Vermont News Guide

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Dining • Entertainment • Real Estate • Antiques • Area Events


NEWS • January 28, 2009

P.O. Box 1265 • 99 Bonnet Street, Manchester Center, VT 05255

Community Events Inside

Vol 48 No 58

Tel 802.362.3535

Shown here are members of the Arlington Dance Team. Top (left to right): Lauren Ely, Nicolle Reed, Catherine Harrington, Briana Clayton, Hannah Keyes; Center: Heather Brinson, Selene Clark, Ariel Grover, Hanna Woodard; Bottom: Coach Allyson Hoffman, Captain Brooks English, Captain Amy Horton, Captain Mia Lentinello; Front: Gabrielle Forgey. Missing from the photo is dancer Angela Mashakada and Team Manager Chelsea Reppin. ...see story on page 29

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99 Bonnet Street Manchester Center, Vermont 802.362.3535 Fax 802.362.5368 CLASSIFIED HOTLINE: 1.800.234.1432 Office Hours: M-F 9am-5pm editorial email advertising email ■

Renee Tassone, General Manager Susan J. Coons, Editor Linda Devlin, Circulation Manager Victoria Elezovic, Office Manager Jim Raymond, Advertising Sales Carrie Devlin, Advertising Sales Melissa Miller, Art Director Mary A. Garcia, Artist Jen Hathaway, Artist Chris Sobolowski, Artist ■

Editorial Deadline*: Thursday at Noon Classified Deadline*: Thursday at 5 p.m. Display Deadline*: Thursday at 5 p.m. *Deadlines will change due to Holidays. See special deadline notices published before major holidays. ■ The Vermont News Guide makes every effort to print your ad accurately and correctly. We will not compensate in any way for ads erroneously omitted from a particular printing and neither are we responsible for typographical errors in ads that have been previously proofed by the customer. The publisher reserves the right to edit, reject or cancel any advertisement or news copy for any reason. We do our best to publish all submitted material, but we cannot guarantee that it will be published. Some dated materials may precede others. Ads, articles or letters published by this paper do not necessarily reflect or express the opinions or views of the Vermont News Guide or Hersam Acorn Newspapers. ■ Postmaster: Vermont News Guide (ISSN0195-5261) is published weekly by Hersam Acorn Newspapers. Send address changes to: Vermont News Guide, P.O. Box 1265, Manchester Center, VT 05255. Subscriptions: Outside Vermont - 1 year $35 and within Vermont and Washington County, NY free upon request.

Martin Hersam, Chief Operating Officer Thomas B. Nash, Publisher


OUR READERS’ LETTERS ...catamount health...

As of late I’ve been hearing that in order to help negate a portion of the State’s financial deficit, cuts to Catamount Health are being considered. I am aware that in these times of economic hardship cut-backs are necessary, but in my opinion Catamount Health should be the last area to be considered for cut-backs. Many farmers such as myself have been working uninsured seven days a week for years to produce healthy food for Vermonters, knowing that an injury or illness would not only threaten our livelihood but insurmountable medical bills could lead to us losing our homes and farms as well. Catamount Health changed all that for us, but it seems that almost as soon as we had access to affordable health care it’s in jeopardy of being taken away. Times are tough right now for everyone, no doubt. But in light of these trying economic times, coupled with the fact that the milk price forecast for 2009 is grim to say the least, this is no time to make cuts to Catamount Health. This is the only hope that the Vermont farmer has had in years of being able to sleep easier at night, knowing that his family was covered in the case of a medical emergency. Governor Douglas, I realize that in light of these current economic times we all need to make sacrifices. But the Vermonters that need Catamount Health the most have already made their fair share of sacrifices. Please don’t ask them for more. Sincerely, — Eric L. Paris Lyndonville, Vt.



...thrifty attic...

The Peru Congregational Church would like to thank the Thrifty Attic of Londonderry for their recent grant. The funds will be applied toward the construction of a handicap ramp. We are most appreciative of the Thrifty’s generosity and grateful for the dedicated corps of volunteers that make this vital community organization possible. — Peru Congregational Church, Peru, Vt. stepped up...

The holidays are over, but the joy lingers on for the Interfaith Council and the many families we helped this past December. As in the past thirty plus years, this community has stepped up to the plate, this year providing clothing and toys for 75 Manchester children. Due to the sagging economy, there were approximately 25% more families asking for assistance than in 2007. This was no surprise, since the numbers of people using the Community Food Cupboard has also increased dramatically. We thank all the congregations in town who adopted families, along with many individuals and local businesses who also shopped, wrapped and delivered clothing to St. Paul’s Church for our distribution on December 22nd. Thanks also to those who donated toys or money to purchase toys, and to those who helped distribute the gifts and carry them out to cars. A special thanks to the students at Bromley Brook School and Long Trail School for their enthusiastic help. And thanks to the Manchester Lions who raised a large amount of money for our project and picked up the food and delivered it to St. Paul’s for the massive sorting that takes place every year. We always have a wonderful group of

Vermont News Guide

people who open cases, sort cans and boxes and make sure each family receives a large supply of food to help them through the two week holiday period when the Community Food Cupboard is closed. This year, we figured out that 2.85 TONS of food was distributed to the 73 families on our list. We thank the Community Food Cupboard for the extra canned goods which they donated to our cause, and for the turkeys which they were able to order for us from the Vermont Food Bank for just the cost of delivery. We are also grateful for the many donations of money which helped buy the rest of the food. Any moneys left over are now in our Emergency Needs Fund which goes to help people in crisis in the Northshire area. We also offer a special thanks to the many second home owners whose generous donations help our efforts. Manchester is blessed with people who care about their neighbors in need. No matter what your beliefs, it is so apparent that there is a greater power looking over our town and showering it with love. God bless you all! — Bill and Linda Drunsic For the Interfaith Council

...lost everything...

On January 2 our house burned down. It was a stubborn fire: we lost everything. We cannot adequately express our thanks to all those who helped during the fire and after. We are indebted to the fire and rescue squads, the Weston road crew, the Blue Gentian Lodge, the Weston Market Place, New American Grill, the Farmer’s Market in Rutland, Home Depot, Mary Mitchell Miller Real Estate, friends, neighbors and strangers. The love, support and encouragement we received made all January 28, 2009

OUR READERS’ LETTERS the difference between despair and hope. Please accept our heartfelt thanks, — Eugene Diou, Gayle Griffith, Weston, Vt.

...thank you!...

A huge thank you goes out to all the wonderful donors and volunteers at the Red Cross Blood Drive on January 7, a day of horrible weather. We weren’t even sure there would be a Blood Drive that day, but the need is so great that the Red Cross never wants to cancel. As it turned out, we were blessed with 62 pints of blood. Thanks to Bagel Works, Mrs. Murphy’s Donuts, Price Chopper, Shaw’s and Wilcox Ice Cream for their contributions. The next drive is on March 11, noon to 5:30 p.m. at the First Congregational Church. Please consider giving the “gift of life” and mark your calendars. Thanks again, everyone! — Jessie Forrest, Blood Drive Coordinator, Manchester, Vt.

...zoning amendments...

At this year’s Town Meeting, citizens of Manchester will be voting (by confidential paper ballot) on two proposed zoning amendments that would allow for buildings in core downtown that could be MORE THAN FIVE TIMES AS LARGE as what current zoning allows. The Select Board opted not to take a pro or con stand on these measures, leaving it up to the voters to decide on these dramatic changes to the commercial areas along Rt. 11/30 - Depot Street and 7A South. A new web site,, has been developed by citizens OPPOSED to such huge new structures in our downtown corridors. I urge you to visit this site to learn why we feel these proposed amendJanuary 28, 2009

ments MUST NOT be approved. At www.manchesterzoning. com, information includes voter registration procedures and details on how to vote (early, absentee, or at the ballot box on March 3), reasons why we should not approve these zoning changes, consequences to Manchester if they are approved, and much more. Please take the time to visit and become an informed voter. Then, please vote and get your family, friends, neighbors and colleagues to vote. These proposed zoning changes to downtown Manchester will have a tremendously negative impact on our town for many years into the future. —Kathe Dillmann Manchester, Vt.

Meals on Wheels

e-mail community news to:

263 Depot Street - Manchester, Vermont Box Ofce 362.2982 MOVIELINE 362.4771 ONLINE TICKETING AT:

...inaugural ceremony...

We wanted to extend our heartfelt thank you to the staff at the Mark Skinner Library for their efforts in bringing the Inaugural Ceremony to the community. They worked tirelessly (and patiently) juggling connections, speakers and wires galorefrom the big screen to the little screen and finally to the radio. Gratefully Yours, —The Mackson Family, East Dorset, Vt. ____________________

Monday, February 2 Pasta Primavera w/Ham, Brussel Sprouts, Fruit Cocktail, Italian Bread, and Milk. Tuesday, January 27 Baked Chicken w/Chicken Gravy, Roasted Potatoes, Zucchini w/Onion, Mandarin Oranges, Bread and Milk.

Suggested donation of $3.00 per meal For reservation or cancellation Manchester: 362-3714 Wednesday, January 28 Honey Baked Chicken, Herbed Rice, Brussel Sprouts, Peaches, Bread and Milk. Thursday, January 29 Baked Ziti w/Meat Sauce, Italian Blend Veggies, Green Salad, Jello w/Mandarin Oranges, Garlic Bread and Milk. Friday, January 30 BBQ Pork Sandwich, Oven Roasted Potatoes, Prince Edward Veggies, Applesauce, and Milk.

Friday January 30th - Thursday February 5th Saturday @ 11am



6:30 & 8:45 1:30, 4:00, 6:30 & 8:45 4:00, 6:30 & 8:45 6:30 & 8:45


Cars & E.T.

Revolutionary Road FRI SAT-SUN MON TUE-THU



8:45 4:00 & 8:45 4:00 & 8:45 8:45 (R)

6:30 1:30 & 6:30 6:30 6:30


Antiques & Auctions........... 19 Automotive......................... 37 Classifieds........................... 33 Creatures/Environment....... 20 Entertainment..................... 21 Fine Arts/Crafts................... 21 From my Corner................... 4 GNAT-TV Schedule............... 5 Mind & Body....................... 17 Restaurants......................... 25 Service Directory................. 31 Sports................................. 22 Job Connection................... 39 Vermont News Guide


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From my Corner

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— Susan J. Coons ...glamour girl... A couple of weeks ago, on a Thursday, I was feeling good about myself. No aches or pains; my hair cooperated; make-up was good. My thoughtful neighbor, Dave, had cleared my driveway the day before and I had shoveled a path to the car. There would be no problem walking so I wore my red shoes. (I have a pair of L.L. Bean duck boots, but, really, when I feel as good as I did that Thursday, the last thing I want to wear is duck boots!) It was bitter cold with wind chills below zero. I bundled up in my wonderful winter coat and wrapped a scarf around my neck twice. On my way to the kitchen door, I saw a new hat that I had purchased hanging on the rack. Gee whiz! I decided to wear the hat! It was a perfect reflection of how special I was feeling. I put it on and slanted it slightly,

kind of in the fashion of Ginger Rogers in the 1930s and 40s. Boy, I thought I looked terrific! In walking to the car, handbag and briefcase in one hand and coffee in the other, I was very careful and concentrated on every step. I opened the rear door and put my computer and handbag on the back seat. As I slid into the front seat, my hat fell off and into the snow. I put my coffee cup in the holder and got out of the car to fetch my hat. After dusting off the snow, I placed it on my head making the proper adjustments while look-

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Vermont News Guide

January 28, 2009

ing in the mirror. Ah, now i was all set to take off for Manchester. The car was warm enough so I removed my gloves, setting them down next to me. One of them slipped away and four fingers of the glove fell into my coffee. It’s one thing to feel beautiful and another to pull it off! ____________________


The Vermont News Guide apologizes to Josiah Allen Real Estate for the technological difficulties we experienced for the issues of the Vermont News Guide dated December 24, 2008 and January 21, 2009.

Mark Skinner Library Board Meeting Notice

The next monthly meeting of the Mark Skinner Library Board of Trustees will take place on Tuesday, February 3 at 5:30 p.m. The public is welcome. Board meetings are scheduled for the first Tuesday of every month in the meeting room at the library. Mark Skinner Library is located in Manchester Village at the intersection of Rt. 7A and West Road. For more information, contact the library at (802) 362-2607.







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����������������������� Channel 15/Community Programming* All Times a.m./p.m. 1:00 F-M Roman Catholic Mass -Weekly from Burlington 2:30 T-TH Words of Peace-Weekly 3:00 T-TH Jerry Tyler Country Music-Weekly, from N. Adams, Ma. 3:00 F-M Specials 4:00 T-TH Girls Night Out!-Monthly, Toney Lee 5:00 All Pets of the Week-Weekly from SCAC 5:30 All Local Green by Annie Schlesinger 6:00 All Kaleidoscope-Bi-Weekly 6:30 All On Trend/To Your Health-Monthly, Kathryn Vaughan 7:00 All Bob Stannard’s Q & A-Monthly 8:00 All Girls’ Night Out-Monthly, Toney Lee 9:00 T-TH TBA/Special programming 9:00 F-M The Bible & You-Weekly, Lawrence Zupan 10:00 All Celebrate Ourselves!-Bi-weekly, Salley Gibney 10:30 All Instant Coffee House-Monthly, from Burlington 11:00 All Vermont Forests-Weekly, Claude Dern, Bruin de Bear 12:00 All Kaleidoscope-Bi-Weekly Channel 16/Educational & Arts Programming* All Times a.m./p.m. 1:00 All First Baptist Church Service-Weekly 3:00 All Vermont School Board-Monthly 6:00 All Manchester School Board Meeting-Monthly, MEMS 8:00 All The Collaborative presents “Prevention Works!” Channel 17/Government Programming* All Times a.m./p.m. 5:00 F-M Senator Bernie Sanders 6:00, 12 F-M Gov. Douglas Press Conference 7:00, 12 T-TH Manchester Select Board-2X month 7:00 F-M Legislative Update-from CAT-TV 8:00, 2 F-M In Your Statehouse with Gaye Symington 9:00 F-M Point/Counterpoint 10:00, 3 T-TH Dorset Select Board Community Bulletin Board shown 24/7 between programming Contact GNAT-TV at 802-362-7070; or visit the website at January 28, 2009

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Vermont News Guide



Manchester Lions Club Donates to Local Charities



Hot Topics, Current Events

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Martha Carey of Manchester Community Food Cupboard, Rev. Bob Carpenter of Interfaith Council, and Jack Gunther of Arlington Food Shelf, accept donation checks from Manchester Lions President Garry Van Siclen. The Manchester Lions Club takes this opportunity to thank the Northshire community for their generous support of their annual holiday appeal. Without your support, they would not be able to continue their charitable work in our community. ________________________________________________

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Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning is offering a biweekly Hot Topics and Current Events: Great Conversations Discussion Group. The group will meet for six Thursdays, Feb. 12, 26; March 12, 26; April 9, and 23, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Spiral Press Cafe Conference Room at the Northshire Bookstore. Participants should be interested in exploring and exchanging information and opinions on the kind of topics and issues that are generally covered in major newspapers and news magazines like The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Newsweek, etc. Topics will be agreed upon in advance and discussion leadership will rotate among the participants. Group size is limited to 12. Registration fee is $25 for the six sessions. For more information about Green Mountain Academy’s programs and to register, please call Gloria Palmer at 366-1820 or visit


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Vermont News Guide

January 28, 2009

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January 28, 2009

Vermont News Guide




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Violinist Lorraine Cauley at Equinox Terrace

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Terrace residents enjoy a concert by Lorraine Cauley of Manchester, a student at the Eastman School of Music. _________________________________________________

Manchester Go-Getters

The Manchester Go-Getters invite all area seniors to a luncheon on Wednesday, February 4 at noon at St. Paul’s Catholic Church. Suggested cost of the meal is $3.50 per person. Please call Mary Miner at 362-2525 for reservations and cancellations to enable an accurate lunch count. A Teacup Auction will follow the luncheon.



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Vermont News Guide

January 28, 2009

Cabin Fever Series Beginning Soon

Green Mountain Academy for Lifelong Learning announces its winter “cabin fever” series of courses starting on February 4th with The Joy of the Recorder. This course will be offered in two sessions: Session 1 (Getting Started/Restarted) on Wednesdays February 4, 11, 25, and March 4 and Session 2 (Experienced and Beyond) on Wednesdays, April 1, 8, 22, and 29. Both sessions will be held from 5 - 6 p.m., in the Riley Center Music Room at Burr and Burton Academy in Manchester, Vermont. Julie Freebern, a music educator in the Performing Arts Department at Burr and Burton Academy and a founding member of the Northshire Early Music Ensemble will introduce the class to the user-friendly instrument of the recorder and its wide range of musical genres --- from Baroque to popular songs. Music and instruments will be provided; or bring your own. A performance opportunity will be available to those who are interested. The registration fee for the 4-week course is $60 per session. Space is limited so please register early. For more information and to register, call Gloria Palmer at 802-366-1820 or visit _______________________________________________

Spanish Conversational Group

On Monday nights at 6:30 a Spanish conversational group meets in the basement of St. James Episcopal Church in Arlington. We range from beginners to intermediate Spanish speakers. The only thing we take seriously is enjoying each other’s company. Being on time and correct Spanish grammar are both optional. But we have discovered that, through practice, our Spanish improves poco a poco. We’d love you to join us. If you have any questions, call Ed Toth at 375-9762. Gracias! ��������������������������� �������������������������������������

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January 28, 2009

���������������������������� MANCHESTER 362.5040

STRATTON 297.1100

OKEMO 228.4537

SHELBURNE 985.8566

SUGARBUSH 496.6000

STOWE 253.7267

Vermont News Guide

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Applications for Manchester Rotary Club Scholarships Now Available

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Manchester Rotary Club will make a financial reward available to deserving young men and women who wish to continue their education beyond the high school level. Eligible students are those who live in the area served by the Manchester Rotary Club. Towns include Arlington, Dorset, Landgrove, Manchester, Pawlet, Peru, Rupert, Sandgate, and Sunderland. Awards are for students who attend Burr and Burton Academy, Long Trail School, and Arlington High School. Criteria for selection include character, effort, grades, community service, and financial need. The typical scholarship awarded will be up to $1,000 per year toward the cost of an accredited program: a maximum of $4,000 for a four year college program, $2,000 for a two year program. The committee may elect to consider other education oriented programs for inclusion in this program. Non-traditional programs will be considered on an individual basis. Applications for the Manchester Rotary Scholarships to be awarded to 2009 graduates are now available through high school guidance departments. ________________________________________________

The Valley Artisans Market

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The Inventive World of Anima Katz will be on exhibit now through February 10 at the Small Gallery at Valley Artisans Market, 25 East Main Street, Cambridge, NY. Valley Artisans Market is located in historic Hubbard Hall.

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Vermont News Guide

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January 28, 2009

Children’s Valentine’s Day Party

It’s our Valentine to our youngest customers! Dress up the little ones in Valentine colors and bring them to Northshire Bookstore on Saturday, February 14, 2009 at 2 p.m. for a special children’s Valentine’s Day Party. The event is suitable for kids ages three to eight. Join the Children’s Department staff for a very Valentine storytime, a Valentine-themed craft activity, and some oh-so-sweet refreshments. Wear your heart on your sleeve and bring the whole family for this delightful event! For more information on this and other events, call 362-2200 or 1-800-437-3700, or visit the Northshire Bookstore website at


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She’s Making Decisions


Stop Wondering. Start Knowing.

right now.

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Is Mom choosing wisely? January 28, 2009

Vermont News Guide


Assisted Living

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Crescent Vallley Homemakers

The Crescent Valley Homemakers will meet on February 4th at noon at the Pawlet Public Library. The speaker, June deFelice, will present “The Farewell Voyage of the Queen Elizabeth II. The hostesses are Dolores Guarino, Betty Daley and Pat Steurnagel. For more information, call Pat at 325-3579.

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…Death Sentence For A Town...

I can’t help but think that the zoning amendments proposed by the Manchester Planning Commission are a death sentence for our town. The proposals offer incentives to developers that would permit retail stores to be FIVE TIMES larger than the current regulations allow. In addition, the incentives not only allow existing buildings to be torn down to accomplish these goals, they encourage the demolition. The developer that brought you the Crystal Palace wants to build bigger outlet stores - five times bigger! This very issue has been raised on numerous occasions in the past and you, the voters, have disapproved every time. The new trend in “big box” stores is a smaller footprint. These misguided and slanted proposals would allow for these giants to move in. The five member Planning Commission (of which one member works for the town’s largest developer) says ‘that will never happen’ but it is happening all across the country. Hello PetSmart, Good-bye Petcetera. Hello Barnes and Noble, Good-bye Northshire Bookstore. Hello L.L. Bean, Good-bye Heinel’s. Hello Whole Foods, Good-bye New Morning. And, yes, Hello Williams Sonoma, Good-bye Vermont Kitchen Supply. The proposals in dispute would make our town even less unique than the collection of outlet stores already have. Losing the balance of independent retailers would make our town look like every other outlet town across the country. Why would a tourist choose to vacation in Manchester when it looks just like Lake George or Lee, Massachusetts or Paramus, New Jersey? Ben Hauben’s right-hand man AND Planning Commission member, Craig Hunter very tellingly said “We’re all in this for the money”. There is no sense of community in that statement…no sense of loyalty to this town. With incomparable wisdom, the Select Board voted to give you, the Manchester voters, the right to determine what your town, your community will look like next year and in ten years. Craig Hunter also looked at me and said “Life is not fair”. You know, he may be right about that but the zoning process IS fair. Please be sure to vote NO on the amendments that will change the face of Manchester forever. Thank you for taking the time to VOTE. — Kerry and Riege Slattery, Vermont Kitchen Supply

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Vermont News Guide

January 28, 2009

Poor Joe Night


The Arlington American Legion Post 69 invites all members and their guests to a free spaghetti dinner Saturday, January 31, starting at 5:30 p.m. Dinner includes an assortment of sauces and garlic bread. Bring your appetites and enjoy your American Legion Post. Poor Joe night originated in the military when pay day was on the first of the month and by the end of the month few had money to spend. The last Saturday of the month was Poor Joe Night at many clubs. They were well attended and all had a good time eating a free spaghetti dinner and enjoying an evening with fellow members and friends.

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January 28, 2009

Vermont News Guide


Slow Clothing

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Robin Lane is a clothing design house (Atelier) here in Manchester VT. With the dedicated input of local sewing, all pieces are produced locally. SLOW CLOTHING is Robin’s new design focus that addresses current economic challenges. For a BACK TO BASIC approach to wardrobe, join Robin as she demonstrates ways in which you can change your wardrdobe without the purchase of something new! Also featured local jewelry design by Kit Mosheim, Judy McCormick, Jen Black and Nori Hayes, further energizing our mutual economy. This event will be held on Thursday, February 5, from 5:30- 7 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Robin Lane Clothing Retail/Custom shop is located at 46 Highland Avenue, in the Historic Depot, near r.k. Miles. RSVP or call for information, 362-7590;

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Vermont News Guide

January 28, 2009

Woodchuck Festival

Fire Departments: Enlist your team now to compete in the 6th Annual WOODCHUCK RESCUE Fireman’s games at the sixth annual Woodchuck Festival, Saturday February 7, held at the Mettawee Community School, Route 153, West Pawlet, VT from 9 a.m.-3p.m. The Woodchuck Rescue challenges 4 member teams from volunteer fire departments to run a timed obstacle course. Plaques awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. All teams welcome, from near and far. Sign up now by calling Dave Hosley at 645-0158 and get in on the fun. Early sign up is $20 per team. All proceeds benefit the West Pawlet Volunteer Fire Department.




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Ready for the Great Backyard Bird Count? • • •

Add some feeders Add a bird bath

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January 28, 2009

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Get new optics! Have questions on what to do? Stop by, we have all of the details! 48 Center Hill Rd. Manchester, VT (802) 362-2270


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Vermont News Guide



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Introduction to Zen Buddhism

An Introduction to Zen Buddhism will be held on Saturday, February 7, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Vermont Zen Center, 480 Thomas Road, Shelburne. The workshop is conducted by an ordained Zen Buddhist teacher and focuses on the theory and meditation practices of Zen Buddhism. Vegetarian lunch and refreshments are included in the fee. Pre-registration is required. For further information, call 985-9746 or register online at ________________________________________________

Rutland Area SADD Students Assist with Child Safety Seat Installation Clinics

The four SADD Chapters representing Rutland County studentsFair Haven Union High School, Proctor High School, Stafford Technical Center, and Black River Union High School will be working on a project to assist the Rutland County Child Safety Seat Installation Clinic. The Child Safety Installation Clinics are held every Thursday from 3 to 6 p.m., at the Regional Ambulance Service Building. The clinics are run by specially trained technicians who are from the fields of police services, emergency medical services, and early childhood education. The Rutland Child Safety Seat Installation Clinic is the busiest in the state, making over 500 installations a year. There are a great number of different brands and styles of child safety seats, and the technicians need to be able to know how to properly install each of them in every style of vehicle and to know which seats have had recalls. The installation clinics play an extremely important role in our community and have saved the lives of many children in the county. The SADD members assist the technicians by acting as the scribes for the technicians, recording the information. The SADD members are committed to assisting in making their communities better- in Vermont the organization is a combination of Students Against Destructive Decisions, which is focused on helping youth remain substance-free and living a healthy life and Vermont Teen Leadership Safety Program, which focuses on highway and traffic safety issues. The SADD Chapters started this activity recently, and our first scribes were Stafford Technical Center SADD member Angelica Towsley, from Danby, and her friend Cassidy Bromley, a Mill River Union High School student.


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Vermont News Guide

January 28, 2009



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Imbolc Celebration in Peru

For the many people who were disappointed when our Winter Solstice service was cancelled due to inclement weather, Rev. Claire North and Pastor Margaret invite you to join us on Feb. 1 at 5 p.m., at the Peru Church to honor the next Light Festival which is the celebration of Imbolc. A commemoration of new beginnings and gathering light, the theme of this service will be “What do you want to begin (initiate) and shine your Light on?” The celebration will include Celtic music, ritual movement, storytelling, and candlelighting. For more information call Claire at 362 – 2346. _________________________________________________

Eckankar Worship Service

Eckankar, the Religion of the Light and Sound of God, is a spiritual teaching that provides simple exercises for people of all faiths, traditions, and walks of life to develop and deepen a conscious and practical relationship with spirit. “The Power and Beauty of HU?” is the topic for the Worship Service to be held Sunday, Feb. 1, at 10:30 a.m., at The Holiday Inn Express in White River Junction. All are welcome. There is no charge for this event. For information about this event or about Eckankar of Vermont: 1-800-772-9390. _______________________________________________

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Thrift Shop News

The Manchester Health Services Thrift Shop is beginning to have end of the season sales and will be changing over to the lighter between season clothes the first of February. Watch for some bag sales posted on the front door. The week of January 26, the shop will be closed for a good cleaning and restocking. The spring and summer inventory is busting at the seams and can’t wait to be put in the shop. Come in and shop for all the bargains. We’re always looking for good, clean salable donations and need good furniture to provide to the community at reasonable prices. Regular hours are MondayFriday, 11 to 4 and the second Saturday of every month. To make a donation or for further information, please call Linda at 362-2126. January 28, 2009


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Vermont News Guide




‘Happy Birthday Mr. Lincoln, from Hildene!’

While most know that Abraham Lincoln’s birthday is February 12, what may not be as well known is that right here in Manchester, Vermont in Hildene’s “Personal Abraham Lincoln” exhibit, many noteworthy artifacts including the 16th president’s iconic stovepipe hat, Bible and dressing room-mirror, where he probably took the last glimpse of himself before heading off to Ford’s Theater, can be found. Visiting The Lincoln Family Home and seeing these treasures up close, will be a part of the festivities on Saturday, February 7 at 10 a.m. when area children,

Recipe for a Cold Winter’s Day

Jon Katz, with his dogs Izzy and Lenore, signing his latest book Out of the Shadows

Sat., Jan. 31 • 1-3 pm


Maria Heinrich - fibre artist Mary Kellogg - poet �����������������������������������

79 Main St., Greenwich, NY ������������

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grades one through three are invited to gather for the annual birthday party for Abe. In addition to the parade up to the mansion, the event includes a reading of Ellen Brenner’s book, Abe Lincoln’s Hat, crafts, a Lincoln penny contest, prizes and birthday refreshments. In the weeks leading up to Barack Obama’s inauguration, it was not uncommon to see Americans donning imitation stovepipe hats for celebratory gatherings and discussing his use of Lincoln’s Bible for the swearing in on January 20. Hildene is proud to have in its permanent collection one of only three Lincoln stovepipe hats in existence and a Bible that was inscribed and given to the president at the time of his first inauguration, March 4, 1861. Admission to Mr. Lincoln’s Hat, a birthday party for Abe, is $3 per child accompanied by an adult. Space is limited and pre-registration is strongly recommended. For more information or to register, email or call 367-7961. The Lincoln Family Home at Hildene is open daily year round from 9:30 to 4:30. To learn more visit .


Seminar on Historic Paint Finishes at Bley House

The Dorset Historical Society is excited to announce upcoming seminars at its Bley House home in early 2009. Beat the winter blahs-gaining information and skills — at two Saturday morning programs presented by Miles Bowen, former owner of Miles Restorations, Inc., now director of operations for Luxbrush Painting Co., Inc. Bowen’s expertise in building sciences and historic practices has been applied to many historic homes throughout New England, including a number of Dorset’s Quabbin houses that were moved to Vermont from Massachusetts. Recently he did restoration work at North Bennington’s Victorian Park-McCullough House. “Historic Colors in American Paint” is the subject of the first program; the second will treat “Historic Materials in American Paint.” Both sessions will feature Bowen’s demonstrations as well as hands-on-work by participants. The programs will run from 10 a.m. to noon on Feb. 7 and 21. Enrollment is limited. The fee for members of the public is $40 ($30 for DHS members). For more information and/or to register, call Jean Kingston 867-4013.

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Vermont News Guide

���������������� ������������� ������������ January 28, 2009



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Timber Sales Workshops to be Held in February

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If you own forests, you may be thinking about selling your timber. But is this a good time to sell? And if so, just what are you getting you and your family into? How can you best protect your interests and your forest ecosystem? Thom J. McEvoy, Professor and Extension Forester in the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources at UVM, will address these matters in three Thursday evening workshops in February. All ���� will take place at Hildene in Manchester from 6-8:30 pm. On February ������������������� 5, the topic will be Is Now the Time to Sell? If So, What Are the Methods of Sale? On February 12, Timber Sale Contracts and Working with ��������������� Forestry Professionals. On February 19, the theme will be Reporting �������������������� Income and Expenses from the Timber Sale. (A snow date has been ������������������ scheduled for February 26. Any workshop cancelled for the weather ������������� will be held the following Thursday.) ������������ The fee for all three workshops is $30. Pre-registration is required by January 30. To register, contact the Bennington County Conservation District at 802 442-2275,, or download the registration form at The series is sponsored by the Bennington County Sustainable Forest Consortium. See the new website at ������������������������� ___________________ �����������������������������������������������

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Help your Pet Brush Up

Oral disease is the most frequently diagnosed health problem for pets. Although daily tooth brushing is advised for dogs and cats, the reality is that only two percent of dog owners follow through. In addition, 65 percent of dogs with stage one periodontal disease often go untreated because veterinary health care teams do not recommend needed treatment options like dental exams, professional dental cleaning and dental xrays. This can lead to systemic health problems which can cause serious damage to other areas of the pet’s body. Arlington Animal Hospital will provide the following to help encourage their clients to sched-

Vermont News Guide

ule regular dental appointments for their pets and establish an at-home dental care routine: Free dental assessments, discounted feline and canine cleanings, samples of prescription dental diet food and more. It is important for pet owners to understand that a dental cleaning is not just a cosmetic procedure, but a matter of overall health. Poor dental hygiene can lead to kidney, heart and liver problems. For further information, call the Arlington Animal Hospital at 375-9491. ____________________

Green Mountain Club Taylor Series

As part of the Green Mountain Club’s Taylor Series join us for a slide show on “Hiking in Patagonia” on Saturday, January 31 at 7:30 p.m. in the meeting room on the second floor of the RK Miles Doors and Windows (Millwork) building on Depot St. (Rt. 11/30) across from the main RK Miles building. The entrance is at the back. Marge Fish, Green Mountain Club’s vice president, will show photos and talk about her guided hiking trip last March to Patagonia, South America. Green Mountain club is the steward of the Long Trail here in Vermont. A donation is welcome but not required. ____________________


Saturday, January 31, Appalachian Trail, Killington. Joint hike with Ottauquechee Section. Snowshoe with some steep spots. Moderate, 3.4 miles; 1500-foot elevation gain. Call leader Dorothy Sullivan, 4362019, for starting time and place. January 28, 2009



Last Call for ‘Secret Garden’ Auditions

Auditions for the Dorset Players’ spring musical, “The Secret Garden,” will take place on Tuesday, January 27 and on Wednesday, January 28th from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Dorset Playhouse on Cheney Road in Dorset, Vermont. According to Music Director Joanne Beck and Director Janet Groom, it is not necessary to attend both sessions. Based upon the classic children’s story by Frances Hodgson Burnett, “The Secret Garden,” which premiered on Broadway in 1991 and ran for 709 performances, follows the fortunes of a young orphaned English girl, Mary Lennox, who comes to live with her taciturn uncle, Archibald Craven, and sickly cousin, Colin Craven. The role of Archibald is written for a tenor voice, while that of Archibald’s evil brother, Neville, can be sung as a baritone or low tenor. The role of Dickon, the kindly younger brother of a household chambermaid, can be sung as a tenor or baritone. Colin, however, must be a soprano, as must the young actress playing the role of Mary Lennox. A list of the almost twenty singing and non-singing roles with approximate age ranges can be found on the Players’ website at www. ________________________________________________

Teddy Bear Tea Party, Valentine’s Day

The Southern Vermont Arts center invites you to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your child at SVAC’s latest and greatest family event, the Teddy Bear Tea Party! Young participants are invited to bring a well-loved teddy bear (or doll, or other stuffed animal) to the party and are strongly encouraged to “dress up” for the occasion in their best Tea finery. In addition to enjoying tea, juice, sandwiches and sweets, the children will participate in a variety of activities, including crafts and stories. There will also be time for adults and children to walk around Yester House Gallery and take in the February Exhibition. Reservations are required as space is limited. Call or email Stacy Gates, 362-1405 X32 or The Southern Vermont Arts Center is just off West Road in Manchester; hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 10 to 5 p.m. Call in advance for Sunday hours. Visit any time at _________________________________________________

Kids Can Celebrate Chinese New Year

The South Londonderry Free Library invites children of all ages to celebrate Chinese New Year on Saturday, January 31st at 10:30 a.m. Artist Casey Junker Bailey will share Chinese festival tradi����������� tions and teach children the fine ������������� arts of Chinese Brush Painting and Calligraphy. Casey, who attend����������������������� ed Chinese language school as a ����������������� child in Hawaii, has traveled to �������������� China and has many wonderful � ����������������� artifacts to share. Children (and � ������������� their grown-ups) will learn to paint ���������������� Chinese bamboo as well as good ���������������������� luck banners to take home. The �������������� workshop is free of charge. For �������������������������������������� more information, call the Library ��������������������������� at 824-3371. January 28, 2009


Ikebana Master Demonstrates Japanese Flower Arranging at First Wednesdays

Ikebana Master Marcia Shibata will discuss Ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arranging, in a talk at Manchester’s First Congregational Church, 3624 Main St., on February 4. Her talk, “Ikebana as a Contemplative Path,” is part of the Vermont Humanities Council’s First Wednesdays lecture series and takes place at 7 p.m. The series is hosted by Mark Skinner Library: Manchester’s Public Library. Ikebana is not only an ancient art, but also a contemplative path to self-awareness that can open the student’s eyes and mind to how things are in nature and in themselves. Shibata’s lecture will include a slide presentation and the creation of an Ikebana flower arrangement. For more information, contact Mark Skinner Library at 362-2607. ________________________________________________

Two Photographers, One New Show at Canfield Library

A Moment in Time, a fine art photography show by James McAward and Rachel Barlow, is being exhibited from February 3–28 at the Martha Canfield Library in Arlington, VT. Join the photographers for an opening reception on Saturday, February 7 from 3–5 p.m. Rachel Barlow, from Sandgate, VT, currently works as a freelance wedding and portrait photographer and, in her spare time, photographs anything that interests her. She explains, “I have been making images of flowers, both in the garden and the studio.” Arlington photographer James McAward comes from “a family of old-time shutterbugs”. The Canfield Gallery is located in the Martha Canfield Library on East Arlington Road across from Arlington High School. For more information, call the library at 375-6153 or visit the library website at ________________________________________________

Valentine Cardmaking at Merck Forest

What better way to say “I love you” than with a hand crafted valentine? Come join us for a Valentine workshop in which we’ll explore the art of the handmade card using a variety of materials and collage techniques on Saturday, February 7, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. You will come away with new skills and inspiration for all your card making projects, as well as a unique Valentine for your loved one. All materials will be provided and are included in the workshop fee. However, feel free to bring any photographs or other personal ephemera you would like to incorporate into your Valentine. The cost is $12 for members ��������������� and $15 for non-members. For ��������������������������� ������������ more information or to register, contact us at info@merckforest. �������������������� org or 802-394-7836. ���������������� ������������������������

Vermont News Guide




SPORTS Arlington Community Ice Skating Party


The members of Red Mountain Masonic Lodge will hold their annual Community Ice Skating Party on Saturday, January 31 from noon to 4 p.m., at the Arlington Ice Skating Rink on Route 313 (weather permitting). The public is invited and the Lodge will provide hot dogs and hot chocolate, free of charge to all. As the rink has no comfort facilities, parents are reminded not to leave small children without a responsible adult. In case of questionable weather conditions, you may call 375-6782 or 375-6432 to see if the party is still on. The maintenance of the Arlington Ice Rink has been a community project of Red Mountain Lodge for over 20 years. _________________________________________________



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Dorset/LTS Girls’ Basketball Earns Victory over MEMS

The combined Dorset/Long Trail middle school girls’ basketball team traveled to Manchester Elementary/Middle School on January 13 to play against the 8th grade MEMS team. After a hard fought game, the Dorset/Long Trail team pulled away in the second half to win by a final score of 15-6 and to notch their second win of the season. Sarah Maness led all scorers with 10 points, and Cara Corvino was stalwart under the hoop, gathering a team high 9 rebounds. Rachel Wolansky played some tenacious defense atop the key to help shut down MEMS’ potent offense. Hannah Scott, McKenna Bovey, and Sam Gerenser also contributed to the team effort, with Gerenser earning her first point of the season. MEMS leading scorer was Brianna Brockett, with four points. Lauren Keyes netted two. Morgan Bazyk and Allie Gaiotti pulled down five rebounds apiece. Dorset and Long Trail collaborated to combine their teams.


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Vermont News Guide

January 28, 2009

SPORTS Wounded Warrior Weekend

The Bart J. Ruggiere Adaptive Sports Center and Bromley Mountain are proud to host its fourth Wounded Warrior Weekend. What is the Wounded Warrior weekend? It is a weekend that soldiers are invited to be the guest of the Bart Center and come to Bromley and have an all expenses paid skiing weekend. This is for soldiers who have been injured in the recent conflicts on the war against terrorism. There will be a dinner held at Bromley in their honor on Saturday evening. The dates for this great event are February 7 and 8. The location is Bromley Mountain in Peru, VT. For more information on this and other events call the Bart Center at 802-824-5522 ext. 430 or www.bartcenter. com. ________________________________________________

Boston Bruins Alumni Team Returns

Riley Rink at Hunter Park is proud to announce the return of the Boston Bruin’s Alumni Team for the second bi-annual exhibition hockey game against the Green Mountain Stars—Manchester’s hometown team of all-stars. This charity hockey rematch will take place the evening of February 7, at Riley Rink and offer southern Vermonters another exciting evening of fast-paced hockey and a chance to see how it’s done by legendary pros. Game time is 5:30 p.m. All proceeds will fund future programs and events at Riley Rink. The local players are excited to have an opportunity to play against the Bruins alumni and have committed to raising $1500 each in sponsorship that goes directly to Riley Rink programs, including the Jonathan Levin Scholarship Fund, Connections, NHA, NFSC and Rusty Blades. If you are interested in joining the team or sponsoring a player, please call Riley Rink at 362-0150 or e-mail smarmer@rileyrink. com or Tickets for the game are $10 (children under 3 are free) and are onsale now at Riley Rink at Hunter Park, located at Hunter Park Road in Manchester, Vermont or from a member of the Northshire Hockey Association.

Relay for Life

This year the Bennington’ Relay for Life will focus on celebrationour community’s 13th year of Relay,the 25th year of Relay nationwide and most importantly our Survivors. If you are interested in forming or joining a team for this years event please join us on February 12 from 5:30-7 p.m. at The Moose Lodge, 916 Main Street in Bennington. Dr.Orion Howard from the Cancer Center will be guest speaker, music will be provided by Ray Crosier,and refreshments will be provided by the Moose. For more information call Lynn Leibe at 4420279 or Mary Thibodeau at 447-2526.


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Vermont News Guide

January 28, 2009

Valentines Show on Girls Night Out! Wouldn’t you just love to have some new & fabulous culinary choices for Valentines Day? Now’s your chance! Join Toney Lee and chef, cookbook author, & innkeeper Chris Sprague on location at the Inn at Ormsby Hill in Manchester Village, Vermont for the February 2nd taping of Girls Night Out! Can you say “Yummy”? Cooking has always been Chris’ passion and hobby. She grew up with a dad who owned a gourmet food store, and was always around good food. Thirty-five years ago, she & husband Ted stayed at an inn in North Conway, NH. Chris loved the total experience so much, she informed him “this is what I want to be when I grow up!” And 8 years later they did something about it. With an innkeeping seminar under their belts, they had a mission - innkeeping and


cooking! Starting with an inn in Maine which was a great hit, Chris and Ted decided to move to Vermont when they found their now beloved Inn at Ormsby Hill. It was truly love at first sight. One look and Chris said“I’ve found my dream inn.” They have received many accolades, both in Maine and Vermont. Chris has been featured in national publications such as Food & Wine Magazine, Colonial Homes, Yankee Magazine, Yankee Magazine’s Travel Guide, Living Without, New York Times, Boston Globe, & Southern Living. She was honored as a Yankee Magazine “Great New England Cook”, and chosen to be a DuPont test chef. Chris’ granola recipe was the inspiration for a cereal made by the Kellogg Company called the Inn at Ormsby Hill Blend. She published her first cookbook in


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1992. Now, to whet your appetite for the Inn itself, you have only to get a whiff of a little of its wonderful history. As one steps through the door into the beautifully decorated inn complete with fireplaces crackling with welcoming warmth, you take a step back in time to an elegant era. The house was built in 1764 by Thompson Purdy (ask any longtime local resident and they will tell you this is Purdy Hill!). In the late 1800s, it was purchased by Edward Isham, a prominent attorney from Chicago, as his summer residence. Among Isham’s friends and visitors to Ormsby Hill were President Taft, (Continued on page 26)





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January 28, 2009

Vermont News Guide


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(Girls Night Out, cont.) Ulysses Grant, and Robert Todd Lincoln. Robert Todd loved Ormsby Hill so much that he asked Isham if he could purchase some of Isham’s 800+ acres. Isham told Lincoln “you’re my best friend and law partner - you’re not going to be my next-door neighbor.” It was not until Isham passed away that Lincoln was able to purchase the land now known as Hildene! As featured on “If These Walls Could Talk”— Ormsby Hill has all original fireplaces (including a cooking fireplace), from 1764, the first electric panel in the town of Manchester, an all marble floor basement, a jail-cell in the basement, complete with a door with bars, a big lock, and a marble slab for sleeping!! And much, much more. Truly the Inn at Ormsby Hill is a local and national treasure and not to be missed! To quote Chris & Ted, “We don’t feel like the owners of Ormsby Hill — we feel as though we are caretakers for a very important piece

������������������������ Enjoy the inspired flavors of my freestyle cuisine as you savor Sesame Crusted Yellowfin Tuna in our elegant dining room, or grab a Vermont microbrew and some crabcakes in our spirited tavern. Whatever your pleasure, we have the table for you. ~Chef/Owner Amy Chamberlain .

LIVE MUSIC IN OUR TAVERN Click and listen to these bands at EVERY WEDS EVERY THURS



FRIDAY Feb 6th

Bluegrass Jam

FRIDAY Feb 13th

Burgers, Bluegrass, Farkas & Friends


FRIDAY Jan 30th Hard Rockin Funkadelic Jazzalicious!

Rick Redington & the LUV

SAT Jan 31st

Elephant Bear A New Musical Monster

��������� Here to cure what ails you!


8oz of Vermont grown beef with fries. Every THURSDAY in the Tavern.

Rte 11/30, Manchester, VT - - (802) 362-2817 Restaurant: 5-10pm - Tavern: 4pm-close. Closed Sun & Mon.


Vermont News Guide

January 28, 2009

of history -- and we get to live here”. Girls Night Out will be taped on location at the Inn at Ormsby Hill on February 2. If you would like to be part of the audience the cost is $20 per person in advance. Reservations are a must! You’ll get to “sample” the fabulous food, take the recipes home and have a great time too! Please book well in advance. Reservations must be made no later than the Wednesday prior to the show you wish to attend by calling GNAT-TV in Manchester, VT at 362-7070 and leave a message or email us at Please plan on arriving at the Inn at Ormsby Hill at 5:45 p.m. on the day of the show. See you there. ________________________________________________

Inn at West View Farm to Celebrate Chinese New Year!



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The Inn at West View Farm will be celebrating Chinese New Year on Thursday, January 29th, Friday, January 30th and Saturday, January 31st, serving a traditional banquet dinner. Chef-Owner Raymond Chen has a ten course menu planned for the event, including such dishes as Shrimp with Golden Walnuts, Happiness Wonton Soup, and Sang Choy Bao Chicken, which will be served to the tables family style. Food is an important aspect of the Chinese New Year celebration with many of the dishes having symbolic meaning for health, happiness, prosperity and good fortune in the new year. The dining room of the Inn will be transformed for the event with dragons hung from the ceiling, Chinese lanterns in the windows and red tablelinens, the Chinese color for good luck. This year is the year of the Ox, 4707 in the Chinese calendar. Call the Inn at West View Farm at 867-5715 for reservations.

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January 28, 2009



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Salsa lessons to Benefit CFC

Enjoy four weeks of Salsa with Michael Rodriguez and Let’s Dance So. Vt. and benefit the Community Food Cupboard at the same time! Taking place on Wednesday nights in February, 7 p.m., at Pink’s Alley, Routes 11/30, Manchester. For cost and further information, call Michael at 362-1819.

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Martin Luther King Movie Night

Martin Luther King Day has passed, but the need for service and continued conscientiousness remains. Affirm the spirit of service and the life of Martin Luther King by joining Vermont Community Stewardship Program member Jake Claro at St. James Episcopal Church Saturday, Jan. 31, at 7:00 pm. We’ll watch a documentary on Dr. King, discuss the implications of his life and times, and determine ways as a community to fulfill his ethic of service. Admission is one non-perishable food item, which will be donated to the Arlington Food Shelf. For additional information call 779-2487 or by email at

Instant 25% Rebate on Food! Instant 25% savings on food, with this ad Tuesday-Thursday.

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��������������� GET EVEN!

!Super��owl Sunday! �����������������������������������������������

Wii Sundays (�������������������������) ���������������������������������������������������� No cover�just fun�Friends; Gringo Buck prizes Try to play against some of Candeleros best!

Wed Nite Texas Hold 'em with Jessica $5 off BBQ entrees & drink special�����������������

Thurs Nite 1/2 Price House Margaritas Our 14 year tradition continues!

Fri Nite Karaoke with Brian & DJ Tracy $2 draft beer & $2 well drinks 28


������������������������������� cabin fever. You can still go to CANDELEROS, join your friends & the best bartenders in town for fun, Wii, karaoke & poker!

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Vermont News Guide

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Q & A Live

Bob Stannard, host of Q & A LIVE, is pleased to announce that his next guest for the February edition of Q & A LIVE will be Mr. Jack Healey. Mr. Healey is an internationally renowned advocate of Human Rights. He worked with Dr. Martin Luther King helping to organize the march on Washington in the early 60’s. He made Amnesty International a household name. He was declared “Mr. Human Rights” by US News and World Report. Healey reached out to major entertainment figures including U-2, Sting, Jackson Brown, Bruce Springsteen, Eric Clapton, Bonnie Raitt and many others to assist in raising funds and world consciousness on the issue of Human Rights. He is currently working to have the Universal Declaration of Human Rights printed in every American passport, believing that we must lead by example. The world looks to America as its role model. “This is perhaps the most important show we have ever done and I hope to send it out to all local access channels throughout Vermont”, Stannard said. “I hope to be able to use this show as a catalyst for our Vermont Legislature to adopt a resolution recognizing December 10 as the day dedicated to the recognition of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. If successful, Vermont will be the first state in the nation to do so”. The show will first air on GNATV on Wednesday, February 4 at 7 p.m. and then each day at 7 a.m and 7 p.m. throughout the month. Check your local listings for times and channels. ________________________________________________


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Dance Fest in the Eagles’ Nest

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Arlington Memorial High School will host its Second Annual Eagles’ Nest Dance Fest Dance Team Competition for area schools, Saturday, February 7, beginning at 1 p.m. in the gymnasium. Tickets for admission are $5 for adults and $3 for students. The schedule for the day will be a busy one as seven teams from Vermont and New York compete in three dance categories: pom, hip hop and jazz. Trophies will be presented to the teams that score the highest in each category. In addition to Arlington, the dance teams (Continued on page 30)

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January 28, 2009

Vermont News Guide


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(Dance, cont.) scheduled to compete are from Burr and Burton Academy (two teams), Long Trail School, Mount Anthony Union High School, Springfield High School and Troy High School. Arlington’s Dance Coach Allyson Hoffman is pleased to be hosting a second competition. “We had a blast last year. The AMHS gym (a.k.a the Eagles’ Nest) was packed with screaming fans, and all of the teams were fantastic. We can’t wait to repeat that this year.” Judges for this year’s event are Cara Beyor, Marilyn Cavileri and Stephanie Hubbard. The Arlington Middle School Dance Team will give a special performance, although

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Become a part of the performing arts without ever stepping on stage! Our team of volunteer ushers assists MASS MoCA staff with operations such as taking tickets, directing patrons, and distributing programs. See films, theater, concerts, dance performances, and dance parties free-of-charge while mingling with theatergoers from all over the northeast and beyond. For more info, please contact Meredith at 413-334-4481 ext.8109 or by email at

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Join Mass Moca’s Volunteer Usher Family!


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they are not eligible to compete. During the event, food will be available for purchase and tee shirts, designed by AMHS Junior Mia Lentinello and produced by Real Sports in Manchester, will be sold. The Arlington dancers will also host a 50-50 raffle and a basket raffle to benefit the team. Hoffman, Arlington’s coach for the past three years, is overseeing the competition’s schedule with help from parent Anna English and many others. “This is a student-run event. Cameron Ray, an AMHS senior, will serve as announcer, our Culinary Arts students are preparing snacks, the Video Production class is taping the event to show on Channel 16 and the AAU Girls’ Basketball team is having a bake sale.” For more information about the Dance Competition, contact Hoffman at or 375.6409. You can visit the AMHS website at ______________________________________________


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Vermont News Guide

January 28, 2009

Playwrights Workshop

The Horace Greeley Foundation presents its first Playwrights Workshop starting Monday, February 2. You can learn the fundamentals of writing a play or improve your playwriting skills in an intimate, roundtable setting. This new and exciting workshop will run for six consecutive Monday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m., meeting in Woodruff Hall at Castleton State College. Your instructor, Karen Klami, has studied with playwrights Romulus Linney and Tina Howe. She has produced many plays in New York City and currently teaches in the Theatre Arts Department at Castleton State College. There is a registration fee. Class size is limited. For pre-registration and further information, contact Karen Klami at karen.klami@castleton. edu, or visit the Web site at www.the


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e-mail community news to: January 28, 2009

Vermont News Guide



Vermont News Guide

January 28, 2009


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Your Name: Address: Pet name(s): Pet info:

Send check, form and picture to: Pet Showcase, c/o The Pennysaver, 109 South Street, Bennington VT 05201. If you have a digital pic, email it to and be sure to include your and your pet’s names in the email. January 28, 2009

Vermont News Guide


Lynn L. Holton Carpentry Interior • • Exterior • •


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Vermont News Guide

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January 28, 2009

Vermont News Guide


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Vermont News Guide

January 28, 2009

e-mail community news to:


January 28, 2009

Vermont News Guide


� Pre-Owned Vehicle Liquidation!!!

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We Have the Pre-Owned Vehicle to Fit Your Budget ������ �������������

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$5,995 -

$4,995! �����

$10,995 -


Stock # P1977 2004 Chevy Malibu Sedan, Gold w/74K Miles

$7,995 -


Stock # P1931 2004 Chevy Impala Sedan, Gold w/85K Miles

$7,995 -


Stock # P2034 2005 Chevy Venture Van LS Ext., Blue w/77K

$7,995 -


Stock # V8321A 2000 Mazda MPV LX w/74K Miles

Stock # V5050A 2005 VW Passat GLS FWD Wagon, Silver w/75K Miles

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Stock # P1974 200� Chevy Cavalier, 4 Dr., Silver w/75K Miles

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“HAND MOTORS Your Trusted Source for Pre-Owned Vehicles”


4847 Main Street Manchester Center, VT (802) 362-1754

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Pictures above are stock photos. Come on in and drive the real thing — We’ll see you soon!



Vermont News Guide

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January 28, 2009


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January 28, 2009

Vermont News Guide


Martha Carey (third from left) of Manchester Community Food Cupboard, Rev. Bob Carpenter (second from left) of Interfaith Council, and Jack Gunther (far right) of Arlington Food Shelf, accept donation checks from Manchester Lions President Garry Van Siclen ....details on page 6

Dorset/LTS Girls Basketball.......details on page 23

West Pawlet artist, Roy Egg, center, and two of West Pawlet’s brave fire fighters, invite you to the sixth annual West Pawlet Woodchuck Festival ....details on page 15


Vermont News Guide

January 28, 2009

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