Trustees OPEN Meeting INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF KRAKOW 5:30p.m. June 12, 2012
Present: Chairman Allen Greenberg, Anne Braghetta, Max Dudhia, Allen Haberberg, John Lynch, Barbara Myrczek, Elysa Sicard, Eric van der Steen, Joerg von Weiler. Ex Officio: Mamie Heard, Piotr Buczkowicz, Barbara Kotarba (note taker), Brett Elkei, Erik Lutley, Małgorzata Gonet Mroczka, Sarah Wadiak. Absent: Jeff Gaskill future ISK Board Chairman representative. Visitors: VENUE: Piano Rouge, Main Square Krakow
The Board was hosted by Max Dudhia at Piano Rouge in Krakow center. DIRECTOR’S REPORT TO THE BOARD These last few weeks of school have been extraordinarily busy with many positive events and celebrations: PTA Spring Jamboree, Filharmonia Concert, Graduation, Japanese Art Workshop, final exams, and school trips within Poland and to Ukraine and Spain. Spring Jamboree welcomed approximately 250 people to our campus to enjoy a great community atmosphere, delicious food, beautiful weather, and lively performances from the winners of ISK Song Quest. Thank you goes to our PTA President and Steering Committee and Malin Blomqvist who organized this hugely successful and fun event. Filharmonic Concert was hugely successful with over 80% capacity for the morning concert involving ISK 60 students in grades 2-8. A special recognition must go to Ms. Sarah LyleWadiak who not only directed but also wrote the lyrics to the music and to Paul Lucas who assisted with the stage direction. Our students certainly learned from this opportunity to perform in Krakow’s Filharmonia. The free publicity and recognition of our student’s performance in this venue created a most positive image for ISK in the Krakow community. Graduation, the academic highlight of the year, was well attended with over 120 family, guests, Mogilany and Krakow political officials, Consulate members from Germany and France, ISK faculty, students and parents. A special thank you goes to the Board for your attendance and support. Japanese Art Workshop organized by Haruko Greenberg and Ms. Paulette Lidert (ISK art teacher) welcomed renowned artist Sanae Takahata, a Japanese artist who is in Krakow for