TriState Pennysaver News

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pennysaverNEWS • FREE • Volume 50 • Number 100 • May 27, 2009

Community Events Inside


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Southern Vermont College Commencement

IN THIS ISSUE: Antiques & Auctions .......... 10 Auto....................................18 Classifieds...........................13 Crossword.......................... 20 Horoscope...........................11 Jobs.................................... 22 Movie Review ...................... 3 Real Estate..........................16 Weather................................ 8 Weekly Almanac ................ 10 Worship ............................. 12

Award-winning author and honorary degree recipient Andre Dubus III delivered sage words for the graduating class at the 82nd commencement exercises at Southern Vermont College on Sunday, May 17: “See the difficult times as opportunities to grow.” Acknowledging the need to talk about the “ele-

phant in the room, the world that you’re going out into...,” Dubus cited the dire economy, a scarcity of jobs, and the nation’s two wars in two countries. “The good news is that there is great value to adversity and tough times,” Dubus added. He also urged the graduates not to get caught up in a culture that (Continued on page 2)


– Credit: Lee Krohn Photography, LLC

Permit No. 102 Bennington, VT 05201

Author Andre Dubus, III, who received an honorary doctorate and spoke at Southern Vermont College’s 82nd commencement on Sunday, talks with graduates before the ceremony. Seventy four graduates earned degrees from the College.



109 South Street Bennington, Vermont 05201 802.447.3381 800.234.1432 Fax 802.447.3270 editorial email


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