ISK PTA POLICY MANUAL This Policy has been created in agreement with the Administration of the International School of Krakow and the Parent Teachers Association.
MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the ISK PTA is to: - Help our school to create and nurture the rich learning environment in which our children grow. - Welcome new families and promote a spirit of community by offering assistance, information, and friendship. - Encourage parental support and participation to enrich the educational experiences of our children. - Support various programs within the school. PTA MEMBERS & STRUCTURE - The PTA is a voluntary organization. - All parents with currently enrolled students at ISK and all ISK faculty and staff are automatically members of the PTA. - The head of the PTA is the Steering Committee. - Within the PTA operates Teams (with Team Leaders), which are responsible for organizing various events and groups. PTA MEETINGS Regularly scheduled PTA meetings are as follows: - PTA General Meetings set in advance by the Steering Committee and published in the school calendar on the ISK website. o No activity will be planned to conflict with regularly scheduled PTA meetings. - Steering Committee meetings set once a month (or more if necessary) o For efficiency, all Steering Committee Meetings will be closed-door meetings for Steering Committee Members only. Non committee members may attend the meetings and/or ask to be put on the agenda with prior approval of the Secretary or President. Nonmembers will be present for their report only.
Written: 2012-01-03 Approved: 2012-01-29 Updated: 2012-06-01
PTA COMMUNICATIONS POLICY PTA SCHOOL-WIDE COMMUNICATIONS: - PTA members must submit all communications to the PTA Secretary for review and approval. When submitting the communication please indicate any deadlines for distribution. - A finalized document is to be submitted. The PTA Secretary is not responsible for creating the product to be distributed (ex: colors, pictures, wording, etc.). - Once approved, the PTA Secretary will distribute the finalized document to the ISK Community and post on the PTA bulletin board. ROOM PARENTS AND PTA TEAM COMMUNICATIONS: - The School will not supply email lists for emails to be sent out directly. - Room Parents and Team Leaders are encouraged to use their class or volunteer lists to make their email lists for communications within classes and teams. These types of communications do not require prior approval from the PTA Secretary. - The PTA will do everything possible to aid the Room Parents and Team Leaders in obtaining lists of students and volunteers. As a courtesy, please copy the appropriate PTA Vice President on any e-mails sent out. PTA FINANCIAL POLICY PTA BUDGETS: - All PTA Steering Committee Members and Team Leaders are responsible for being aware of their budget. - The Steering Committee Members and Team Leaders, prior to expenditure, must approve any funds required exceeding the budgeted amount. PTA REIMBURSEMENT: - All PTA Steering Committee Members and Team Leaders are responsible for having receipts for all personal monies spent on PTA matters. - These receipts must be attached to a reimbursement request form, and submitted to the Treasurer in a timely manner. - No reimbursement will be made without the proper receipts. - Reimbursements must be paid out during the school year in which they were incurred. GENERAL DUTIES OF PTA STEERING COMMITTEE The person who accepts a position on the Steering Committee signifies a desire to work toward the PTA mission and to serve the ISK community. PTA Steering Committee members will: - Learn all they can about the school. - Recognize the importance of cooperation in achieving PTA goals. - Recognize the importance of pooling ideas and encourage full discussion and participation before decisions are made. - Appreciate and respect the opinions of other members.
Written: 2012-01-03 Approved: 2012-01-29 Updated: 2012-06-01
Attend Steering Committee Meetings and General PTA Meetings to report monthly activities. The President and Secretary will be notified of any planned absences. Be a representative at School Board meetings. o This will be a rotating position for members of the Steering Committee upon earlier agreed schedule (based on schedule for Board Meetings), which ensures regular communication between PTA and School Board. o He/she shall attend the School Board Meetings, during which he/she represents the position of the PTA. At the subsequent Steering Committee Meeting, the representative gives a short overview of School Board Meeting results. o Any issues presented by the PTA representative at the School Board Meeting should be earlier approved by the PTA Steering Committee. In cases of conflict of opinion, PTA Steering Committee reserves the right to decide which topics will be considered for discussion.
STEERING COMMITTEE JOB DESCRIPTIONS: PTA PRESIDENT: The President will: - Lead and guide the PTA, ensuring the implementation of plans and goals set by the Steering Committee. - Lead and facilitate all meetings of the PTA. - Maintain order throughout the meetings. - Serve as the primary contact for the ISK Director. - Be the principal interface with parents. - Select/appoint Team Leaders. - Performs other duties as necessary. PTA VICE-PRESIDENTS: INTERNAL AFFAIRS VICE PRESIDENT: Shall assist the President and carry out the President’s duties in his or her absence or inability to serve. Internal Affairs Vice President will: - Act as liaison between the PTA Steering Committee and each Team Leader that puts together and runs all PTA-sponsored events and teams throughout the year. - Ensure that each team is running with enough volunteer support and Steering Committee support to ensure that each event is successful. - Oversee the PTA supply closet to coordinate purchase, storage, and distribution of items used by events and teams (e.g. paper products), dispose of unused items, and manage the use of PTA-owned items. - Promote and execute a volunteer sign-up table at the Open House, Welcome Picnic and General PTA Meetings; and deliver sign-up sheets to respective Team Leaders. - Plan, promote and execute the volunteer brunch at the end of the school year. Written: 2012-01-03 Approved: 2012-01-29 Updated: 2012-06-01
DIVISION VICE PRESIDENTS: There is a Vice President for each division: Lower school (Nursery – 5th grade) and an Upper School (Middle and High School) Vice Presidents. Division Vice Presidents will: - Serve as the primary PTA liaison with the ISK Division Heads in consultation with the PTA President. - Work with the Division Heads/Teachers to help with the needs of the school. - Be responsible for filling all Room Parent positions. - Be responsible for facilitating a Room Parent orientation at the beginning of the school year and support Room Parents throughout the year. - Organize and prepare treats throughout the year for key events. PTA SECRETARY: The PTA Secretary will: - Prepare the agenda for all Steering Committee and General PTA Meetings. - Take minutes of the Steering Committee and General PTA Meetings and post approved minutes from the General Meetings to the PTA page of the ISK website and to the PTA bulletin board. - Provide printed copies of the minutes to the PTA files and maintains the PTA files, including final Project Reports, PTA Policy Manual which includes general procedures and duties of Steering Committee and Team Leaders. - Handle correspondence and lead the external communication of Steering Committee/PTA based on the Communication Policy noted above. - Keep all records of the organization (eg. minutes book, attendance sheets, volunteers/membership list). - Bring necessary supplies to the meetings. PTA TREASURER: The PTA Treasurer will: - Keep the accounts of the PTA. - Report on its financial situation at each General PTA Meeting. - Process reimbursements on approved expenditures. - Have regular contact with the ISK Business Manager. - Present financial statements monthly to the Steering Committee and should have knowledge of the state of financial affairs. - Assist the Vice President of Internal Affairs in understanding the financial awareness, needs and obligations of their position. - Prepare the budget for approval. In the temporary absence of the Treasurer, authority of the Treasurer passes to the PTA President. The School Business Manager is notified in writing of the names of the persons empowered to conduct transactions on behalf of the PTA.
Written: 2012-01-03 Approved: 2012-01-29 Updated: 2012-06-01
PTA STEERING COMMITTEE ELECTION RULES - Steering Committee is in place for one calendar year: January 1st – December 31st. - The month of December will be a transition period with both current and newly elected Steering Committee members working together. - If a Steering Committee member must leave the school prior to the end of the term, the other members automatically take over the duties until the next election. Election timeline: - At the September PTA general meeting the available positions on the Steering committee are announced. Interested candidates are welcome to email their intent to the PTA Steering Committee 2 business days prior to the October General Meeting. - At the October General PTA Meeting all candidates will be introduced and allowed the opportunity to address the audience. - At the November General PTA Meeting voting will take place by private ballot. Only those present at the meeting will be allowed to vote. FILES AND RECORDS All Steering Committee Members will maintain adequate files and records at all times. These, plus the up-to-date policy manual, must be turned over to the succeeding President promptly to ensure a smooth turnover. Steering Committee Members are responsible for orienting and familiarizing the succeeding Steering Committee Members with the files and procedures of the Committee. Steering Committee Members will familiarize themselves with the PTA Policy Manual. SELECTION OF TEAM LEADERS - The President will select Team Leaders who are members interested in serving the PTA by organizing an event/team within the PTA. - The Internal Affairs Vice President, along with support from the President, is responsible for coordinating and delegating responsibilities to Team Leaders. These positions are not a part of the Steering Committee. EACH TEAM LEADER WILL: - Be responsible for planning, organizing and running the event/team. - Coordinate with the Treasurer through the Vice President of Internal Affairs regarding any budget amounts and procedures. - Present a plan of action to the Steering Committee prior to the event. - Staff event with parent volunteers. - File a final report with the Steering Committee the month following the event/project completion. - Suggest dates for holding the event the subsequent calendar year. - Keep a binder/folder of event/team procedures, volunteer contact list, and specific timelines and responsibilities. This information is to serve as a manual and is passed to succeeding Team Leaders.
Written: 2012-01-03 Approved: 2012-01-29 Updated: 2012-06-01
TEAM REPORTS At each Steering Committee meeting, a concise report of significant happenings and upcoming plans within each team is to be given. The written report is to be submitted to the Secretary prior to the meeting date if not attending, or at the meeting if attending. TEAM LEADER SUGGESTIONS ARE (BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO): WELCOME PICNIC TEAM LEADER: - Coordinate welcome event that takes place on a Saturday or Sunday in September at ISK, usually outdoors. - Opportunity for parents and children to get together socially at the beginning of the school year. HOLIDAY MARKET TEAM LEADER: - Coordinate event that takes place over two days in late November or early December. Market is set up within the school for students to buy gifts independently. Market is open to parents and teachers on the second day. - Organize parent volunteers to staff the market. - Collect donations of goods from parents. - Purchase items to sell. WINTERNATIONAL CELEBRATION TEAM LEADER: - Organize the food from the ISK community for the celebration following the Winternational performance. - Assist faculty and staff regarding other aspects of the performance/evening. SUMMER JAMBOREE TEAM LEADER: - Coordinate event that takes place on a Saturday or Sunday at the end of May/beginning of June. The Jamboree is a fun day for all the family with food, games, music and raffles. - Responsible for selling entrance tickets and raffle/game tickets. - Solicit items for raffle from classes and school sponsors. - Organize parent volunteers to staff event. STAFF APPRECIATION TEAM LEADER: - Coordinate end-of-the-year event to convey our thanks for the hard work and commitment of all ISK faculty and staff. - Organize parent volunteers to staff event and supervise students during event. - Organize, prepare and serve food to ISK faculty and staff. - Organize special events, treats and gifts for faculty and staff for special occasions throughout the school year (e.g. Halloween, Valentine’s Day, etc.).
Written: 2012-01-03 Approved: 2012-01-29 Updated: 2012-06-01
WELCOMING TEAM LEADER: - Greet new families and introduce them to ISK, give tours/answer questions, correspond via e-mail or phone. - Plan, promote, and execute all Newcomer Coffees at the beginning of the school year (typically in September) and after the December holiday break (typically in January). - Create a pool of volunteers that speak a variety of languages that would be willing to assist in welcoming native foreign language speakers. - Create and hand out information for newcomers and encourage newcomer involvement with PTA activities. - Report at the General PTA meeting following Newcomer Coffees. SOCIAL TEAM LEADER: - Coordinate and organize events outside of ISK’s school grounds in which families can participate (ex: Movie matinÊe of Adventures of TinTin, Family Bowling night, Parents Night Out, Game Nights, etc.). - Families pay nominal fee to attend.
Written: 2012-01-03 Approved: 2012-01-29 Updated: 2012-06-01