July to August 2020 ISKCON-London Community Newsletter

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JAI NITAI DASA Temple President Charity Chairman Member of Management Board South Regional Coordinator UK Zonal Supervisor Mentor

BHAVA BHAKTI DEVI DASI Temple Administrator Charity Secretary / Trustee Member of Management Board South Regional Secretary Mentorship System Coordinator Mentor

MURLI MANOHARA DASA Head Pujari Charity Trustee Member of Management Board Mentor

THIRUPATI GAURANGA DASA Govinda’s Restaurant Manager Kitchen Manager Member of Management Board

RADHA RAMAN DASA Charity Trustee Mentor

ACUTYA CHARAN DASA Food for Life Coordinator

ADI GOPI DEVI DASI Radha’s Boutique Manager

ANTOINE BOUR Sankirtan Co-Leader

DEVAKI DEVI DASI Volunteers Coordinator

DOYAL CAITANYA DASA Festivals Coordinator Volunteers Coordinator

KAPILA MONET Radha Krishna Records Manager


DAYAL MORA DASA Outreach Coordinator Men’s Ashram Leader Member of Management Board Mentor

KRISHNA KANTA DEVI DASI Food for Life Coordinator

MANJARI GOPIKA DEVI DASI Russian Vedic Society Coordinator

MICHELLE TCHOUKOV Financial Controller

NATASHA MENON Communications Secretary

PADMANABHA NITYANANDA DASA London College of Vedic Studies Coordinator

PRITESH PANDYA Child Protection Officer

PRIYA KUNDA DASA Atma Lounge Manager



SYAMA KISORA DASA Sankirtan Co-Leader

TITIKSU DASA UK Rathayatra Coordinator

TOTA GOPINATHA DASA Head of IT Data Protection Lead



Temple President’s Activities


Community Development


Deity Department




Food for Life


London College of Vedic Studies


London Rathayatra




Project Grow


Radha’s Boutique






Spiritual Mentorship System




Editorial Team: Devaki devi dasi, Padmanabha Nityananda dasa Graphic Designer: Chandra Bellamy Official photographers: David Crick, Harsh Sharma. We also thank other members of the community for their pictures. Proofreader: Darryl Biggs For any comments or queries on this publication, please email newsletter@iskcon.london 4

“Our advancement in Krishna Consciousness is made possible in two ways, by knowledge and renunciation, jnana and tyaga or tapasya. The more we become renounced from this material world, the more we advance in Krishna Consciousness. But we are only able to make such sacrifices and perform tapasya if we have got knowledge. So first thing is to become knowledgeable in Krishna Consciousness, then the tapasya or voluntary life of austerity will result automatically. So I am requesting all of my students to read my books very seriously every day without fail. In this way, if your mind becomes absorbed at least one or two hours daily in the transcendental subject matter of SrimadBhagavatam, Bhagavad-Gita, and other books then very easily you will make your advancement in Krishna Consciousness.� Srila5 Prabhupada, Letter to Bhargava, 13th June 1972

TEMPLE PRESIDENT’S ACTIVITIES Highlights from Jai Nitai Dasa’s activities in July and August During July and August, with the lockdown still in place, Jai Nitai dasa engaged in the below activities.


Sunday 12th Facilitated darshan for the virtual Rathayatra event. Tuesday 14th Facilitated a reading sanga with the Ladies Ashram. Attended the UK Management Council online meeting chaired by UK GBC Praghosa dasa. Thursday 16th Attended the ISKCON South London Trustees online meeting.

Thursday 2nd Attended an online Westminster Interfaith meeting with local leaders from different faiths with Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.

Saturday 18th As part of the ‘Spirit of Rathayatra’ online festival, which involved collaborating with three other European ISKCON Temples, in the London section of this festival Jai Nitai dasa took part with the Temple residents to do kirtan in the Temple Room which was streamed live. Also took part in the Sankirtan Calling Party.

Saturday 4th Took part in the Sankirtan Calling Party at ISKCONLondon, which involves distributing books by phoning people and organisations.

Sunday 19th Attended the ISKCON South London Trustees online meeting. In the evening, he gave an online talk on ‘The Significance of Gundica Marjana pastime’ for the Bhakti Yoga Centre in Crawley.

Sunday 5th Welcomed visitors and helped with ushering devotees during the Temple reopening for darshan on Sundays. Gave a Bhagavad-Gita online talk arranged by the School of Bhakti.

Tuesday 21st Facilitated a reading sanga with the Ladies Ashram. Hosted an online grihasta mentorship meeting with Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.

Tuesday 7th Facilitated a reading sanga with the Ladies Ashram in the morning and in the evening hosted an online grihasta (couples) mentorship meeting with Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.

Friday 24th Facilitated a reading sanga with the Ladies Ashram.

Saturday 11th Took part in the Sankirtan Calling Party.

Tuesday 28th Facilitated a Festivals Team online meeting.


Temple President’s Activities

Saturday 25th Took part in the Sankirtan Calling Party.

AUGUST Saturday 1st Took part in the Sankirtan Calling Party. Sunday 2nd Attended the ISKCON South London Trustees meeting online. Taught the first in a series of twohour online sessions for the course ‘Overview of Bhagavad-Gita’ arranged by the London College of Vedic Studies (LCVS). This course covers all eighteen chapters of the Bhagavad-Gita in six interactive sessions. Tuesday 4th Facilitated a reading sanga with the Ladies Ashram. Hosted an online grihasta mentorship meeting with Bhava Bhakti devi dasi. Friday 7th Facilitated a reading sanga with the Ladies Ashram. Sunday 9th Attended the ISKCON South London Trustees meeting online. Taught the second session of the course ‘Overview of Bhagavad-Gita’ for the LCVS. Tuesday 11th Facilitated a reading sanga with the Ladies Ashram. Friday 14th Facilitated a reading sanga with the Ladies Ashram.


Temple President’s Activities

Sunday 16th Attended the ISKCON South London Trustees meeting online. Taught the third session of the course ‘Overview of Bhagavad-Gita’ for the LCVS. Tuesday 18th Facilitated a reading sanga with the Ladies Ashram. Hosted an online grihasta mentorship meeting with Bhava Bhakti devi dasi. Wednesday 19th Hosted an online mentorship meeting with his men’s group. (Pictured below) Friday 21st Facilitated a reading sanga with the Ladies Sanga. Sunday 23rd Attended the ISKCON South London Trustees meeting online. Taught the fourth session of the course ‘Overview of Bhagavad-Gita’ for the LCVS. Saturday 29th Introduced the ISKCON-London Virtual Retreat Weekend called ‘Krishna in Vrindavana’. Sunday 30th Taught the fifth session of the course ‘Overview of Bhagavad-Gita’ for the LCVS.



TEMPLE REOPENING On Sunday 5th July the Temple reopened for public darshan after over three months of closure due to the lockdown. New safety measures were in place to ensure the safety of visitors and to help stop the spreading of the virus. The Community Development Team helped support the opening of the temple for darshan by personally getting in touch with community members inviting and informing them of the opening times for darshan on the weekend of 4th and 5th July. The team was also busy getting the summer festival mailout ready, which included preparing the invitation letter, invitation card and an Offering of Love leaflet providing information on how one can become a regular donor, and packing the envelopes. They also organised a donations table outside the temple during the Darshan Days and festivals in August.

Visit: www.iskcon.london/donate 9

Community Development

KRISHNA IN VRINDAVANA VIRTUAL RETREAT Every year the Mentorship Retreat Team organises a summer retreat. This year due to the pandemic that was not possible but that did not hold back the spirit of offering something to the community. Over the summer Bank Holiday weekend, Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th August, devotees were transported to the holy land of Vrindavana with the first virtual retreat. Sessions were led by Sacinandana Swami, Bhakti Rasamrita Swami, Urmila devi dasi, Amarendra dasa and Bhuta Bhavana dasa on Lord Krishna’s pastimes. The nectar-filled weekend event was attended by over 300 participants. Both days ended with kirtan and live darshan of Their Lordships. This retreat was a joint team collaboration organised by Radha Govinda dasa and included Hema Shah, Mahaprabhu dasa, Natasha Menon, Siddarth Vachhani and the LCVS team. Watch the classes here: https://bit.ly/krishnainvrindavan-playlist


Community Development

Sacinandana Swami shares why he felt the retreat was unique and important, “The subject of this online retreat was very different. We are speaking very personally and directly about Krishna and His pastimes, and in this way, we do what I would like to call therapeutic hearing. When you go for therapy initially you will not see the immediate benefits. Similarly, when you hear about Krishna personally and directly, you may at the beginning not feel the immediate benefit. But hear it as a therapy against your forgetfulness of Krishna. You will gradually lose your forgetfulness and become attached to Krishna. You soon lose your attachment to the world of harmful attachments.”

DEITY DEPARTMENT FESTIVAL GARLANDS SERVICE In August, garland-makers and flower arrangers were allowed to use temple office space for garlands and altar decorations service for Balarama Jayanti, Janmastami, Srila Prabhupada Vyasa Puja and Radhastami festivals.

“We were all very happy to be able to be back in service for the festivals making Their Lordships’ garlands, vases and altar decorations after five long months away from this beautiful service. It felt strange making the garlands away from the temple and with face masks and social distancing measures in place but Sri Sri Radha-Londonisvara are very loving and merciful for allowing us to resume making offerings for Them in such conditions. It was very blissful and a highlight of our time in lockdown. Thank you to Jai Nitai Prabhu, Murli Manohara Prabhu and the ashram devotees who helped facilitate us using the office facility.” Devaki devi dasi


Deity Department

BHOGA OFFERINGS With the pujari department still off limits to outside devotees, Head Pujari Murli Manohara dasa allowed pujaris to make bhoga offerings in their homes and bring to the temple for offering during the festivals. A wonderful variety of offerings filled up the altar and the area near Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasasana. The maha-prasadam was then distributed to guests visiting during the darshan opening times.

RADHASTAMI FLOWER OUTFIT Due to the temple still in lockdown and the need for social distancing measures to remain in place, this year it was sadly not possible to offer flower outfits to all Their Lordships for Radhastami. Instead, in the morning of Radhastami, a new outfit was offered to Their Lordships. In the afternoon, when the temple opened for darshan, Srimati Radharani was offered a beautiful flower outfit and a fresh set of garlands and flower jewellery. The outfit was made by Arcana devi dasi and her small team in the Haveli at Bhaktivedanta Manor. We would like to thank Bhaktivedanta Manor for kindly allowing us to use the Haveli.


Deity Department

FESTIVALS JHULAN YATRA Thursday 30th July to Monday 3rd August



BALARAMA JAYANTI Monday 3rd August



JANMASTAMI Wednesday 12th August








RADHASTAMI Wednesday 26th August




Update by Tina Savani, Food for Life Volunteer


s the lockdown has slowly eased, there has been an increased demand for free nutritional meals and drinks in the city of London. The Food for Life (FFL) team proudly continued in their unflinching service to feed the homeless freshly cooked nutritional prasadam, snacks and drinks as well as any other essential items, six days a week from Monday to Saturday. Many people have contributed to the successful operation of the service during the pandemic including the front-line volunteers, the coordinators who have looked after the purchase of items, kept a tab on stock, ensured the service runs smoothly, recruited and retained volunteers, carried out marketing activities and resolved any issues. The generous donors who have donated money or items have been extremely useful, and of course last but not least, Parasurama dasa and the Food for All (FFA) team have been exceedingly helpful and accommodating by providing their premises, kitchen, ingredients, appliances and anything else the team may need to operate, without which the FFL service would not be possible. In recent developments, the FFL team have created health and safety videos with the help of Olivia Schubert from the FFA team to guide new volunteers and provide useful information about the service, kitchen facilities, safe use of appliances and all other aspects of health and safety. Other videos such as how to offer prasadam, information about parking restrictions, maintaining cleanliness of the van, PPE equipment, have also been created by Acutya Charan dasa and Krishna Kanta devi dasi. Many new drivers and front-line volunteers have come on board in the last couple of months, namely Amit Vyas, Dharmesh Modi, Dipak Sapat, Parijat Sinha, Sahil Dodhia and Sanjay Gohil, who have all very kindly stepped in when there was a real need for drivers or volunteers.


Food For Life

The FFL team would like to say a special thank you to the following volunteers who have been exceptionally inspirational in their contribution to the FFL service: • Acutya Charan dasa, his wife Krishna Kanta devi dasi and their twin six-year-old daughters Radha Priya and Krishna Priya, have been helping as a family on a regular basis. The girls have baked delicious homemade cookies and cupcakes with the help of their mother to serve to the homeless. The treats went down really well with the recipients. • Alessandra Ponticelli helped to raise money to buy over 40 sleeping bags for those that were in genuine need. The recipients were extremely grateful and it has made a real positive difference to them. • Axel and Sophie Steenberg from Steenbergs donated large amounts of khichari spice mix to make delicious khichari. • Linda Bawden selflessly travels to Luton to collect donations and brings back to the Temple.

• Rahul Singh has been a very enthusiastic and valued regular volunteer and driver since the start of the pandemic. • Sat, another dedicated regular volunteer, has been tremendously inspiring and an incredible asset to the team. He has cleaned up messes, dealt with broken vans and carried heavy items. • Scott Warrington has selflessly given up his time six evenings a week during the pandemic and will now continue to be with the team until he goes back to work in October. • Vinod Tailor has organised large food donations to both FFA and FFL. The FFL team would like to thank everyone involved, new and old volunteers alike, who have made this service possible and without whom many hundreds of people would not be fed their daily meal and most importantly would not be receiving Krishna’s mercy in the form of prasadam.

“It has been amazing and an absolute privilege to help

feed the needy at the Food for Life service. It has however been sad at the same time, sad to see so many people without shelter, with all the resources on this planet this should not be the case. Gandhi famously quoted that there is enough for everyone’s needs but not enough for everyone’s greed”. Brian Clarke and Bella Santousi, Food for Life Volunteers 20 Food For Life


A range of online courses took place at the London College of Vedic Studies (LCVS) in July and August.

JULY • Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th: Murli Manohara dasa facilitated an interesting two-part seminar on ‘The Opulence and Beauty of Krishna’ looking at a summary study of chapter 21 of the Madhya Lila from Caitanya-Caritamrta.

• Sunday 19th: Janananda Goswami joined from France and provided some practical lessons on controlling lust in the popular seminar ‘Is Lust A Must?’. This seminar attracted over 80 participants and there was time at the end for several questions and answers.

• Sunday 26th: Jayadvaita Swami joined from USA and shared beneficial insights on the topic ‘Understanding the Three Modes of Material Nature’.

AUGUST • Sunday 2nd: Ranchor dasa continued his ‘Nectar of Instruction’ seminars discussing Srila Prabhupada’s commentary on verse four which focuses on ways devotees exchange love with one another and so deepen and nourish their attachment for Krishna. • Sunday 2nd: Jai Nitai dasa started teaching a weekly online course called ‘Overview of Bhagavad-Gita’, looking at the key themes and messages within each chapter, covering all eighteen chapters of the Bhagavad-Gita in six sessions.

• Saturday 22nd: Jaga Mohini devi dasi, former Tulasi pujari at ISKCONLondon, joined from Southampton to deliver a two-hour online workshop titled ‘Importance, Care and Worship of Srimati Tulasi Devi’. Over 70 participants joined from Finland, India, Norway, South Africa and the UK. They were given insights on how to look after Tulasi plants at home with guidance on what soil to use, temperature, sun light, watering in different seasons and lots more tips.


London College of Vedic Studies

FREE YOGA CLASSES ON INSTAGRAM Amanda (picture on the left) shared her inspiration behind teaching the yoga classes: “I completed my yoga teacher training course at the Govardhan Eco Village, India in November 2019. This was a 200-hour course. I saw the positive effects of hathayoga practice from teaching my family and friends and I wanted to share these benefits, especially during these strange (COVID-19) times with as many people as possible. I am very thankful to my mentor for encouraging me to start teaching yoga to the ISKCONLondon community. It’s been very special teaching through LCVS. I love it!” LCVS introduced free live yoga classes in August with qualified yoga teachers Amanda Teeha and Sophie Georgiou. Both yoga teachers are ISKCON-London community members and mentees of Bhava Bhakti devi dasi’s mentorship group. Yoga classes are a great way to introduce a wider audience to Krishna consciousness and to LCVS’s courses. If you would like to take part in the free yoga classes, please join in on Instagram @londoncvs at 9.30am on Saturday mornings.

STUDENT INTERVIEW WITH RACHEL HOGAN Rachel Hogan is a first time LCVS course attendee. She is currently taking part in the ‘Overview of Bhagavad-Gita’ course and is joining all the way from Cameroon, Africa! The Community Newsletter team caught up with Rachel to see what inspired her to do the course, how she found out about it and her interest in learning more about the Bhagavad-Gita. Community Newsletter Team: Hare Krishna Rachel! Thanks for speaking to us. Firstly, tell us a bit about yourself, your interests and profession? Rachel Hogan: I’m 45 years old. For the last 20 years I have been living in Cameroon. I’m the Director of Ape Action Africa, a UK charity based in Cameroon. We work in partnership with the Cameroon Government rescuing and rehabilitating gorillas, chimpanzees and monkey orphans whose families have been killed due to the bush meat trade. I also enjoy reading and running in the forest when I get a chance! 22 London College of Vedic Studies

Q) Wow, you are based in Cameroon! Your job sounds very interesting. How did you hear about the ‘Overview of Bhagavad-Gita’ online course? A) A very good friend of mine who first introduced me to meditation four years ago as well as introducing the Bhagavad-Gita and ISKCON-London to me. Over the last year I have been receiving updates and that’s when I saw this particular course available. Q) Have you taken part in any other courses at the LCVS? What inspired you to take part in this particular course? A) I haven’t taken part in any other course. This is my first. The reason I applied I guess is good timing! I happened to be reading the Bhagavad-Gita for the second time and received the email with courses available. I felt the first time I read the BhagavadGita I was left with many questions as well as feeling I had only just scratched the surface and there was so much more to learn and understand. Q) So, you have been taking part in the ‘Overview of Bhagavad-Gita’ course, taught by Jai Nitai dasa, how are you finding it? A) I’m finding it really interesting and I’m understanding and appreciating it a lot more than when I first read it.

Q) What is one thing that you have learnt (so far!) that has really stuck out to you? A) It’s difficult to pin point one thing as there have been several. I enjoyed session two which included learning the meaning of karma. “Where there is action there is reaction” has really stuck.

Q) Has the course helped you in your spiritual journey? A) Very much so. The course has helped so much in understanding and applying the teachings into everyday life. I’m also very keen to learn even more. It’s the first online course I’ve ever done and I’m really enjoying learning. Q) Thank you for speaking to us!

NEW LCVS VOLUNTEERS The LCVS team has grown in July and August with the addition of several volunteers helping in different areas. Thank you to the following volunteers for joining the team. Akash Vatsa who is helping with the marketing of online courses, and Himani Gandhi, Pooja Morjaria, Rohit Moturi and Shusmita Deb who have been helping with the smooth running of the online courses.

ONLINE SEMINARS FEEDBACK “Thank you very much Jaga Mohini devi dasi for this wonderful seminar on Tulasi Maharani.” From Krishna Govinda dasa, Attendee. “Truly so grateful for the selfless sharing of knowledge on Tulasi Devi’s service and worship. Thank you.” from Shaylini Reiki, Attendee.

Subscribe to the London College of Vedic Studies newsletter: www.iskcon.london/lcvs/signup 23 www.facebook.com/londoncvs www.instagram.com/londoncvs


LONDON RATHAYATRA ‘SPIRIT OF RATHAYATRA’ VIRTUAL FESTIVAL As this year devotees would not get the chance to pull Lord Jagannatha, Lord Baladeva and Subhadra Devi’s chariots through the streets, an online festival was organised on Saturday 18th July. This unique first-time European virtual collaboration festival was jointly hosted by ISKCON Berlin, ISKCONLondon, Radhadesh (Belgium) and ISKCON Zurich. The festivities included Deity darshans, talks by Sacinandana Swami, Mahavishnu Swami, Krishna Prema Rupa dasa, Madhavananda dasa, Nikunjavasini devi dasi, Shyamasundar dasa and guided meditation by Sacinandana Swami and kirtan by local groups. Through this festival, devotees around the world had an opportunity to welcome “The Lord of the Universe” into their homes and hearts. In London, Food for Life and Food for All provided a free take-away prasadam feast for the festival which was delivered to devotees’ homes on the day. Watch here: https://bit.ly/spiritofrathyatra-playback

Temple President of ISKCON Berlin, Sadasiva dasa shares how the initiative came about, “Since many European countries are not permitting large public gatherings due to the pandemic, many cities are unable to hold their annual Rathayatra festival. So, at ISKCON Berlin, we came up with the idea of holding an online festival. We also saw this as an opportunity to collaborate with other European centres to share the vibrant history of the movement in Europe. Through this virtual festival, our goal is to give our respective communities the chance to celebrate Rathayatra at least within their hearts guided through katha and kirtan. We also want to showcase a new level of European collaboration co-hosting this festival with the four other temples.” Rathayatra 25 Londonby

OUTREACH In July the Outreach Department carried out its regular programmes online. Dayal Mora dasa has been running a five-day live Bhagavad-Gita study every morning at 11.00am on the ISKCON-London Facebook page. Other online programmes for newcomers such as Wisdom Wednesdays and Spiritual Technologies continued on the Bhakti Yoga London Facebook and Instagram pages, every Wednesday 6.00pm and Thursday 6.30pm. Wisdom Wednesdays is a study group facilitated by Shyam Govinda dasa and involves studying the text Sri Isopanisad with a guest-speaker every week. Spiritual Technologies is a study group which focuses on studying the Bhagavad-Gita and involves reading, discussion and questions and answers. This is also facilitated by Shyam Govinda dasa.

FREE SPIRIT SUNDAYS The Outreach team started a new outdoor kirtan programme called ‘Free Spirit Sundays’ taking place in Soho Square Park. It takes place every Sunday afternoon from 3.00pm onwards. It’s proven to be an attractive and inviting programme to devotees and passers-by to come and join in the kirtan. Those that have joined in found the Hare Krishna kirtan enchanting and meditative. As there is plenty of space in the park, people can still maintain social distancing.

26 Outreach


Due to COVID-19, this year’s seven-day UK Padayatra event had to be cancelled. This event had been taking place yearly since 2016, organised by Dayal Mora dasa and Parasuram dasa. But the Padayatra team had a great new idea and have introduced one-day walks outside of London (which are technically still considered Padayatra according to the official ISKCON Padayatra standards) to different locations such as Dover and Seaford Seven Islands. These walks include harinama, picnic prasadam, devotee association and talks about Krishna in outstanding natural environments and are powerful experiences for newcomers to taste the joy of devotion. As a result of such programmes and other similar endeavours, but mostly by Krishna’s mercy, a few new youths have recently even decided to join the men’s ashram at ISKCON-London.

OUTREACH INTERVIEW WITH DEE WELIHINDA Dee Welihinda is a 30-year-old Project Manager for the Civil Service, currently living in South West London. Her first contact with Hare Krishna’s was in Reading about four years ago, during a Rathayatra festival where she enjoyed some prasadam. Since June last year Dee has been regularly attending the outreach programmes Wisdom Wednesdays and Fortunate Fridays. The Community Newsletter team caught up with Dee to find out a bit more about her spiritual journey so far. Community Newsletter Team: Hare Krishna Dee! Thanks for speaking to us. Firstly, tell us a bit about yourself, your background and interests? 27 Outreach

Dee Welihinda: I was born in Sri Lanka but grew up in Yorkshire and currently living in South West London. My hobbies include dancing, mainly salsa and modern jive and when I go home I enjoy target shooting with my parents in the local Rifle Club.

in it that truly resonated with me. Although I’ve meditated all my life, no other meditation has ever resonated with me that much. I then popped into the ISKCON-London Temple a few months later having chanted Hare Krishna at home regularly.

Q) Would you call yourself a spiritual person? If yes, why?

Q) What Krishna Conscious weekly programme have you been attending?

A) Yes. I was raised a Buddhist so I’ve always grown up with spirituality embedded in me and have always been spiritually curious. Q) Where had your spiritual journey taken you before you came into contact with the Hare Krishna’s? A) Although I’ve been a practicing Buddhist all my life, my first profound spiritual experience was with Lord Vishnu when I visited an ashram in Wales about three and a half years ago. That was the first time where I felt a connection with the divine in a personal way for the first time, where I felt I could truly open up and pour my heart out. To this date that place is my go-to happy place. Q) When did you first hear about the Hare Krishna’s? Was that in London? A) I’ve always known they existed because I’ve seen them doing Harinama in Oxford Street and in Stockholm. But my first proper contact was in Reading about four years ago when I accidentally bumped into a Rathayatra and took prasadam. I’ve always had a habit of randomly bumping into Hare Krishna’s! Q) What were your first impressions of the Hare Krishna’s? (You can be honest, we won’t be offended!) A) I’ve always been curious but thought they were a bunch of crazy folk in robes if I am honest. Mainly because I was always taught that being spiritual/ practicing religion was sitting down in a quiet meditative state. So I struggled to understand kirtan and thought they were busking to start with! Q) What made you want to learn more about the Hare Krishna’s? A) By complete chance I popped into the pop-up temple at the Mind, Body and Spirit festival in London last year. They did a few minutes of Hare Krishna japa meditation and there was something so profound

A) Wisdom Wednesdays, Sunday Programme and a few Fortunate Friday sessions before lockdown. Now I join the online Wisdom Wednesdays and Spiritual Technologies every week and try and pop into the Sunday Kirtan sessions in the park. Q) How do you find the programmes? A) It brings like-minded spiritually curious folk and devotees together and provides an open and inclusive forum to learn the scriptures and discuss other topical issues. Shyam Govinda dasa, who hosts the programmes, is always very inclusive and happy to be challenged and debate issues. So you never feel like you can’t raise anything. It truly feels like a discussion with a bunch of friends. Q) What do you look forward to the most each week about the programme? A) It is association with devotees and learning the scriptures. I’ve met and become friends with people I’d never come across if it wasn’t for the programmes. We have formed a supportive little community where we help each other with our spiritual journeys and in general even with silly little things like suit shopping for siblings! Q) Tell us about someone who really inspires you? A) Tulsi Gabbard. I feel I can relate to her having studied and worked in politics in the past. She inspires me because she helps breakdown that common misconception that you can’t be religious/ spiritual and be ambitious and have a successful career doing what you love. She is a good reminder that we all have our different varnas and roles to fulfil in this world, and we can do it in a Krishna conscious way with a service attitude.

To stay updated on all newcomer events, follow the Facebook page, Bhakti Yoga London:

www.facebook.com/bhaktiyogalondon 28 Outreach

PROJECT GROW July and August saw a beautiful variety of homegrown flowers, fruits and vegetables offered to Their Lordships. Offerings were used in the daily worship, decorating the Deities, the Deities’ garlands, food offerings and the flower vases on the altar and Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasasana. Other contributions included honey which was offered to Lord Balarama on Balarama Jayanti. A few of the preparations offered to Their Lordships during the festival days in August were made from Project Grow donations. One community member also made pure natural rose water which was used for bathing Their Lordships. Thank you to everyone’s contributions! The Project Grow team have also been engaging their children in gardening. Some benefits of engaging children in this service include: Helps children to be outdoors and build physical strength while digging, watering etc. Encourages healthy eating. Children love to eat what they grow. They learn responsibility and patience while looking after the plants’ needs. Teaches children to offer their results (in the form of flowers and produce) to Their Lordships and develop an attachment to serving Them. Feeling inspired and want to join the Project Grow team and grow for Sri Sri Radha-Londonisvara? Please contact Taruna Krishna dasa on tkd@iskcon. london. Project Grow contributions are collected once a week by ISKCON-London from Bhaktivedanta Manor entrance gates. Alternatively, they can be dropped off directly to ISKCON-London.

“Every man should produce his own food. That is Vedic culture. So this example is given: idam sariram ksetram. That means to own a certain piece of land is the basic civilization. Everyone must have a portion of land to produce his own food. There will be no economic problem” Srila Prabhupada, Lecture on Bhagavad-Gita 13.35, Geneva, June 6th 1974

“Of all areas that ISKCON devotees still need to make progress on, it is the production of our own food. Such production will be good for our health, will be satisfying to Krishna (that He is being offered as pure a food as possible) and will also go a long way to solving our economic challenges. So let me fall at the feet of all the wonderful devotees engaged in ‘Project Grow’ - what a wonderful initiative!” 29

Krishna’s Cows

Praghosa dasa, UK GBC

RADHA’S BOUTIQUE On Wednesday 26th August, on the auspicious occasion of Radhastami, Radha’s Boutique launched its brand new online shop which offers a range of spiritual books, candles, clothes, Deities, jewellery, stationary and spiritually inspired accessories. Radha’s Boutique is a yogic and spiritually inspired lifestyle brand, promoting fair trade, low impact on the environment and bringing a positive change with the communities it works with in India. Check out the new site here: www.radhasboutique.london (special 10% discount available!).

REGIONAL The following regional areas have regular Krishna Conscious programmes taking place which are supported by ISKCON-London: Folkestone (Atma Lounge), Crawley (Bhakti Yoga Centre), Brighton, Canterbury, Margate, North Kent and Wimbledon. The contact details for each centre can be found at the bottom of this section if you would like to get involved.

BHAKTI YOGA CENTRE The Bhakti Yoga Centre have continued having their regular programmes online and a special Sunday lecture with guest speakers every week, including Mahatma dasa, Hari Prasad dasa, Amarendra dasa and Jai Nitai dasa. These online classes have been keeping the community inspired and motivated during the lockdown. During the virtual Rathayatra and Janmastami festivals, local devotees helped with preparing and distributing prasadam cookies and a feast to the local community members to celebrate.

30 Radha’s Boutique / Regional

CANTERBURY ISKCON Canterbury have been busy working with Food for All UK and Margate Mantra Lounge to cook and deliver over 200 free vegetarian meals and meditation packs a week during the coronavirus crisis to those that need them in Canterbury and Margate. Special children’s meals were also available for those affected by school closures. If you, or anyone you know, lives in the area and would like a meal delivered to their home, please register by clicking here: https://bit.ly/3mPwY63 Mantra Caitanya dasa and his wife Hema Mukhi devi dasi continued having their online weekly Hare Krishna Canterbury Facebook Live programmes in July from their home consisting of Hare Krishna kirtans, readings from Sri Isopanisad and question and answer sessions. The popular sessions have been helpful to the community in Canterbury. A special Janmastami celebration was also organised with local devotees. “Totally agree about life being cruel and hard, but when I hear and join in chanting or kirtan, it soothes and heals - the vibration seems to soothe through to your very soul.” Attendee

“Beautiful. Very inspiring and thank you for your gentle way of explaining/ answering everything.” Attendee







CANTERBURY www.harekrishnacanterbury.com harekrishnacanterbury@gmail.com

NORTH KENT northkentsanga@gmail.com

MARGATE www.facebook.com/meditate.margate



BRIGHTON www.harekrishnabrighton.com

WIMBLEDON www.facebook.com/iskcon.wimbledon wimbledon@iskcon.london www.instagram.com/iskcon.wimbledon

SANKIRTAN “The more one hears about the Supreme God, the more one becomes fixed in devotional service. One should always hear about the Lord in the association of devotees; that will enhance one’s devotional service. Discourses in the society of devotees can take place only among those who are really anxious to be in Krishna consciousness.” Bhagavad-Gita 10.1 Purport Reading with others is a very important part of sankirtan. The Sankirtan Team have started reading via Zoom and over the phone with people previously contacted by the Sankirtan Calling Party and had received a book. These people are now getting an opportunity to read with the Sankirtan Team and go deeper into their Krishna consciousness. The team have found that people really appreciate these readings. The Sankirtan Calling Party takes place every Saturday from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Devotees are welcome to join. Please email Antoine on antoine@iskcon.london

BOOK DISTRIBUTION Syama Kisora dasa has been visiting local shops to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books and get donations. During August, the Sankirtan Team organised a book table outside ISKCON-London during the festival days such as Janmastami, Srila Prabhupada Vyasa Puja and Radhastami. On Janmastami, they distributed/sponsored over 20 Srimad-Bhagavatam sets and on Radhastami they distributed/sponsored 10 Srimad-Bhagavatam sets. The book table was very popular with devotees and passers-by.

The Sankirtan Team were pleased to reach their goal of distributing 50 Srimad-Bhagavatam sets during the Bhadra Campaign! Thank you to the following devotees who sponsored a set: Acutya Charan dasa and family Adilbek Sarsenov Amanda Teeha Antoine Bour Bhakta Ben Bhakta Max Brenda Kanagaratnam Chandra Caitanya dasa and family Dhiraj Dhruva Maharaj dasa Giridhari Krishna dasa Harikirtan dasa and family Jai Nitai dasa and Bhava Bhakti devi dasi Jain Keshava Savani Michelle Tchoukov Monica Nishi Kanta Krsna dasa and family Rajiv Nandha Raksita Reena Patel Robert Gupta and Family Rupanuga Bhakti dasa Sarada devi dasi Tushar Devchand Vimala devi dasi The Gita Project has reached almost 9,000 books distributed during the lockdown! Out of this total, 8,840 books have been distributed to care homes and prisons! This included 239 Bhagavad-Gita’s and 8,601 small books (Chant and Be Happy, Higher Taste and In Essence).

32 Sankirtan

HAMPSTEAD HEATH KIRTANS The Sankirtan Team have been continuing the Hampstead Heath kirtan. This has been a nice way to share kirtan with the public. Many devotees were also taking part during the weekdays to help spread the Holy Names.


If you would like to invite the sankirtan team to your own town for book distribution, harinama and a house programme, please email sankirtan@iskcon.london Sankirtan

SPIRITUAL MENTORSHIP SYSTEM MENTORSHIP NEWS The following devotees were approved for initiation or officially aspiring for initiation: Anjali Gupta

Approved for first initiation from Candramauli Swami. Her mentor is Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.

Ashmita Bauluck

Approved for officially aspiring from Radhanath Swami. Her mentor is Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.

Gayathri Jayanathan Approved for officially aspiring from Jayapataka Swami. Her mentors are Satya Narayan dasa and Madhvi devi dasi. Hanel Gir

Approved for first initiation from BB Govinda Swami. Her mentor is Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.

Hema Shah

Approved for officially aspiring from Sacinandana Swami. Her mentors are Jai Nitai dasa and Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.

Jenny Yue

Approved for first initiation from Mahatma dasa. Her mentors are Satya Narayan dasa and Madhvi devi dasi.

Sophie Georgiou

Approved for officially aspiring from Radhanath Swami. Her mentor is Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.

INITIATION OF JENNY YUE Jenny Yue was initiated on Sunday 30th August by Mahatma dasa. The ceremony was conducted online via Zoom due to the travel restrictions. Her new name is Jayaradhe-devi dasi. Her mentors are Satya Narayan dasa and Madhvi devi dasi. Jenny, who joined Krishna consciousness in 2010 through friends and university preaching programmes, has also been serving her spiritual master for the past six years organising his schedule when he visits the UK and managing his WhatsApp and Telegram broadcasts.

Jayaradhe-devi dasi shared her thoughts about her mentors and her initiation day: “My mentors have been invaluable in my journey and I would not have been able to take such a significant step in my spiritual life without them. They have treated me like family rather than as a mentee. I am incredibly grateful that I have had the opportunity to learn from their wealth of experience in Krishna consciousness and can never repay them for their selfless support. I felt very fortunate and humbled to be able to receive initiation. It was the happiest day of my life and I was deeply moved by the kind words, wishes and prayers from so many well-wishers.”

READING CHALLENGE Bhava Bhakti devi dasi’s mentee group have continued with their “Be a Sage Page by Page” challenge. In July they read four pages a day of Sri Isopanisad in order to complete it in one month. They moved onto Nectar of Devotion Wave 1 (Chapters 1 to 19) and read four pages a day for five weeks in order to complete this challenge. 34 Spiritual Mentorship System

VOLUNTEERING DARSHAN DAYS HEROES Since Sunday 5th July when the Temple reopened for darshan on Sundays, volunteers have been helping with a number of services to facilitate the “Darshan Days�, including ushering service, temperature checking with a non-touch reader, maha-prasadam distribution, packing take-away prasadam boxes during festival days and lots more. Special PPE equipment was provided by the Temple to the volunteers including face shields, face masks, gloves and hand sanitisers.

35 Volunteering

INTERVIEW WITH SHUSMITA DEB duties are directed towards serving Sri Sri RadhaLondonisvara and Their devotees. Also, you can learn a lot because it’s a different experience and lifestyle. I wanted to develop as a devotee and take my spiritual life more seriously. Q: What challenges have you faced so far? A: I found waking up really early for Mangal Arati quite difficult. It took some time to adjust. I joined the ashram a couple of days before Radhastami, therefore there were many services and activities during the day, which made waking up so early even harder! However, with time it became easier. The morning programme, particularly the Mangal Arati, is beautiful. It’s definitely worth waking up early for. Q: What is the best thing about staying in the ashram?

The Ladies Ashram had a new member, Shusmita Deb, join in August. Bhava Bhakti devi dasi met with her recently to find out a little bit about her. Bhava Bhakti devi dasi: Hare Krishna! So...how long are you going to stay here?

A: The devotees and Their Most Beautiful Lordships, Sri Sri Radha-Londonisvara. The ashram is one big family. Everyone is really caring, loving and friendly. As soon as I joined the ashram, I received a warm welcome from the residents. Association of devotees is very important for spiritual life. When you’re staying with and serving such advanced devotees, it’s wonderful.

Q: Why did you want to move into our tiny ashram in the middle of Central London?

Serving Sri Sri Radha-Londonisvara is blissful. Their Lordships are so stunningly beautiful. They captivate anyone who takes darshan of Them. They reciprocate with everyone who serves Them. I’m sure everyone agrees that there is just something special about Their Lordships.

A: I wanted to fully embrace spiritual life in the ashram. In the ashram, all your activities and

I feel very grateful and blessed to be staying in the ashram. Gauranga!

Shusmita: I genuinely don’t know. I’m hoping to stay a few months, at least!

36 Volunteering




DAILY SCHEDULE ARATI TIMES 04:30 05:00 07:00 08:00 12:30 16:15 19:00 21:00

DARSHAN TIMES Although Their Lordships’ arati is taking place as normal as part of the Deity worship, please note ISKCON-London Radha-Krishna Temple, at the time of publication, is closed and only open for darshan during Sundays from 4.00pm to 6.00pm and on specific festival days. Please visit www.iskcon.london for the latest information.

Mangal Arati Tulasi Arati Deity Greetings Dhoopa Arati Raj Bhoga Arati Dhoopa Arati Sundara Arati Sayana Arati

CLASS TIMES 07:30 Srimad-Bhagavatam / Caitanya-Caritamrta At the time of publication, classes in the Temple Room are only taking place in the morning which are available to view via live broadcast. Please visit Bhakti Yoga London, ISKCON-London and London College of Vedic Studies Facebook pages for the latest information on additional online classes, programmes and courses.

These are times when items are offered for the pleasure of Their Lordships.

ISKCON-London Radha-Krishna Temple 10 Soho Street London W1D 3DL

+44 (0)20 7437 3662






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