Yankee Shopper

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Yankee We Don’t Sell Advertising… We Sell Results!


Shopper February 16, 2009

Vol. 31 No. 77

Inside this week’s Issue Dining / Entertainment .... Page 5 Dining Giveaway ............... Page 8 Sudoku .............................. Page 17 Crossword......................... Page 16 Home Improvement ........ Page 15 Horoscope ........................ Page 14

Classifieds ........................... Page 2 Real Estate ........................ Page 20 Auto ................................... Page 18 Help Wanted..................... Page 23



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Business & Services ......... Page 16


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20 Cleveland Road Dalton, Massachusetts 01226 413.684.1373 Classified 888.307.0839 Fax 413.684.0607 editorial email yankee@hersamacornma.com advertising email art@hersamacornma.com Editorial Deadline: Wednesday at noon the week before publication. Classified Deadline: Thursday at 10 a.m. Display Deadline: Wednesday at 5 p.m

Dalton American Legion Benjamin F. Sullivan Post 155



20 Cleveland Road Dalton, Massachusetts 01226 413.684.1373 Fax 413.684.0607 Classified 888.307.0839 editorial email yankee@hersamacornma.com advertising email art@hersamacornma.com ■

Renee Tassone, General Manager Linda Devlin, Circulation Manager Toby Raymond, Contributing Editor Carrie Devlin, Advertising Sales Melissa Miller, Art Director Mary A. Garcia, Artist Jen Hathaway, Artist Chris Sobolowski, Artist ■

Editorial Deadline*: Wednesday at Noon Classified Deadline*: Thursday at 10 a.m. Display Deadline*: Wednesday at 5 p.m. *Deadlines will change due to Holidays. See special deadline notices published before major holidays. ■

Submission Guidelines: Those wishing to submit event listings or editorial content may email yankee@hersamacornma.com.

Celebrating 89 years of service to the community was named for a Dalton boy who was killed in action in France. In front of the building a painting This week’s Spotlight is to honor an organization of Jeff Reardon, a former pitcher for the Boston Red that has played a large part in Dalton’s history since Sox (now retired) and favorite son of Dalton, stands. its beginnings in February of 1920. Dalton American At certain times of the year the field is bustling with Legion Benjamin F. Sullivan Post 155 is located on activity during the Dalton Carnival, the Dalton North Street (Rte. 9) and can’t be missed. The Post Fire Dept. training and annual muster, and the Babe Ruth and Little League ballgames, among a few. The history of the American Legion goes back to 1919 when veterans returning from Europe following the end of World War I founded it. Lt. Col. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. is credited with proposing an organization Chef David Bushey, new caterer for Legion Post 155 and Commander James McClure in the Legion’s kitchen. continued on page 3 By Mary Ann White

Notice: The Yankee Shopper will not knowingly accept or publish advertising which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. The publisher reserves the sole right to edit, revise, or reject any and all advertising, with or without cause being assigned, which in the publisher’s judgement is contrary to the interests of this publication. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. ©2008, Hersam Acorn Newspapers. All contents of the Yankee Shopper are copyrighted, and any reproduction without permission is prohibited.

Martin Hersam, Chief Operating Officer Thomas B. Nash, Publisher


Yankee Shopper

February 16, 2009

Dalton American Legion Benjamin F. Sullivan Post 155 of veterans to improve troop morale. The first post organized was the George Washington Post 1 in Washington, D.C. The group is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, with offices in Washington D.C. and has nearly 3 million members in over 14,000 posts worldwide. The American Legion’s primary political activity is lobbying on behalf of the interests of veterans, service members, including support for veterans’ benefits such as pensions, and the Veterans Affairs hospital system. They also run a civic training event for high school juniors called Boys State of which two members from each Boys State are selected or Boys Nation. The American Legion Auxiliary runs Girls State and Girls Nation and also hosts many social events. Prior to the 1957 building of its new headquarters, Post 155’s meetings were held in the Community House. Monthly membership meetings are still held on the first Tuesday of each month and the Executive Committee meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month, both at 7 p.m. Also the Son’s of the Legion meets there on the second Thursdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. with 106 members. The Women’s Auxiliary Unit, with its current president being Gloria Schilling, has won many state awards and is ranked one of the best units in the state. The American Legion Riders host many charitable events yearly including a Freedom Ride held the first Sunday in August. There are vendors, games, and over 100 bikes. My meeting was with Post Commander James J. McClure and new caterer, David E. Bushey. We took a short tour through parts of the building, of which I had seen some during my Red Cross blood donations – another organization that gets use of the facility. The inside of the Legion building is huge with its meeting hall, a large

continued from page 2 dining room, with a beautiful wood floor, which is often rented out for receptions, The smoke-free building also has a newly-renovated oak bar and cocktail lounge, with meeting rooms that can be used by local and civic organizations. There is also bowling alleys and outside is the ballfield, a picnic area, with pavilion, and the pond where the annual children’s fishing derby is held. Jim said they have the largest Honor Guard in the county and provide services for 90% of the military funerals in Pittsfield. Flags can be seen flying outside the Legion Hall on National holidays honoring deceased members and others. In my conversation with Jim, he spoke very highly of David being the Post’s new caterer. His resume held many years of experience including 28 years as Culinary Arts instructor at Smith Vocational High School and 20 years at the Log Cabin in Holyoke. He was the recipient of the Western Massachusetts Restaurant Chef of the Year Award in 2004 and is a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America and holds a B.A. degree from UMass in Food Service Education. He was also Evening Food Instruct at BCC in 2006. “We are extremely fortunate to have obtained a caterer with David’s qualifications. We are confident with a chef of this caliber that the quality of your dining experience will be memorable,” Jim stated. He also spoke highly of bar manager Greg Keene and his service to the Post. For information on the use of the meeting rooms or for information on booking stags, weddings, anniversaries or other get-togethers, call the Dalton American Legion at 413-684-9716. For membership questions for Son’s of the Legion, contact Robert Dassat at 413-684-3904.

Call For Artists

Call For Artists for the 5th Annual Pittsfield Juried Art Show - application deadline April 1, 2009. Show July 18-19, Rain or Shine. Companion month-long Invitational Exhibit June 17-July 19. Artists and fine craftspeople invited to apply. Applications and information may be downloaded from the Pittsfield Art Show website – www.pittsfieldartshow.org. The printed prospectus and application will also be available at the Lichtenstein Center and the Berkshire Athenaeum, or by mail from Downtown Inc., 413-443-6501.

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February 16, 2009

Yankee Shopper


150th Anniversary Collegiate Baseball Game Set Mayor James M. Ruberto announced today that on Sunday, May 3 the City of Pittsfield will host the ESPNU televised 150th Anniversary game between Williams and Amherst College at the Historic Wahconah Park. “This is such a significant event for the City of Pittsfield, Williams and Amherst Colleges, and the sport of baseball,” said Mayor Ruberto. “Last year’s game was a great success and I look forward to being in the stands for the oldest rivalry in college baseball.” On Saturday, May 2, the Dan Duquette Sports Academy will sponsor the College Baseball Hall of Fame Youth Baseball Clinic. The clinic will be free and is open to all youth sports leagues in Pittsfield and the surrounding area. Before the official game on Sunday, baseball alumni from both Williams and Amherst will play a short vintage game using the

equipment and rules of early baseball. Local artist are being asked to submit artwork that would become the official print for the event. All submissions are due to the Lichtenstein Center for the Arts by Friday, March 13. “Pittsfield’s celebrated association with both the arts and baseball comes together in the call for a first class image for a world class anniversary,” said Megan Whilden, Cultural Development Director. “We are excited to offer season tickets and a substantial prize to the best design submitted to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the world’s first intercollegiate baseball game” “Families are encouraged to come out and make a day of the event,” said Dan Duquette. “This game is a very important and significant event for Western Massachusetts, Pittsfield, and college baseball.”

Williams College Department of Music presents MIDWEEKMUSIC WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass., The Williams College Department of Music will present their weekly lunchtime recital series featuring student and faculty performers in Chapin Hall on the Williams College campus. This free event is open to the public. All are invited to bring a lunch and listen to wonderful performances of classical, jazz and world music. Seating is on the stage of Chapin Hall. Check music.williams.edu for specific program details. At 2:00 p.m. puppeteer Carl Sprague will present “The Frog Prince” at Ventfort Hall. The popular puppeteer Carl Sprague returns to Ventfort Hall Mansion and Gilded Age Museum, during the February school break to present a classic Brothers Grimm fairytale “The Frog Prince” A children’s Victorian Tea will follow the presentation. COST: $12 Ventfort Hall Member, $15 Non-member, $5 Children aged 6 to 17, Free for Children 5 and Under. 104 Walker Street, Lenox, MA 413-637-3206. ����������������������

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Yankee Shopper

February 16, 2009

Spay & Neuter Certificates Available at The Berkshire Humane Society The Berkshire Humane Society will be celebrating “National Prevent a Litter Month during February by distributing spay and neuter voucher-certificates for both cats and dogs. “This is an important program for Berkshire County pet owners who cannot afford to spay or neuter their pets,” says John Perreault, Executive Director. “It is especially important to reach out to those pet owners affected by the tough economy,” he added. Eligible pet owners can receive a vouchercertificate worth $60 towards a spay/neuter surgery for felines and $75 towards the surgery for canines. Since this program started over 14 years ago, The BHS Spay/Neuter Program has helped over 2,500 families spay or neuter their pets. The funds are distributed on a first come basis and have been made available by the Hilton C. Hamm Trust. In addition to reducing the number of homeless and unwanted pets in shelters, Perreault said“Spaying and neutering cats and dogs can also make your animal a more pleasant companion by cutting down on their odor, scent marking, yowling, restlessness and aggression levels. The surgery will also keep your pet healthier by reducing the risk of certain infections and several forms of cancer and it can also add years to your pet’s life.”

Between 8 and 12 million animals are surrendered nationwide to shelters every year. Of that, 70% of cats and 60% of dogs never find a home due to the pet overpopulation problem. “By making sure that all of our shelter adoptees are spayed and neutered and also helping those families who cannot afford the surgery, BHS hopes to continue to see a decrease in the amount of unwanted pet-births in our community”, noted Perreault. For more information on pet overpopulation and spaying and neutering, please call the Berkshire Humane Society at (413) 447-7878. The Berkshire Humane Society has been helping animals and people since 1992 and offers free educational programs for area school children, a pet-food bank for economically distressed pet owners, and works with The Elizabeth Freeman Center to provide foster care assistance for the pets of women in crisis. BHS receives no public funding and relies on memberships and donations to continue to help animals and people. The shelter is open Tuesday - Saturday 10am - 4pm, Thursday evenings 5-8pm, and Sundays 1-4pm. The shelter closes at noon on the last Wednesday of each month for staff meetings. The phone number is 413-447-7878. The website is www.berkshirehumane.org .

Researching Your Family or Property?

Lenox Historical Society

Lenox Historical Society has a large collection of early Lenox maps, Town Reports, photographs, historic district survey forms and cemetery records. At the Museum of Lenox History, 65 Main St., Lenox. Open Thursday - Saturday from 11-3 or by appt. for special groups. For more information, call Vickie at 413-441-7902.

Large collection of early Lenox maps, photographs, town reports, Historic District survey information and cemetery records at the Museum of Lenox History, 65 Main St., Lenox. Open Thursday Saturday from 11-3 or by appt. for special groups; information: Vickie (413) 441-7902.


e-mail your community news and events to: yankee@hersamacornma.com

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Yankee Shopper


Author Roy Blount at the Stockbridge Library


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Roy Blount, a local Western Massachusetts author, will speak at the Stockbridge Library. The discussion is part of the Winter Reads Series held on Sundays throughout the Fall and Winter. The author of 21 books, Roy Blount seems to have written in just about every form about most things, including the first woman president of the United States, football, and what barnyard animals are thinking. The most recent, Alphabet Juice , is the topic of this Stockbridge discussion. A contributing editor of The Atlantic Monthly, he writes a regular column (“Gone Off Up North”) for The Oxford American, and has done so in the past for Esquire , The New York Times , Atlanta Magazine , Inside Sports , The Soho News , Men’s Journal , Conde Nast Traveller , The San Francisco Examiner, Spy, and The Atlanta Journal. His work has appeared in 174 books and many magazines and journals. His first book, about hanging out with the Pittsburgh Steelers, About Three Bricks Shy...And the Load Filled Up , was named one of the 10 best sports books ever, by Jonathan Yardley of The Washington Post, and called, by Adam Gopnik in The New Yorker , “the best of all books about pro football.” Norman Mailer said of his second book, Crackers, “Page for page, Roy Blount is as funny as anyone I’ve read in a long time,” and Time placed Blount “in the tradition of the great curmudgeons like H.L. Mencken and W.C. Fields.” Blount is also featured regularly as a panelist on the NPR news/comedy quiz show, Wait Wait... Don’t Tell Me . Winter Reads includes writers from the region, in the warm and friendly atmosphere of a casual literary salon. This year, Chauncey Loomis, Jim Shepard, and others have been part of the series. Each writer comes to talk about a specific book, play or story, and leads a discussion as well. Members of the public are invited to read the book and join the discussion, or simply come to listen and to enjoy refreshments and literary companionship. The series is free and open to the public, but space limited. For further information, or to confirm date and book titles, please call the Stockbridge Library at 413-298-5501.


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Yankee Shopper

February 16, 2009

The Williams Symphonic Winds to Perform “Sounds of Sight” The Williams Symphonic Winds will give a concert, in Chapin Hall on the Williams College campus. This free event is open to the public. Members of the Symphonic Winds, directed by Steven Dennis Bodner, are excited to be joined by Thomas Bergeron to premiere a concerto for trumpet, wind ensemble, and electronics by composer Jay Wadley. Also on the program will be music that explores connections between the aural and the visual--can we see sounds? can we hear colors? --including Karel Husa’s Les Couleurs Fauves, excerpts from Michael Gordon’s Van Gogh, Edgard Varèse`s Octandre, and James MacMillan’s as others see us. The Williams Symphonic Winds is a 60-member ensemble dedicated to performing the most significant music written for the chamber and large wind ensemble mediums in provocative concerts. Now in his ninth year as Music Drector, Steven Dennis Bodner has developed the ensemble’s identity as a leading proponent of the performance of new music on campus. The ensemble has commisioned and premiered a number of works by contemporary composers, including Williams faculty and alumni. Recognized as one of the premier wind ensembles in New England, the Symphonic Winds performed at the 2006 College Band Directors National Association Eastern Division Conference. In recent years, the Symphonic Winds has been noted both for its adventurous and creative programming and for the quality of its performance, described as “astounding” by critic-composer Barton McLean and “amazingly good” by the composer Louis Andriessen. www.music.williams.edu, concert hotline: 413-597-3146.

Picturing America The Lee Library Association will be showcasing “Picturing America” in the J. Peter Scolforo Gallery during the month of February, 2009. The exhibit is funded through a grant from the National Endowment of the Humanities as a part of the “We the People” program. NEH’s mission states that “democracy demands wisdom” and the goal of “Picturing America” is to bring our heritage and history alive by exposing today’s Americans to some of our nation’s greatest works of art. NEH believes that studying visual arts helps us gain a greater appreciation and better understanding of our unique American culture. The “Picturing America” exhibit is free and may be viewed during regular library hours. The Lee Library is located at 100 Main Street in Lee.

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e-mail your community news and events to: yankee@hersamacornma.com

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Yankee Shopper

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Yankee Shopper

arugala beet broccoli brussels sprouts

cabbage carrot collard greens

corn eggplant fennel kale lettuce lima bean peppers

potato spinach squash turnip vegetables zucchini February 16, 2009

• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • Tuesday, February 17 • 9 a.m. - Playful Parenting classes. Pre-registration is requested for this program sponsored by Berkshire Families and Children’s Services. Phone: 413-458-5369. David and Joyce Milne Public Library, 1095 Main Street, Williamstown. • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Community Outreach Van. Free health insurance enrollment and health screenings. Phone 413-445-9215. Christian Center, 155 Linden St., Pittsfield. • 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. - Blood Pressure Clinic: Blood pressure and health counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. and the Blandford Board of Health, at the Blandford School, 1 Russell Stage Road, Blandford, MA. Information: 413-243-1212 • 9:30 a.m. - Toddler Time. For one to two-anda-half years. North Adams Public Library, 74 Church St., North Adams. For information phone 413-662-3133 or visit www.naplibrary.com. • 10 a.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site -www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. Hevreh of South Berkshire, 270 State Rd. (Route 23), Great Barrington. • 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - CHP Healthy Communities Access Project will host free health screenings, health education information and health insurance enrollment assistance. Sandisfield Old Town Hall. Please call Luci at (413) 644-0104 ext. 15 for additional information or questions. • 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - CHP-Healthy Communities Access Project will host free health screenings, health education information and

health insurance enrollment assistance. Please call Luci at 413-528-9311 ext. 2147 for additional information or questions. Senior Center, Great Barrington. • 10:30 a.m. – Koinonia Meeting. First Congregational Church-UCC of Williamstown, 906 Main Street, Williamstown, MA, 413-458-4273. • 10:30 a.m. - Story time. Information: 413-4585369. David and Joyce Milne Public Library, 1095 Main Street, Williamstown. • 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. - Blood pressure and health counseling sponsored by the ��������������� Lee Regional Visiting Nurse ������������ Association, Inc. and the Lee ����������������� ��������������������� Board of Health. Phone: 413��������������������������� 243-1212. Brown Court, Lee. • 11 a.m. - BTF Plays! Presents A Tour of Mount Olympus. A Tour of Mount Olympus is a guided adventure through the odyssey of the Greek heaven, earth and underworld. All ages are

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February 16, 2009

Yankee Shopper

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• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • guaranteed to enjoy this one-of-a-kind mythical journey. $11.00 adults ($5.00 members), $7.00 children ages 318($3.00 members). Includes museum admission. • 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Blood Pressure Clinic: Blood pressure and health counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. and the Becket Board of Health, at the Becket Town Hall, Becket, MA. Information: 413-243-1212 • 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Blood Pressure Screening Learn more about controlling your blood pressure, warning signs of heart attack and stroke. Screenings conducted by registered nurses of the Berkshire VNA. Screenings do not occur on holidays. No registration is required for this event. Information from the Berkshire Visiting Nurse Association at 413-447-2862. Big Y, 200 West St., Pittsfield. • 12 to 1 p.m. – Southern Berkshire Toastmasters Meeting. 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesdays of the every month. The Southern Berkshire Toastmasters is an organization dedicated to helping people master the art of public speaking. BCC, Main Street, Great Barrington, MA. For more information, call 413-232-7715. • 12 to 1 p.m. - Blood pressure and health counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. and the Stockbridge Board of Health. Phone: 413-243-1212. Heaton Court (street parking only), Stockbridge. • 1 to 2:30 p.m. - Blood Pressure Screening Learn more about controlling your blood pressure, warning signs of heart attack and stroke. Screenings conducted

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• 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. - Soul & Spirit Book Club. Metaphysical book club, moderated by Bettina Zumdick. Free. Phone: 413-243-2834. Berkshire Soul and Spirit Center, 69 Main St., Lee. • 7 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site - www.al-anonberkshire. org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. South Congregationalist Church, 110 South Street, Pittsfield. • 7 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site - www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers meeting is held at the same time and place. First Baptist Church, 88 South St., Pittsfield. • 7 to 9 p.m. - Ballroom Dancing Lesson. Information: 413-637-3188 - Flavours at the Econo Lodge, Rt. 7, Lenox. • 8 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site - www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Congregational Church, Main St., Stockbridge (Next to the Town Hall). Wednesday, February 18

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by registered nurses of the Berkshire VNA. Screenings do not occur on holidays. No registration is required for this event. Information from the Berkshire Visiting Nurse Association at 413-447-2862. Stop and Shop, 1 Dan Fox Drive, Pittsfield. • 2 p.m. – The Tuesday Club of Stockbridge, February Program: Berkshire Women in the Arts. Eugenie Sills, Founder & Publisher, “The Women’s Times”. First Congregational Church, Stockbridge, Jonathan Edwards Room. Information: 413-298-3361. • 3 to 5 p.m. - Free Clothing Store. The mission of this ministry is to clothe those in need and to offer information about Christ and his love for all. 755 Main Street, Dalton. 413-684-0521. • 6:30 p.m. – Monthly Meeting of the Lee VFW at the Lee Senior Center, 21 Crossway Street, Lee, MA.

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• 9 to10 a.m. - Blood pressure and health counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. and the Lee Board of Health. Phone: 413243-1212. Lee Regional VNA offices, 32 Park Street, Lee. • 10 a.m. - Preschool Story Time. North Adams Public Library, 74 Church St., North Adams. For information phone 413-662-3133 or visit www.naplibrary.com. • 10 a.m. - Story time. Please call to register - there

Yankee Shopper

February 16, 2009

• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • are openings in the Wednesday group. Information: 413743-8345. Adams Free Library, located on Park Street at McKinley Square, Adams. • 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - CHP Healthy Communities Access Project will host free health screenings, health education, and health insurance information. Please call Luci at (413) 644-0104 ext. 15 for additional information or questions. New Marlborough Town Hall. • 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - CHP-Healthy Communities Access Project will host free health screenings, health education information and health insurance enrollment assistance. Please call Luci at 413-528-9311 ext. 2147 for additional information or questions. Berkshire Community College, Great Barrington. • 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. - Community Outreach Van - Free health insurance enrollment and health screenings. Phone 413-445-9215. Dalton CRA, 400 Main St., Dalton.

243-1212. Otis Senior Center. • 1 to 3 p.m. - CHP-Healthy Communities Access Project will host free health screenings, health education information and health insurance enrollment assistance. Please call Luci at 413-528-9311 ext. 2147 for additional information or questions. CHP-Dental Center, Great Barrington. • 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. - S.H.A.P.E. Club Weight Loss Support Group - Lee Council on Aging Community Room. For information, phone 413-446-5925. • 5 to 6:15 p.m. - Yoga for Your Everyday Life. Call 413-269-0075 or visit the web site at www.healthyboomerbody.com to register or for more information. Healthy Boomer Body Center in Otis. • 5:30 to 7 p.m. - Bereavement Support Group offered by VNA & Hospice of Northern Berkshire. Information: 413-664-4536. VNA & Hospice of Northern Berkshire, Inc., 535 Curran Memorial Highway, North Adams. • 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. (beginners) and 7 to 8 p.m. (intermediate) - Tai Chi classes - Banish the winter blues & refocus your energy. Jim Pullaro brings his very popular

• 10:30 a.m. - Story time. Information: 413-4585369. David and Joyce Milne Public Library, 1095 Main Street, Williamstown. • 11 a.m. – BTF Plays! Presents A Tour of Mount Olympus. A Tour of Mount Olympus is a guided adventure through the odyssey of the Greek heaven, earth and underworld. All ages are �������� guaranteed to enjoy this oneof-a-kind mythical journey. ��������� $11.00 adults ($5.00 mem���������� bers), $7.00 children ages 3��������� ��������� 18($3.00 members). Includes museum admission. �������� � • 12 to 1 p.m. - Blood �������� ������ ������ Pressure Clinic: Blood pres����������� ����������� ���������� ������ sure and health counsel����������� ����������� ������ ing sponsored by the Lee ����� Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. and the Chester Board of Health, ���������������������� at the Chester Town Hall, ����������������������� Chester, MA. ���������������� • Information: 413��������������� ��������� ���������� ����������� 243-1212 ����������� ����������� ������ • 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. ������ - Blood pressure and health � ��� ����� � � �� �� ���� �� ���� �� � �� ��� �� ������ counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse ������������������������������������������� Association, Inc. and the Otis ������������������������ Board of Health. Phone: 413-


February 16, 2009

Yankee Shopper


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Yankee Shopper

February 16, 2009

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February 16, 2009

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• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • Tai Chi classes back for both beginning and more experienced students. Registration requested. For more information: 413-466-0534 or jimpullaro@msn.com. Lichtenstein Center for the Arts, 28 Renne Ave., Pittsfield. • 6 to 8 p.m. - Caregiver support group, for those who provide care to a loved one, co-sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. and Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc. (ESBC). Information: 413-4990524. ESBC Offices, 66 Wendell Avenue, Pittsfield. • 6:30 p.m. – Bingo, Hinsdale Lions Club, Maple Street, Hinsdale, MA. Arrive Early! • 6:30 p.m. - Bingo - Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #310 located at 515 Curran Highway in North Adams. 413664-9043.

Line 413-445-5852. Web site - www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. Parish House (upstairs) behind St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Main St., Stockbridge. • 7 p.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - Lenox Community Center, Walker Street, Lenox. • 7 to 9 p.m. - Gamblers’ Anonymous. Free, confidential meetings. For more information phone Charlie at 413-637-2550. Hillcrest Hospital, first floor conference room, Tor Court, Pittsfield. • 7:30 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site - www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. St. Mark’s Church, Commercial St., Adams.

• 6:30 p.m. - Bingo - Non-Smoking - Refreshments Available - Progressive Jackpots. Info: 413-443-7135 ITAM Lodge #564, 22 Waubeek Road, Pittsfield. • 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday Evening Tune-Ups - Pilates for all skill levels. Call 413-269-0075 or visit the web site www.healthyboomerbody.com to register or for more information. Healthy Boomer Body Center in Otis. • 7 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information

• 7:30 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site - www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. Grace Episcopal Church, Main St., Dalton. • 7:30 p.m. - Overeaters Anonymous. Fairview Hospital, 29 Lewis Ave., Great Barrington.

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Thursday, February 19

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Yankee Shopper

February 16, 2009

• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • • 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Community Outreach Van - Free health insurance enrollment and health screenings. Phone 413-445-9215. Wal-Mart, 830 Curran Highway, North Adams. • 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Free Clothing Store. The mission of this ministry is to clothe those in need and to offer information about Christ and his love for all. 755 Main Street in Dalton, MA. 413-684-0521. • 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Blood pressure and health counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. Phone: 413-243-1212. Stop & Shop on Merrill Road in Pittsfield. • 10:30 a.m. - Preschool Story Craft. For children 3 to 5 years of age. The program features stories, songs and follow-along activities, followed by a craft related to the stories. Contact: Debby Cuthbert. Phone: 413-637-0197 ext. 105. Lenox Library Association, 18 Main St., Lenox • 11 a.m. – BTF Plays! Presents A Tour of Mount Olympus. A Tour of Mount Olympus is a guided adventure through the odyssey of the Greek heaven, earth and underworld. All ages are guaranteed to enjoy this one-of-a-kind

mythical journey. $11.00 adults ($5.00 members), $7.00 children ages 3-18($3.00 members). Includes museum admission. • 11 a.m. – February Vacation Theatre for Kids! Main Street Stage, in conjunction with Nutshell Playhouse, is proud to announce February vacation performances for kids. Prices are $5 for children and $7 for adults. Seating is limited. Main Street Stage/Nutshell Playhouse, 57 Main Street, North Adams, MA For more information or for group rates please contact Alexia Trainor at 413-663-3240 or lex@mainstreetstage.org. • 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Young Family Breastfeeding Group - Berkshire Nursing Families is starting a group for young families (parents 23 years and under). Free pizza lunch. Haskins Community Center, North Adams. • 12 p.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - 9 Locust Hill Rd., Great Barrington. • 2 to 4 p.m. - CHP Healthy Communities Access Project will host free health screenings, health education information and health insurance enrollment assistance. West Stockbridge Town Hall. Please call Luci at (413) 6440104 ext. 15 for additional information or questions.


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Yankee Shopper


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Yankee Shopper

February 16, 2009




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February 16, 2009

Yankee Shopper


• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • • 2 to 4 p.m. - Blood Pressure Screening - Learn more about controlling your blood pressure, warning signs of heart attack and stroke. Screenings conducted by registered nurses of the Berkshire VNA. Screenings do not occur on holidays. No registration is required for this event. Information from the Berkshire Visiting Nurse Association at 413-447-2862. Hillcrest Campus, 165 Tor Court, Pittsfield. • 3 to 4 p.m. – A Short Journey to France. A 3 part series offered by Micheline Laguilhomie of Stockbridge Appropriate for children ages 10 – 13. Micheline travels to France every year and would like to share her experiences as well as field questions regarding life in France – school, food, art, language, history – anything of interest to her

audience as well as her own thoughts and experiences in that country. There is no charge but registration is required. Call the Stockbridge Library at 413-298-5501 • 3:15 p.m. – Junior Choir rehearsal. First Congregational Church-UCC of Williamstown, 906 Main Street, Williamstown, MA, 413-458-4273. • 5:30 p.m. – Green Living Workshops. The Berkshire Environmental Resource Center at MA College of Liberal Arts, will kick off a series of 12 Green Living seminars and workshops in Murdock hall conference room 218. The public is invited to attend this free series. “Organic Gardening 101.” For more information, go to www.mcla. edu or contact Elena Traister at 413-662-5303.

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Yankee Shopper

February 16, 2009

• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • • 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. - 19th Annual Valentine's Book Buying Party hosted by the Stockbridge Library Association. A selection of new adult and children’s books - fiction, non-fiction and mysteries will be on display in the Bement Room of the Library. The public is invited to come to enjoy an evening with refreshments and friends while browsing for the perfect book to donate to the Library. In appreciation, the Library will create a unique bookplate for your selection in honor of your or your special valentine. If you are unable to attend, you may still send a donation for a book purchase. For more information please call 413-2985501. • 7:30 p.m. – Senior Choir rehearsal. First Congregational Church-UCC of Williamstown, 906 Main

Street, Williamstown, MA, 413-458-4273. • 7:30 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site -www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers meeting: first Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. United Methodist Church, Water & Main Streets, Williamstown. • 8 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line - 413-445-5852. Web site -www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. Christ Church, Route 7 and Maple Avenue, Sheffield.

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Yankee Shopper

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• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • Friday, February 20 • 10 and 11 a.m. - Aquarium Adventures - Toddlers enjoy playtime and a story, then meet a different animal each week. Sponsored by Target. Free with museum admission. Berkshire Museum, 39 South St., Pittsfield. • 11 a.m. – BTF Plays! Presents A Tour of Mount Olympus. A Tour of Mount Olympus is a guided adventure through the odyssey of the Greek heaven, earth and underworld. All ages are guaranteed to enjoy this one-of-a-kind mythical journey. $11.00 adults ($5.00 members), $7.00 children ages 3-18($3.00 members). Includes museum admission.

• 11 a.m. – February Vacation Theatre for Kids! Main Street Stage, in conjunction with Nutshell Playhouse, is proud to announce February vacation performances for kids! Prices are $5 for children and $7 for adults. Seating is limited. Main Street Stage/Nutshell Playhouse, 57 Main Street, North Adams, MA For more information or for group rates please contact Alexia Trainor at 413-663-3240 or lex@mainstreetstage.org • 4:30 p.m. - Bingo - with food, Speedball, Horserace and Bingo Nut 2 Tickets. Weekly progressive game prize of $1,199, plus weekly door prize. St. Mary’s School, 115 Orchard St., Lee.



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Yankee Shopper

February 16, 2009

• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • • 5 to 8:30 p.m. - Youth Group Movie Night. First Congregational Church-UCC of Williamstown, 906 Main Street, Williamstown, MA, 413-458-4273. • 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. - Metaphysical Book Club. The Book Club meets at Berkshire Soul & Spirit Center on Main Street, Lee. The current selection, Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts is considered a seminal work in the arena of channeling and conscious reality creation. Pre-registration requested. Free. Berkshire Soul & Spirit Center is handicapped accessible at 69 Main St, Lee, MA 01238. 413-2432834. www.soulandspiritcenter.com. • 6:30 p.m. – Bingo every Friday at St. Mary’s School, 115 Orchard Street, Lee. 413-243-1079. Doors open at 4:30, games begin at 6:30.

• 8 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line - 413-445-5852. Web site -www.al-anonberkshire. org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. Claire Teague Senior Center, 909 Main Street (Rt. 7 South), Great Barrington. Saturday, February 21 • 8:15 a.m. - Overeaters Anonymous Berkshire Mall Community Room, Route 8, Lanesborough • 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Eagles at Quabbin Reservoir, Sponsored by Pleasant Valley. Each year up to 30 bald eagles find enough food to winter at Quabbin Reservoir in central




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February 16, 2009

Yankee Shopper


• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • Massachusetts. $15.00 members, $20.00 non-members. Bring a spotting scope if you have one. 413-637-0320, www. massaudubon.org • 9 a.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line - 413-445-5852. Web site -www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. Fire House, Route 23, Monterey. • 11 a.m. – BTF Plays! Presents A Tour of Mount Olympus. A Tour of Mount Olympus is a guided adventure through the odyssey of the Greek heaven, earth and underworld. All ages are guaranteed to enjoy this one-of-a-kind mythical journey. $11.00 adults ($5.00 members), $7.00 children ages 3-18($3.00 members). Includes museum admission. • 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. –Winter Carnival’s Family Day, Controy Pavilion at Burbank Park, Pittsfield, MA. Come participate in a variety of activities and see Stickers the Clown! • For more information, go to www.pittsfield.com or call 413-499-9370. • 11 a.m. – February Vacation Theatre for Kids! Main Street Stage, in conjunction with Nutshell Playhouse, is proud to announce February vacation performances for ���������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������

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kids! Prices are $5 for children and $7 for adults. Seating is limited. Main Street Stage/Nutshell Playhouse, 57 Main Street, North Adams, MA For more information or for group rates please contact Alexia Trainor at 413-663-3240 or lex@mainstreetstage.org. • 11:30 a.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - Fairview Hospital, 29 Lewis Ave., Great Barrington. • 12:30 p.m. - Chow Time in the Aquarium. Watch aquarium staff feed fish, reptiles and amphibians! Berkshire Museum, 39 South St., Pittsfield. • 1:30 p.m. – February Vacation Theatre for Kids! Main Street Stage, in conjunction with Nutshell Playhouse, is proud to announce February vacation performances for kids! Prices are $5 for children and $7 for adults. Seating is limited. Main Street Stage/Nutshell Playhouse, 57 Main Street, North Adams, MA For more information or for group rates please contact Alexia Trainor at 413-663-3240 or lex@mainstreetstage.org • 5 p.m. - Overeaters Anonymous. Trinity Church Annex, Walker Street, Lenox. • 5 to 7 p.m. – Ham Dinner The Dalton United Methodist Church is having their monthly dinner and everyone is invited. Dinner, dessert and beverages all included. Adults $10.00 and Kids 5-12 (age) $5.00 and Children 4 under are free. You can pay at the door or you can get your tickets in advance by calling 684-0521. • 7:30 to 10 p.m. –The Pittsfield Squares Square Dance Club will hold their February dance, a mainstream level with plus tip, at South Congregational Church, 110 South Street, Pittsfield. The dance is open to mainstream level (or higher) dancers. This is our “Death by Chocolate” dance, which promises tasty chocolate refreshments. Caller and cuer is Gene King. Guest entrance fee is $7 per person, and you are invited to bring your square dancing friends. For more information call Kathy or Leon at (413) 743-3970.

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Yankee Shopper

February 16, 2009

• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • • 7:30 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line - 413-445-5852. Web site - www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. Congregational Church, Route 41, Richmond. • 7:30 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line - 413-445-5852. Web site -www.al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Zion Lutheran Church, 74 First Street, Pittsfield. Sunday, February 22 • 9 a.m. - Christian Education for all ages. 9 a.m. - Service of Worship. 10:15 a.m. Children’s Church (nursery - age 9). Call 413-464-1287 for information. Rev. Roberta Heath, Pastor. Berkshire Community Church, Congregational, 45 Cemetery Rd., Richmond. • 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Dalton VFW Breakfast Is Back! Sponsored by The Dalton Lions Club. Catered by the Dalton VFW and O’Brien Catering. Eggs, pancakes, bacon, sausage, homefries, juices and coffee. Adults: $7.50(advance $7.00), children 5-12, $4.00. 366 East Housatonic St.,

Dalton, MA • 2 to 4 p.m. - Bill Koch Youth Ski League. For parents and children ages 5-13 to enjoy the outdoors, community, each other, and introduce them to the world of cross country ski racing. Info: 413-684-0148. Notchview, Route 9, Windsor. • 3 p.m. – Gospel Extravaganza. Macedonia Baptist Church. Let’s celebrate Black History through songs! Calling all soloists, choirs, quartets, and you. Any questions? Call (413) 358-5296 or lzleonard@msn.com • 4 p.m. – The Church of the Good Shepard, Pleasant Street, South Lee, MA will hold their service at 4:00 p.m. instead of 9:00 a.m. • 7 p.m. - Sunday Night Dance. Live band, cover charge applies. Call 413-443-7135 for information. ITAM Lodge #564 on Pontoosuc Lake, 22 Waubeek Road, Pittsfield.

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Yankee Shopper



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Yankee Shopper

February 16, 2009

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