Chapter 4 : Case Study
Online Case Study
4.4.Krekke,NORWAY Architects: Lala Tøyen, Pushak
Figure 103 Main Building
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Krekke is a place to stop for a rest along the main road through Gudbrandsdalen, but it’s also a park area for the local community of Fåvang, Ringebu. The service functions are placed inside an embankment that works as a noise barrier between the park and the highway. Daylight is admitted down to a protected sitting area inside the embankment through a prism-shaped skylight, which protrudes from the top of the barrier as a signal to passers-by. ( The park and recreational areas slope from the embankment down toward the river Gudbrandsdalslågen, and a path – a ‘desire line’ - lined with light poles leads directly from the service area down to the river bank. Gudbrandsdalslågen floods the park area on a yearly basis, but the light at the top of the poles are always above safe water level. In the event of a flood, the row of lights will continue in a straight line out into the streaming river, indicating the flood level.( 117 Kyosang on Highway 2020-21