Yankee Shopper

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We Don’t Sell Advertising… We Sell Results!

January 19, 2009

Vol. 31 No. 73

Inside this week’s Issue Dining / Entertainment .... Page 5 Dining Giveaway ............... Page 6 Sudoku .............................. Page 16

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Horoscope ........................ Page 15 Business & Services ......... Page 14 Classifieds ........................... Page 2 Real Estate ........................ Page 22 Auto ................................... Page 16 Help Wanted..................... Page 23




Home Improvement ........ Page 10




Crossword......................... Page 14

20 Cleveland Road Dalton, Massachusetts 01226 413.684.1373 Classified 888.307.0839 Fax 413.684.0607 editorial email yankee@hersamacornma.com


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advertising email art@hersamacornma.com Editorial Deadline: Wednesday at noon the week before publication. Classified Deadline: Thursday at 10 a.m. Display Deadline: Wednesday at 5 p.m



20 Cleveland Road Dalton, Massachusetts 01226 413.684.1373 Fax 413.684.0607 Classified 888.307.0839 editorial email yankee@hersamacornma.com advertising email art@hersamacornma.com ■

Renee Tassone, General Manager Linda Devlin, Circulation Manager Toby Raymond, Contributing Editor Carrie Devlin, Advertising Sales Melissa Miller, Art Director Mary A. Garcia, Artist Jen Hathaway, Artist Chris Sobolowski, Artist ■

Editorial Deadline*: Wednesday at Noon Classified Deadline*: Thursday at 10 a.m. Display Deadline*: Wednesday at 5 p.m.

Sonsini Shelter to Benefit from Great Barrington Kennel Club Grant Thanks to the generosity of the Great Barrington Kennel Club (GBKC), a local member club of the American Kennel Club, the dogs residing at the Eleanor Sonsini Animal Shelter should soon enjoy a little more privacy and be a bit calmer as a result. Through the efforts of Gloria and Mike McClay, owners of Canine Connection in Cheshire, along with GBKC members and friends of the Sonsini Shelter, the GBKC agreed to fund the $2,000-plus cost of installing aluminum paneling on two of the shelter’s eight 55-foot outdoor runs. While some dogs enjoy the company of their canine neighbors in the outside runs, others find the presence of a strange dog visible through the chain link fence to be stressful. With the paneling in place, dogs in paneled runs will no longer be face to face with the dog in the adjoining

run, reducing the stress and making life easier for both dogs and shelter staff. Lowering stress makes the dogs calmer and easier to train, and training makes it easier to find them permanent homes. The paneling, to be installed by All American Fencing of Lee, continues Sonsini’s improvements to the surroundings of the several hundred cats and dogs that pass through the shelter each year on their way to new homes. The shelter is located at 63 Downing Parkway (in the Downing Industrial Park), Pittsfield. For more information call (413) 448-9800 or e-mail eleanorsonsinishelte r@yahoo.com. General info and pictures of animals currently available for adoption can be obtained from its web site, www. pittsfieldanimals.org.

*Deadlines will change due to Holidays. See special deadline notices published before major holidays. ■

Submission Guidelines: Those wishing to submit event listings or editorial content may email yankee@hersamacornma.com. ■

Notice: The Yankee Shopper will not knowingly accept or publish advertising which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. The publisher reserves the sole right to edit, revise, or reject any and all advertising, with or without cause being assigned, which in the publisher’s judgement is contrary to the interests of this publication. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. ©2008, Hersam Acorn Newspapers. All contents of the Yankee Shopper are copyrighted, and any reproduction without permission is prohibited.


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Martin Hersam, Chief Operating Officer Thomas B. Nash, Publisher


Yankee Shopper

January 19, 2009

Snowmobile Use In The City of Pittsfield The City of Pittsfield would like to remind the community that the use of motorized off-road vehicles, including snowmobiles, is prohibited within city parks, school grounds, conservation lands, and within the Pittsfield watershed lands in Pittsfield, Dalton, and Washington. Fines for unauthorized use of off-road vehicles within these public areas can be up to $200 per offense, and more if malicious damage occurs. Residents are encouraged to contact the Pittsfield Police Department if they observe off-road

vehicles, especially snowmobiles, operating in these areas. The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation/ Division of State Parks and Recreation provides numerous opportunities for ATV and snowmobiling within the vast western MA holdings. Visit their website - www.state.ma.us/dcr - for a comprehensive listing of sanctioned snowmobiling sites. For more information, please contact 499-9344.

Server Trainings offered for all local Liquor Establishments!

The Northern Berkshire Community Coalition is bringing server training sessions to a convenient location in northern Berkshire County. Dan Zunitch, a certified TIPS trainer, will instruct sessions for both on-premise establishments (bars and restaurants) and off-premise establishments (liquor and package stores). The training sessions will be free to attendees, made possible by the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition. All liquor establishments in northern Berkshire County are encouraged to participate, with registration guaranteed on a first come, first served basis. We can only allow 35 participants for each session, and we expect trainings to fill up quickly. For information or to register, contact Dan Zunitch at 413-5533187. You may also register by sending an email to tips@ businesspointsystems.com. We look forward to improv-

ing the way we support the establishments in our area, and therefore can better serve a healthy community! The Northern Berkshire Community Coalition is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people in Northern Berkshire by organizing, supporting, and empowering the community. The schedule for trainings is as follows: Monday, February 2 The Holiday Inn, North Adams, MA Off-premise (package stores) 11:00 a.m. On-premise (restaurants, bars, clubs) 5:00 a.m.

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Yankee Shopper


Join Your Local Fresh Air Volunteer Team!

The Fresh Air Fund’s Great Barrington, MA area committee is currently preparing for summer 2009 and eagerly awaiting the arrival of their New York City visitors. To ensure that this summer is special for Fresh Air children, The Fund is seeking volunteer members and host families to sign up now! Each summer, close to 5,000 New York City children, ages six to 18, enjoy two week vacations with volunteer host families in suburban and rural communities across 13 Northeastern states and Canada. Local Fresh Air Fund volunteers recruit and interview host families, arrange travel and coordinate fun activities in their communities. As one host parent explains, “Hosting has inspired me to volunteer for The Fund in other capacities to help guarantee the program’s success in our area. My family has been so grateful for the relationship we have with our Fresh Air child!” In 2009, The Fresh Air Fund celebrates its 133rd summer of bare feet, sandcastles and starry nights for children from some of New York City’s low-income communities. It only takes one conversation with a child to realize the impact of a Fresh Air experience. “We were on a walk, and I saw a wild snapping turtle! It was so cool because I don’t get to see many animals in the wild,” remembers eight-year-old Brittney of Queens. For more information on how you can join your local Fresh Air volunteer team, call Lelia Bruun at 413-528-6701, or The Fresh Air Fund at 800-367-0003. You can also learn more about the Friendly Town program by visiting The Fund’s Web site at www.freshair.org.

Marvelous Opportunity!



What a marvelous opportunity all of us are facing right now! Families are drawing closer together and helping one another through financial hardships; non-profit organizations are keeping in touch with others to be sure the net isn’t too tight for

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anyone to fall through; children are learning a new, practical set of values; we’re all working on saving our planet and conscious of what we purchase and throw away — and Hersam Acorn and The Yankee Shopper are keenly aware of how important your continued on page 5

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Yankee Shopper

January 19, 2009

From my Corner

...pet peeves...

— Susan J. Coons

I’ve been writing a column in the Vermont News Guide for about ten years. Every paper needs someone to talk back about the silly stuff that happens in life. I seldom run out of topics. As a matter of fact, I’m going to attach below, this weeks column regarding Pet Peeves. We all have them. I’ve asked our readers to send me their favorite pet peeves (now there’s an oxymoron!). We had fun with this, because after we aired our ‘peeves’ out loud, we laughed at how funny they are. But when a peeve hits you (an errant shopping cart out for a run with your car as it’s destination!), it’s not too easy to laugh! “Doggone that nut who left the shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot!” Discourteous drivers and cell phone users topped our list of Pet

Peeves. Slow drivers are just about everyone’s peeve. There’s a law in California that if you are driving on a two lane road or highway, and there are several vehicles close behind you, you must pull over at the first opportunity and allow them to pass. This is especially helpful when driving up or down the mountains. One day last week I was the fourth in a line of about 20 vehicles following someone driving a pickup truck. The driver decided he was going to set the pace for everyone on the road, and that pace was five miles below the speed limit. Slow drivers are never ticketed. But the driver who passes at five MPH over the speed limit is sure to be stopped by Smoky. One reader’s pet peeve is loud gum chewing and snapping then popping it. People who wander off while leaving their shopping cart unattended in the middle of the aisle in the supermarket is Anna’s pet peeve. Tail-gating, and as a pedestrian, drivers not stopping to allow you to cross the street at the intersection, especially when they’re turning right and you’re already in the crosswalk is the pet peeve from a cheerful continued on page 6

Marvelous Opportunity

continued from page 4

weekly community paper is as the conduit to pass along local information. The Yankee Shopper is your paper and we just want to remind you that we will publish your local, upcoming events such as church suppers, benefits, student honors, school sports — anything you are interested in: Race for the Cure; Habitat for Humanity; you get the idea. We are also asking anyone in our communities to send us interesting photos and information about people or events in our area. Stop by our office and talk to Lynn and she will be happy to take your picture. Or, you can e-mail your press release and attach a high resolution jpeg photo to yankeeshopper@hersamacornma.com. Take your 15 minutes of fame, for crying out loud! You deserve it!

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Yankee Shopper


...pet peeves...

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continued from page 5

McDonald’s employee. Susan sends her latest and most frustrating peeve. The advertisements each evening during network news are always about a physical problem and how a certain drug will solve that problem, if, in fact, it doesn’t make you bleed, black out, suffer severe kidney disorders, give you something that will last 4 hours and send you to the emergency room or even possibly kill you. The U.S. is one of only two countries in the entire world that allows pharmaceutical advertising, and we wonder why we have to pay so much for drugs! Marge writes that while cell phones are a very important part of our lives, there is a time and place for them. Users should think of courtesy to others while in church, attending social gatherings, and driving. I know of many service organizations that penalize cell phone users if they allow the phone to ring during a meeting. Sounds good to me! One reader’s peeve regards the display of the US flag. While she understands that people want to show their patriotism by displaying the flag, if not displayed and cared for properly it has the opposite effect. It saddens her to drive by and see a ragged flag, flown day and night, in all kinds of weather, hanging bedraggled in the dark. Guidelines state that flags may be flown in foul weather, if it’s an all-weather flag. I question whether the flags that are put up and seemingly forgotten are all-weather. Our reader doesn’t think the flag should be left out in bad weather. And if flown at night it should be illuminated. We should treat the flag with proper respect and display for all to see our proper respectful patriotism. A reader from Melrose, NY, writes his greatest peeve is tailgating. After waiting for 40 cars to pass in order to turn onto Route 40, our reader was then tailgated all the way into Troy. Bruce sent in the following five peeves:

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Yankee Shopper

January 19, 2009

...pet peeves...

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continued from page 6

1. Calling Medicare and going through numerous voice mail and numbers, finally hearing “You are being connected to a representative. Your wait will be approximately 28 minutes.” 2. Pulling into a supermarket parking lot and finding it half full of empty shopping carts. (This one bothers me, too! A few times, when I’ve seen someone leave their cart in the parking space next to them, I’ll ask them if they just broke their leg!) 3. Receiving four different telephone books in the mail in the space of three weeks when he only needs one! 4. Receiving offers to renew magazine subscriptions when there are still eight months left on the current one! (Now, this is one I can really identify with!) My personal pet peeves are rude drivers; obnoxious advertising on television; subscription cards in magazines that fall out all over the floor; public officials, banks, oil industry spokespeople, and phar- ������������������������� maceutical companies who spend ������������������ 24/7 trying to find ways to keep all of the rest of us in the dark about where the money goes! ������������������� We are eager to publish any of your pet peeves. Give it all you’ve ��������������������� got! Don’t worry we won’t use last names! Send us your pet peeves ��������������������������� �������� and we will publish them the week of Feb 2. Email them to yankeesho ������������� pper@hersamacornma.com or call 413-684-1373. ��������������������


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January 19, 2009

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Yankee Shopper



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Monday, January 19 9:30 a.m. - Caregiver support group, for those who provide care to a loved one, sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. Phone: 413-243-1212 Lee Regional VNA offices, 32 Park Street, Lee 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. - Blood Pressure Screening - Learn more about controlling your blood pressure,warning signs of heart attack and stroke. Screenings conducted by registered nurses of the Berkshire VNA. Screenings do not occur on holidays.No Registration is required for this event. Information from the Berkshire Visiting Nurse Association at 413-447-2862. - Berkshire Athenaeum, 1 Wendell Avenue, Pittsfield 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - CHP-Healthy Communities Access Project will host free health screenings, health education information and health insurance enrollment assistance. Please call Luci at 413-528-9311 ext. 2147 for additional information or questions. - Sheffield Senior Center in Sheffield 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. - Community Outreach Van - Free Health Insurance Enrollment & Health Screenings. Phone 413-445-9215 - Berkshire Mall, Old State Rd., Lanesboro 11 a.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire. org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - St. John’s Episcopal Church, 59 Summer St., North Adams 1-3 p.m. - CHP-Healthy Communities Access Project will host free health screenings, health education information and health insurance enrollment assistance. Please call Luci at 413-528-9311 ext. 2147 for additional information or questions. - Senior Center, Gt. Barrington 6 p.m. - Monday Night Ballroom Dance Lessons instructor is Cheryl Wendling - 413-443-6263 for information. - Itam Lodge #564, 93 Waubeek Rd., Pittsfield 6-9 p.m. - Drop-in life drawing open studio - Open to all levels and abilities. Providing ongoing access to a live model working in both short and long poses, this class is a service to practicing artists and a complement to other coursework. Bring your own materials. Call 413- 2985252 ext. 100, or visit www.is183.org for details. - IS183 Art School, Willard Hill Rd., Stockbridge 6:30 p.m. - Preschool Story Time. Phone: 413-6623133 - North Adams Public Library, 74 Church St., North Adams. For information phone 413-662-3133 or visit naplibrary.com 7 p.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - Unitarian Universalist

Yankee Shopper

January 19, 2009


Church, 175 Wendell Ave., Pittsfield 7 p.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - St. Patricks Parish Center, 53 Southworth St., Williamstown 8 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Fire House, Main Street, South Egremont


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Tuesday, January 20 9 a.m. - “Playful Parenting” classes. Pre-registration is requested for this program sponsored by Berkshire Families and Children’s Services. Phone: 413-458-5369 - David and Joyce Milne Public Library, 1095 Main Street, Williamstown 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Community Outreach Van - Free Health Insurance Enrollment & Health Screenings. Phone 413-445-9215 - Christian Center, 155 Linden St., Pittsfield 9:30 a.m. - Toddler Time - For one to two-and-a-half years. Phone: 413-662-3133 - North Adams Public Library, 74 Church St., North Adams. For information phone 413662-3133 or visit naplibrary.com 10 a.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Hevreh of South Berkshire, 270 State Rd. (Route 23), Great Barrington 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - CHP-Healthy Communities Access Project will host free health screenings, health education information and health insurance enrollment assistance. Please call Luci at 413-528-9311 ext. 2147 for additional information or questions. - Senior Center, Gt. Barrington 10:30 a.m. - Story time. Info: 413-458-5369 - David and Joyce Milne Public Library, 1095 Main Street, Williamstown 10:30-11:30 a.m. - Blood pressure and health counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. and the Lee Board of Health. Phone: 413-243-1212 - Brown Court, Lee 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Blood Pressure Screening - Learn more about controlling your blood pressure,warning signs of heart attack and stroke. Screenings conducted by registered nurses of the Berkshire VNA. Screenings do not occur on holidays.No Registration is required for this event. Information from the Berkshire Visiting Nurse Association at 413-447-2862. - Big Y, 200 West St., Pittsfield. January 19, 2009

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Yankee Shopper



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12:00p.m. – 1:00 – 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesdays of the every month, the Southern Berkshire Toastmasters, and organization dedicated to helping us all master the art of public speaking. BCC, Main Street, Gt. Barrington, MA. For more info call 413232-7715 12-1 p.m. - Blood pressure and health counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. and the

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Yankee Shopper

Stockbridge Board of Health. Phone: 413243-1212 - Heaton Court (street parking only), Stockbridge 1 to 2:30 p.m. - Blood Pressure Screening - Learn more about controlling your blood pressure,warning signs of heart attack and stroke. Screenings conducted by registered nurses of the Berkshire VNA. Screenings do not occur on holidays. No Registration is required for this event. Information from the Berkshire Visiting Nurse Association at 413-447-2862. - Stop and Shop, 1 Dan Fox Drive, Pittsfield. 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. - Food Pantry. The mission of this ministry is to feed the hungry. Each person who asks is given a bag of food that will last a couple of days. 755 Main Street in Dalton, MA 413684-0521 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Free Clothing Store. The mission of this ministry is to clothe those in need and to offer information about Christ and his love for all. 755 Main Street in Dalton, MA 413-684-0521 3 to 4:30 p.m. - McInerney Parent Services. “Parents as Teachers,” education and support group for parents of young children through age five, offered by McInerney Parent Services of Berkshire Children and Families, child care provided. For more information phone Nancy Paquin at 413-499-3556, Ext. 13. - 48 Elizabeth St., Pittsfield. 5:15 p.m. - Pittsfield Green Drinks - we gather for “Green Drinks”. If you are interested in any environmental issue, from the climate crisis to land preservation, or from wildlife habitat to recycling. Every third Tuesday of the month. Info: 413-445-4556 ext. 14 - Pittsfield Brew Works, 34 Depot Street, Pittsfield 5-7 p.m. - Opening reception for “Woodshed II: the Next Hundred Hours”. For more information, call 413-6648718, or go to ?www.mcla.edu/Gallery51. - MCLA Gallery 51 is at 51 Main St. in January 19, 2009

• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • North Adams 5-10 p.m. - Inauguration Bash with food and dancing. Info: castlestreetcafe.com or 413-528-5244 - Castle Street Cafe, 10 Castle St., Great Barrington 6 p.m. - Words Before Music – A free lecture in which Lee resident Iris Bass, author of “What’s Your Opera IQ ” will discuss the literature, lore, & libretto of Gluck’s “Orfeo ed Euridice”, to prepare listeners for the HD and radio broadcast of this opera from the Met. Reservations: 413243-0385 - Lee Library, 100 Main Street, Lee 6 to 7:30 p.m. - “1-2-3-4 Parents” workshop on parenting children 1-4, with advice on discipline, routines and more. Free; registration required - 413-664-4821. Continues Jan. 27. - Northern Berkshire Family Net, Haskins Community Center, Route 8, North Adams. 6:30 p.m. - The Lee VFW will meet at the Lee Senior Center, 21 Crossway St., Lee, MA 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. - Soul & Spirit Book Club - Metaphysical book club, moderated by Bettina Zumdick. Free. Phone: 413-243-2834 - Berkshire Soul and Spirit Center, 69 Main St., Lee 7 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information

Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire. org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - South Congregationalist Church, 110 South Street, Pittsfield 7 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers’ meeting is held at the same time and place. - First Baptist Church, 88 South St., Pittsfield 7 to 8:30 p.m. - Power of Words - Open Mic event to share poetry, readings, music, and other spoken word. Monthly sessions occur on the third Tuesday of each

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Yankee Shopper


• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • month. Info: 413-528-2810 - Berkshire South Regional Community Center, 15 Crissey Rd., Great Barrington 7-9 p.m. - Ballroom Dancing Lesson. Info: 413-6373188 - Flavours at the Econo Lodge, Rt. 7, Lenox 8 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Congregational Church, Main St., Stockbridge (Next to the Town Hall) Wednesday, January 21 9-10 a.m. - Blood pressure and health counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. and the Lee Board of Health. Phone: 413-243-1212 - Lee Regional VNA offices, 32 Park Street, Lee 10 a.m. - Preschool Story Time. Phone: 413-662-3133 North Adams Public Library, 74 Church St., North Adams. For information phone 413-662-3133 or visit naplibrary. com 10 a.m. - Story time. Please call to register - there are openings in the Wednesday group. Info: 413-743-8345 - Adams Free Library, located on Park Street at McKinley

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Square, Adams 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - CHP-Healthy Communities Access Project will host free health screenings, health education information and health insurance enrollment assistance. Please call Luci at 413-528-9311 ext. 2147 for additional information or questions. - Berkshire Community College, Great Barrington 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. - Community Outreach Van - Free Health Insurance Enrollment & Health Screenings. Phone 413-445-9215 - Dalton CRA, 400 Main St., Dalton 10:30 a.m. - Story time. Info: 413-458-5369 - David and Joyce Milne Public Library, 1095 Main Street, Williamstown 12:30-1:30 p.m. - Blood pressure and health counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. and the Otis Board of Health. Phone: 413-243-1212 - Otis Senior Center 1-3 p.m. - CHP-Healthy Communities Access Project will host free health screenings, health education information and health insurance enrollment assistance. Please call Luci at 413-528-9311 ext. 2147 for additional information or questions. - CHP-Dental Center, Great Barrington 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. - S.H.A.P.E. Club Weight Loss Support Group - Lee Council on Aging Community Room. For information phone 413-446-5925.l 5 to 6:15 p.m. - Yoga for Your Everyday Life. Call 413269-0075 or visit the Web site www.HealthyBoomerBody. com to register or for more information - Healthy Boomer Body Center in Otis 5:30 to 7 p.m. - VNA & Hospice of Northern Berkshire offers bereavement support group - Info: 413-664-4536 - VNA & Hospice of Northern Berkshire, Inc., 535 Curran Memorial Highway, North Adams 5:30-6:30 p.m. (beginners) and 7-8 p.m. (intermediate) - Tai Chi classes - Banish the winter blues & refocus

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Yankee Shopper

January 19, 2009

• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • your energy. Jim Pullaro brings his very popular tai chi classes back for both beginning & more experienced students. Registration requested. For more information: 413466-0534 or jimpullaro@msn.com. - Lichtenstein Center for the Arts, 28 Renne Ave., Pittsfield 6-8 p.m. - Caregiver support group, for those who provide care to a loved one, co-sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. and Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc. (ESBC). Information: 413-4990524 - ESBC Offices, 66 Wendell Avenue, Pittsfield 6:30 p.m. - BINGO - Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #310 located at 515 Curran Highway in North Adams. 413-664-9043. 6:30 p.m. - BINGO - Non-Smoking - Refreshments Available - Progressive Jackpots. Info: 413-443-7135 ITAM Lodge #564, 22 Waubeek Road, Pittsfield. 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Wednesday Evening Tune-Ups - Pilates for all skill levels. Call 413-269-0075 or visit the Web site www.HealthyBoomerBody.com to register or for more information - Healthy Boomer Body Center in Otis 6:45 p.m. - Hinsdale Lions Club Bingo - Admission $1. Come early - Dinner is available at reasonable prices: hamburgers, hot dogs, cold sandwiches, hot dishes, desserts, cold and hot beverages. Monthly Door Prizes - Charity Game Tickets. Phone 413-655-2973 for details. - Hinsdale Community Center Maple Street, Route 143, Hinsdale 7 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Parish House (upstairs) behind St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Main St., Stockbridge. 7 p.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - Lenox Community Center, Walker Street, Lenox. 7-9 p.m. - Gamblers’ Anonymous. Free, confidential meetings. For more information phone Charlie at 413637-2550. - Hillcrest Hospital, first floor conference room, Tor Court, Pittsfield 7:30 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - St. Mark’s Church, Commercial St., Adams 7:30 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Grace Episcopal Church, Main St., Dalton 7:30 p.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - Fairview Hospital, 29 Lewis Ave., Great Barrington January 19, 2009

9 p.m. - Dan Hamilton performs. No cover charge applies. Call 413-298-5545 for information. - The Lion’s Den, Red Lion Inn, 30 Main St., Stockbridge Thursday, January 22 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Community Outreach Van - Free Health Insurance Enrollment & Health Screenings. Phone 413-445-9215 - Wal-Mart, 830 Curran Highway, North Adams 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. - Free Clothing Store. The mission of this ministry is to clothe those in need and to offer information about Christ and his love for all. 755 Main Street in Dalton, MA 413-684-0521 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. - Food Pantry. The mission of this ministry is to feed the hungry. Each person who asks is given a bag of food that will last a couple of days. 755 Main Street in Dalton, MA 413-6840521 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Blood pressure and health counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. Phone: 413-243-1212 - Stop & Shop on

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Yankee Shopper



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Merrill Road in Pittsfield 10:30 a.m. - Preschool Story Craft is for children 3 to 5 years of age. The program features stories, songs & follow-along activities followed by a craft related to stories. Contact: Debby Cuthbert. Phone: 413-637-0197 ext. 105 - Lenox Library Association, 18 Main St., Lenox 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Lenox Historical Society is currently featuring a selection of Morris Elementary students’ artwork displayed alongside our collection of early Lenox photographs, documents and memorabilia. Exhibit to continue through Jan. 31st. At the Academy, 65 Main St., Lenox. Open Thursday - Saturday from 11-3 or by appt. for special groups. For more information, call Vickie at 441-7902. 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Young Family Breastfeeding Group - Berkshire Nursing Families is starting a group for young families (parents 23 years and under). Free Pizza Lunch. - Haskins Community Center, North Adams 12 p.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - 9 Locust Hill Rd., Great Barrington 2-4 p.m. - Blood Pressure Screening - Learn more about controlling your blood pressure,warning signs of heart attack and stroke. Screenings conducted by regis-

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Yankee Shopper

January 19, 2009

• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • tered nurses of the Berkshire VNA. Screenings do not occur on holidays.No Registration is required for this event. Information from the Berkshire Visiting Nurse Association at 413-447-2862. - Hillcrest Campus, 165 Tor Court, Pittsfield. 7:30 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers’ meeting: First Thursday of the month at 7 p.m - United Methodist Church, Water & Main Streets, Williamstown 8 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Christ Church, Route 7 and Maple Avenue, Sheffield Friday, January 23 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. - Free Clothing Store. The mission of this ministry is to clothe those in need and to offer information about Christ and his love for all. 755 Main Street in Dalton, MA 413-684-0521 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. - Food Pantry. The mission of this ministry is to feed the hungry. Each

person who asks is given a bag of food that will last a couple of days. 755 Main Street in Dalton, MA 413-6840521 10 and 11 a.m. - Aquarium Adventures - Toddlers enjoy playtime and a story, then meet a different animal each week. Sponsered by Target. Free with Museum admission. - Berkshire Museum, 39 South St., Pittsfield 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Lenox Historical Society is currently featuring a selection of Morris Elementary students’ artwork displayed alongside our collection of early Lenox photographs, documents and memorabilia. Exhibit to continue through Jan. 31st. At the Academy, 65 Main St., Lenox. Open Thursday - Saturday from 11-3 or by appt. for special groups. For more information, call Vickie at 441-7902. 4:30 p.m. - BINGO - with food, Speedball, Horserace and Bingo Nut 2 Tickets. Weekly progressive game prize of $1,199, plus weekly door prize. - St. Mary’s School, 115 Orchard St., Lee 6:00 p.m. – The Taconic and PHS Hockey Team will host a Roast Beef Dinner and Comedy Show by Roofer T. Jones (Turd) at the Back Nine, Crane Ave., Pittsfield, MA.

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Yankee Shopper





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Yankee Shopper

January 19, 2009

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Yankee Shopper


• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • Dinner will be at 6 p.m. and the Comedy Show will be at 8 p.m. Donations are $12.00 for adults, $10.00 for seniors and $6.00 for children age 12 and under. The comedy show is appropriate for all ages. For tickets and/or information, call Robbie at 413-822-9768. 7:00 p.m. – Lee Youth Drama will present an adaptation of the popular musical Annie. The drama dubbed Annie jr., will be presented in the Zukowski Performing Arts Center at Lee Middle and High School, and is free and open to the public. Lee Youth Drama produces the performance, with generous support from the Lee Educational Enrichment Fund, Lee Bank, and the Toole Agency. 8 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire. org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Claire Teague Senior Center, 909 Main Street (Rt. 7 South), Great Barrington. Saturday, January 24 8:15 a.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - Berkshire Mall Community Rm Route 8, Lanesborough

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8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Eagles at Quabbin Reservoir, Central MA. Massachusetts Audubon Society, 413-6370320. Departing from Lee at 8:30 a.m. Bring a spotting scope if you have one. The leader will have one to share. Dress warmly. If snow conditions permit, we will do some snowshoeing (snowshoes provided). Registration is required. Directions will be sent upon registration. Adults: members $15.00, non-members $20.00. 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. - Free Clothing Store. The mission of this ministry is to clothe those in need and to offer information about Christ and his love for all. 755 Main Street in Dalton, MA 413-684-0521 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. - Food Pantry. The mission of this ministry is to feed the hungry. Each person who asks is given a bag of food that will last a couple of days. 755 Main Street in Dalton, MA 413-6840521 9 a.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Fire House, Route 23, Monterey 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – Lenox Historical Society is currently featuring a selection of Morris Elementary students’ artwork displayed alongside our collection of early Lenox photographs, documents and memorabilia. Exhibit to continue through Jan. 31st. At the Academy, 65 Main


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�������������� Yankee Shopper

January 19, 2009

• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • St., Lenox. Open Thursday - Saturday from 11-3 or by appt. for special groups. For more information, call Vickie at 441-7902. 11:30 a.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - Fairview Hospital, 29 Lewis Ave., Great Barrington 12:30 p.m. - Chow Time in the Aquarium - Watch aquarium staff feed fish, reptiles and amphibians! - Berkshire Museum, 39 South St., Pittsfield 2:00 p.m. – Lee Youth Drama will present an adaptation of the popular musical Annie. The drama dubbed Annie jr., will be presented in the Zukowski Performing Arts Center at Lee Middle and High School, and is free and open to the public. Lee Youth Drama produces the performance, with generous support from the Lee Educational Enrichment Fund, Lee Bank, and the Toole Agency. 5 p.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - Trinity Church Annex, Walker Street, Lenox 6 p.m. - American Cancer Society Relay for Life will feature cancer survivors’ lap as well as luminaria ceremony. Info: 800-ACS-2345 - Williams College, Towne Field House, Latham Street, Williamstown 7:30 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Congregational Church, Route 41, Richmond 7:30 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information

Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Zion Lutheran Church, 74 First Street, Pittsfield Sunday, January 25 9 a.m. - Christian Education for all ages - 9 a.m. Service of Worship - 10:15 a.m. Children’s Church (nursery - age 9). Call 413-464-1287 for information. Rev. Roberta Heath, Pastor. - Berkshire Community Church, Congregational, 45 Cemetery Rd., Richmond 2-4 p.m. - Bill Koch Youth Ski League, for parents and children ages 5-13 to enjoy the outdoors, community, each


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Yankee Shopper


• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • other, and introduce them to the world of cross country ski racing. Info: 413-684-0148. - Notchview, Route 9, Windsor. 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. – UCP Starfest 2009 Telethon.

Live at the Crowne Plaza, Pittsfield, MA and Heritage Park, North Adams, MA. Your support of our annual campaign provides the following services: Advocacy, Client Assistance, Emergency Services, Children’s Planning, and much, much more. ALL MONIES RECEIVED REMAIN ENTIRELY IN BERKSHIRE COUNTY. Telethon Coverage; Pittsfield, PCTV, channel 16, 2-6 p.m., North County, NBCTV, channel 15, 2-6 p.m., South County, CTSB, channel 16, 4-8 p.m. Please call Tammy at 413-4421562 to make a pledge today! 7 p.m. - Sunday Night Dance - live band - cover charge applies. Call 413-443-7135 for info - ITAM Lodge #564 on Pontoosuc Lake, 22 Waubeek Road, Pittsfield Monday, January 26

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9 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Community Outreach Van - Free Health Insurance Enrollment & Health Screenings. Phone 413-445-9215 - CHP NeighborHood Health, 510 North Street, Pittsfield. 9:30 a.m. - Caregiver support group, for those who provide care to a loved one, sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. Phone: 413-243-1212 Lee Regional VNA offices, 32 Park Street, Lee 11 a.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire. org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - St. John’s

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Yankee Shopper

January 19, 2009

• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • Episcopal Church, 59 Summer St., North Adams 1:00 p.m. - GE Pensioners Club, monthly dinner meeting, chicken on the menu, serving promptly. Berkshire Hills Country Club, 500 Benedict Road, Pittsfield MA. 6 p.m. - Monday Night Ballroom Dance Lessons instructor is Cheryl Wendling - 413-443-6263 for information. - Itam Lodge #564, 93 Waubeek Rd., Pittsfield 6-9 p.m. - Drop-in life drawing open studio - Open to all levels and abilities. Providing ongoing access to a live model working in both short and long poses, this class is a service to practicing artists and a complement to other coursework. Bring your own materials. Call 413- 2985252 ext. 100, or visit www.is183.org for details. - IS183 Art School, Willard Hill Rd., Stockbridge 6:30 p.m. - Preschool Story Time. Phone: 413-6623133 - North Adams Public Library, 74 Church St., North Adams. For information phone 413-662-3133 or visit naplibrary.com 7 p.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - Unitarian Universalist Church, 175 Wendell Ave., Pittsfield 7 p.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - St. Patricks Parish Center, 53 Southworth St., Williamstown 8 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Fire House, Main Street, South Egremont

Tuesday, January 27 9:30-10:30 a.m. - Blood pressure and health counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. and the Blandford Board of Health. Phone: 413-2431212 - Blandford School 10 a.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Hevreh of South Berkshire, 270 State Rd. (Route 23), Great Barrington 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. - Blood Pressure Screening - Learn more about controlling your blood pressure,warning signs of heart attack and stroke. Screenings conducted by registered nurses of the Berkshire VNA. Screenings do not occur on holidays.No Registration is required for this event. Information from the Berkshire Visiting Nurse




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January 19, 2009

Yankee Shopper


• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • Association at 413-447-2862. - Christian Center, 155 Linden St., Pittsfield 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - CHP-Healthy Communities Access Project will host free health screenings, health education information and health insurance enrollment ����������������� ����������������������� assistance. Please call Luci ��������������� at 413-528-9311 ext. 2147 �������������������������������� for additional information ���������������� or questions. - Monterey ��������������� Town Hall, Monterey ����������������� 10:30 a.m. - Story time. ������������������ Info: 413-458-5369 - David �������������������� and Joyce Milne Public ���������������� Library, 1095 Main Street, ������������� Williamstown ���������������

11 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Blood pressure and health counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. and the Becket Board of Health - Becket Town Hall, Becket 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Blood Pressure Screening - Learn more about controlling your blood pressure,warning signs of heart attack and stroke. Screenings conducted by registered nurses of the Berkshire VNA. Screenings do not occur on holidays.No Registration is required for this event. Information from the Berkshire Visiting Nurse Association at 413-447-2862. - Big Y, 200 West St., Pittsfield. 1 to 2:30 p.m. - Blood Pressure Screening - Learn more about controlling your blood pressure,warning signs of heart attack and stroke. Screenings conducted by registered nurses of the Berkshire VNA. Screenings do not




Yankee Shopper

January 19, 2009

• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • occur on holidays.No Registration is required for this event. Information from the Berkshire Visiting Nurse Association at 413-447-2862. - Stop and Shop, 1 Dan Fox Drive, Pittsfield. 7 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire. org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - South Congregationalist Church, 110 South Street, Pittsfield

7 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers’ meeting is held at the same time and place. - First Baptist Church, 88 South St., Pittsfield 8 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Congregational Church, Main St., Stockbridge (Next to the Town Hall)

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Yankee Shopper


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Yankee Shopper

January 19, 2009

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