pennysaverNEWS • FREE • Volume 50 • Number 84 • January 21, 2009
Your Pet Peeves Inside
your source for community news
Bank of Bennington Makes Significant Investment in Bennington Community
Antiques & Auctions ............ 7 Auto....................................12 Classifieds........................... . 9 Crossword............................ 6 From my Corner ................... 3 Horoscope............................ 6 Jobs.................................... 15 Movies ................................. 3 Real Estate..........................11 Weather................................ 8
Pictured here are Barth Vander Els (left), Chair of the Library’s Board of Trustees and James Brown, President of the Bank of Bennington.
Permit No. 102 Bennington, VT 05201
Weekly Almanac .................. 8
The Bank of Bennington made a significant investment in the Bennington community when it recently donated five thousand dollars to the Bennington Free Library’s Capital Campaign. The Library’s Capital Campaign, begun in 2008, will pay for renovation work intended to improve the energy efficiency of the library and preserve the historic structure. Efficiency projects have already begun: last year the attic of the original 1865 building was insulated, its ventilation system and wiring updated. These improvements had the immediate effect of significantly improving the comfort level of patrons in the Children’s and public meeting rooms where programs and business meetings are regularly held. Updated wiring in the 1936 structure’s stacks allowed installation of motion sensitive lighting fixtures with improved visibility and reduced energy consumption resulting. The next phase of the planned renovation includes insulation of the 1936 structure’s roof, replacement of the original 1936 boiler, repair and painting of the exterior trim for the entire building and preservation work on the historic lay light which may be seen in the Reference Department. The library has not met its goal to raise $100,000 to pay for the improvements and donations are being sought. For more information regarding the Library’s Capital Campaign, call the Library at 442-9051.
109 South Street Bennington, Vermont 05201 802.447.3381 800.234.1432 Fax 802.447.3270 editorial email advertising email Editorial Deadline: Thursday at noon the week before publication.
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Classified Deadline: Thursday at 5 p.m. Display Deadline: Thursday at 5 p.m.