During May, the Sankirtan team continued with their different online reading programmes of BhagavadGita, Srimad-Bhagavatam and Caitanya-Caritamrita. They finished the reading of Caitanya-Caritamrita Adi Lila on the 1st of June. As the easing of the lockdown restrictions started, Syama Kisora dasa had the idea to have kirtan in local parks with a book table and some prasadam, keeping the right social distance but allowing the public to come and take books if they were interested. This was a great new opportunity to try this new way of sankirtan.
SANKIRTAN CALLING PARTY On Saturday 30th May, the Sankirtan team organised the first Sankirtan Calling Party. This was inspired by an idea by Vaisesika dasa, who is famous for his book distribution ideas. How does it work? It’s a simple programme which involves calling the contacts the Sankirtan team have made over the years while distributing books, people that met a guest greeter at the Temple and those that attend the weekly programmes and Temple open days. While calling them, the Sankirtan team and volunteers will enquire how the person is coping during the lockdown, how their mental health is and how is their spiritual life. Most people are very appreciative of the call. During the call the team also ask if the person would be interested in receiving a Spiritual Care Package, which includes a meditation kit and a Chant and Be Happy book. They also ask for a donation that can be made on the ISKCON-London website. It is quite like what the team usually do while out on the streets distributing books but this time they don’t need to go anywhere, they just need to grab their phone and start calling. The calling takes place at ISKCON-London and online via Zoom every Saturday from 10.30am to 12.30pm. To volunteer, please email Antoine on:
If you would like to invite the sankirtan team to your own town for book distribution, harinama and a house programme, please email Sankirtan