Hirbemerdon Tepe Kazi Projesi 2008
By Nicola Laneri
Aims of the project in 2008 1. Enlarge the exposure of the Middle Bronze Age architectural complex in the High Mound (Area A) 2. Initiate a Step Trench (Area AB) 3. Regional survey of the area surrounding the site (48 sqkm)
Area A
Architectural Complex (cal. 2064-1416 BC)
Archaeological excavation 2008
g n i k r Wo
or t c se
or t c l se a i on m re e c lic/ b Pu
Step Trench AB
Dark Rimmed Orange Bowls (late third millennium BC) 10
Regional Survey 2008
Cultivated terraces
Upland Zones
Cistern at Site 37
Temporary settlement -- Site 18
Sites in the upland zone
Transects along the river terraces
Acknowledgments • • • • • • • •
Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism Diyarbakir Archaeological Museum Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e per l'Oriente Harvard University The Curtiss T. and Mary G. Brennan Foundation Grand Valley State University Private Donors
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