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Curriculum Vitae Dr. Nicola Laneri

e-mail: ISTRUZIONE 1993 – Dottore in Lettere a Roma (1987-1993, Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte del Vicino Oriente Antico – Università di Roma "La Sapienza" – Prof. P. Matthiae). Voto 110/110. Titolo della tesi di Laurea: La media valle dell'Eufrate (Siria) dal Tardo Calcolitico alla fine del Bronzo Antico: aspetti culturali e materiali degli insediamenti. 1999 – Dottore di Ricerca in Archeologia (1996-1999, Napoli – Istituto Universitario Orientale – Tutors: Prof. B. d’Agostino e Prof. A. de Maigret). Titolo tesi di dottorato: Analisi contestuale della cultura funeraria della media vallata dell'Eufrate nel III millennio a.C.. 2000 – Diplomato alla II Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia Orientale (19952000) a Roma (Università di Roma "La Sapienza" – Prof. P. Matthiae). Voto 70/70 con lode. Titolo della tesi di specializzazione: Tecniche di produzione ceramica nel Vicino Oriente antico.

POSIZIONI OCCUPATE 2000-2001 – Visiting Scholar e Fulbright Fellow, presso il Dipartimento di Antropologia e l’Italian Academy alla Columbia University di New York. 2001-2002 – Collaboratore scientifico presso il Centro Interdipartimentale di Servizi di Archeologia (CISA) dell’Università di Napoli, L’Orientale 2002-2004 – Visiting Lecture, borsista CNR/Nato e CNR estero presso il Dipartimento di Settlement Archaeology della Middle Eastern Technical University (METU) ad Ankara (Turchia). 2005-2006 – Research Associate, all’Oriental Institute dell’Università di Chicago. 2006-2008 – Collaboratore scientifico presso l’Università di Catania. 2001-Presente – Membro dell’Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente. 2003-Presente – Direttore dello scavo archeologico di Hirbemerdon Tepe (Turchia) (website:

ESPERIENZE DI INSEGNAMENTO 1996-1997 – Le tecniche di produzione ceramica nel Vicino Oriente Antico, Seminari presso le Università di: Roma (“La Sapienza”), Napoli, Bologna e Genova. 1998 – Le pratiche funerarie lungo la vallata dell’Eufrate durante il III millennio a.C., Seminario all’Istituto Universitario Orientale (Napoli). 2001 – The Near Eastern Funerary Customs During the III Millennium BC, Seminario (Inglese) alla Columbia University (New York). 2002 – Lezioni su Museologia e Archeologia del Vicino Oriente Antico al I Master in Archaeological Resource Management, Università degli Studi di Napoli, “L’Orientale”. 2002 – Ciclo di seminari (Inglese) dal tema Museology, Middle Eastern Technical University (Ankara). 2003 – Corso di Archeologia del Vicino Oriente Antico, Università degli Studi di Napoli, “L’Orientale”. 2003-2004 – Corso (Inglese) di Anatolian Archaeology, Middle Eastern Technical University (Ankara). 2005-2006 – Corso (Inglese) di Funerary Rituals in the Ancient Near East, NELC – The University of Chicago. 2006-2008 – Seminari (Italiano) su Rituali funerari nel Vicino Oriente antico e Antropologia per gli archeologi, Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia – Università di Catania, e Laboratorio didattico di Archeologia del Vicino Oriente antico, Corso di Laurea in Beni Culturali – Università di Catania.


The Lifestyle of Ancient Entrepreneurs: Trade and Urbanization in Mesopotamia, paper to be presented at the session Mesopotamian Urbanis, 2009 Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting (Atlanta).


Hirbemerdon Tepe: A Middle Bronze Age Site in SE Turkey, 2009 Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting (Atlanta).


Organizzatore del workshop: Looking North: The Socio-economic Dynamics of the Northern Mesopotamian and Anatolian Regions During the Late Third and Early Second Millennium BC, VI International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (Roma).


*Understanding the Living: Socioeconomic Dynamics of Intramural Funerary Practices in the Ancient Near East During the Third and Second Millennia BC, Formen von Prestige in Kulturen des Altertums (Università di Monaco).


Changing Traditions: Extramural and Intramural Funerary Practices in Northern Mesopotamia between the Late Third and Early Second Millennia BC, British Association of Near Eastern Archaeologists Annual Conference 2008 (Liverpool).


Hirbemerdon Tepe 2007, XXX Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu (Ankara).


The Social Dimension of Funerary Rituals at Titriş Höyük During the Third Millennium BC, 2007 Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting (Austin).


Hirbemerdon Tepe 2006, XXIX Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu (Kocaeli).


The Relationship between Northern Mesopotamia and Anatolia in the Middle Bronze Age: Recent Excavations at Hirbemerdon Tepe, SE Turkey, 2006 American School of Oriental Research Annual Meeting (Washington DC).


Organizzatore del convegno: Performing Death. Social Analyses of Funerary Traditions in the Ancient Mediterranean, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.


*Texts in Context: Defining Funerary Rituals in the Ancient Near East During the Third and the Early Second Millennium BC, convegno Religion in the Material World: A Conference on the Archaeology of Religion (Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Center for Archaeological Investigations).


*Hirbemerdon Tepe 2006, Università di Firenze.


Hirbemerdon Tepe 2005, XXVIII Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu (Canakkale).


*The Upper Tigris Valley in Southeastern Anatolia: A Bridge Between Mesopotamia and Anatolia, (poster), Transanatolia: Connecting East and West in the Archaeology of Ancient Anatolia (British Museum, London, UK).


*La dimensione sociale della ritualità funeraria nell'Anatolia sud-orientale durante il III millennio a.C. Il caso di Titriş Höyük, convegno Sepolti tra i vivi. Evidenza ed interpretazione di contesti funerari in abitato (Roma).


Hirbemerdon Tepe 2003-2005, V International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (Madrid).


*Excavations at Hirbemerdon Tepe in Southeastern Anatolia 2003-2005, Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche - Roma.


*Searching for the Hurrians. Excavations at Hirbemerdon Tepe, Università di Venezia.


*Hirbemerdon Tepe 2005, Università di Firenze.


Hirbemerdon Tepe 2004, XXVII Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu (Antalya).


Organizzatore della sessione: An Archaeology of Funerary Rituals, X Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) (Lyon).


Preliminary Report on the Archaeological works at Hirbemerdon Tepe, XXVI Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu (Konya, Turkey).


Organizzatore del workshop: Communication in Archaeology. The Use of Multimedia Devices in Communicating Ancient Pasts, 2004 Conference for Computer Applications in Archaeology (Prato).


Organizzatore del I convegno degli Studenti di Archeologia (Università L’Orientale, Napoli.


Symbols in Re-action. Padre Pio of Pietralcina and the IIIrd Millennium BCE Mesopotamian “Nude Hero”: Icons of a Conservative Power, Theoretical Archaeological Groups Conference (Manchester).


*La prospezione archeologica della regione nord-orientale della Turchia, CNR – Istituto per gli Studi Miceneo-anatolici (Roma).


The Discovery of a Funerary Ritual During the IIIrd Millennium BCE in Titriş Höyük –Turkey, III International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (Paris).


Qarnit, Djerba and the Ramadan, IInd International Conference on Ethnoarchaeology, Mondaino, Italia.


An Imagery Soundtrack for a Real Museum World, 2001 for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, New Orleans.


An Imagery Soundtrack for a Real Archaeological World, Theoretical Archaeology Group Conference, Cardiff, UK.


From Slab Construction to Wheel Throwing: Evolution or Transformation? A Journey Through the History of Pottery Manufacturing Techniques in the

Near East between the Vth and the IInd Millennium BCE, I International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (Rome) 1997

Potter’s Wheel: Invention, Innovation, Revolution or Evolution?, XIV International Conference on South Asian Archaeology (Rome).


A Provisional Anatomy for the Truncated-conical Bowls of Shahr-i Sokhta (Iran), XIII Congresso U.I.S.P.P. (Forlì).


X-Ray Analysis of the Susa Ceramics in the L. Pigorini Museum (Rome), XIII Congresso U.I.S.P.P. (Forlì).

Publications (§ Refereed Journal or Publication) Books: Monograph


(N. Laneri) I Costumi funerari della media vallata dell'Eufrate durante il III millennio a.C., Dissertationes Vol. IV (Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, Naples).

Edited volume


§ (N. Laneri ed.) Performing Death. Social Analyses of Funerary Traditions in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean (Oriental Institute Seminars 3, Chicago).

Journal Articles: Forthcoming §(N. Laneri, M. Schwartz, S. Valentini, A. D’Agostino, and S. Nannucci) The Hirbemerdon Tepe Archaeological Project: The First Four Seasons of Archaeological Work at a Site in the Upper Tigres Rivel Valley, SE Turkey, to appear in Ancient Near Eastern Studies 46 (2009). Forthcoming (N. Laneri and J. Ur) The Hirbemerdon Tepe Archaeological Project 2007: A Preliminary Report, to appear in Kazı Sonucları Toplantısı 30 (Ankara 2009) Forthcoming (N. Laneri) Hirbemerdon Tepe. A Middle Bronze Age Site in Northern Mesopotomia, to appear in East and West 58/1-4 (2008) 2008 (N. Laneri, M. Schwartz, J. Ur, S. Valentini, A. D’Agostino, R. Berthon, and M. M. Halde) The Hirbemerdon Tepe Archaeological Project 2006-2007: A Preliminary Report on the Middle Bronze Age ‘architectural complex’ and the Survey of the Site Catchment Area, in Anatolica 35 (Leiden 2008): 177-239. 2008 §(N. Laneri, M. Schwartz, and J. Ur) The Hirbemerdon Tepe Archaeological Project, in Antiquity (Project Gallery) 82.315 March 2008 2008 (N. Laneri and M. Schwartz) Hirbemerdon Tepe 2006, in Kazı Sonucları Toplantısı 29(Ankara): 137-148. 2007 §(N. Laneri, A. D’Agostino and S. Valentini) The Upper Tigris Valley in Southeastern Anatolia: A Bridge Between Mesopotamia and Anatolia, in

2007 2007 2007


2006 2006 2006

2006 2005 2003



2001 1999 1998

1998 1997


Transanatolia: Bridging the Gap between East and West in the Archaeology of Anatolia - Anatolian Studies 57 (A. Greaves and A. Fletcher eds.). BIAA, London: 16-24. §(N. Laneri) Burial Practices at Titriş Höyük, Turkey: An Interpretation, in Journal of Near Eastern Studies 66.4: 241-266. (N. Laneri) Hirbemerdon Tepe 2005, in Kazı Sonucları Toplantısı 28: 671-682. (M. Vidale, S. Di Pilato, and N. Laneri) Use of X-Rays for the Identification of Buff-Ware Manufacturing Techniques and the Early Utilisation of the Potter’s Wheel, in Perspectives for Research on Shahr-I Sokhta and its Civilization ( (N. Laneri) Brief Notes and Items for Discussion – The Second Season of Arcaeological Work at Hirbemerdon Tepe, Turkey: A Preliminary Report, in East and West 56.4: 241-250. (N. Laneri) Hirbemerdon Tepe 2004 & 2005, in ‘Archaeology in Turkey 20042005’ American Journal of Archaeology 111.2: 301. (N. Laneri, A. D’Agostino, and S. Valentini) Hirbemerdon Tepe, Archeologia Viva July-August 2006: 25-30. (N. Laneri, A. D’Agostino, M. Schwartz, S. Valentini, and G. Pappalardo) A Preliminary Report of the Archaeological Excavations at Hirbemerdon Tepe, Southeastern Turkey, 2005, in Anatolica 33: 153-188. (N. Laneri) Hirbemerdon Tepe 2004, in Kazı Sonucları Toplantısı 27: 80-94. (N. Laneri) Hirbemerdon Tepe 2003: A Preliminary Report, in Kazı Sonucları Toplantısı 26: 63-72. §(N. Laneri, Ö. Gokdemir, G. Palumbi, and R. Valentini) A Note for the Preliminary Report of the Ardahan-Horasan Archaeological Survey in NorthEastern Turkey, 2001, in Annali dell’Istituto Orientale di Napoli – Dip. Studi Asiatici 63: 111-121. (N. Laneri) Archeologia-cultura o archeologia-scienza?: spunti per una riflessione sugli aspetti teorici nell’analisi dei contesti archeologici, in Contributi di Materiale Archeologico Orientale 9: 545-573. (N. Laneri) The Discovery of a Funerary Ritual. Inanna/Ishtar and Her Descent to the Nether World in Titriş Höyük, Turkey, in East and West 52: 14: 9-52. §(N. Laneri) Crossing Boundaries. Some Thoughts About Communication in Archaeology, in Archaeological Dialogues 9:2: 90-97. (N. Laneri) Intramural Tombs – A Funerary Tradition of the Middle Euphrates Valley During the IIIrd Millennium BC, in Anatolica 25: 221-241. (G. Stein, C. Edens, J. Pierce Edens, K. Boden, N. Laneri, H. Özbal, B. Earl, M. Adriaens, and H. Pittman) Southeast Anatolia Before the Uruk Expansion: Preliminary Report on the 1997 Excavation at Hacınebı Tepe, Turkey, in Anatolica 24: 143-193. (N. Laneri and M. Vidale) An Anatomy for the Truncated-conical Shaped Bowls of Shahr-i Sokhta, in East and West 48: 225-264. (N. Laneri) Le tombe intramurali: una tradizione funeraria della fase finale del III millennio a.C. lungo la vallata dell’Eufrate siro-anatolico, in Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli – Dip. Studi Asiatici 57: 405425. (N. Laneri) Analisi delle tecniche di manifattura del vasellame ceramico dell’inizio del IV millennio a.C. da Susa (Iran), conservato al Museo L. Pigorini (Roma). Le coppe di Susa del Museo Pigorini, Roma. Analisi



tecnologica attraverso l'indagine radiografica, in Contributi di Materiale Archeologico Orientale 7: 177-205. (N. Laneri) Paleotechnological Analysis of a Sample of ‘poterie claire à peinture sombre’ of the Ubaid Period from Susa, in Orient Express 1997: 9798. (N. Laneri) Analisi radiografica delle coppe tronco-coniche del III millennio a.C. da Shahr-i Sokhta (Iran), Orient Express 1996\1: 17-19.

Chapters in books and conference proceedings: Under review §A family affair: The use of intramural funerary chambers in Mesopotamia during the late Third and Early Second Millennia BC, to be published in a new volume of the Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association (2009 or 2010) titled Residential Burials: A Multi-Regional Exploration (R. L. Adams and M. King eds.). Forthcoming Understanding the Living: Socioeconomic Dynamics of Funerary Practices in Southern Mesopotamia During the Early Dynastic Period, to appear in Formen von Prestige in Kulturen des Altertums (University of Munich, 2009). Forthcoming (N. Laneri, A. D’Agostino and S. Valentini) Archaeological Work at Hirbemerdon Tepe, Turkey: A Preliminary Report For the First Three Seasons to appear in Proceedings of the Vth International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (J. Cordoba et al. eds.) (Madrid). Forthcoming (N. Laneri) A Possible Reconstruction of a IIIrd Millennium BCE Funerary Ritual in Titriş Höyük, Turkey, to appear in Proceedings of the IIIrd International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (P. Miroshedji et al. eds.) (Paris). Forthcoming (N. Laneri) Hirbemerdon Tepe 2003, to appear in Salvage Project of the Archaeological Heritage of the Ilısu and Carchemish Dam Reservoirs Activities in 2001-2002 (Numan Tuna et al. eds.)(Ankara). Forthcoming (N. Laneri and C. Perlingieri) Communication in Archaeology: The Use of Multimedia Devices in Communicating Ancient Pasts, to appear in ‘Beyond the artifact: Digital Interpretation of the Past’: Proceedings of the Conference for Computer Applications in Archaeology (F. Nicolucci ed.) (Prato). 2008 §(N. Laneri) Texts in Context: Praxis and Power of Funerary Rituals Among Elites in Ancient Mesopotamia, in Religion, Archaeology, and the Material World (L. Fogelin ed.) (Occasional Papers 36. Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Center for Archaeological Investigations): 196-216. 2007 §(N. Laneri) Introduction: An Archaeology of Funerary Ritual, in Performing Death. Social Analyses of Funerary Traditions in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean (N. Laneri ed.) (OIS 3, Chicago): 1-13. 2005 (N. Laneri) Hirbemerdon Tepe, in Guida delle Missioni Archeologiche Italiane in Turchia (Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Ankara): 152-158. 2003 §(N. Laneri) Is Archaeology Fiction?: Some Thoughts about Experimental Ways of Communicating Archaeological Processes to the External World, in Ancient Muses: Archaeology and the Arts (J. Jameson et al. eds.) (The University of Alabama Press): 179-192. 2000 (N. Laneri)From Slab Construction to Wheel Throwing: Evolution or Transformation? A Journey Through the History of Pottery Manufacturing Techniques in the Near East between the Vth and the IInd Millennium BC, in Proceedings of the Ist International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (P. Matthiae et al. eds.) (Rome): 773-780.



1996 1996

(N. Laneri and S. Di Pilato)“Sequential Slab Construction” and other Problems Concerning Hand-building Techniques in Chalcolithic Iran: Experimenting with Mammographic X-ray Images, in Craft Specialization: Operational Sequences and Beyond (S. Milliken and M. Vidale eds.; London). BAR International Series 720: 59-68. (N. Laneri and S. Di Pilato)Searching for the Archaeological Evidence of Wheel-Throwing at Ebla, Susa and Shahr-i Sokhta Potter’s Wheel: Invention, Innovation, Revolution or Evolution?, in South Asian Archaeology 1997 (M. Taddei and G. De Marco eds.)(Naples): 521-540. (N. Laneri) A Provisional Anatomy for the Truncated-conical Bowls of Shahr-i Sokhta (Iran), in Atti del XIII Congresso U.I.S.P.P., Vol. 5 (Forlì): 315-318. (N. Laneri) X-Ray Analysis of the Susa Ceramics in the L. Pigorini Museum (Rome), in Atti del XIII Congresso U.I.S.P.P., Vol. 1 (Forlì): 291-295.

Reviews: Forthcoming (N. Laneri) Review of “The Archaeology of Syria. From Complex HunterGatherers to Early Urban Societies (ca. 16.000-300 BC)”(P. M Akkermans & G. Schwartz 2003) to appear in East and West (2009). 2005 (N. Laneri) Review of “A History of the Ancient Near East, ca. 3000-323 BC”(M. Van de Mieroop 2004) in East and West 55.1-4: 493-497. 2002-2003 (N. Laneri) Review of “Theater/Archaeology” (M. Pearson and M. Shanks 2001), in Annali dell’Istituto Orientale di Napoli – Dip. Scienze dell’Antichità 9-10: 319-322. 2001 (N. Laneri) Review essay, Why ‘Archaeological Theory Today’?, reviews of “Archaeological Theory Today” (I. Hodder ed. 2001) and “Archeologia teorica” (E. Giannichedda 2002), in Annali dell’Istituto Orientale di Napoli – Dip. Scienze dell’Antichità 8: 207-213. 2000 (N. Laneri) Review of “The Archaeology of Death and Burial” (M. Parker Pearson 1999), in Annali dell’Istituto Orientale di Napoli – Dip. Scienze dell’Antichità 7: 234-235. In Preparation Books: Monograph (N. Laneri) Pottery Technology in the Ancient Near East to be published by IsIAO Archaeological Reports (2009-2010). Edited Volume (N. Laneri, P. Pfalzner, and S. Valentini) Looking North: The Socioeconomic Dynamics of the Northern Mesopotamian and Anatolian Regions During the Late Third and Early Second Millennium BC. University of Tubingen Press (2009). Journal Articles and Book Chapters: (N. Laneri) Icons of an Ideological Power: Votive Clay Plaques from a Middle Bronze Age Context in SE Anatolia to be submitted to Cambridge Archaeological Journal. (N. Laneri, J. Ur, M. Schwartz, S. Valentini, A. D’Agostino, R. Berthon, and A. Cross) Defining the Economic Strategies of a Northern Mesopotamian Rural Site: Hirbemerdon Tepe and Its Site Catchment Area, to be submitted to American Journal of Archaeology.

(N. Laneri and M. Schwartz) The Middle Bronze Age in SE Turkey, to appear in the Oxford Handbook of Anatolian Studies (S. R. Steadman and G. McMahon eds.). Oxford University Press 2010. (N. Laneri) Funerary Practices at Titriş Höyük, part of the Titriş Höyük Final Report (G. Algaze and T. Matney eds.). Cotsen Institute of Archaeology 2010.

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