospitality
FRUITS Hospitality + Residents
Rambutan Longan Mango Steel Fruit Canistel Plum Dates Tamarind Avocado Plum Blueberry Fig Blackberry Pear Custard Apple Star Fruit Muskmelon Dragon Fruit Avocado Apricot
Sugarcane Watermelon Orange Strawberry Grape Cherry Mango Banana Pomegranate Raspberry Papaya Kiwi Pineapple Guava Chikoo/ Sapodilla Grapes Peach Cherry Lychee
VEGETABLE / FRUITS Hospitality Hospitality + Residents Fennel pumpkin Green Beans Artichoke Mushroom Zucchini Reddish Green Yellow Red Chilli Olives TaroBitter ground Pumpkin Bottle ground Spring Onion Squash Cabbage Basale Peas Thyme Potato Rosemary Onion Dill Green Chilli Celery Jackfruit Lettuce Cauliflower Sweet Potato Turnip Turnip Avocado Lemon Lemongrass Peanut Brussel Sprout Coriander Eggplant Leek Spanish Broccoli Carrot Red Cabbage Tomato
BUTCHERIES Hospitality Chicken Thai Chicken Breast Drum Chicken Chicken Wings Curry Cut Chicken Mutton Fish Egg
DAIRY PRODUCTS Toned Milk Double Toned Milk Unsaturated Milk Flavoured Milk Full Cream Milk Paneer Curd Butter
Ecological Connections : Urban Farms Consumers :Mixed Use Development, Hospitality, Visitors, Villagers, Recent Settlers Producers & Service Providers : Villagers Whole system reinforces the aspirations of farmers while creating a local service sector that employees more villagers leading to better livelihood and liveability! Mixed Use
Hospitality Weekly Market
The Urban Rural Transition
Green Buffer
Urban Farms
Community Spine
Ecological Connections : Urban Farms & Noise Mitigation
Farming Pyramids
Traditional Roof With Solar Panels
Apart from noise mitigation, benefits farmers with more production in small parcels while being a local tourism attraction for the visitors.
Ecological Connections : Urban Farms & Noise Mitigation
Green Houses Ware Houses
Farming Pyramids
Traditional Roof Over New Construction
Institutes/Labs Vertical Farming Units
Other Functions with similar forms
Ecological Connections : Reviving The River Bed
Waste water clogging from village into River’s older course
Nakatiya River
Food Forest
Drains from Village
STP River Bed
Treating the inflowing gray water and sewerage from villages, and transforming river bed into a lake. Over flowing water will perculate into the Nakatiya River
Pyramid Gardens
Ecological Connections : Reviving The River Bed & Tapping villager’s aspirations Exploring Food Pyramid Gardens
Food: Raw / Cooked
Celebration Zone For Villagers
Vocational Centre
Shop/Workshop/Handson Experience
Stay : Guest Houses, Homestay
Walkover Lake Through Aquaducts/Lake
Tour To Food Forest
Ecological Connections : Comes Together
Ecological Connections : Comes Together
Demonstrating Commercial Upliftment Strategies
Design Demonstration : Chowks and The Community Spine
Community Spine
Design Demonstration : Chowks and The Community Spine
The Community Spine : Into the Village
Design Demonstration : Upgrading the Rural
Community Spine
Design Demonstration : Consumers
Design Demonstration : A Common Platform
Community Spine
The Community Spine : Exhibition Space
Design Demonstration : Conclusion
Design Demonstration : Conclusion
Design Demonstration : Conclusion
The thesis ultimately re-envisions urban-rural associations, through appropriate design combinations with economic growth. It integrates broken linkages by revising methodologies and encourages local entrepreneurship that taps the possibility of a gradual social transformation. Concurrently, the addition of required urban amenities leads to rural life strengthening and fulfilling aspirations. Since, the proposed model carry through an inclusive fringe development, it is replicable to similar scales and situations that bolster such coexistence.
Source: Dhiru Thadani
Playing field had to be leveled with both Landscapes Gandhi
Key References:
Bareilly & its Urban Fringe H. Lal & Rural-Urban Fringe in Indian Cities Jyotsna Pandey Studies on Urban Fringes shows the adverse impact of urban sprawl on peripheral villages & livelihood of natives. Their findings, proposals or suggestions regarding the development framework helps spatially. As the authors also cites many other planners & geographers to support their study, we observe, how critical the concern for development in urban fringes is. Target 3 Billion APJ Abdul Kalam & Srijan Pal Lack of focus on rural development a biggest hurdle to achieve India as a developed nation. Factors responsible are highlighted, that leaves villagers marginalised along with the mitigation strategies like PURA (Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Areas). Creating job opportunities by encouraging local entrepreneur would tap possibility of a gradual social transformation. RUrban Landscapes: Designing for Food security T.Aishwarya, SPA Delhi, U.D. Graduate Thesis questions, “Why rural must change to urban, why must natural feature be replaced by built, in order to create a city?“ Mentioned concern for degrading environmental and cultural fabric along the fringe areas is quite valid for my thesis as it helps in questioning the urban-biased approaches on the name of development through policies, actions, and ambitions of the state and the people.
Countryside Rem Koolhas As author visits countryside areas, Develops the narrative for each place’s own story. How spatially the areas are functional, how countryside communities boosted economy of various marginalised groups. Bareilly City’s Master Plan Town & Country Planning Department, Bareilly MP talks about future prospects & city’s ambitions but unfortunately it clearly ignores idea of considering peripheral villages as an integral part of city development strategy. It highlights the issue of illegal constructions like college, residential society etc. quite relatable to this thesis also. Study on Land Acquisition V/s Land Pooling National Housing Bank Land Pooling A self financing model with no/limited upfront costs for land procurement. Fairer distribution of land value. Facilitates more Social Capital Creation. Appropriate for urban fringes with rising property prices.
Land Acquisition Perceived as heavy handed, conflict- prone and time consuming. Involves displacement, difficulty of resurrecting lost livelihoods, risk of breaking community and social networks and psychological trauma for the affected people.
Other Studies: Smart Growth Vs Urban Sprawl Amir Shakibamanesh Land Reform Policies of the Indian states (Karnataka, Gujarat) & China’s Sangyong