Yankee Shopper

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We Don’t Sell Advertising… We Sell Results!

February 2, 2009

Vol. 31 No. 75

Inside this week’s Issue Dining / Entertainment .. Page 10 Dining Giveaway ............. Page 13


Home Improvement .......... Page 9


Horoscope ........................ Page 16


Business & Services ......... Page 15



Sudoku .............................. Page 15 Crossword......................... Page 14

Classifieds ........................... Page 2 ����������


Real Estate ........................ Page 21 Auto ................................... Page 18


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Help Wanted..................... Page 22

20 Cleveland Road Dalton, Massachusetts 01226 413.684.1373 Classified 888.307.0839 Fax 413.684.0607 editorial email yankee@hersamacornma.com advertising email art@hersamacornma.com Editorial Deadline: Wednesday at noon the week before publication. Classified Deadline: Thursday at 10 a.m. Display Deadline: Wednesday at 5 p.m



20 Cleveland Road Dalton, Massachusetts 01226 413.684.1373 Fax 413.684.0607 Classified 888.307.0839 editorial email yankee@hersamacornma.com advertising email art@hersamacornma.com ■

Renee Tassone, General Manager Linda Devlin, Circulation Manager Toby Raymond, Contributing Editor Carrie Devlin, Advertising Sales Melissa Miller, Art Director Mary A. Garcia, Artist Jen Hathaway, Artist Chris Sobolowski, Artist ■

Editorial Deadline*: Wednesday at Noon Classified Deadline*: Thursday at 10 a.m. Display Deadline*: Wednesday at 5 p.m.

Ice Strength & Safety Tips

This ice strength and safety information is presented for the benefit of ice anglers and other winter sports people. The figures in the table below are for clear, blue ice on lakes and ponds. Reduce strength values 15% for clear blue, river ice. Slush or snow (white) ice is only one-half the strength of blue ice and can be very treacherous. “Honeycombed” ice, which occurs in the spring or during major winter thaws as the ice is melting, is the most dangerous ice, and best avoided unless the angler is certain there is a safe layer of solid ice beneath the honeycombed surface. Anglers should also be aware that many lakes and ponds contain spring holes and other areas of current that may create deceptively dangerous thin spots in areas that are otherwise safe. Always use caution, and don’t venture out onto unfamiliar waters without checking ice thickness frequently. How can you tell if ice is safe? 2” or less - STAY OFF! 4” - Ice fishing or other activities on foot 5” - Snowmobile or ATV 8” - 12” - Car or small pickup truck 12” - 15” - Medium truck There are no guarantees -- always consider ice potentially dangerous. Assess ice safety by using an

ice chisel to chop a hole in the ice to determine its thickness and condition. Make sure you continue to do this as you go further out onto the ice, because the thickness of the ice will not be uniform all over the pond or lake. Be aware that ice tends to be thinner on lakes and ponds where there are spring holes, inlets or outlets. Don’t venture onto ice bound rivers or streams as the currents make ice thickness unpredictable. What if you, a companion or pet falls through the ice? If a companion falls through the ice remember the phrase “Reach-Throw-Go” If you are unable to reach your friend from shore, throw him or her a rope, jumper cables, tree branch, or other object. If this does not work, go for help before you also become a victim. Get medical help for the victim immediately. When walking on or near ice, keep your pets on a leash. If a pet falls through the ice do not attempt to rescue the pet, go for help. Well meaning pet owners can too easily become victims when trying to assist their pets. For other ice safety tips and winter weather preparedness, check the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency website. www.mass.gov/masswildlife.

*Deadlines will change due to Holidays. See special deadline notices published before major holidays. ■

Submission Guidelines: Those wishing to submit event listings or editorial content may email yankee@hersamacornma.com. ■

Notice: The Yankee Shopper will not knowingly accept or publish advertising which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. The publisher reserves the sole right to edit, revise, or reject any and all advertising, with or without cause being assigned, which in the publisher’s judgement is contrary to the interests of this publication. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. ©2009, Hersam Acorn Newspapers. All contents of the Yankee Shopper are copyrighted, and any reproduction without permission is prohibited.

Martin Hersam, Chief Operating Officer Thomas B. Nash, Publisher


Yankee Shopper

February 2, 2009

Join Your Local Fresh Air Volunteer Team!

The Fresh Air Fund’s Great Barrington, MA area committee is currently preparing for summer 2009 and eagerly awaiting the arrival of their New York City visitors. To ensure that this summer is special for Fresh Air children, The Fund is seeking volunteer members and host families to sign up now! Each summer, close to 5,000 New York City children, ages six to 18, enjoy two week vacations with volunteer host families in suburban and rural communities across 13 Northeastern states and Canada. Local Fresh Air Fund volunteers recruit and interview host families, arrange travel and coordinate fun activities in their communities As one host parent explains, “Hosting has inspired me to volunteer for The Fund in other capacities to help guarantee the program’s success

in our area. My family has been so grateful for the relationship we have with our Fresh Air child!” In 2009, The Fresh Air Fund celebrates its 133rd summer of bare feet, sandcastles and starry nights for children from some of New York City’s low-income communities. It only takes one conversation with a child to realize the impact of a Fresh Air experience. “We were on a walk, and I saw a wild snapping turtle! It was so cool because I don’t get to see many animals in the wild,” remembers eight-year-old Brittney of Queens. For more information on how you can join your local Fresh Air volunteer team, call Lelia Bruun at 413-528-6701, or The Fresh Air Fund at 800-367-0003. You can also learn more about the Friendly Town program by visiting The Fund’s Web site at www.freshair.org.

Junior Solar Sprint Team Leader Training offered

Area middle school teachers will gather at Reid Middle School in Pittsfield, MA to get the tools they need to inspire their students to use math, science and technology together with creativity and teamwork to learn about designing model solar vehicles. They will then lead their school teams to compete in the 2009 Berkshire Area Junior Solar Sprint (JSS) in May. The JSS is a fun and educational competition for students in grades 5-8. More than 100 students from the Berkshires and beyond participated in the JSS last year. Teachers will receive free curriculum materials, including lesson plans and a free kit to build during the workshop. Food and beverages will be provided and participants will have the chance to win a raffle for a photovoltaic panel donated by Pitsco. A Certificate of Attendance will also be provided for teachers. Enrollment is limited, and registration is required. At the JSS, vehicles are judged for

speed, craftsmanship, innovation and technical merit, and the top three winners in each category are eligible to compete in the regional JSS championship in Springfield. The JSS is sponsored by The Berkshire Gas Company, Berkshire Bank, Northeast Sustainable Energy Association, Western Massachusetts Electric Company, Energy Federation Inc., and the U.S. Department of Energy. Local Pittsfield businesses also sponsor the event. To register, or learn more about the JSS or CET‚s solar energy curriculum, contact Nancy Nylen at nancyn@cetonline.org or Cynthia Grippaldi at 413-445-4556, ext. 25 or cynthiag@cetonline.org. CET is a non-profit community organization working to promote energy efficiency, renewable energy, waste management and environmental education in western MA. CET is funded in part by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and is an equal opportunity service provider.

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February 2, 2009

Yankee Shopper

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Dalton General Store

Mike and Lisa’s Home Away From Home By Mary Ann White prior to that, and loves the change, working with her family, and When looking for small businesses that have survived the the versatility of being in the store. The couple works hard daily economy, I only had to drive down the street. Dalton General to make customers feel like it is “their store.” Store located on North Street “It is all about the economy, Mike said, and “we (Route 9) has survived the do what we can to survive.” economic shortfalls by being The old general store’s rusversatile and catering to their tic appearance with the customers’ needs. Owner tables set up for folks to Mike Smith has spent a big stop in for coffee or lunch part of his life in the grocery and a visit, is very appealbusiness, putting in almost ing. Lisa said that many of 15 years with Price Chopper the world’s problems have and then working at Dalton been solved there over a General when it was under cup of coffee, and then the ownership of Art Wallace. “they go to work.” Mike said prior to that Whitey In walking through the and Nancy Persson owned store, all household necesthe store for many years. sities can be found, includIn 2000, Mike made the ing canned goods, cleaning decision to buy the store from products, greeting cards, Wallace and hasn’t been sorry. snacks, dairy products, froIn 2001 Lisa Weber came on Mike Smith and Lisa Weber of Dalton General Store. board. Lisa did a desk job continued on page 5

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Yankee Shopper

February 2, 2009

Dalton General Store: Mike and Lisa’s Home Away From Home zen foods, fresh vegetables, tobacco products, newspapers, and a deli stocked with the full line of Boar’s Head products. Rib eye and sirloin steaks can also be purchased and hamburg is freshground daily. Depending on the market, other meats are available especially during holidays. The store also holds a beer and wine license and the lottery. The lottery includes Keno-To-Go. Lisa took great pride in saying that “9 out of 10 times we have what that person came in here for.” Dalton General offers a great service in that they will deliver groceries to those folks in Dalton who can’t get out. There is no charge for this service or for lunch delivery. They also offer catering, which Mike said they do a lot of. Lunch specials are posted on the board and breakfast sandwiches are available daily. Fresh donuts, bagels, and fresh coffee, including flavored are popular with the morning bunch that starts coming in around 5:30 a.m. The store has become a family venture with all of their 6 children (each has 3) being involved. Also between them, they have 4 grandchildren who are little now, but the couple have high hopes of them taking part also. Lisa’s mom and dad, who everyone knows as “Grammy and Grampy” have also taken a big part in the business. “Grampy” is the maintenance man and does the grocery deliveries and “Mom works for food,” Lisa said. Mike and Lisa agreed that it has been a good thing for her parents, with it keeping them busy and in touch with all of their friends.

continued from page 4

Mike’s mom who is known as “Noni” lives in Las Vegas, but when she is home “is in here every day,” Mike said. She is talking about coming back to live full-time, so we all know where she will be spending her time. Mike spoke very highly of his deli person, Dorin. “She is very dependable and inexpendable,” he said. “We know if we have to take time off the place is covered, between her and our kids.” Set up in a corner of the store is an area where Joyce Ryan of “Crafts by Ryan” has set up a display of her crafts for sale. The display adds to the old general store look. My visit with Mike and Lisa was very pleasant, and I love the old country store atmosphere. Being one of the lunch bunch I have enjoyed many good sandwiches and salads made there, so I recommend giving them a try. “We have been here for 9 years and we’re hoping for another 29 or as long as we both can get up to go to work,” Mike said. In regards to competition he said, “Competition is what it is all about, you’ve got to have that. It’s what keeps us going.” The store is located at 200 North Street, (Rte. 9), and is open for the winter from 5:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. In the summer till 9 p.m. To place an order, call 413-684-0170. Lisa will also fax lunch specials on request.

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Yankee Shopper


From my Corner

— Susan J. Coons

it pays to advertise Ever since the remote control was invented, it’s been used to turn down the volume on commercials. However, I was thinking the other night, with this depressing economy, how grateful we should all be that there are still companies advertising their products

and services on television! Think about it...without advertising, you wouldn’t be watching your favorite programs this afternoon or this evening. No news; no Law & Order; no CSI Miami; no Who Wants to be a Millionaire; no CNN; no Sponge Bob Square Pants; NO SUPERBOWL!!! I can’t imagine a world without sports on television! Especially cold winter Saturdays and Sundays, without football! No Monday Night Football! Horrible to think about!

Of course, the way the mind travels, I started to think about The Yankee Shopper, and our advertisers. The local businesses and services offered in our paper are the very same people who make it possible for me to write this column. They’re bringing you entertainment; information about church suppers; benefits; school events; promotions; information regarding some of the political issues; environmental information; snowshoe hikes and nature

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observances; book discussions and classes to improve our knowledge and intellect...I could go on and on about the information passed along to you from our community every week, and it’s all made possible by our advertisers. Please shop locally. Stop in and say hello to our advertisers, and thank them for helping to bring you The Yankee Shopper. They’re hanging in through thick and thin, helping all of us to get through to the other side.

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Yankee Shopper

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Greylock Investment Group Continues Growth Adds Brian Astorino as Investment Representative

The Greylock Investment Group, a division of Greylock Federal Credit Union, announced that it has surpassed $50 million in total assets. The group specializes in financial matters from basic financial planning to annuities, to full service investment management. Michael A. Fazio, CFP®, CTFA, Senior Vice President Greylock Investment Group said, “In today’s unpredictable economy people need help with their investments more than ever. Greylock is a welltrusted brand for financial services. There are thousands of people in the area who can benefit from financial planning but are not comfortable going to a broker or calling the shots for their own investments. That’s what we are here for. Our goal is to have the right financial service whether you are thinking about a college fund or setting your sights on retirement. We are honored to have worked with so many people in the Berkshires this past year.” The group also announced the hiring of Brian Astorino as a LPL Financial Advisor. Prior to joining Greylock, Brian served as a Financial Advisor at Merrill Lynch, and had been with the firm for more than 8 years in various roles. Brian graduated Magna Cum Laude from Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts in 2000, earning a B.S. in Business Administration. He holds the Series 7, General Securities, and Series 66, The Uniform Combined State Law, registrations, as well as his Massachusetts insurance licenses through LPL Financial. Fazio said,“As an advisor,Brian’s objective is to develop long-term financial strategies that are unique to each client and consistent with their investment goals and risk tolerance. We are pleased to have Brian join us and

look forward to expanding our services throughout Berkshire County.” Brian is a 2007 Graduate of the Berkshire Leadership Program through the Berkshire Chamber of Commerce, and currently serves on the BLP steering committee. He also serves as a member of the Cheshire School Advisory Council. Brian is a lifelong resident of Berkshire County, and resides in Cheshire with family. About Greylock Investment Group: Greylock Investment Group is a division of Greylock Federal Credit Union and offers access to a full array of services including financial planning, retirement planning, investment management, mutual funds, annuities and portfolio management and is located at 128 South Street, Pittsfield in the Greylock Insurance Agency building and coming soon to North Berkshire County. More information is available at 413-997-8080. Securities and insurance products offered through LPL Financial and its affiliates member FINRA/SIPC. Not NCUA insured. No Credit Union guarantee. May lose value.

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February 2, 2009

Yankee Shopper

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9 a.m. - “Playful Parenting” classes. Pre-registration is requested for this program sponsored by Berkshire Families and Children’s Services. Phone: 413-458-5369 - David and Joyce Milne Public Library, 1095 Main Street, Williamstown 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Community Outreach Van - Free Health Insurance Enrollment & Health Screenings. Phone 413-445-9215 - Christian Center, 155 Linden St., Pittsfield 9:30 a.m. - Toddler Time - For one to two-and-ahalf years. Phone: 413-662-3133 - North Adams Public Library, 74 Church St., North Adams. For information phone 413-662-3133 or visit naplibrary.com 10 a.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.alanonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Hevreh of South Berkshire, 270 State Rd. (Route 23), Great Barrington 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - CHP-Healthy Communities Access Project will host free health screenings, health education information and health insurance enrollment assistance. Please call Luci at 413�����������

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528-9311 ext. 2147 for additional information or questions. - Senior Center, Gt. Barrington 10:30 a.m. - Story time. Info: 413-458-5369 - David and Joyce Milne Public Library, 1095 Main Street, Williamstown 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. - Blood pressure and health counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. and the Lee Board of Health. Phone: 413-243-1212 - Brown Court, Lee 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Blood Pressure Screening - Learn more about controlling your blood pressure,warning signs of heart attack and stroke. Screenings conducted by registered nurses of the Berkshire VNA. Screenings do not occur on holidays.No Registration is required for this event. Information from the Berkshire Visiting Nurse Association at 413-447-2862. - Big Y, 200 West St., Pittsfield. 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. – 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesdays of the every month, the Southern Berkshire Toastmasters, and organization dedicated to helping us all master the art of public speaking. BCC, Main Street, Gt. Barrington, MA. For more info call 413-232-7715 12 to 1 p.m. - Blood pressure and health counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. and the Stockbridge Board of Health. Phone: 413-243-1212 - Heaton Court (street parking only), Stockbridge 1 to 2:30 p.m. - Blood Pressure Screening - Learn more about controlling your blood pressure,warning signs of heart attack and stroke. Screenings conducted by registered nurses of the Berkshire VNA. Screenings do not occur on holidays. No Registration is required for this event. Information from the Berkshire Visiting Nurse Association at 413-447-2862. - Stop and Shop, 1 Dan Fox Drive, Pittsfield. 2 to 5:00 p.m. - Food Pantry. The mission of this ministry is to feed the hungry. Each person who asks is given a bag of food that will last a couple of days. 755 Main Street in Dalton, MA 413-684-0521 2 to 5:00 p.m. - Free Clothing Store. The mission of this ministry is to clothe those in

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Yankee Shopper

February 2, 2009


need and to offer information about Christ and his love for all. 755 Main Street in Dalton, MA 413684-0521 3 to 4:30 p.m. - McInerney Parent Services. “Parents as Teachers,” education and support group for parents of young children through age five, offered by McInerney Parent Services of Berkshire Children and Families, child care provided. For more information phone Nancy Paquin at 413499-3556, Ext. 13. - 48 Elizabeth St., Pittsfield. 6 p.m. – Lee resident Iris Bass, author of What’s Your Opera IQ? Will discuss the literature, lore, & libretto of Gaetano Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor, to prepare listeners for the HD/ radio broadcast of this opera from the Met. Lee Library, 100 Main St., Lee, MA. Reservation: 413243-0385 6 to 7:30 p.m. - “Managing Your Money ... And More,” Lenox Library. A free program on life management skills for students and younger workers, also open to the public. Feb. 3: credit and debt, compound interest, scams. Feb. 10: property and mortgages, insurance, buying a car, and identity theft. Reservations: Ann Bloch, 637-0958. 6 to 8 p.m. – Public speaking 101, a free two-hour

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course to introduce you to the basics and beyond of public speaking. Claire Teague Senior Center, 909 Main Street, Gt. Barrington, MA. This is free and open to the public. Please RSVP: 413-2746290 6:30 p.m. - The Lee VFW will meet at the Lee Senior Center, 21 Crossway St., Lee, MA 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. - Soul & Spirit Book Club Metaphysical book club, moderated by Bettina Zumdick. Free. Phone: 413-243-2834 - Berkshire Soul and Spirit Center, 69 Main St., Lee

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Yankee Shopper









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7 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.alanonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - South Congregationalist Church, 110 South Street, Pittsfield 7 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.alanonberkshire.org. Newcomers’ meeting is held at the same time and place. - First Baptist Church, 88 South St., Pittsfield 7 to 9 p.m. - Ballroom Dancing Lesson. Info: 413637-3188 - Flavours at the Econo Lodge, Rt. 7, Lenox 8 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.alanonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Congregational Church, Main St., Stockbridge (Next to the Town Hall)

Wednesday, February 4


9 to10 a.m. - Blood pressure and health counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. and the Lee Board of Health.

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Yankee Shopper

February 2, 2009


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Phone: 413-243-1212 - Lee Regional VNA offices, 32 Park Street, Lee 10 a.m. - Preschool Story Time. Phone: 413-6623133 - North Adams Public Library, 74 Church St., North Adams. For information phone 413-6623133 or visit naplibrary.com 10 a.m. - Story time. Please call to register - there are openings in the Wednesday group. Info: 413743-8345 - Adams Free Library, located on Park Street at McKinley Square, Adams 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - CHP-Healthy Communities Access Project will host free health screenings, health education information and health insurance enrollment assistance. Please call Luci at 413528-9311 ext. 2147 for additional information or questions. - Berkshire Community College, Great Barrington 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. - Community Outreach Van - Free Health Insurance Enrollment & Health Screenings. Phone 413-445-9215 - Dalton CRA, 400 Main St., Dalton 10:30 a.m. - Story time. Info: 413-458-5369 - David and Joyce Milne Public Library, 1095 Main Street, Williamstown 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. - Blood pressure and health counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. and the Otis Board of Health. Phone: 413-243-1212 - Otis Senior Center 1 to 3 p.m. - CHP-Healthy Communities Access Project will host free health screenings, health education information and health insurance enrollment assistance. Please call Luci at 413528-9311 ext. 2147 for additional information or questions. - CHP-Dental Center, Great Barrington 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. - S.H.A.P.E. Club Weight Loss Support Group - Lee Council on Aging Community Room. For information phone 413446-5925.l 5 to 6:15 p.m. - Yoga for Your Everyday Life. Call 413-269-0075 or visit the web site www. HealthyBoomerBody.com to register or for more information - Healthy Boomer Body Center in Otis 5:30 to 7 p.m. - VNA & Hospice of Northern Berkshire offers bereavement support group - Info: 413-664-4536 - VNA & Hospice of Northern Berkshire, Inc., 535 Curran Memorial Highway, North Adams 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. (beginners) and 7 to 8 p.m. (intermediate) - Tai Chi classes - Banish the winter blues & refocus your energy. Jim Pullaro brings his very popular tai chi classes back for both beginning

February 2, 2009

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Please join with the family & fr i e n d s o f

Jessica, Eric & Autumn Ochs,

for a BENEFIT CONCERT & PARTY to help defray some of the additional expenses incurred since Jess has been unable to work, after being diagnosed, last July, with ovarian cancer.

F r o m 1:00 P M t o 8:00 P M Music provided by:

Sh ak e & B a k e! - S u m m i t H i l l! & J a k e L a r ki n ! w / Spe c ia l G u e s t s ! 5 0 / 5 0 - R a f f l e s - P o t l u c k F o o d Ta b l e

F a m i l i e s & C h i l d re n We l c o m e ! To Donate, or help in any way, please contact: Joe Tatro @ (413) 684-5125 or DieHardBiker@ver izon.net

Yankee Shopper


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& more experienced students. Registration requested. For more information: 413-466-0534 or jimpullaro@msn.com. - Lichtenstein Center for the Arts, 28 Renne Ave., Pittsfield • 6 to 8 p.m. - Caregiver support group, for those who provide care to a loved one, co-sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. and Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc. (ESBC). Information: 413-499-0524 - ESBC Offices, 66 Wendell Avenue, Pittsfield • 6:30 p.m. - BINGO - Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #310 located at 515 Curran Highway in North Adams. 413-664-9043. • 6:30 p.m. - BINGO - Non-Smoking - Refreshments Available - Progressive Jackpots. Info: 413-4437135 - ITAM Lodge #564, 22 Waubeek Road, Pittsfield. • 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. - Wednesday Evening Tune-Ups Pilates for all skill levels. Call 413-269-0075 or visit the Web site www.HealthyBoomerBody.com to register or for more information - Healthy Boomer Body Center in Otis • 6:45 p.m. - Hinsdale Lions Club Bingo - Admission $1. Come early - Dinner is available at reasonable prices: hamburgers, hot dogs, cold sandwiches, hot dishes, desserts, cold and hot beverages. Monthly Door Prizes - Charity Game Tickets. Phone 413655-2973 for details. - Hinsdale Community Center Maple Street, Route 143, Hinsdale • 7 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.alanonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Parish House ������������������������� (upstairs) behind St. Paul’s ������������������ Episcopal Church, Main ���������������� St., Stockbridge. ����������������������� ���������� • 7 p.m. ����������������������� Overeaters Anonymous ��������������������������� �������������������� Lenox Community Center, ������ Walker Street, Lenox. ������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������� • 7 to 9 p.m. ������������������������������������������ Gamblers’ Anonymous. ����������������������������� Free, confidential meetings. ����������������������� ���������������������������� For more information ������������������ phone Charlie at 413-637��������������������� ������������������������������������������� 2550. - Hillcrest Hospital, ������������������������������������������ first floor conference room, ��������������������� Tor Court, Pittsfield ����������������������������������������� • 7:30 p.m. ���������������������� ALANON meeting. 24����������������������������������� hour Information Line 413������������������������������� �������������� 445-5852. Web site www.

Yankee Shopper

February 2, 2009

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al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - St. Mark’s Church, Commercial St., Adams 7:30 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www. al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Grace Episcopal Church, Main St., Dalton 7:30 p.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - Fairview Hospital, 29 Lewis Ave., Great Barrington 9 p.m. - Dan Hamilton performs. No cover charge applies. Call 413-298-5545 for information. - The Lion’s Den, Red Lion Inn, 30 Main St., Stockbridge

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Thursday, February 5 •

9 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Community Outreach Van - Free Health Insurance Enrollment & Health Screenings. Phone 413-445-9215 - Wal-Mart, 830 Curran Highway, North Adams 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Free Clothing Store. The mission of this ministry is to clothe those in need and to offer information about Christ and his love for all. 755 Main Street in Dalton, MA 413684-0521

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Yankee Shopper



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Yankee Shopper

9 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Food Pantry. The mission of this ministry is to feed the hungry. Each person who asks is given a bag of food that will last a couple of days. 755 Main Street in Dalton, MA 413-684-0521 5:30 p.m – “Green Living” Workshops, The Berkshire Environmental Resource Center at MA College of Liberal Arts, will kick off a series of 12 “Green Living” seminars and workshops on “Pruning Fruit Trees”, in Murdock hall conference room 218. The public is invited to attend this free series, “Good Food: Sustainable Agriculture for the 21st Century.” For more information, go to www.mcla.edu or contact Elena Traister at 413662-5303 7 p.m. – Eye to Ear Lecture, The owner and creator of Ballets Metropolis, Darrell Puchiarello will talk about his career as a soloist and lead dancer with the Metropolitan Opera and his choreography for ballet companies around the world. FREE! In partnership with the Pittsfield Local Cultural Council 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Blood pressure and health counseling sponsored by the Lee Regional Visiting Nurse Association, Inc. Phone: 413-243-1212 Stop & Shop on Merrill Road in Pittsfield 10:30 a.m. - Preschool Story Craft is for children 3 to 5 years of age. The program features stories, songs & follow-along activities followed by a craft related to stories. Contact: Debby Cuthbert. Phone: 413-637-0197 ext. 105 - Lenox Library Association, 18 Main St., Lenox 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Young Family Breastfeeding Group - Berkshire Nursing Families is starting a group for young families (parents 23 years and under). Free Pizza Lunch. - Haskins Community Center, North Adams 12 p.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - 9 Locust Hill Rd., Great Barrington 2 to 4 p.m. - Blood Pressure Screening - Learn more about controlling your blood pressure,warning signs of heart attack and stroke. Screenings conducted by registered nurses of the Berkshire VNA. Screenings do not occur on holidays.No Registration is required for this event. Information from the Berkshire Visiting Nurse Association at 413-447-2862. - Hillcrest Campus, 165 Tor Court, Pittsfield. 2 to 6 p.m. - Berkshire Serve, formerly Berkshire SHARE is taking orders on Thursdays, Feb 5 and 12. Food pick-up will be Feb 28. This month’s $26 package of food will contain the following: February 2, 2009

• BERKSHIRE COUNTY CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS • Oriental Pork Strips, Stew Beef, Vegetable Chicken Pot Pie, Pre-cooked breaded Tilapia, Potatoes, Onions, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Apples, Bananas, Peaches, Tuna Cups. Also offered are Pork Roast, Chicken Tender Bites and Sirloin Steak Tips. To order any of the above packages call 663-9277 Thursdays between 2-6 or stop by the office at St John’s Church in N Adams through the red door

on the parking lot side of the building. The office is only staffed on Thursdays 2-6. Orders can also be placed at www.servenewengland.org. Also in Dalton at 684-2000, in Bennington at 442-3466. Berkshire Serve is a chapter of Serve New England a large food co-op. This program is open to all people regardless of income. 7:30 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour




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179 Albany Rd., Hancock, MA • (413) 443-0330 February 2, 2009

Yankee Shopper


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Yankee Shopper

February 2, 2009

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Yankee Shopper



Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www. al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers’ meeting: First Thursday of the month at 7 p.m - United Methodist Church, Water & Main Streets, Williamstown 8 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.alanonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Christ Church, Route 7 and Maple Avenue, Sheffield


Friday, February 6 •

Friday, February 6, 2009 – Sunday, February 8, 2009 •

Arena, N. Adams, MA. Visit www.BayStateGames. org or call 781-932-6555

2009 Bay State Winter Games – Figure Skating, Williams College Rink, Williamstown, MA. Masters Ice Hockey, Vietnam Vets. Mem. Skate

Yankee Shopper

9 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Free Clothing Store. The mission of this ministry is to clothe those in need and to offer information about Christ and his love for all. 755 Main Street in Dalton, MA 413684-0521 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Food Pantry. The mission of this ministry is to feed the hungry. Each person who asks is given a bag of food that will last a couple of days. 755 Main Street in Dalton, MA 413-684-0521

February 2, 2009


10 and 11 a.m. - Aquarium Adventures - Toddlers enjoy playtime and a story, then meet a different animal each week. Sponsered by Target. Free with Museum admission. - Berkshire Museum, 39 South St., Pittsfield 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. – The Tri-Town Health Department and City of Pittsfield Health Department in collaboration with Berkshire Health Systems Workplace and Community Health and Wellness Program are sponsoring FREE and

confidential Health Screenings and Health Insurance Enrollment programs to the public. Join us February 6, 2009 from 12:30 PM- 4:00 PM at Pittsfield City Hall. A community health nurse will be on site to check your cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure. Health Screenings take approximately 30 minutes and appointments are recommended but not required. Please call Bruce Ryan 413-445-9215 to schedule an appointment. 4:30 p.m. - BINGO - with food,

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Yankee Shopper

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Speedball, Horserace and Bingo Nut 2 Tickets. Weekly progressive game prize of $1,199, plus weekly door prize. - St. Mary’s School, 115 Orchard St., Lee 6:30 p.m. – BINGO EVERY FRIDAY ST. MARY’S SCHOOL, 115 ORCHARD STREET, LEE. 413243-1079 DOORS OPEN AT 4:30- GAMES BEGIN AT 6:30 8 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.alanonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Claire Teague Senior Center, 909 Main Street (Rt. 7 South), Great Barrington

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Saturday, February 7

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8:15 a.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - Berkshire Mall Community Rm Route 8, Lanesborough 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Free Clothing Store. The mission of this ministry is to clothe those in need and to offer information about Christ and his love for all. 755 Main Street in Dalton, MA 413684-0521 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Food Pantry. The mission of this ministry is to feed the hungry. Each person who asks is given a bag of food that will last a couple of days. 755 Main Street in Dalton, MA 413-684-0521 9 a.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.al-

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Yankee Shopper

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anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Fire House, Route 23, Monterey 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Free “MultiMedia” Art Making Workshop for Kids in Pittsfield. IS183 Art School is offering a Free-Drop In “Art-Making Workshop” session at the Lichtenstein Center, 28 Renne Avenue in Pittsfield. Children and their caregivers are invited to join faculty artist Ben Evans in a fun filled morning creating multimedia Valentines. No registration is necessary in order to participate. Children of all ages are invited and must be accompanied by a caregiver. This program was made possible through a generous donation from the Greylock Federal Credit Union. 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Bird Banding Demonstration,

Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary. Instructor: Christyna Laubach and volunteers, Sanctuary volunteer, Science Teacher, Lenox Memorial Middle and High School. Program Audience: All Program Code: 69-PV09WI2 Here’s a chance to observe handheld birds. Join us as we demonstrate the proper use of mist nets and band the birds that are captured. You will learn what valuable information can be obtained by this fieldwork. Participants will help gather data and release the birds unharmed. Free with regular sanctuary admission. Participants are free to come and go during the program. Instructions and Directions: Free for members. Call ahead if weather is inclement. Not recommended for children under




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February 2, 2009


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Yankee Shopper



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3. Registration is required, unless otherwise noted. Berkshire Wildlife Sanctuaries, Massachusetts Audubon Society, 472 West Mountain Road Lenox, MA 01240. 413-637-0320. www.massaudubon.org. 11:30 a.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - Fairview Hospital, 29 Lewis Ave., Great Barrington 12:30 p.m. - Chow Time in the Aquarium - Watch aquarium staff feed fish, reptiles and amphibians! - Berkshire Museum, 39 South St., Pittsfield 5 p.m. - Overeaters Anonymous - Trinity Church Annex, Walker Street, Lenox 7:30 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www. al-anonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all meetings. - Congregational Church, Route 41, Richmond 7:30 p.m. - ALANON meeting. 24-hour Information Line 413-445-5852. Web site www.alanonberkshire.org. Newcomers are welcome at all

meetings. - Zion Lutheran Church, 74 First Street, Pittsfield 8 p.m. - The Berkshire County Chapter of The National Alliance on Mental Illness will participate in a panel discussion following the Saturday night performance of “Living With It” at The Barrington Stage Company’s Stage 2, 36 Linden Street, Pittsfield, MA. Tickets are $15 and may be purchased by calling the box office at (413) 2368888 or www.barringtonstageco.org.

Sunday, February 8 •

9 a.m. - Christian Education for all ages - 9 a.m. Service of Worship - 10:15 a.m. Children’s Church (nursery - age 9). Call 413-464-1287 for information. Rev. Roberta Heath, Pastor. Berkshire Community Church, Congregational, 45 Cemetery Rd., Richmond

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Yankee Shopper

February 2, 2009


12:30 p.m – Not Your Average Dog Show, dogs of any breed or mix compete and have their chance to win in unusual categories. Prizes, vendors, food, awards, and a raffle are included. Snow date: Sunday, Feb. 15. Paterson Field House, Berkshire Community College. 1 to 2 p.m. – Stockbridge Grange will serve a public Roast Pork Dinner, family style in the Hall on Church Street, Stockbridge, MA. Adults $10.00, Children under 12, $5.00. Take out available: call 413-298-3185. 2 to 4 p.m. - Bill Koch Youth Ski League, for parents and children ages 5-13 to enjoy the outdoors, community, each other, and introduce them to the world of cross country ski racing. Info: 413-6840148. - Notchview, Route 9, Windsor. 2 p.m. – Valentine Penny Social, Pilgrim Memorial Church, 249 Wahconah St., Pittsfield, MA. Doors open at 1:00 p.m. Please join us! Any questions

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contact: Ellen at 413-442-9567. 3 p.m. –Randall Hodgkinson Bösendorfer Concert. Chapin Hall, Williams College Dept. of Music. Mr. Hodgkinson performs the 2 piano and 4 hand repertoire with his wife, Leslie Amper and the piano trio repertoire with the Gramercy Trio, and is an artist member of the Boston Chamber Music Society. Faculty appointments include New England Conservatory of Music and the Longy School in Cambridge and Boston University and Wellesley College. 4 p.m. – The Church of the Good Shepard, Pleasant Street, South Lee, MA will hold their service at 4:00 p.m. instead of 9:00 a.m. 7 p.m. - Sunday Night Dance - live band - cover charge applies. Call 413-443-7135 for info - ITAM Lodge #564 on Pontoosuc Lake, 22 Waubeek Road, Pittsfield

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Yankee Shopper



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Yankee Shopper

February 2, 2009

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