Tri State Pennysaver

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pennysaverNEWS • FREE • Volume 50 • Number 85 • January 28, 2009

Community News Inside


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Songs of Love & Romance at Fort Salem Theater’s Mainstage

Antiques & Auctions ............ 8 Auto....................................13 Classifieds........................... . 6 Crossword............................ 4 Horoscope...........................12 Jobs.................................... 15 Movies ................................. 3 Telly’s Take ........................... 3 Real Estate..........................10

actually call this show, “Songs My Husband Didn’t Wrote.’ Lynne’s fans just don’t buy it when I tell them she knows only my songs. “We’ve asked Jessica O’Keefe and Rebecca Rogers to join us in our musical study of love and relationships. Jessica starred in last summer’s Breakfast Epiphanies on our Mainstage. Becca won last year’s Historic Salem Courthouse

Preservation Association’s annual Talent Trials.” Songs of Love and Romance will play for one performance only on Valentine’s Day at 8 p.m. For more information and to order tickets, please call Fort Salem Theater at 518-854-9200 or visit its Web site,


Permit No. 102 Bennington, VT 05201

From left to right: Jessica O’Keefe, Lynne Kerr, and Rebecca Rogers.


Weather.............................. 14


As the culmination of Ice Breaker Weekend, Salem’s town wide celebration of winter, Fort Salem Theater opens its Mainstage doors and turns up the heat for an evening of Songs of Love and Romance on Valentine’s Day, February 14, at 8 p.m. Of her initial foray at the Fort’s cabaret, The Eagle’s Lawrence Hillis wrote that “Mrs. Kerr touched back upon the basics of what makes theater dramatic and compelling. Her vibrant and sensuous voice filled the room…” Recalling her performance of Songs My Husband Wrote, documentary film producer Stephen Trombley writes: “After several hours have passed, and millions of other things have gone through my head, her performance endures with a shining clarity. It was really, really a tremendous show.” Fort Salem’s Artistic Director, a veteran Broadway vocal instructor and coach, will make a rare singing appearance in the show.“ I


109 South Street Bennington, Vermont 05201 802.447.3381 800.234.1432 Fax 802.447.3270 editorial email advertising email Editorial Deadline: Thursday at noon the week before publication.

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Classified Deadline: Thursday at 5 p.m. Display Deadline: Thursday at 5 p.m.

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