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Presidential Address ...




List oJ Contributors .


W.M. SUMNER, An Archaeological Estimate of Population Trends since 6000 BC in the Kur River Basin, Fars Province, Iran. R. W. DENNELL, L. HURCOMBE, R. l ENKINSON & H. RENDELL, Preliminary Results of the Palaeolithic Programme of the British Archaeological Mission to Pakistan, 1983-1987 . P. BIAGI & M. CREMASCHI, Geoarchaeological Investigations on the Rohri Hills (Sind, Pakistan) . . . ......... M.-L. INIZAN & M. LECHEVALLIER, A Techno-economic Approach to Lithics: Some Examples of Biade Pressure Debitage in the IndoPakistani Subcontinent K.A.R. KENNEDY, Reconstruction of Trauma, Disease and Lifeways of Prehistoric Peoples of South Asia from the Skeletal Record. l.R. LUKACS & R.F. PASTOR, Activity Induced Patterns of Dental Abrasion in Prehistoric Pakistan . F. KHAN, l.R. KNOX & K.D. THOMAS, Sheri Khan Tarakai: A Neolithic Village in Bannu District, NWFP . . . . . F. KHAN, l.R. KNOX & K.D. THOMAS, Towards a Model for Protohistoric Subsistence Systems in Bannu District, NWFP . . . M.R. MUGHAL, The Protohistoric Settlement Patterns in the Cholistan Desert . . . ......... .............. Xu CHAOLONG, The Kot Dijians and the Harappans: Their Simultaneity Another Possible Interpretation . . M. VIDALE,On the Structure and the Relative Chronology of a Harappan IndustriaI Site . . E.C.L. DURING CASPERS, Harappan Temples - Fact or Fallacy? A. PARPOLA, Bangles, Sacred Trees and Fertility - Interpretations of the Indus Script Relating to the Cult of Skanda-Kumara . V. Roux & D. CORBETTA, Study on Craft Specialization Based on Data Related to Apprenticeship . . . . G.L. POSSEHL & C.F. HERMAN, The Sorath Harappan: A New Regional Manifestation of the Indus Urban Phase . . .........


17 31

43 61 79 111 129 143 157 203 245 263 285 295


Table aI Cantents

L. COSTANTINI, Harappan Agriculture in Pakistan: The Evidence of Nausharo. S.A. WEBER. MilIets in South Asia: Rojdi as a Case Study . S. TUSA, Ancient Ploughing in Northern Pakistan . . .......... L. BONDIOLl & A. LAZZARI, Some Aspects of Data Treatment of the Shahr-i Sokhta, Ra's al-Junayz and Moenjo-daro Records R. BISCIONE, The Elusive Phase 2 of Shahr-i Sokhta Sequence . . . L. MARIANI, An Overview of the Architecture Techniques at Shahr-i Sokhta . G. SANTlNI, A Preliminary Note on Animai Figurines from Shahr-i Sokhta E. PARDINI & E.C. LOMBARDI PARDINI, The Somatic Aspect of the Shahr-i Sokhta Inhabitants, from Inhumed Skeletal Remains . A. HAKEMI, Are the Models of Buildings Discovered at Shahdad, Models of the Temples of the 3rd Millennium BC? R. CiARLA, Fragments of Stone Vessels as a Base Materia!. Two Case Studies: Failaka and Shahr-i Sokhta . . A.B. DELMAS & M. CASANOVA, The Lapis Lazuli Sources in the Ancient East ... J. ZARINS, Obsidian and the Red Sea Trade - Prehistoric Aspects . P. BIAGI & R. MAGGI, Archaeological Surveys along the Oman Coast: Preliminary Results of Five Years of Research (1983-1987) . . . . H. SCHUTKOWSKI, Possibilities of Anthropological Interpretation in Disturbed Collective Burials . T.N. Rov. The Ushering of Iron Age in Indian Context . P. YULE. B.K. RATH & K. HQ)JGAARD, Sankarjang - A Metals Period Burial Site in the Dhenkanal Uplands of Orissa .

321 333 349 377 391 411 427 453 459 475 493 507 543 555 569 581

Part 2 B. GENITO, The Most Frequent Pottery Types at Dahan-i Ghulaman (Sistan) and Their Spatial Variability . . . . . . . . . ........... G. STACUL, On Charsada and Beyond: What Is Wrong with Sir Mortimer? . J. BAUTZE, Some Observations on Female 'Maurya' Terracotta Figurines M.-A. NEwlD, Remarks on SataghnT and Pa{{isa, 'r'wo Old Indian Weapons . J.c. HARLE, Artefacts of the Historical Period from Bannu .. G. ERDOSV, Taxila: Political History and Urban Structure P. CALLlERI, Archaeological Activities at BJ:r-ko~-ghwal!-4ai, Swat - A Contribution to the Study of Pottery of Historic Age from NWFP ABDUR RAHMAN, Butkara III: A Preliminary Report . . . Z. TARZI, Tapa-e-Top-e-Kalan (TTK) of Ha44a. D.W. MACDoWALL, The Chronological Evidence of Coins in Stapa Deposits . . . . . . . . . .. .

587 605 611 627 643 657 675 693 707 727

Table oJ Contents F. TISSOT, The Site of SahrI-Bahlol in Gandhara (Part III) . E. ERRINGTON, Towards Clearer Attributions of Site Provenance for Some 19th Century Collections of Gandhara Sculpture . . . J. SHERRIER, The So-Called 'Alexander' Gandharan Stele... R. MORRIS, Roman Hairstyle in Ku~al).a Period Art of Mathura? . K. JETTMAR, Exploration in Baltistan . D. KLIMBURG.SALTER, The Gilgit Manuscript Covers and the 'Cult of the Book' ............. P.G. PAUL. An Early Kashmiri Vi~l).u in the Peshawar Museum - A Ripple in Crosscurrents of the Northwestern Art Style . J. SIUDMAK, A Kashmir Stone Maradhar~al).a Relief in the National Museum, Delhi: A Stylistic Consideration G. VERARDI, A Trial-Trench at DhurilvarahI, Kathmandu . C. Lo MUZIO & O. VOLPICELLI, Pottery from Haqiga첫 Satya Narayal).a (Kathmandu Valley, Nepal) - Preliminary Considerations M. CUCARZI & M.R. FERRARIS, Geoarchaeological Exploration in an Urban Area: Kathmandu. ......... SH.KuWAYAMA, The Buddha's Bowl in Gandhara and Relevant Problems G. ROTH, Notes on the Citralak~a,!a and Other Ancient Indian Works on Iconometry . ........... .......... J. 1RWIN, Vi~l).u in the Archaic Cosmogony .. G. BHATTACHARYA, Early Ramaya'!a Illustration from Bangladesh C. BAUTZE-PICRON, An Unpublished Skanda from Dungarpur Area, Southwest Rajasthan .............. J.M. FRITZ, The Vijayanagara Research Project: 1984-1987 . J .M. FRITZ, Archaeological Documentation at Vijayanagara: 1984-1987 G. MICHELL, Architectural Documentation at Vijayanagara: 1984-1987 K.D. MORRISON, Patterns of Urban Occupation: Surface Collections at Vijayanagara . . . . . . . . . . . . C.M. SINOPOLI, The Ceramics of the Noblemen's Quarter of Vijayanagara R.M. CIMINO, The Labyrinth of Simraongarh . G.H.R. TILLOTSON, The Rajput Aesthetic: Ideals in Rajput Palace Design,


xxi 737 765 783 787 801 815 831 847 869 913 927 945 979 1029 1043 1067 1077 1085 1097 1111

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H. DISERENS, Rajas and Chieftains in the Sculpture of the Kulii Valley and ......... Some Neighbouring Regions.......... SH. KHURSHID HASAN, Nausherwani Tombs in Kharan, Baluchistan (Pakil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . stan) . . . . Y. CROWE, Mughal and CentraI Asian Decorative Exchanges in 17th Century


List of persons who attended the Ninth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, Venice, 6-10 July 1987 .


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