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IsIAO Italian Archaeological Mission in Pakistan

Buddhist Complexes and Urban Settlements in Gandharan Age The test case of Barikot (Bir-kot-ghwandai), Swat

The Archaeological Map of the Swat Valley (AMSV) Project The Barikot (Bir-kot-ghwandai) Area

Bronze Age painted pottery

The SW corner of the City with its Indo-Greek defensive wall and the bastions; the akropolis is in the background.


Late Historic Sacred Complex VII-X AD

Late Historic Settlement V – XIV AD

Ancient Route The City II BC - V AD

Late Bronze-Iron Age Settlements Iron Age Graveyard

Modern Road

Geographic Map

Sat Map

Geological Map

Thematic representation of the archaeological sites’ distribution. Each spot presents UTM coordinates and is correlated to an alphanumeric database

Each query is charachterized by a specific grammar: <, >, =, et cet.

Example of spatial analysis

Najigram Valley Karakar Valley

Kandak Valley Kotah Valley

3D landscape model

First Observations on the Buddhist Sites Occupation Patterns

Central Courtyard Complexes Main visual poles

Multicentric patterns and visual possession in the Buddhist occupation of the ager of Barikot: the area between Barikot and Kanderai

Karakar pass

China-bara Amluk Abbasaheb-china

Amluk-dara Kanderai




Main Road Cherat path Saffar path Kandak-Najigram Najigram Karakar path Saidu path Southern path

Mingora-Saidu Area Udegram-Shingardar Area Manglawor Area Clusters of Buddhist complexes are significantly positioned along main routes and nearby important junctions

Shangla Road To/from Taxila area

To/from Afghanistan

Karakar Road

Chakdara Area Shah-kot Road

To/from Peshawar Plain

Barikot Area

Main settlements Main hilltop Buddhist complexes 193

Buddhist complexes on road passes

Agriculture, Water Management and Land Use


Presence of hydraulic structures or reservoirs Fertile land

Remains of a a big aqueduct at Tokar-dara I

Remains of double walling with drainage system related to a large dam at Najigram I-II

Sirsukh (Kushan City?)

Sirkap (Saka-Parthian)

What about Taxila Valley? Bhir Mound (Early Historic City)

The situation at Sanchi has been recently analysed thanks to the joint research carried out by the Oxford University and Madhya Pradesh Directorate of Archaeology

Chronological Evidence

Barikot chronology BKG Period III II-I BC, Indo-Greek fortified city BKG Periods IV-V I BC-I AD, Saka-Parthian city (the defensive wall still in use); in the countryside: establishment of the first Buddhist complexes (e.g. Tokar-dara) BKG Periods V-VII and VIII I-IV AD, Kushan urban settlement (inside the built up area: abandonment of the defensive wall, building of intra moenia Buddhist sacred areas); in the countryside: Buddhist complexes building “boom� BKG Periods VIII-IX V-VI AD, abandonment of the city and establishment of a tower-houses settlement on the E side of the hill; in the countryside: the majority of the Buddhist complexes were likely abandoned

Saka-Parthian phase armour scales BKG Period IV

Northern sector complex Room 512 Corridor

Open courtyard with well Stupa court

The defensive wall was abandoned in Period VI and partly buried from Period VII onwards

Location of scale armours


Kushan phase armour scales mainly from locus BKG 504 BKG Period VI-VII

Frequency of different iron finds in BKG trenches 1-5 Total

Unidentified and Varia

Nails and cramps

Armour coat parts





Door-hinges and Mongeries

Iron smelting waste

21 738









The Kushana Barikot: a city without defense?


Bar-tangai Stargo-manai


Barama Udegram

Damkot Barikot Kalungai

Indo-Greek/Saka-Parthians fortified settlements (II BCI AD) Main Shahi/early Muslim forts and castles (IX-XI AD)


Main concentration areas of late Buddhist rock sculptures


Ugad/Manglawar JambilISaidu Udegram/Manyar Puran Barikot Damkot Buner

Only 3 Buddhist sites are likely involved with such doctrinal renewing in VIVIII AD in the study area

The Brahmanic temple on the Barikot top hill

Karakar route

Late Historic sites, mainly tower-houses (VIII-XI AD)

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