Pierfrancesco CALLIERI Born in Rome, Italy, on 7th January 1957 Home address: Via Sapri 6, 00185 ROMA - Tel. 0039-06-4456323, 0039-3287049756 Work address: Facoltà di Conservazione dei Beni Culturali, Università degli studi di Bologna, Sede di Ravenna, Via Mariani 5, 48100 RAVENNA (Italy) – Fax: 00390544-936717 – E-mail: Present working position: Professor (“professore ordinario”) at the Faculty of Conservation of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna (since January 2008), where he teaches “Archaeology and Art History of Ancient Iran” (B.A. courses) and “Archaeology of Pre-Islamic Iran” (M.A. courses). Since 2005 he collaborates also with the Faculty of Arts of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, where he gives courses on Iranian archaeology (B.A. and M.A. level). Qualification: Degree in Arts (History of Central Asia), University of Rome (1979) Doctorate in Archaeology (Oriental Archaeology), Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli (1987) under the direction of Prof. M. Taddei. Scientific membership: IsIAO (1988) (since 2004 in Scientific Committee) Societas Iranologica Europaea (1993) (since 2007 Treasurer) Association pour l'avancement des études iraniennes (1993) Società degli Orientalisti - Italian Oriental Society (1994) (since 1997 in Directive Committee) Research activity: In the years 1977-1982 has taken part to the excavations of the IsMEO Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan at the Buddhist Sacred Area of Saidu Sharif I, Swat Valley, under the direction of Dr Domenico Faccenna; In the years 1984, 1987, 1990-1992, 1999-2000 has directed the excavation campaigns of the IsMEO Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan at the historic settlement of Bir-kot-ghwandai (Barikot), Swat Valley; In the years 1989, 1993 and 1994 has taken part to the survey campaigns of the joint Italian-Russian-Turkmenian mission in Turkmenistan, working in the Murghab delta (ancient Margiana) about regional fortification walls. From 2000 to 2008 he has been the director of the Archaeological Mission of the Italian Institute for Africa and the East (IsIAO) in Pakistan, Swat Valley, N.W.F.P. Since 2008 he is the co-director of the Mission with Dr Luca Maria Olivieri. Since 2005 he is the Italian director of the Joint Irano-Italian Archaeological Mission of the University of Bologna, which has carried out excavations in the frame of the Sivand Dam Archaeological Rescue Project, in Fars, at the Tall-e Takht of Pasargadae, Fars, and has started in 2008 a five-years project on the urban settlement at the foot of Persepolis Terrace. Has read papers at several international congresses and lectured in Italy and abroad.