pennysaverNEWS • FREE • Volume 50 • Number 99 • May 20, 2009
Mayfest Inside
your source for community news
$1,000, $500, and $250 Ducks at the Duck Derby! The 20th annual Battenkill Duck Derby and Family Fair is scheduled for Saturday, June 6th from 11 a.m.-2 p.m., at the Arlington Rec Park on Route 7A in downtown Arlington, VT. The happy ticketholder whose duck is the first to cross the finish line wins $1000, generously donated by Mack Molding! Second place earns the winner $500 and third place takes home $250. This family event is a great way to kick off summer with three hours of fun for everyone. There are games, bounce houses, pony rides, food, a silent auction, and the thrill of the rub-
ber ducks racing around the Rec Pond, with prizes awarded to the first 25 ducks. To get those winning ducks, you can purchase tickets at locations throughout Arlington and at the big event on June 9th. Ticket prices are $4 for 1 duck, $10 for 3 ducks, $15 for 5 ducks and $20 for 7 ducks. This fundraiser is sponsored by the Arlington Area Childcare, Inc. (AACI) and all proceeds benefit Happy Days Playschool in Arlington. For more information, call 375-6039.
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Recent audition winners are, pictured left to right, Sato Matsui, Gayelan Ulrich, Miles Yucht.
Permit No. 102 Bennington, VT 05201
Three area high school students were recent winners at the Bennington County Choral Society Scholarship Auditions which took place on Tuesday May 5, 2009, at the Second Congregational Church, Bennington, VT. The three students selected for scholarships this year were: Miles Yucht, Mt. Anthony Union High School) Piano; Gayelan Ulrich, Mt. Anthony Union High School-Voice; Sato Matsui, Mt. Greylock Regional High School-Violin. In addition, Gayelan Ulrich also was awarded the Arthur Murphy Scholarship for Voice. The awards were given to further their music education. Congratulations!
IN THIS ISSUE: Arts, Entertainment .......... 24 Antiques & Auctions .......... 26 Auto....................................32 Business/Service Dir .......... 29 Classifieds...........................30 Crossword.......................... 25 From my Corner ................. 10 Horoscope...........................23 Jobs.................................... 38 Mind & Body ........................ 7 Telly’s Take ........................... 3 Home & Environment ........ 18 Real Estate..........................36 Weather.............................. 18 Weekly Almanac ................ 28 Worship ............................. 29
Recent Audition Winners from Bennington County Choral Society
109 South Street Bennington, Vermont 05201 802.447.3381 800.234.1432 Fax 802.447.3270 editorial email advertising email Editorial Deadline: Thursday at noon the week before publication. Classified Deadline: Thursday at 5 p.m. Display Deadline: Thursday at 5 p.m.