Boats for Sale
From the Helm
The latest update from Viki
Go East & Pacific Rally 2024
Update on the content covered so far
South Island Rally Shennanigans
Be My Guest
Tips on being an awesome cruiser this season
The Three Kings Race
Groupama Race - New Caledonia
Upcoming Events
Boating Etiquette
ask our Pirate panelist your curly questions
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This month’s newsletter comes to you from the gorgeous Captain’s Lounge at the Boat Works on the Gold Coast. I’ve been spending the last two weeks touring around the marinas and boatyards in southern Queensland and now getting our first group of Go East rally boats away to New Caledonia.
Thank you to everyone who made me feel so welcome during my visit to Australia. There are some amazing places to go sailing, great marine facilities, awesome marinas and very generous rally partners that really take great care of our rally participants and members
We’ve got quite a few NZ boats planning on visiting Australia at the end of the Pacific sailing season, and quite a few of our Australian Pacific Rally participants are keen to end up in NZ, so we will have boats going in all directions around the Pacific.
When I purchased the Down Under Rally from John Hembrow he told me that combining both Island Cruising & Down Under Rally under one umbrella was going to be a completely seamless solution for sailors cruising anywhere around the SW Pacificand well John - you were right! Cruisers now have the option of sailing any of the destinations from NZ, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Caledonia or Australia on our rallies at any time they wish to depart
There are now 105 boats registered on the Pacific Rally all going in various different directions and
we have different departures heading away to various destinations too - so you can join in any time, or also sail independently if you wish. There is no obligation to join in with the social stuff if you’d rather do your own thing, but still tap in to all the resources, connections and deals on offer
We also have boats in French Polynesia who will be joining us to either “Sail South to NZ” or “Go West to Australia” later in the year. These packages help international cruisers to navigate their way through the paperwork, biosecurity, visa options, weather considerations as well as welcome events on arrival in either NZ or Australia. We can provide recommendations on the best marine businesses and provide some great offers from our rally partners to get work done on your boat during their stay or alternatively give tips on the best places to explore if they decide to continue cruising further south over the summer season.
If you are a marine business and would like to promote your products or services to our wide network, please do give me a call to discusswe ’ ve got a variety of different marketing packages to suit every budget!
The Go-East Pacific Rally group of boats has been enjoying all sorts of activities over here at the amazing facilities at the BoatWorks. We’ve had training on how to maintain a watermaker at Stella Marine, learning some great safety and maintenance tips on dinghies with the RIB Force Inflatables team, checking out all the cool marine hardware equipment at Southern Seas Marine, social events at Kokomo and the various cafes in the marina, an Advanced First Aid course with Marine Medical Solutions, Safety & Sea Survival with Paper Sailors Rock, Customs have been down to talk to us about the clearance process, passage planning sessions, tips on anchoring from Rocna anchors, checking the weather numerous times a day with PredictWind and MetBob, and generally having lots of fun getting to know each other. Oh and boat jobs, lots of boat jobs...
I’ll be flying back to NZ today, with a brief stop at home to unpack, and repack before heading up to Opua for our pre-departure sessions up there, which are shaping up to be another action packed few days of social events, catching up with the local businesses, briefings and more!
Then I’ll be flying up to Noumea and catching up with the Australian group who will (hopefully) arrive while I am there, and then back to Tonga to welcome the NZ group! Our group heading to Fiji will all be well looked after with some fun welcome events scheduled on their arrival too.
It is not too late to join us! We will be connecting with all the international sailors as we cruise through the Pacific and encouraging them to stick around longer in this amazing part of the world and to take their time cruising the South West Pacific. There is way too much to see in just one season, so stop and stay a while, come down to NZ one year and Australia the next, slow down as you take your time to explore and connect with the people in Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu & New Caledonia, come back across the Tasman and do it all again year after year!
I was very honoured this month to also win another award! This time recognising our online training program which combines the best of the Down Under Rally videos put together by John Hembrow with all the resources we have created at Island Cruising. At just $129.00 per annum this represents great value and an incredible amount of information for people preparing their boats for some long coastal or offshore adventures - if you aren’t a member already I invite you to join us!
People often ask how I manage to get round and keep track of all the boats, and someone captured a picture of me recently out doing the rounds, so the secret is out ;)
Happy sailing!
Tony Sparks created an AI generated song for the rally this season! Check this out - click play to listen! Incredible!
Our Comprehensive Offshore Cruising Preparation Course is available online and on demand
The course content is broken down into easy to digest 1 hr sessions, View the course content as often as you wish.
View when it suits you.
Learn at your own pace.
Pause / Rewind at any time.
Contact the course presenters via email or telephone at any time with questions.
Preparing the Vessel
Ship Registration: Guide to ships registry
Category 1: What is ‘Cat 1’and how does it apply to you and your vessel
Safety Gear: Vessel specific – EPIRBS, MOB devices
Rigging: Tips for extended cruising & safety including deck layout, preventers and more.
Sails: Selection, balance, tuning, maintenance, furling systems.
Anchors & Anchoring: How many, types, warps, windlass
Water treatment: Filtration, purification, disinfectant, watermakers.
Vessel Systems: Plumbing, gas, fuel
Battery Systems: Capacity, measuring power consumption, troubleshooting, preventative maintenance and charging systems
Power generation: How much do you need to generate and the pros and cons of various options including wind, solar and mechanical
Electronics: Radios, charting, GPS, Radar, autopilot, AIS, etc.
Steering: Tiller, wheel, wind vanes, autopilots & emergency systems
Diesel Engines: Troubleshooting, spares
Fuel systems: Filters, injectors, avoiding ‘bugs & bad fuel’
Navigation: Basic equipment requirements
Charts: Tables, filing, requirements
Preparing the People
Sea Survival: Coastal and Offshore
Watchkeeping & safety protocols
Safety Gear: Personal EPIRBS and MOB devices, personal AIS
Seasickness: Remedies, management & avoidance
Log Keeping: How to keep a ship log and why plus basic record keeping
To Crew or not to crew: Pros and cons of having crew aboard, where to find crew and your responsibilities.
Sailing to a schedule: A recipe for disaster
Medical Kits and medicines
Money Matters: Credit cards, foreign currency, Power of Attorney
Insurance: Vessel & Travel
Staying Sane: Identifying roles, communicating aboard & sharing small spaces
Offshore Communications
Voice Communication options including Satellite, Radios – VHF/ SSB/ HAM & Radio Schedules
Electronic communications including email at sea: why is it important?
Vessel tracking and position reporting
Computer’s, Tablets, Phones and apps
Weather Forecasting: Coastal & Offshore
Weather information: Sources of weather info, how to interpret and use weather info.
Weather routing for Passage Planning & Passage Management
Personal Health
Preparing and maintaining the Mind & Body
Search and Rescue
How to Contact, Response times, authority & scope of SAR.
What to take, where to put it & what is available when you get where we are going.
Sourcing Products & Services
Where to get great discounts and deals on marine and cruising lifestyle products and services
Cruising Guides & Reference Books: Recommended, pilots, reference manuals, cruising guides
Scenario One
Imagine you are at home, and wake up one Saturday morning to find that a large campervan has parked up on the street right outside your house.
One of the camper van inhabitants has just popped up from behind a tree in the reserve next door and is walking back to the van with a roll of toilet paper in their hand...
Another is in your front yard helping themselves to some lemons off your tree out front, and is about to take a stroll around your garden.
“Oi! ”You cry out the window... “What the hell do you think you’re doing...!!”
“Bugger off, it’s a free country - we can park wherever we like!” They reply....
How would you feel?
Scenario Two
You wake up one morning, to a campervan pulling up outside your house. They approach with a friendly knock at the door and introduce themselves and ask if it is ok with you if they park outside for a few nights? They explain that they are fully self contained so they’re really just after a nice spot to park up.
They’ve brought with them a cake that they’ve just baked, and explain that they’re just visiting the area and keen to learn a bit more about what there is to do around here.
You invite them in for a chat, you give them some lemons off your laden tree, and after deciding that they are really nice people you invite to take them to a local spot for some sightseeing, and they offer to cook you dinner that night.
How would you feel now...?
The two situations described above are completely the same. There is still a campervan parked outside your house, you are still a few lemons less than you had on your tree earlier that day. The only difference is the way that the situation was handled by the people who pulled up outside.
The same applies for cruisers. It pays to remember that whenever you anchor up in a bay you are essentially parking up on someones front lawn.
From that point, you have got two choices to make - whether you make friends with the people ashore or whether you potentially upset them...
In the Pacific, the islands, and the bays you anchor in are all owned by someone or a village. The bay where you’ve just anchored are often mahinga kai - or traditional food collection areas for their village. The fruit trees ashore are all on someone’s property.
We can all do better to help protect these food resources. Make sure you use your holding tanks when anchored in a bay, take care with what chemicals are being put down the drain or out of your bilge, only dispose of your rubbish when you are in a place that can actually handle disposal and do not take fruit or vegetables ashore without purchasing or asking permission.
In some islands such as Fiji and New Caledonia, there is a set protocol for visiting any anchorage. The sevusevu or coutume is a process you should research and follow diligently before arriving in these countries to ensure you understand what is required and that you are stocked with the necessary kava or other suitable offerings for the chief.
In Tonga & Vanuatu and other countries you should still go ashore to introduce yourself and check that you’ve anchored in a suitable spot. Meet the people and ask if there are any interesting sights to visit ashore - perhaps they might offer to guide you on a hike. You can ask to purchase or trade for food that they’ve grown.
We can all do out bit to leave a positive impression with the locals and these interactions will potentially form some great friendships. Always aim to tread lightly, taking special care of the environment, the land, ocean, people, culture and customs. You are a guest in these places, and your attitude will determine whether you and future cruisers continue to be welcomed in to these precious places.
We’ve put together some guidelines for the values we like to encourage for all cruisers visiting the
The Islands of the South Pacific are spectacularly beautiful but fragile, and visiting sailors play a vital role in preserving their natural beauty and reinforcing the long history of mutual respect between the islanders and world cruisers. Kaitiaki is a Māori term used for the concept of guardianship for the sky, the sea and the land. The process and practices of protecting and looking after the environment is referred to as kaitiakitanga. By following our Island Cruising & Down Under Rally Tiaki Promise, you are making a commitment to act as a guardian, protecting and preserving the ocean, islands and culture of the South Pacific.
Nurturing our curious and adventurous spirit to set out and explore the South Pacific just as all of our ancestors did.
Protect the Plants and Animals
Treat the coastline, coral, fish, forests and birds with care and respect. They are unique and often rare or endangered. Ensure your hull is clean to avoid spreading pests and respect the fishing rules. When on shore, keep to the tracks to avoid damaging plants, ask for permission when anchoring, exploring and before taking fish or fruit, take only photographs & leave no trace of your visit.
Protect the Ocean & the Places we Visit
Celebrate the lands and waters that give us life. Use biodegradable detergents, obey local laws, do not discharge your holding tanks within 500m from land or near marine farms, villages, traditional food collection areas, or marine reserves. Take care when refuelling. Ensure no rubbish ends up in the ocean. Pick up litter you find along your travels. Reduce the use of single use plastics. Recycle wherever possible. Dispose of your rubbish only in designated areas.
Manaakitanga - Consider Others
Be respectful of other water users, understand and obey the COLREGs, anchor considerately. Keep an eye out for your fellow rally participants, be friendly and courteous to the people you meet along the way.
Wairuatanga - Respect The Culture
Learn and respect the local culture of the places you visit into which stories, song lines, ancestors & dreamings are woven. Many places in the South Pacific, New Zealand & Australia are special and have a spiritual, historical, environmental and cultural significance. Pay respect to the local people, past and present for their hospitality, generosity and custodianship of the places you visit.
Kotahitanga – Work Together & Be Prepared
Expect challenging weather conditions. Ensure your vessel and crew are well prepared for the adventures ahead. Communicate and keep in touch with trip & position reports. Unite with fellow rally participants to help one another, socialise, and share knowledge and experiences.
The countdown to the Go East & Pacific Rally is on and the Pacific Rally participants will be participating in the Sea Lovers Gin "Why Are You A Sea Lover? Competition"
A reminder that we’d also like to offer special goodies exclusively to crew taking part in the rally. If you use the code ‘PacificRally’ on our website it will be noted on our side that you are a crew member and you receive a free goodie!
1x bottle of gin = A stainless steel reusable straw pack. 3x bottles of gin = A special burgee flag to use during the rally.
The Sea Lovers Gin Burgee for crew members can be used at anchor - fly your burgee flag to show other rally members that you are open for socialising! i.e. when the burgee is flying, other crews are welcome to come aboard for a drink/sundowners Cheers to that!
How To Enter the "Why Are You A Sea Lover? Competition"
Whilst docked for the day, perhaps enjoying a glass of Sea Lovers Gin, we challenge the crew to simply take a snap of what's going on, tagging us @sealoversgin and answering the question "Why Are You A Sea Lover?". The photo or video can be of anything you like - from enjoying sea lovers gin, a snap of big smiles from your crew at the end of a big day or anything you think captures the wonder that is being out at open sea! We'll be keeping a firm eye out on socials we're tagged into on Instagram (entries are valid via Instagram story or Instagram post!), no limits on entries. Enter as many times as you like. The lucky winner will score their boat a branded chilly bin full of exclusive Sea Lovers Gin merch. RRP over $400 NZD. *T&Cs.
SLG branded chilly bin
Beach towels
East Imperial Tonic
SLG tote bags
SLG t-shirt
Stainless steel straw sets
Pacific Rally boats enjoy Half price beer for the first drink when visiting Mounu. Have a night ashore! 3 Course fine dining experience dinner, accommodation in beach side fale and yummy breakfast - Special for Cruising yacht group only TOP$380 per person. Contact: mounuislandvavau@gmail.com
A completely independent mechanical system (ie. non-electrical) that steers the boat on a wind-based course. Easiest to operate, with no lines in the cockpit, and excellent on all points of sail and in all conditions.
It is an Auxiliary Rudder type of windvane system – the Vane drives its own Rudder via a sophisticated Drive Unit linkage.
Inherently a second Rudder and Steering System for your boat.
It is the strongest Emergency Rudder and Steering System available today. Always in place, nothing to set-up – takes the fear out of losing your rudder or breaking your vessel’s steering mid passage or close to shore.
its awesome to have Colin & the Parlay Revival crew on the South Island Rally. Check out their adventures on the first leg towards the South Island.
Almost 6 years since launched by the Queensland Government, Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ) and its partners have overseen the removal of more than 1,350 vessels from Queensland’s waterways. The current round of funding enables this work to continue to 30 June 2025. MSQ currently has 554 vessels flagged as being of interest. Recognised nationally for its success, the War on Wrecks program has removed the larger vessels that the authorities have been made aware of, focusing recently on the more easily salvaged, smaller craft. Community and industry can get involved by emailing: WarOnWrecks@msq.qld.gov.au if you:
know of the location of an unseaworthy vessel that is a danger to navigation or a threat to the marine environment or public safety. own such a vessel and would like to discuss ways of removing it. know the identity and contact details of the owners of such vessels think you can help with suggestions to prevent vessels becoming derelict and abandoned in future.
Registering a boat in Queensland is set for a limited trial of a new process aimed to make it more efficient for the public and businesses conducting boat sales.
BIA has advocated to Maritime Safety Queensland for some time to shift the registration process for recreational boats to be more digital and online. The aim is to move away from the long-standing paper-based application submitted in person at a government service centre.
The aim of the trail is to assess the new process. For more information contact neil@bia.org.au.
The Gold Coast Waterways Authority is developing the Waterways Place Strategy to facilitate future planning, investment decision-making and management activity of the Gold Coast’s waterways. Andrew Fielding (GCWA Board Member) said, “The waterways that weave through the Gold Coast are a very important part of residents' lifestyle, they contribute greatly to the tourism sector, and they play a significant role in the success of South-East Queensland’s Marine Industry. Public consultation is an important part of the decision-making process and the GCWA team are keen to hear from community and industry about what they envisage for the future. To ensure that your opinion is considered in the decisions that will shape the ‘Strategy’, please take the time (approximately 10 minutes) to complete the survey”.
To find out more and complete the survey please click below.
For all those coming to Tonga this year and want to stop in at Ha'apai @kitesurftonga resort can do amazing 2 course dinners, drinks, Kitesurfing& Wing foil lessons and whale encounters. Make sure you get in touch in advance to book encounters & lessons and they need 24 hours notice for dinner
I was delighted to support the Women Who Sail Australia Gathering on the Bay Conference held in Port Stephens earlier in April.
This is always a great event and the conference saw many women across the country gather to build new friendships, work on goal setting, share stories, discover new pathways into a career in boating and to learn about the wonderful world of sailing in a positive and supportive environment.
While I couldn’t be there in person, I was able to “Zoom In” and do a video stream talk about how to prepare your boat, your crew and yourselves to head on an offshore voyage, and explain what is involved in doing one of our rallies, and what you might expect to see when out cruising in the South Pacific.
There were also presentations on deck hardware, turtle rescue, mental health while cruising, radio operations and much more the conference was jam packed with insight and practical information. A live cross to Lisa Blair from the Tasman Sea, a highlight. Cruising Tasmania with Sheenagh Neil, breathtaking, her insights and spectacular photography of the North Coast of Tasmania inspired the group planning their next sailing adventure South.
Goal setting with Sonia Robinson de Andujar empowering, uncovering the mysteries of trimming both the headsail and the mainsail with Annette Hesslemans informative and confidence building, and our very own BIA Women In Boating Chair, Tracy Souris, spoke to the group on the BIA’s vision of creating a diverse and future focused industry with much engagement from the audience. The room was alive with a great sharing of knowledge and experience, an absolute pleasure that the BIA was able to be involved.
A huge thank you to Shelley Wright and all the other guest speakers for organising and delivering
We are very proud to be a part of the South Pacific Sailing Network - a group of like minded businesses and countries around the South Pacific who are all committed to promoting sustainable yachting tourism and advocating on behalf of cruisers exploring the South Pacific.
Our Pacific rally is the pathway that connects the islands and sailors together
Read more about the aims of the SPSN here.
Mooringbnb is a new platform designed to allow mooring owners to maximise their earnings while making it easy for sailors to book a mooring from anywhere. It’s the ultimate win-win set to take off this summer.
Often,mooringssitunusedforextendedperiodsoftime. Mooringbnb.co.nzmakesiteasytohireyourmooring outwheneveryou’renotusingit.Itworksalongsimilar linestoAirBnB,allowingsailorstosearchforan availablemooring,bookitandpayforitonthespot.
Mooringbnbautomatesalltheadminwork,from marketingtotakingpaymentsandevennotifyingthe harbourmasterwhenthemooringisbeingused.It’sfully customisable,soyoucancontrolitsavailability,and chargewhateverrateyouwish.
Registeringyourmooringcostsnothing,andyouget paidtherateyouset.
It’savailableinNewZealandatthemoment,butissetto expandintoAustraliaandthePacificIslandsin2024.
Formooringowners,it’sauniqueopportunityto generateincomethatrequiresminimaleffort.Itmakes morelocationsavailabletosailors,includingwhenthe weatherturnsbadandtheyneedasafeplacetostayat shortnotice.
Thenumberofmooringsareincreasingmonthlyand sailorsarealreadymakingbookingsforthenextfew months.Withthesummersailingseasononthehorizon, it’stheperfecttimetolistamooringandgenerateextra incomewhileyousailoffelsewhereyourself.
Max and I stood in the rain, our wet weather gear already soaking, waiting for a gap in the wind coming in 30 knot bullets through Westahven Marina. The gale that had been blowing over the last 24 hours, and led to an 18 hour delay to the start of the RNZYS Three Kings Ocean Race, was showing signs of abating but the howling noises in the rigging around us continued in the big gusts.
All the work to get us ready was behind us now. As we slipped quitely out of the marina we checked in with the race officer perched in the Westhaven Tower.
With only 15 knots blowing as we motored under the Auckland Harbour Bridge to hoist sails we elected for one reef and our number 3 headsail. The breeze piped back in at more than 30 knots 10 minutes before the start so we made the call to put in the second reef. This saw us two minutes late for the start and last boat over the line. With fully crewed, powerful 55 footers on the same start line and so much breeze this assured our strategy of a conservative start!
By North Head we were leading the shorthanded fleet. With two quick tacks in close to the cliffs we had put Favourite, an Elliot 1350, behind us and we were to windward of Ragnar, a Sunfast 3300. Our mates in Indis, another Sunfast 3300, had some bad luck with a torn mainsail at the start. They were on their way back to Westhaven. The courageous duo aboard Hotdogger were bringing up the rear. Beyond Rangitoto Light the sea way was henious. The sea broke in shallow water and the outgoing tide created cresting, breaking waves with no backs. We were in good shape and pleased to be footing along with the slick, fully crewed Thompson 38 Perfect Storm. By the time we reached Whangaparaoa Peninsula Ragna was nowhere in sight and Favourite were a couple of miles astern. We found some flat water and lifted in close to the shore as the breeze started to clock to the north and west. This was a great sign as it heralded the end of this intense system. As we approached Tiri Channel the breeze turned off as if by a switch, clocked to the west and turned back on. We were soon reaching north with sunshine drying out our wet gear.
��Suellen Hurling / Live Sail DieThe afternoon sailing was glorious and by sundown we were passing the high cliffs of Whangarei Heads. “The Andrews” aboard Favourite sailed high, inside and passed us at Cape Rodney using their big number one headsail. Ragnar, enjoying the reaching conditions, reeled us in and sailed close on our hip for hours. We enjoyed dinner of penne and meatballs nice and early. After Whangarei Ragnar hoisted a big reaching sail and roared off low and into the dark at pace. They had finally passed us.
During the night we passed Cape Brett as close as we dared. We were looking to find the balance between avoiding the wind shadow from this large land mass and being as high as we could with a distinct left hand turn coming up where we would harden up to be on the wind. On AIS I could see Ragnar had reeled in Favourite and at times was ahead of them.
By the second morning we were just north of the Cavalli Islands and were sad to learn that our friends Sin and Nigel on Hotdogger, who had overcome an initial mainsail issue, had now decided to retire. By now we were feeling the effects of a low pressure system that arrived from the west. The wind increased to 22 knots, we were hard on the breeze and the sea state was getting rougher. We put one reef in the main and the boat felt good. We would pass North Cape that afternoon and were happy to be pointing higher and slightly windward of Favourite and Ragnar who were sailing in very close company and 12 miles ahead of us now. During the afternoon, the seas deteriorated with the boat slamming through waves and shipping lots of water. Ragnar made the call to retire on seamanship grounds leaving only us and Favourite at the back of the fleet and battling it out for shorthanded honours.
It was a busy afternoon. First, the chart table in Ākonga coming out of the boat in two pieces. My lee clothe had been attached to it and upon reflection it was now clear that it was never designed for that! I ended up on the floor out of my bunk with the top of the table on top of me and the leg of the table sliding off into the galley. Calling Max down to help, he was able to untangle me and, after we got rid of some dangerous screws, stored the table for fixing another day. Tucked back in my bunk I was soon called on deck by Max who was concerned we would need to tack to avoid a naval ship doing exercises involving a helicopter taking off and landing on its after deck. We decided to call them on Channel 16 and ask for them to move so we could avoid a tack we didnt want to do. Although they were not identified as such on AIS, the radio operator assured me they were the New Zealand Warship Aoteoroa, that they could see us and were just about to move forward to get out of our way. They came around our bow and alongside us which gave us a good look at them. It was pretty rough so we elected to have a simple dinner of cheese and biscuits, salami and a steak pie eaten in a bowl with a spoon.
As night fell on our second night at sea we were well clear of North Cape. With the land mass of the North Island no longer in the way the seas became large and rolling five metre mountains. With the breeze now down a little we were pleased to be laying the Three Kings and the wind waves were not as firece as they had been as approaching North Cape. Favourite was a lot lower than us and it appeared when they tacked to get to the west of the Three Kings Islands the cross would be close if we kept pressing on hard.
When we did cross at midnight we were ahead and tacked to cover Favourite. One more tack and we were laying the western most island of the Three Kings and we led Favourite around the Islands. The breeze was running dead square along the Three Kings and with the huge sea rolling through them and apparent breeze reduced we decided to take a long route of reaching high, then gybing to another reach to get around them. At 0347 on the morning of Day 3, After 1 day and 19hours sailing we cleared the eastern most Island of the Three Kings. Soon we were reaching back to North Cape under Code Zero with Favourite hot on our heals. In the pitch black we had not seen any of these spectacular barren and rocky lumps sticking out of the sea at the interesction of the Tasman Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Alas we would have to come back another day.
We were rewarded with another beautiful sunrise on Day 3 as we neared North Cape. We had kept Favourite at bay during the night and they were still on our starboard aft quarter at sun up. As the mountainous seas rolled under us she would disappear from view but she was defintielty still there and when they rolled out their big black code zero they looked intent to out run us with more hoursepower. We had close racing heading into North Cape and manged to hold them out before they ran away wide around the Cape and outside us. Both reaching now on a beuatiful sunny day Favourite started to enjoy the benefit of their extra waterline length and stretched away from us. Max worked hard during his afternoon watch sailing with our big geneker to stay in touch and eat into Favourites lead. At sundown they sailed into a hole and we maanged to sail right up alongside them. Just then a new breeze filled in from the west, we changed back to the code zero and were laying the point we had been targeting all day long well east of Cape Brett to keep out of its wind shadow. On my watch Favourite hiked up well to windward of us and it took all my nerve to let them go and stick with the game plan of going wide of Cape Brett.
As we approached Brett the breeze was hanigng in there and we were reaching fast in flat water. Favourite were inshore of us and we were neck and neck. Then they stopped. It could have been a mistake in sail handling, weed, a hole in the breeze or even a man over board. There were no calls for help from them on Channel 16 and we pressed on. I didnt know what exactly had happened to them but by the end of my three hour watch they were 10 miles astern.
Max pressed on through the night and had us at The Hen and Chicks Islands and Sail Rock by sunrise. By now Favourite were 30 miles astern. Another beautiful day lay ahead and so did Cape Rodney a spot notorious for parkups where the breeze could have large gaps in it. We plotted a course to give it as wider berth as possible, hoisted our geneker again and enjoyed coffee, bacon, eggs and bagels in the morning sun.
The weather forecast assured us a south westerly change was on its way. But as we approached Kawau Island ominous rain cells surrounded us, the breeze died and we were left to sail due east away from the mark simply to keep some momentum. It appeared these little cells were holding out the westerly. We looked forward hopefully for a dark line in the water that would be the new westerly breeze. It did come but then was replaced by a light northerly breeze. We took the opportuity to hoist our new running spinaker and stealthily gybed close along the easter shore of Kawau.
Finally the westerly came and we set the boat up to go to windward. It was a glorious afternoon of sailing through the Hauraki Gulf upwind in flatwater and we were able to lay Rangitoto Light and North Head without a tack. Dophins escorted us on this last leg and the sunset was beutiful. A rainbow hung over the Rangitoto. The breeze was light and flukey in the harbour. We enjoyed dinner of lamb taglietelli as we ghosted along toward the bright lights of the container terminal, the city and Auckland Harbour Bridge beyond.
Finally, with a blast of the horn from the Westhaven Race Tower, after just under three and a half days of sailing we were finished. Beyond all expectations we had won the double in the shorthanded division, winning line hounours and handicap. The boat and crew had been well prepared, we had sailed conservatively yet consistently, the boat and gear was strong enough to withstand the rough stuff while looking after us – keeping us safe and dry. Max was amazing. Cool calm and collected and always pushing for more speed throughout his watches.
When we arrived at the dock, the race officer Collin was there with Ella from the RNZYS who had pies and rum. Ryan from Serena came to enjoy a rum with us and brought a box of KFC. Soon Quentin, the owner of Rum Bucket who had finished earlier in the day arrived to join in the little
Since its establishment in 2003, Stella has been committed to engineering, manufacturing, and distributing premium marine equipment globally, setting standards of excellence and innovation. In 2011, a significant milestone was achieved by diversifying into manufacturing with its own product line of Stella Watermakers, marking the beginning of a new chapter.
Over the years, dedication to precision engineering and superior craftsmanship led to the expansion of the range of OEM products, including Watermakers, Hydraulic Swim Platforms, Helm Chairs, Tender Chocks, and Davits, manufactured in-house. Strategic distribution partnerships with world-renowned brands like WhisperPower, Planus, and CMC Marine were established, emphasising collaboration and long-term commitment.
Today, Stella stands as a leader in the global marine equipment sector, renowned for technical excellence, innovative solutions, and strategic partnerships. Founder & Managing Director, Gary Cooper, celebrates Stella's 21st anniversary, recognising the team's dedication and hard work. As they embark on another year, Stella remains committed to innovation and excellence in the marine industry.
Cheers to 21 years of Stella and many more to come!
TherearesomanyoptionsforInternationalCruiserswhenitcomestocruisingtheSouthPacific.Oftenwesee peoplewhozoomstraightthroughandmissoutonsomeofthebestbits!Ourrecommendation-don’trushand makethemostoftheprevailingwinds.Here’sasuggestedSouthWestPacificitineraryforboatsheadingfrom Panamainthisdirection-Watchthevideoanimationhere
March CrossfromPanamatoFrenchPolynesia
April ArriveFrenchPolynesia(unlessyou’vegotalongstayvisaoranEUpassportyou’veonlygot 90daystoexplorethisincredibledestination).
July CookIslands
August SamoaandorNiue
September Vava’u-Tonga-checkouttheBlueWaterCruisersFestival
October Ha’apai,Tongatapu,Minerva,NewZealand
Stop in NZ to escape cyclone season - enjoy tax free repairs on your boat, Or Join the South Island Rally to sail south to explore incredible Fiordland or head home for Christmas.
May JointhePacificRallytosailbacktoFijiorbacktoTonga
August Vanuatu-jointherallyeventsthroughoutVanuatu
September NewCaledonia
October BundabergAustraliaontheGoWestRally.
December SydneyHarbourtowatchthestartoftheSydneyHobartRaceandfireworksonNewYears Eve
Australia is another great place to stop for a while with great boat repairs and places to leave the boat while you explore ashore or head home and of course some excellent cruising grounds too!
January Tasmania-JointheVDL-CCruise
February CruiseslowlybackuptheEastcoastofAustralia,enjoythestunningWhitsundaysandthen OnwardstoAsiaoralternativelycrosstheTasmanandheadbacktoNewZealandto enjoyexploringwiththeSouthIslandRally
May OrreturntothePacificontheGoEast-PacificRallytorevisittheplacesyoumissedor . enjoyedthefirsttimeround.
October BacktoNewZealandorAustralia-bothgreatplacestoendyourjourneyandsellyourboat. Or carry on doing circles in the Pacific or continuing on around the world!
SisterShip Training has announced its new partnership as a School with International Yacht Training Worldwide (IYT).
This collaboration aims to provide a globally recognised certification platform, offering a diverse range of courses With practical on-the-water examinations and a certified ISO quality management system, IYT stands out in the yachting industry Moreover, approved instructors and examiners can work in 56 different countries.
SisterShip Training will kick off with introductory courses like Try Sailing and Introduction to Sailing. For more information, visit the Sailing Eden website and SisterShip Training's official site.
Greg Luck has been a frequent contributor to the Down Under Rally Magazine He has released a new third edition of Cruising the Queensland Coast, his guide for yachts cruising from the Gold Coast to Lizard Island.
While cruising in 2023, Greg was struck by the number of cruisers who had adopted Starlink. The cheapest way to use it is on the Roam plan, designed to work over land. At sea, the very expensive Maritime plan must be used. Starlink “land” includes many islands and some reefs using a hexagonal tiling system. It can be hit and miss as to whether an anchorage or mooring is on “land” or sea for Starlink. New in the 3rd edition, each anchorage and mooring includes a Starlink icon to indicate land or sea.
Along with a print edition, the book comes as an eBook for tablets. However, the big players support a limited number of countries, and usually not the overseas territories of those countries such as Noumea or Tahiti. This has been a problem for some cruisers. The 3rd edition adds Rakuten Kobo, which supports 244 countries and overseas territories with excellent coverage for the Pacific.
The third edition is fully updated with:
•many new public moorings for the Townsville, Discovery and Cassowary coasts and the Whitsundays
•new anchorages, taking the total to 503 anchorages and moorings
•new public pontoons
•updates to the K’Gari Coast for the new Great Sandy Marine Park management plan
•Starlink land versus ocean status for each anchorage, mooring and marina along with the Telstra mobile reception
•digital TV reception strength for each anchorage
•latest marina changes including comprehensive information on super yacht berths and resultant marina berth layout changes
•S63 official Hydrographic chart references for each coast and how to use Australian
Hydrographic charts on apps and chart plotters along with other navigation data sources
•expanded coverage of the Gold Coast and Moreton Bay
•recalculated wave roses for recent Waverider buoy placements such as the Wide Bay Bar
•higher-resolution aerial images and photos in the print version
•numerous other changes and updates
Down Under Rally and Island Cruising members get a 10% discount on the print book and a 20% discount on the Google Play Books eBook. Contact Greg at book@curlewescape.com.au with your member number to get a discount.
New Caledonia Groupama Race is a 654NM sailing race around New Caledonia. The start of New Caledonia Groupama Race, including all categories (open, double, and cruising), will take place on Sunday, June 9th, 2024.
Since its creation in 2008, the New Caledonia GROUPAMA RACE has enthused sailors, the public and commercial partners.
It is a dream course; a circum navigation around New Caledonia for monohulls and multihulls in racing or cruising mode, with crews full or short-handed. Sailors navigate among reefs, atolls and small islands that are part of the protected World Heritage listed site, passing turtles, whales and other sea life over the 1200km course.
Behind the breathtaking scenery the New Caledonia GROUPAMA RACE is a challenging and very tactical offshore and coastal race, offering navigators a variety of options: head offshore or run along the coast, often close to the reef. Add to this changeable weather plus swell and ocean and tidal currents, and there are plenty of sleepless nights for committed sailors. When the tradewinds are in, the New Caledonia GROUPAMA RACE is the perfect and world’s longest windward /leeward race; 300nm surfing along the east coast under spinnaker then 300nm upwind along the west coast. This ideal scenario hasn’t played out in recent editions with mixed conditions on offer. The wind might be south-east trades or strong westerlies, but the water over the deck is always warm !
Funny race on 5th June. Departure on 9th June. Prize giving ceremony on 15th June.
The latest update to Raymarine’s renowned Axiom LightHouse operating system includes a number of new features as well as improved performance and stability.
The just-released LightHouse 4.6.103 software update includes a handy new fuel range overlay that graphically illustrates how far the vessel can travel at its current speed before running out of fuel.
The new update also gives control over Mercury Marine’s Bow Hook, Sky Hook and Drift Hook functions from the side bar and generators that come with a compatible remote controller can now be started or stopped from the display within the Dashboard app.
There are also several handy updates for sailors. These include steer to target wind angle from polar as well as the availability of target wind angle and opposite tack COG data.
Also included is a new Quick Adjust menu for chartplotters and a new waypoint icon group, Nav Marks, that features 18 new icons portraying common buoy shapes and colours.
Among the numerous other practical improvements is expanded AIS target data within the chart app, allowing up to 200 targets to be viewed; exhaust gas temperature data able to be viewed in the dashboard, sidebar and data overlay (under the engine category); route distance remaining
Greenskin Wine presents a premium wine experience in a convenient 750ml soft pouch, ideal for those who want to enjoy fine wine without the hassle of cruising with heavy, bulky, breakable bottles onboard.
With 8 varieties to choose from, they have a superb choice of whites and reds from the worldrenowned Margaret River and Great Southern wine regions of Western Australia. You can pre-order through their website and nominate to have your wine delivered anywhere within Australia for just $4.95 per 6-pack (3 or more cases FREE delivery).
Greenskin Wine pouches hold 750ml but are around half the size and weight of a standard bottle of wine, which will save on weight and loads of fridge and storage space onboard. They are also unbreakable, making them ideal when on the water. And once the joy is over, they fold flat, so you do not have to lug bulky empties with you!
Another fab bonus. If you just want a glass or two, simply squeeze all the air from the pouch and reseal, and your wine will stay fresh for up to 3 weeks, saving on wasted wine and money!
Not only is the wine great quality, but Greenskin Wine pouches take 80% less energy to produce than a glass bottle, and due to their lightweight, compact nature, they take a lot less energy to transport.
The ultimate kicker is that the pouches are 100% recyclable. They even take care of the recycling. Every 6-pack comes with a postage-paid satchel, making it super easy to return your empties via AusPost for recycling.
SPECIAL OFFER - Enhance your sundowners with Greenskin WIne! Greenskin Wine generously offers our Island Cruising & Down Under Members 10% OFF all orders.
Simply visit: https://greenskinwine.com/
Use your member's discount code for use at the checkout to receive 10% OFF each, and every six-pack of Greenskin Wine ordered.
Dear Captain Jack,
I have trouble finding my boat at night in an anchorage, so I’ve decided to install a strobe light at the top of my mast instead of a normal anchor light However I keep getting people coming over to ask if we are ok, which is very friendly but they keep waking us up and I wondered what might be going on! Any suggestions?
Yours, Mr Flash
Ahoy there Mr Flash,
It appears you may be one of a few cruisers who forget that when we drop anchor, we are usually placing our home in someone else’s front yard.
Anchored vessels are usually regarded as beautiful, but adding a strobe light into the mix and you quickly destroy the tranquility of the anchorage for all the residents in the bay as well as all the other surrounding boats. Flashing lights are super irritating for everyone else apart from you who can’t see it!
Strobe lights should only be used in an emergency - hence all the people coming over to check if you are ok. When used too often in non-urgent situations, everyone will ignore flashing lights and will not respond when a real emergency occurs
So Mr Flash, please replace your anchor light with the standard all round white one. You can try using reflective tape in strategic places on your hull, mast or boom so that when you shine a torch around the anchorage you can identify your boat that way
When you see others with flashing lights, please remind the offenders that they are destroying the tranquility of the locals’ neighborhood as well as everyone else in the anchorage And don’t forget, we are the guests visiting these beautiful bays, and good etiquette means doing all your best to not annoy everyone else around you.
Two-dayOffshoreMedicalCoursecustomisedtoprovidestudentswiththebasicsrequiredfor OffshoreCruisingCoursealsocoversahandoveroftheOffshoreMedicalKit(CAT1)andhowto useit.
Thefreedomofbeingabletosailwhereveryou wantisoneofthegreatestthingsabout cruisingthissummer.Youcanfollowweather patternsorcoastlines,meanderyourwaytoa setdestinationorjustfollowyournoseandsee whereyouendup.
Justaslongasyoucanfindamooringora placetoanchor...
ForPeterKershaw,atriparoundtheBayof Islandspiecingtogetheravailablemooringson thefly,postingonFacebookpagesandasking localsforhelp,madehimthinktheremustbea betterway.
Peterdecidedtocreateanonlinebooking platformthattookcareofallthedetailsand madeiteasierforyachtiestoplansailingtrips.
WithMooringbnb,youcanseeavailable mooringsanywhereinNewZealand,andbook themwithoutneedingtogoonshore.It’sa much-neededupgradeofthetraditional bookingsystem,givingsailorscertainty, convenienceandcompliance.
There’snoneedtocheckmooringsizelimitsor notifytheharbourmaster-alltheconditions andlogisticsaretakencareofwithinthe bookingplatform.
With a friendly boating mad team always on hand to offer practical advice, tips, and make product recommendations, we’ve got the answer for you. Our chandlery will ensure you get back out on the water, faster!
For any boating problems, come see the team at All Marine.
Always on hand find that hard-to-find boat part you’ve been searching for – even if it’s not on our shelves – we’re sure to know where to find it. Priding ourselves on stocking our great product range and having fantastic service, shop online or come on down in store and have a yarn. Don’t see what you need? Give us a call, we’ll be happy to help. 09 438 4499 Check out our website here.
With 8000 miles from Panama to Australia and thousands of unique islands and atolls to visit along the way, one season is simply not enough time to truly explore the South Pacific Fiji, Vanuatu and New Caledonia are destinations in themselves and deserve much more than a fleeting visit.
We strongly advocate spending at least 2 seasons in the South Pacific to really experience all the variety that the region has to offer It’s a long way to come and for many a once in a lifetime opportunity
Irrespective of how fast or slow your pace, when November approaches most cruisers will be considering their options for the cyclone season. Some cruisers spend the summer in Pacific Islands, but they are playing with the odds as well as enduring the heat and humidity of the wet season.
Many more look forward to a break from the islands for a while, and New Zealand is the logical destination for a cyclone break, especially if you are returning to the Pacific Islands for a second season
As an island nation, New Zealand's maritime traditions are deep rooted - from the earliest Polynesian settlers who migrated across the mighty Pacific, and the Europeans who voyaged from the other side of the world
Dependent on the sea for trade and communications, New Zealanders were forced to build seaworthy, reliable boats and to develop a deep understanding of seamanship No part of New Zealand is far from the coast and, from its thousands of bays and coves, New Zealanders venture forth from an early age in all manner of boats.
Our largest city, Auckland, is known as the 'city of sails' and is the host city for the next America’s Cup Regatta The oftenquoted statistic is that there are more boats per capita in New Zealand than anywhere else in the world In 2014, Auckland had over 135,000 registered boats, or one boat for approximately every 11 of the 1.45 million people living there. Unlike other parts of the world, sailing in New Zealand has never been an elitist pursuit.
Many of New Zealand's top sailors began their careers in
that emerged from hours of devoted labour in garages and backyard sheds
The late Sir Peter Blake, for example, whose sailing successes included the America's Cup, Whitbread Race and Jules Verne trophy, tested his mother's patience and ruined her flower beds by building his first boats in the family garden Boat designer Bruce Farr, whose yachts have won most of the world's top yachting silverware, first produced lightning fast dinghies and skiffs in the family shed
“New Zealand is a wonderful country for sailors. The Bay of Islands Is a world-class cruising area, and many folks never get any further. Whangarei is also a large cruising center, and there are excellent haulout yards “
Jim Corneman – Letters from the South Pacific
Naturally the voyage from the Pacific Islands to New Zealand is always taken with a bit of trepidation, especially for firsttimers For most cruisers, it is the first time sailing out of the predictable trade winds for many months, these concerns can be exacerbated by a lot of the misinformation that tends to circulate in cruising circles.
A common one that is often heard being repeated is; “to get to New Zealand you have to face the notoriously dangerous Tasman Sea twice”
We would just like to take this opportunity to correct this misinformation by providing some navigational re-education to those that disseminate this
The Tasman Sea is in-fact a section of the southwestern Pacific Ocean, between the south-eastern coast of Australia and Tasmania to the west, and New Zealand on the east Most cruisers heading to the East coast of New Zealand from the Pacific Islands will not encounter the Tasman Sea.
With modern forecasting and a flexible timeframe, the trip from the Pacific Islands to New Zealand and return can be spectacular, with many yachts opting to stop at North Minerva Reef for an incredible mid ocean reef experience
Weather develops in two areas that will affect the passage this time of year One is from the south west; systems form to the east of Australia moving up and across the Tasman Sea The other is from the north west; in the Coral Sea off the north eastern Australian coast where tropical depressions form, possibly growing to cyclones.
Therefore, it is important like with all ocean crossings, to wait for a good weather window before departing on the 1200-mile journey.
New Zealand boasts some of the most creative and dynamic marine industry professionals in the world, our boatbuilders are world renowned and we pride ourselves on using quality products and providing exceptional service
It is a great place for major projects with sailing-oriented marine services of all descriptions available at an affordable price
As international cruisers Customs will be provided with a temporary import permit for your vessel which will also enable you to get many things GST free automatically saving you 15% You don’t have to request a GST refund on departure or prove that your projects were completed less than 60 days before you leave!
The northern part of the North Island is geographically subtropical and the southern part of the South Island is very close to the Southern Ocean and the sub-Antarctic islands. For this reason, New Zealand offers a unique cruising experience contained within only 1000 miles of coastline between the two islands
Coastal cruising is very easy with thousands of excellent sheltered anchorages within a short distance of one another and plenty of very affordable marinas throughout New Zealand
Take the opportunity to do short day hops between anchorages and explore some of our fantastic hiking, safe in the knowledge that our wildlife cannot harm you…… shoes optional!
Our sub-tropical waters also offer excellent swimming, snorkelling and diving with unique marine environments to experience and no need for stinger suits here!
For the New Zealand summer – November though to April –large high-pressure systems tend to dominate the country, giving settled weather with light north-easterlies
You don’t have to take our word for it, there is plenty of independent and unbiased information available online from fellow cruisers
Read the following report from cruising family who have recently completed the Tonga to New Zealand passage and had a fantastic stop in Minerva Reef with 11 other cruising yachts:
https://sailingmirabella com/2019/05/12/passage-to-new-zealand/
If we could do it again, how would we do it?
This is a great retrospective article from cruisers who spent 2 seasons in the Pacific:
https://outchasingstars com/2017/11/07/cruising-south-pacific/
North Minerva Reef – A once in a lifetime opportunity for a mid-ocean reef stop:
https://www facebook com/pages/MinervaReefs/139017926117334
For some great information on passage planning to New Zealand, see this informative article on Noonsite
https://www noonsite com/report/passage-planning-from-the-swpacific-to-nz/
Join our Sail South Rally or Pacific Rally in 2024 and enjoy all that New Zealand has to offer!
Ariki is is currently back from the Island Cruising 2023 Pacific Rally and wouldn’t take much to get back to Cat 1 for 2024. If you’re not into cruising she makes an excellent coastal cruiser and cheap live-aboard. She is very roomy!
Check out all the details on Trademe Here https://www.sailingtraveller.com/
For Sale
50' Beneteau - all ready for the rally!
Step aboard this well maintained and well-appointed 2008 Lagoon 420 priced at just €280,000 Currently based in Montenegro, its four cabins will provide ample room for family and friends to join in on unforgettable voyages There is a spacious saloon for indoor gatherings and a massive cockpit which can seat a big crowd The smart (custom-made in 2020) sunshades can be rolled down to fully enclose the cockpit or rolled up to enjoy sundowners or when sailing Custom made Bimini clears were made at the same time from Strata Glass and are still in mint condition
The two three hundred litre capacity water tanks provide loads of water for the three showers and two cockpit showers. With a reliable 120 litre per hour Rainman water maker (120L/hr) powered by a new Honda portable generator 22EU running out of water is never an issue.
This vessel is loaded with extras, including a set of bronze three-blade fixed propellers installed in 2020, 4x230Ah AGM batteries with Victron battery monitor and two of the latest Cristec 12 volt 90 amp chargers installed in 2020 plus a 2,000 watt battery inverter.
Recent upgrades include a Lagoon-designed strengthened bow sprit and a 70 square metre code zero made of Dacron with UV protection on a Selden top-down furler, as well as newly replaced running rigging in 2023. There is a new supercomfortable captain’s seat in the cockpit from which you can view the GPS Raymarine Axiom 12-inch chart plotter installed in 2022 Recent upgrades also include new hull windows in all cabins, new monsoon shower heads, and high clearance taps in all en-suites
Other notable additions include a new three drawer Vitrifrigo 110 litre freezer and new rear deck bar fridge with a 110 litre fridge in the galley There is a top loading 6kg automatic washing machine plumbed in, an air-fryer and most importantly, a fabulous Magna rail mounted BBQ The newest addition to this vessel are two new bow trampolines just installed
Take off for the land in the Gala 310 RIB with custom-made chaps powered by a 2020 6hp four stroke Mariner Safety is paramount with a Spinlock life jacket featuring personal AIS for night watches along with four self-inflating life jackets and Class B AIS wired into the chart plotter showing your position 24/7
There is a built in Onan Generator 17.5KVA which provides more than enough power to run all five reverse cycle air conditioning units with plenty of power to spare. There is no need to tie up to shore power. Anchor in safety with the Rocna 33KG anchor with 110 metres of 10mm short link chain attached to an 1200w beefed up Quick windlass.
The 420 is heavily built comfortable ocean voyager – perfect to bring to New Zealand!
Don't miss your chance to own this excellently kept and well-loved vessel, ready to embark on your next adventure on the open waters. For more information follow this link https://www.ydyachts.com/yacht/lagoon-420/
For more on this vessel’s adventures since 2019 go to https://saltytalesfrombalihai.com/2019/11/28/buying-sunday-on-amonday-a-tuesday-a-wednesday/
New out of the UK 2016, been to the tropics and back to NZ 2018-2023. Was sitting unused over COVID period in Vanuatu from Nov 2019- Sept 2023 during which time it was covered, and the boat was on the hardstand.
The unit was mounted offset on a walk-through transom Beale 33.
It is a very reluctant sale due to ill health and therefore no further offshore sailing for the boat. This extra crew named ‘Albi’ on our 2 handed adventures was our best investment for open water passage making, so simple and totally reliable.
This unit has a ‘stubby’ windvane which suited the backstay set up We also had the autohelm able to be attached to its tiller for motoring
‘Albi’ comes complete with pictured brackets and unit cover plus new spare pins and the original red Hydrovane vane cover which we didn’t use Instead, I made one and kept this as a spare
www hydrovane com are super supportive and will give advice all the way You can also check out www.hydrovane.com/our-product/specifications/ for more details.
$5,500 ono, unit is in Waikawa Marina. This price is for pick up.
Contact: felicityloncar@gmail.com
I have been based in New Zealand for the past 5 years after cruising on and off for 8 years, having sailed the East Coast of Africa, the West and East Coasts of Australia as well as Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. My wife and I live on our boat and are still fully involved in the cruising lifestyle. I am a Licensed Immigration Adviser for New Zealand and, as a yachtie, have a particular interest in helping yachties with their immigration issues. Island Cruising NZ Members get a 30% discount
Radix makes delicious meals, ideal for when it's rough or when you need to refuel on the go. Quick, easy, nutritious, delicious. Discounts for Island Cruising members
Click here to order - discount code SAILNZ10
Island Cruising & Down Under Rally members receive weekly emails with tips and suggestions on how to go about getting prepared for a long coastal or offshore voyage. There are webinars, videos, templates, downloads, and in person get togethers.
Suitable for boat owners or crew members, experienced sailors or beginners alike
You can start any time, and work through the topics at your own pace. Join in any time. Just NZD$129.00 per year and take advantage of our great sponsors deals too!
Workshop topics include:
Getting organised - a system for storing all the information for your Passage Plan, Safety
Manual, Maintenance log, Important
Documents, Boating Qualifications and more
Your vessel information - a template for collating all the specifications of your boat
The Cat 1 & 2 Regulations
Boat Registration
Reporting Incidents
Insuring your boat
Meteorology - Forecasts
Communication options at Sea
Rig - rules for Cat 1 & 2
Sails for offshore - the Cruising Wardrobe
Fire Safety
Your Maintenance Records
Your sailing resumé
Passage planning
Safety gear
Diesel engine basics
Fuel systems
Servicing winches
Checking your rig
Anchoring tips
Sailing at night
Man Over Board
Abandon Ship
Preparing a Grab Bag
Charging systems
Keeping healthy
Sail trim & new sails
Boat registration
Taking on crew
Dinghy tips
Fog signals
Coping in emergencies
Skipper responsibility
Log keeping
Search and Rescue
Heavy Weather Sailing AND MUCH MORE!
RunningyachtralliesaroundNewZealandandtheSouthPacific Organisingsocialevents,activitiesandsocialmedianetworks
· Promotingpositivesocialimpact,communityengagementand long-lastingconnectionswiththepeoplewemeet
· Beinganinclusive,diverseandsupportivecommunity
· Advocatingforandassistingsailorsinneed
· Adviceonimmigrationclearances&formalities
· Assistingsailorstopreparethemselves,theirvessel andcrewforlongcoastaloroffshorevoyages
Beingarichpoolofknowledge,supportand resourcesforcruisers
· SupportingthestrategicdirectionofYachtingNewZealand
· Formingstrongrelationshipswithyachtclubstopromotelongcoastalandoffshoreraces,ralliesandcruisingeventsandactivities
Runningasustainableandenvironmentally sensitiveorganisation
Supportinglocalandglobalenvironmental initiativestoprotecttheOceanandtheplaceswevisit
· PromotingSaferBoatingandgoodseamanshipalongside CoastguardandMaritimeNewZealand PartneringwithDownUnderRallytopromotecruisinginthe SouthPacific
Encouragingsailorstobeeco-consciousand reducetheirimpactontheenvironment
PromotingCitizenScienceprojectsaimedat oceanhealth
Producingaregularnewslettertokeepcruisers informedonthelatestcruisenews,upcomingevents andpromotingpartnerproducts&businesses.
PromotingtheNewZealandMarineindustryand providingapositiveandmutuallybeneficial connectiontotheirtargetmarket
Encouragingandwelcominginternationalsailors toNewZealand