Cruise News Newsletter of Island Cruising NZ issue 15 August 2022 In this issue Oz to NZ Rally Launching the Pacific Rally 2023 South Island Rally this summer SailGP Lyttelton Tips for Sailing to NZ

Island Cruising NZ Contact Us Email Website Phone Facebook ISSN Viki Moore +64 21 438 977 ISSN 2815 911X on the cover Secret Beach in Fiji on the Pacific Rally Photo by Nick Roberts photos and news contributions are welcome

In this issue August 2022 issue 15 From the Helm The latest update from Viki. Pacific Rally 2022 Update on our adventures in Fiji South Island Rally Launch Registrations are rolling in! SailGP Lyttelton Tickets coming soon! Pacific Rally 2023 Join our webinar and learn how you can be involved! Upcoming Events Check out what is coming up for cruisers around the country. Tips for Sailing South to New Zealand Crew TeambuildingMusket Cove Sunrise Cristina on the left and Wildside just beyond Photo by Richard Loseby

Become a Member! Join Island Cruising For just $95.00 per year & thanks to our amazing sponsors you'll receive: Weekly members only workshops to help you get ready to go on a long coastal or offshore Invitationsvoyage. to exclusive webinars with marine industry experts Access to our CrewSeeker page Free digital subscription to Boating NZ Magazine Discounted courtesy flags from Bato Flags 20% off PredictWind subscriptions Discount off Hyrdrovane self steering systems Discount off Marine Medic and Cat 1 Medical Kits from Oceania Medical 10% off Advanced Sea Survival Courses with Skipper Training Discount off VHF courses with Coastguard Boating Education Up to 15% off at Cater Marine Up to 10% off at Kiwi Yachting - Safety at Sea 10% off Radix Nutrition meals 10% discount off SeaLogs Discounts on Rocket - South Pacific Cruising Guides Discounts on Helly Hansen sailing clothing 10% discount from Topsail Insurance 10% discount off charts and cruising guides from TransPacific Marine Yacht Delivery Solutions - special deals 15% discount off Buoycatcher Discounts off global data roaming and internet booster antennas from Global Marine Expert advice and assistance from Dalwyn at House of Travel Discounted rates on mooring ropes and yacht braid 10% discount on Sailutions - rigging hardware $300 off watermakers from Open Ocean Special rates at Port Whangarei Marine Centre Special rates from Marine Diesel Solutions Discounts at Dockland 5 Marine 10% discount off See-Level 5% discount on Global Dive courses Special rates with Zoom Sails Discounts on electronics & communications gear from Wright Electronics Join Us Now online
If you are planning on coming to Lyttelton we'd love to see you here and sail down, but please leave your trailer boat at home the main public boat ramp will be closed over the event and the other launching facilities around the harbour are limited & expected to be VERY busy. We are also just about to launch our plans for the Pacific in 2023 We've got lots of options for people to consider including Minerva, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Caledonia or French Polynesia & Niue too. You're free to pick and choose the destinations & timing that suit you or follow our itinerary and special events along the way
We've launched our plans for the South Island Rally this summer and had 10 registrations through in the first week! So this event is shaping up to be a great success. There are options for people who want to do the full circumnavigation, focus on Marlborough or sail South for SailGP in Lyttelton too Click here to watch our webinar and see all the details.
Another bonus is that Vanuatu & New Caledonia do not require people to be vaccinated to visit.
It has been another busy month here at Island Cruising HQ, and I am just about to pack my bags again to head back up to Fiji for Regatta week and to catch up with the Rally Participants before they start thinking about making plans to head for home.
There is a mountain of paperwork, biosecurity regulations & immigration documents (for non NZ'ers) to consider before you sail back to New Zealand, and we help all the rally participants navigate their way through all the documents & details Check out some NZ entry tips later in the newsletter and if you ' re in the Pacific and are heading this way, let me know if you have any questions. We've had quite a few international boats join the rally in Fiji to take advantage of the advice, support and discounts and to make some awesome kiwi friends with the other rally participants A few of the rally boats are bound for Vanuatu which recently re opened their borders, and some others are heading for New Caledonia. These exciting destinations are made much easier to explore thanks to the incredible Rocket Guides. Rally participants & Island Cruising members get a great discount on these guides and owner Richard Chesher is a fabulous supporter of Island Cruising too. We will be doing some webinars with Richard who will be talking about all the exciting places you can visit in New Caledonia & Vanuatu over the coming months. Keep an eye on your members newsletter for more details.
Speaking of SailGP public tickets for the event village go on sale on the 4th October, we are hoping we might get some tickets on pre sale for Island Cruising members keep an eye on your weekly members email for details.
From the helm

We are also hoping to resume our exclusive rally entries at the remote Lau Group Fiji, Aneityum, Vanuatu, and the Loyalty Islands in New Caledonia. I have also re written our Pacific Rally Cruising guide as well as a Yacht Manual template to help rally participants tick off and record their progress towards Cat 1 and other useful essentials to have on board before you go offshore
Thanks so much to the Gulf Harbour Yacht Club who hosted me for a talk last week where we packed out the yacht club with people who are interested in joining the rally in the future. Thanks to everyone who came along, and if you'd like to watch our webinar on the 30th August or get some more details please check out our website.
Earlier this month I also had the opportunity to visit the Sydney Boat Show with some friends. It was great to be back in Australia after such a long time away, and I managed to catch up with some Island Cruising members and some of our sponsors as well as having a good poke around some gorgeous boats and gear too. I hope you enjoy this month's newsletter there are heaps of cool sailing events coming up and much more! Read on for all the details. I hope to see you online on Tuesday night or at some of our events throughout the country! Happy sailing.

RallyparticipantswillnowreceiveournewYachtManual aplaceforyou torecordallthedetailsaboutyourboatandcheckoffyourprogress towardsCat1

More info here More info here

Pacific Rally 2022

Pacific Rally 2022

Pacific Rally 2022

Rally 2022


When you visit the remote villages on Vanuatu, it’s obvious that they have been cut off from tourism over the last few years. The younger children stare wide eyed, and the welcome we are given is warm and open hearted We sailed to Vanuatu from New Zealand, partially to explore the remoteness of these outer islands but also we hoped we’d manage to get to some of the cultural festivals. It seems that many of the normal cultural festivals haven’t actually happened this year, possibly because of lack of funds and tourists, but the Malawan festival in South West Bay of Malekula had a lot of support from the local community, the tourist board, and the visiting yachts.
By Lynn Shrewsbury
The 2022 Nalawan Festival

We sailed into South West Bay to be greeted by the pristine waters, turtles swimming and coral reefs. A week before a fuel barge had exploded here, and we’d been worried about the environmental impact, but there appeared to be none, excepting a burnt patch of mangrove near the airport. The bay is large, but there is a great sheltered anchorage near a village called Lebinwen (we were told this means white sand, soft mud). An island boat had been arranged to get us across to the festival at Lawa village on the far side of the bay early the next day. this festival on the Pacific Rally 2023!
Join us in August next year to experience

We arrived to a lovely welcome from the officials and organizers. I can’t tell you how happy they were to have 20 of us cruisers attend, as well as other special guests from local government and tourism.
The cultural festival itself was held in a separate dance area, with 3 ceremonial dances celebrating octopus, taro and a two headed animal. Each dance was well explained, but the masks worn by the male dances are stunning, both in design and colour. The dance area is sacred, and ringed by stones that celebrate events in the very long history. As a very special celebration of the end of covid isolation, we witnessed a pig killing ceremony (not for the weak hearted), and the addition of a new stone to the circle Later, after a beautiful lunch of local food served in banana leaf bowls, we watched a demonstration of roof thatching and sand drawing. The afternoon ended with the local string band singing and some dancing. Tomorrow, we get to visit the local lagoon in dug out canoes, and a buffet dinner (including the pig)
I cannot recommend attending a festival in Vanuatu enough. This isn’t a tourist show it’s the people celebrating their culture and history It’s been a heart warming day, with beautiful people who love sharing stories and smiles

The South Island Rally has launched and we've had 10 registrations so far! Join the fun! Click here for all the details

Tickets go on sale 4 October 2022 at 9AM sharp Touching down in Aotearoa for the first time ever, the New Zealand Sail Grand Prix Christchurch will take place on the stunning Whakaraupō, Lyttelton Harbour and event director Karl Budge says Kiwis are going to be blown away by their first taste of the world’s fastest growing sports league.
It won’t be long until New Zealanders can stake their claim on the event of summer: the New Zealand Sail Grand Prix being held in Christchurch on the 18 19th March 2023.
“SailGP is one of the world’s most exhilarating racing experiences and we can’t wait to bring it to Lyttleton. With the best sailors in the world competing in identical hydrofoiling catamarans, there will be plenty of thrills, spills and boat on boat action ” “This is going to be a totally new format to what Kiwis have seen before and we’re delighted to be in a position to announce three ways to watch today. ”
SailGP Coming Soon!
Racegoers will be able to soak it all in from the exclusive luxury of the Platinum Lawn, a new concept for SailGP with space for just 500 patrons per day The party zone within the New Zealand Sail Grand Prix, the Platinum Lawn will not only offer a standout spectator experience, but a chance to rub shoulders with the stars post racing and stay on for the after party with DJ sets and live entertainment, inclusive of drinks and nibbles from an iconic pop up restaurant.

With less than 5,000 tickets per day, categories extremely limited, eventgoers are urged to get in quick to make sure they don’t miss out On site experiences will be complemented by additional viewing options, including a bring your own boat programme and free programming in the city centre, with more details to be made available in due course.
Speaking from this weekend’s ROCKWOOL Denmark Sail Grand Prix in Copenhagen, New Zealand SailGP Team co CEO Peter Burling said: “We can’t wait to bring this new format of racing to Christchurch and race in front of our fans in New Zealand. “Whakaraupō, Lyttelton Harbour is an incredible sailing destination for spectators, with some of the best on land viewing you can get.
Join the South Island Rally and bring your own boat south to watch this incredible event!
Designed for action, the Fan Village will be the place to be for cheering crowds with prime viewing along the final stretch of the course The Fan Village will be the heart of the New Zealand Sail Grand Prix, with a great atmosphere and plenty to eat, see and do just metres from the water’s edge.
Delivering the first major event in Christchurch in several years isn't something we take lightly and it’s been great working with partners in the local community to create one of the most exciting events on the SailGP calendar.”

OZ to ONZ Z to NZ Yacht YRally acht Rally Your Portal To The Pacific

Whydoesn'ttheDownUnderRallyrunarallytoFijifromAustralia? Thereasonissimple,NewCaledonia&VanuatuaremucheasiertogettobyyachtfromAustralia. Webelievethatifyouhavenotyetmadeamulti day/nightoceanpassage,thenNewCaledonia& Vanuatushouldbeyourfirstportsofcall TheotherreasonwhyisthatthepassagetoFijidirectfromAustraliaisabout1,700nmifyou couldsailtherhumbline SailingtherhumblinefromAustraliatoFijiisseldompossibleasthe predominantwindsarefromtheSE/E,makingitaLONGUPWINDSLOG. Youmightbeluckyandgetmorefavourablewinds,butitisNOTLIKELYthatthosefavourable windswillbewithyoufortheentirevoyage,giventhatformostcruisingyachts,itwilltakeatleast 12 15togetthere. Voyaging Voyaging to tFiji o Fiji Why go via WNZ? hy go via NZ? You can of course do what we have done for several years which is sail to New Caledonia & then wait for a suitable weather window to get to Fiji. This voyage is a rhumb line distance (seldom possible) of approx 750 nm or about 6 days for the average cruising yacht ONCE and only ONCE have we made this entire voyage in favourable conditions the other 5 times were uncomfortable to say the least, especially the last 36 hours as you approach Fiji To read an account of our failed attempt to sail direct to Fiji from Newcastle click the image below or go to: ©Down Under Rally 2022

©Down Under Rally 2022
You will arrive in New Zealand at the very well organised, convenient and cruiser friendly Bay Of Islands Marina in Opua After a few days to recover from the passage and re provsion you will have the magnificent cruising grounds of the Northland and Auckland regions to explore and enjoy before departing on the next leg of the voyage to Fiji
The Route from Australia to New Zealand
How to get to Fiji from Australia?
A quick look at Jimmy Cornells Ocean Atlas (pilot charts) and his World Cruising Routes will tell you that a better option is to first sail from Australia to New Zealand and then onto Fiji from New Zealand.
Voyaging Voyaging to tFiji o Fiji Why go via WNZ? hy go via NZ?
The consensus is that departing from the Gold Coast, Queensland, Coffs Harbour or even Sydney when a suitable weather window becomes available at some time from late January through February with Opua New Zealand being your arrival port will usually provide an opportunity to make the voyage in favourable wind and settled conditions. If sailing the rhumbline this voyage is approx 1200 nm or 8 10 days in the average cruising yacht

CCruisingFiji ruisingFiji Those of you who know us will also know WE ❤ FIJI and that we have sailed to Fiji and back from Australia on several occasions. If you have not visited Fiji by yacht Tourism Fiji, has created the promo video below "Discover Fiji's Cruising Beauty Spots" that goes close to doing Fiji justice. Apart from great cruising and the friendly Fijian people there is also the LEGENDARY.... FIJI REGATTA WEEK ©Down Under Rally 2022

2023PACIFICRALLY INFORMATIONHERE 2023 OZ to NZ RALLY INFORMATION HERE GettingtoFijifromNewZealand. InJuneeveryyear,formanymanyyears,IslandCruisingNewZealand,formallytheIslandCruising Association,havebeenrunningyachtralliesfromNewZealandtoTonga&FijiaswellasVanuatu& NewCaledonia. ThisistheperfectopportunitytomakethevoyagefromNewZealandtoFijiincompanyandwith theassistanceoftherallyorganisers ThevoyagefromOpuatoFijiisapprox.1100nmor7 9daysintheaveragecruisingyacht.Youwill likelyarriveinFijiinmid lateJune. IfyouhavepreviouslycruisedNewCaledoniaandVanuatu,whichwerecommend,thenyouwill beabletospendaleisurely4 5monthsexperiencingallthatFijihastoofferbeforedepartingon thedownwindlegbacktoAustraliawithastopoverinNewCaledoniajusttobreakupthevoyage. Voyaging Voyaging to tFiji o Fiji Why go via WNZ? hy go via NZ? ©Down Under Rally 2022

2007 Beneteau Oceanis 46 | Denize II Denize II is far more than your average production yacht. Her current owners have invested a great deal of time and money to make this a one of a kind offshore cruising vessel boasting all the comforts of home. Click here for more details 2005 Benetau Oceanis 473 | Kahea Kahea is set up with everything required to enjoy all the comforts of home while cruising. The two-cabin layout comprises a large forward berth with ensuite plus a large berth aft adjacent to the day head. Click here for more details 2017 Lagoon 450 Sport Top | Liberté 55 Liberté 55 presents an exciting opportunity to own a popular Lagoon 450 sport top version that is loaded with features for carefree extended cruising Click here for more details

Ifvessels:youhave any questions, need a hand with all the paperwork, or would like to join our rally departure heading home to NZ mid-October please get in touch -
You must have a clean hull - don't bring any nasties in on your hull. Give it a good scrub before you set sail. You'll go faster too!
Tips for Sailing to New Zealand
Ports of first arrival for recreational vessels include: Opua, Whangarei, Auckland (Westhaven marina), Auckland Harbour Viaduct marina and Silo Park marina, Tauranga (Vessel works precinct), Picton, Lyttelton If you're not a NZ citizen you need to have a COVID vaccination certificate.
New Zealand has very strict biosecurity requirements. Declare all your fresh food, fruit, honey, eggs meat etc - or better yet - eat it all before you get here as it will be taken off you. There are harsh penalties for not declaring the items on the biosecurity forms. Your yacht will probably be searched by a dog so don't try to conceal anything - they'll find it!
International yachts are allowed to enter and stay for up to two years. Stay any longer than that and you'll be up for 15% GST and 5% duty.
Make sure you submit all the advance notification of arrival forms before you set off. One of the hardest things and time consuming things about sailing to international destinations is navigating the multitude of formalities and mountains of paperwork required. COVID has made this process even more complicated and cumbersome, and sailing to New Zealand is no exception.
If you aren't a NZ or Australian passport holder you'll need to get a visa. You'll need to apply for a NZeTA before you arrive which will give you a three month entry and then you'll probably want to extend your visa. If you've got questions about this process we highly recommend Flair Migration.
But never fear! Island Cruising is here to help and if you are having issues navigating the various websites to find all the information, please get in touch. Here are some key tips to make the process easier for both returning NZ and International visiting

Advanced Sea Survival Course A comprehensive theoretical and practical course for crew requiring an offshore, category 1 certificate. Nelson 29 30 October 2022 two day course 5 November - one day refresher Auckland 8 October 2022 one day refresher 29-30 October 2022 - two day course 3 4 December 2022 two day course 17 December 2022 - one day refresher 11 12 February 2023 two day course Island Cruising members get a 10% discount (please use the discount code in the members newsletter) 0800 546 9700

ElectricsEngine 240/110AC(DC)& Electronics Boat ThisPlumbingBuildingisaweek-long hands-on small group intensive course covering: Contact Ross Porter +64 27 220 rosslooked@gmail.com1240 Pearls Of Boating Wisdom Monday 14 - Friday 18 November Nelson

I have been based in New Zealand for the past 5 years after cruising on and off for 8 years, having sailed the East Coast of Africa, the West and East Coasts of Australia as well as Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. My wife and I live on our boat and are still fully involved in the cruising lifestyle. I am a Licensed Immigration Adviser for New Zealand and, as a yachtie, have a particular interest in helping yachties with their immigration issues. Island Cruising NZ Members get a 30% discount

If you are uncertain about the skills and personality of the skipper or crew at this stage then don't hesitate to pull out.
Sleep deprivation, stress, seasickness, lack of personal space, bad weather, and a bad atmosphere can turn even mild mannered friendly people in to grouches. Personality & attitude of fellow crew members is just as important as their sailing skills.
If you are going to be spending a period of time at sea in a small boat, it is a good idea to ensure that you've got a positive team environment. After all, you and your crew are a team and you are relying on each other to get safely get the boat and all the crew to your destination.
Problems usually arise where crew perceive that the yacht or skipper is unfit for the job, which can cause anxiety and undermines the skipper's authority. Disagreements between crew members are usually caused by personality clashes. If you see people not getting along - try to put them on opposite watches, give them time apart. Food can be another area for arguments - someone eating all the chocolate, or using all of a particular ingredient up in one meal. Tempers fray when people get tired or scared. The best way to resolve issues is to have a good honest discussion. Once situations are explained and diffused, you can usually resolve the situation and come back together as a team again.
When it comes to ocean passages, most crews finish up being life long friends, but when you're living in tight quarters under tough conditions, there can often be personality clashes too.
Safety First As a skipper and crew member you both need to do some due diligence on each other to ensure that you are comfortable with both that person, their experience, personality and the safety of the boat. We've had a couple of instances of crew members heading off on boats which have turned out to not have the expected safety gear on board, or skippers who have had crew who didn't turn out to have the experience they claimed they had. Be prepared to ask and answer some hard questions, insist that the skipper does a safety briefing and explains where all the safety gear is on the boat, and how they anticipate things would go in the case of an Ouremergency.rallypassage
I was chatting with a couple of people who have recently crewed on quite a few legs of the various rallies we've had around the South Island and up to the Pacific, about their experiences on board. They have sailed on a range of different boats all with different skippers on board. Here is some of their feedback.
plan template has a suggested crew briefing checklist to complete to help you through this process.
Everyone should also have their own named drink bottle. This makes less washing up, they can take the drink bottle in to their bunk and up to the cockpit without worrying about spilling it, and encourages everyone to stay hydrated.
Once you reach your destination:
Sometimes the owner will pay for the crew's expenses such as flights, insurance and food. This might be for crew who are keen to help out but perhaps don't have the sea time or qualifications as yet.
Either way, it is important to be up front with how the costs are going to be managed and ensure everyone is clear and happy with that arrangement, before you set off.
Sometimes if the owner has extra space on board they'll take on volunteers who are keen to get some experience and sea time, perhaps to meet the Cat 1 regulations for their own passage, and often these people will pay a share of the food and their own travel expenses.
For point to point deliveries:
It is important to also be up front with how everyone expects to deal with the costs of a passage. Every situation is different.
If crew are staying on board to cruise with the boat and are staying on board for a longer period of time, the owner would generally cover all the boat maintenance related costs, and other things such as food & drinks, activities, fuel, marina fees etc might be split among the other crew members.
owner will pay their crew for their time and all expenses. Particularly if the crew member is qualified with lots of passage experience, has an Offshore Yachtmaster, VHF, Marine Medic & Sea Survival certificates, and the owner wants to have someone on board with that expertise.
Food If you have unusual dietary requirements or are a vegetarian, gluten free or something else, make sure that the rest of the crew know. Make sure everyone is happy with the meal plan and that you have enough food on board that everyone will want to eat for the passage. Ask your crew for their preferences. Food is a good morale booster, and keeping the crew fed well is an important part of a passage.
Sharing the Costs
If crew are working, for example, taking care of children, doing lots of boat maintenance, or taking on other responsibilities, there may be some other arrangement.
Our rally passage plan template has a space for making a meal plan. Ensure you carry easy food to grab and eat if you end up with bad weather too. A snack cupboard can help with the midnight munchies. Have a thermos flask with boiled water so people can quickly and quietly grab a cup of tea/coffee or cuppa soup at any time of the day without having to boil the kettle all the time.
Generally the owner will pay for all the costs of running the vessel, insurance, marina fees, and country entry/exit Sometimesfees.the
Express any questions or concerns you have to the skipper.
Give people some space and privacy. Have a space where people can have some quiet time on their own - time out.
The skipper is responsible for the safety of the vessel and the crew. This is a job you should take seriously and you need to give your crew confidence in your skills and authority as skipper.
Play on peoples strengths. Some people are night owls, others like to be up early. Get your watch system in line with how people work best.
Keep your space tidy. Don't leave your stuff laying around all over the place.
Be quiet and respectful when others are asleep.
Clean the bathroom - ensure the boat has got plenty of tea towels, and cleaning cloths and keep everything sparkling.
It is best if the crew bring their own seasick medication that they know agrees with them. I heard a terrible story of a crewmember who took a seasick tablet that didn't agree with him and he became extremely aggressive and anxious. Not a good situation for the rest of the crew! Have a plan for how the rest of the crew will cope if someone is seasick.
That being said - you don't have to be an expert in everything. Ask for suggestions, give the crew the ability to speak up if there is anything that concerns them and ensure you address any issues straight Delegateaway.
Follow instructions, aim to be helpful.
Get crew members on board a few days before departure to make sure that everyone gets along.
- say when you expect the crew to wear life jackets, harnesses, when they should call the skipper, how often they should write in the log etc. Make the rules and stick to them.
Share the tasks such as cooking and cleaning. Take pride in feeding the team and tidying up afterwards.
tasks - navigation, weather, documentation, provisioning, health & safety, comms & doing the trip reports, writing the log, making water, cooking each day etc - people like to be given a
If you are not confident in the skills of the skipper or the safety of the boat - get off.
Avoid conflicting conversations, don't talk about politics, religion or vaccinations for example, when you know the other person has a different viewpoint. Agree to disagree.
Don't wind people up. You might enjoy practical jokes, or making fun of people, but some people don't appreciate it. Be friendly and polite.
Be a Good Skipper
Check in - Have some time where people can honestly speak up if someone is doing something that annoys someone else. For example one of the crew I spoke to had no idea that her whistling was driving the rest of the crew crazy! Be honest and open to accepting criticism. Sometimes the little things people do without knowing it can become really annoying when you can't get away from one another!
Be a Good Crew Member
Take your watch keeping duties seriously. Be on time, keep a good lookout! The safety of the boat and crew is in your hands when you are on watch.
Have a Plan for Seasickness
If you snore - bring earplugs for everyone else.
Include crew members in the preparation workshops, encourage them to join Island Cruising and learn more about the passage.
Have team T Shirts
It is important that everyone gets along with each other. Some fun ideas to create a team bond:
In summary Be friendly, respectful, kind, honest and up front. Do your fair share and avoid doing things that might annoy others. Have fun!
Don't forget special occaisions, candles and a cake for birthdays, a special treat at the half way point, a ceremony when you cross the equator, celebratory drinks for once you've arrived safe and are all checked in.
Have some competitions or games - photo of the best sunset/sunrise, writing poems, biggest fish, a game of bingo for people who see certain things along the way, best meal etc.
Board games can be a fun way of passing the time.
Protection from the Elements
Make a time each day where all the crew get together - perhaps over dinner, or sundowners.
Building the Team
You'll have a happier crew if you've got protection from the wind, rain and sun. Keep an eye on the crew to make sure they are warm, have decent wet weather gear, are wearing a hat, have got sunscreen on, and drink enough water.
Create a shared 'delivery' playlist on Spotify - everyone can add their favourite music

Historical Race
The Solo Trans Tasman Yacht Challenge is contested every four years and is the second oldest continuously run single handed ocean race in the world. Second to the OSTAR (Observer Singlehanded Trans Atlantic Race) from Plymouth, UK to Rhode Island, USA. It's the only race of its kind in the southern hemisphere. The 2023 race will cover 1240 nautical miles. Regular updates about the race will be posted on the race website and if you stay subscribed to this newsletter you will be notified of any new posts the week they are posted.
Provisional entries are welcome now. The closing date for provisional entries is 31st August 2022. There are currently three skippers entered with expressions of interest from 11 other Australian skippers and 13 from New Zealand skippers There are three divisions: Adventure class Monohull; Adventure class Multihull and IRC. Line honours is awarded the Sir Francis Chichester Trophy.
Following the postponement of the 2022 Solo Trans Tasman Yacht Challenge due to the unpredictable end of COVID, the race committee has now made the decision to start the 14th race of this historical Southern hemisphere event on 9 April 2023, 13:00hrs.
Solo Trans-Tasman Challenge 2023
Entries Welcome
The Solo Trans Tasman Yacht Challenge has been an inspirational link between New Zealand and Australia for more than 50 years, so it’s fitting that our new major sponsor also has Trans Tasman links Ray White New Plymouth has come on board with the naming rights for the 2023 race. That’s a level of support that the real estate franchise owners, Jane and Carey Simonson, say reflects the reach of the Ray White brand The brand began and grew in Australia before extending its business across the Tasman to New Zealand and Ray White is now a leading real estate business throughout Australasia. New Gold Coast Finish
The 50th anniversary of the Solo Trans Tasman Yacht Challenge in 2023 will feature a new finishing destination, making it easier for sailors to clear customs. The 2023 edition of the race will finish at the Southport Yacht Club on Queensland’s Gold Coast rather than Mooloolaba It will once again start from the New Plymouth Yacht Club, Taranaki
Ray White Trans Tasman Link

Helly Hansen Great discounts for Island Cruising members on all Helly Hansen sailing gear Order through View the range online here

RallyDivision DetailsHere

Pacific Rally Sponsors

Pacific Rally Sponsors

Two day Offshore Medical Course customised to provide students with the basics required for Offshore Cruising. Course also covers a handover of the Offshore Medical Kit (CAT 1) and how to use it. CHECK THE OCEANIA WEBSITE FOR UPCOMING COURSE DATES $295.00 for Island Cruising members + discount on Cat 1 Medical Kits $325.00 for non members Register online medical training OffshoreMarineMedic

Become a member of Island Cruising for just $95, and get a free digital subscription to Boating New Zealand! Join online now: FOR SALE Para anchor Tasman 15, suits 11m monohull or 12m multihull. Para anchor in water kit 100m warp plus float line. Heavy strop from bow to cockpit. Carried up to the islands in waterproof cockpit locker but has never been in the water. $2000 Any questions please feel free to call 0272865393 Ross Walker ross pamwalker@gmail com

Get 10% off! Use code: islandcruise


Hydrovane What do people say about theirs? By Sarah Curry of Hydrovane International Marine Our mate Harry Hydrovane, steering us dead downwind in perfect balance with his favourite sail configuration wing on wing. In light downwind trades this is our most effective sail and steering setup for distance, comfort and of course reducing power consumption On occasion we do use our onboard autopilot for certain wind angles but it’s consumption is between 4 6 amps continuous, so for us using the Hydrovane with absolutely no electronics is a much more effective choice for lengthy offshore passages Click the photo to watch Harry in action

Radix Nutrition is a generous sponsor of the Pacific Rally and have provided a variety of meals and smoothies in the rally packs. Radix makes delicious meals, ideal for when it's rough or when you need to refuel on the go. Quick, easy, nutritious, delicious. Radix meals will be provided in the Pacific Rally goody packs. Discounts for Island Cruising members too. Click here to order - discount code SAILNZ2022 10% discount!

The Buoycatcher can be used on a wide range of moorings, including many cleats, mooring balls, hoops, rings, chains and straight bar dock cleats. With multiple positioning options then the head can be used to attach ropes to low down and above head locations, such as when you are mooring against a wall at low tide Order online at congratulations john for winning a buoycatcher with the Pacific Rally!

Island Cruising NZ is proud to partner with Rocket GuidesCruising Guides for Vanuatu and New Caledonia. Rocket Cruising Guides have expert local knowledge on Anchorages, Routes, Marine Parks, Marinas, Yacht Agents, slipways, yacht repair facilities, supermarkets, marine hardware stores, welders, fitters, sail makers, internet, mobile phones, and more. Island Cruising NZ Members get a 10% discount on these amazing cruising resources

Island Cruising have been running yacht rallies in the Pacific since the 1980's, and over that time we have helped hundreds of yachties achieve their sailing dreams Rallies are fun, you get to meet the people who are heading your way and make new friends with sailors who share your sense of adventure You can choose to cruise with others, or head off and do your own thing There is no pressure to stay together if you prefer to sail independently Island Cruising helps you get prepared to go offshore Our online cruising preparation workshops give you tips & tasks each week to help you tick off the requirements for Cat 1, getting you, your boat and your crew ready for the voyage ahead We arrange Sea Survival and Marine Medic courses We also help with the ever changing rules and regulations of the places you are visiting and the paperwork involved. Our rally guides are packed with local knowledge and advice to help make your voyage a success. We can help find crew if you need some extra pairs of hands, or if you need your boat delivered without you on board, we can help connect you with people who can make this happen.
Safety is important to us, we provide weather information, trackers, radio scheds, liaise with the Rescue Coordination Centre, and are there for support and back up if things don't go to plan We know the locals so if you have any issues while you are away we can help you get the support you need We give you advice on the local customs and regulations so you can make meaningful connections with the people you meet We've got amazing sponsors who include some incredible discounts on all the gear you need to go offshore, as well as providing special goodies and giveaways in your rally packs and social events along the way In short, Island Cruising is here to help make your voyage safe, fun and enjoyable and we are here to assist you achieve your sailing goals and adventures, the way you want to do it.
Become a member of Island Cruising for just $95 a year. You can join on our website:
Why Join a Rally?

ARE YOU OFFSHORE READY? Island Cruising NZ members receive weekly emails with tips and suggestions on how to go about getting prepared for a long coastal or offshore voyage. There are webinars, videos, templates, downloads, and in person get togethers. Suitable for boat owners or crew members, experienced sailors or beginners alike You can start any time, and work through the topics at your own pace. Join in any time. Just $95.00 per year and take advantage of our great sponsors deals too! Getting organised a system for storing all the information for your Passage Plan, Safety Manual, Maintenance log, Important Documents, Boating Qualifications and more Your vessel information a template for collating all the specifications of your boat The Cat 1 & 2 Regulations Boat Registration Reporting Incidents Insuring your boat VHF & MMSI Meteorology Forecasts Communication options at Sea Rig rules for Cat 1 & 2 Sails for offshore the Cruising Wardrobe Fire Safety Anchoring Your Maintenance Records Provisioning EPIRB's Your sailing resumé Navigation COLREGS Passage planning Provisioning Safety gear Diesel engine basics Fuel systems Servicing winches Checking your rig Anchoring tips Sailing at night Workshop topics include: EPIRBs VHF/AIS Communications Man Over Board Fire Flooding Abandon Ship Preparing a Grab Bag Meteorology Tides Docking Plumbing Electrics Batteries Charging systems Keeping healthy Sail trim & new sails Boat registration Taking on crew Dinghy tips Fog signals Biosecurity Seasickness Coping in emergencies Security Skipper responsibility Log keeping Search and Rescue Steering Heavy Weather Sailing AND MUCH MORE! BECOME A MEMBER NOW TO JOIN IN WWW.ISLANDCRUISING.NZ

Discounts for ICNZ Members!

AdvocacyimmigrationAssistanceZealand.adviceAccessMentoring,activities·SocialmarineAccessaExclusiveNewslettersoffshoreServices,,greatcruisingcommunityconnections,andrallies.trainingseminarsandwebinars.toourextensivedatabaseoflocalknowledgeandaboutsailingintheSouthPacificandNewwithnavigatingtheeverchangingcustoms,andhealthrequirementsforcruisers.andsupportwhenthingsdon'tgotoplan. Whether you own a boat already, are planning on buying one soon, have dreams of sailing offshore someday, or are considering sailing to New Zealand, preparing for a voyage requires that you, your crew and your vessel are knowledgeable, equipped and fully self sufficient. Island Cruising NZ can help you navigate through all the preparation, administration and coordination of a long coastal or offshore voyage and welcome you to the South West Pacific Island Cruising NZ For just NZD$95.00 per annum you will receive: Become a Member Join online at crewCrewCruisingCombinedknowledgeandconnectionswiththeIslandcommunity.matchingserviceforskipperslookingforcreworlookingforaboat.

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ACOA is a beautiful ketch rigged Aluminium cruising yacht, designed by the renowned superyacht designer Ed Dubois. Built by Double & Jesse in Germany for long range passage or coastal voyages. She has been around the world and also explored the Antarctic. Continuous upgrades and professional maintenance including a refit in Orams Marine New Zealand. Most recently she received a new paint job (superstructure, hull, mast, boom), all electronic systems upgraded and domestic equipment changed. Built in safety features include 3 watertight bulkheads plus access via stern and side boarding platforms.
This Huntingford yacht is a fast and comfortable open ocean cruising ketch She has everything you need and easily handled It presents in great condition, thanks to her fastidious owner Relaunched July 1 after $7k service: antifouled, zincs, Propspeed, through hull servicing, now good for 2 years or more Custom designed and built in the US constructed in timber and GPR to a very high standard Superbly equipped and has completed many ocean passages with just two crew. The vessel has been imported into NZ; with duty and GST paid. All electrics meet both NZ and US standards. The boat is fitted out with all the safety, navigation, and domestic equipment you need. On deck, the hard dodger and full set of tropical awnings provide protection from sun, spray and wind. All controls from both masts leading to the cockpit. here Impressive 18.5m (63ft) NZD$399,000KetchCruising
Clive Bennett +64 27 494 9799
View online
92ft Dubois Aluminium Ketch

ProductsYachtsCITYOFSAILSMARINEYACHTBROKERS–NewandUsedBoatsForSale–Motor–PowerandSail–Classic–Multihulls–Launches–TrailerBoats–Marine BlairPhonethroughWeWE’REinsuranceaWecommercialWearebasedinAucklandandofferofferaverywideselectionofrecreationalandboatsofalltypes,bothnewandused.arefullserviceyachtandboatbrokers–withtheemphasisonservice.Wealsooffernumberofmarineservicesandproducts,includingloanfinance,andmarketandvaluations.SELLINGBOATS–ANDWENEEDNEWLISTINGS!getresults,sotalktousnowaboutlistingyourboatforsale–wepromoteyourboatanumberofwebsitesandotheroutlets,includingoverseasasappropriate.usanytime:Harkness,Mobile0212458809 DOCKLAND 5 Marine Ltd The perfect place to carry out boat repairs & refresh before your next adventure with haul out & hardstand facilities on the beautiful Whangarei Harbour John Peagram Manager Mob: 0274 930 812 | Phone: 09438 8558 | Email: john@dockland5 co nz Open Ocean Watermakers has been manufacturing watermakers in the beautiful Bay of Islands of New Zealand since 2001 Terry Forsbrey is the owner of Open Ocean. He and his wife Ariel lived aboard their yacht for 22 years and actively cruised offshore for 12 of those years. During their time on the water, Terry discovered that high tech components in a watermaker are not only unnecessary, they are usually the first thing to break down, and most often in remote locations When helping out other cruisers, he frequently found that by passing these components would get their watermakers working once again That's when he realized that a simple, reliable, and affordablewatermaker could be made Terry developed the early version of an engine driven model and took it cruising He put it to the test for five years He then returned to New Zealand to design and build a reliable watermaker without any superfluous gadgets Thus was born a revolutionary new concept in watermakers One that works all the time, is easy to operate, and doesn’t break the bank Island Cruising NZ members get a $300 discount on a new water maker from Open Ocean! Check out their website

Island Cruising NZ Education ··Assistingsailorstopreparethemselves,theirvesselandcrewforlongcoastaloroffshorevoyagesPromotingSaferBoatinginitiativesBeingarichpoolofknowledge,supportandresourcesforcruisersEncouragingupskillingandgoodseamanship SocialConnection RunningyachtralliesaroundNewZealandandtheSouthPacificOrganisingsocialevents,activitiesandsocialmedianetworksLearningaboutandbeingrespectfulofthecultureswevisitPromotingpositivesocialimpact,communityengagementandlong-lastingconnectionswiththepeoplewemeet Support Beinganinclusive,diverseandsupportivecommunityAdvocatingforandassistingsailorsinneedAdviceonimmigrationclearances&formalitiesYachttrackingandshorecrewsupport Providing cruisers with support, education & connection Communication · informedProducingaregularnewslettertokeepcruisersonthelatestcruisenews,upcomingeventsandpromotingpartnerproducts&businesses.·PromotingtheNewZealandMarineindustryandprovidingapositiveandmutuallybeneficialconnectiontotheirtargetmarketEncouragingandwelcominginternationalsailorstoNewZealand Environmemt · Runningasustainableandenvironmentallysensitiveorganisation · initiativesSupportinglocalandglobalenvironmentaltoprotecttheOceanandtheplaceswevisitEncouragingsailorstobeeco-consciousandreducetheirimpactontheenvironmentPromotingCitizenScienceprojectsaimedatoceanhealth Collaboration coastalFormingSupportingthestrategicdirectionofYachtingNewZealandstrongrelationshipswithyachtclubstopromotelong-andoffshoreraces,ralliesandcruisingeventsandactivitiesPromotingSaferBoatingandgoodseamanshipalongsideCoastguardandMaritimeNewZealandPartneringwithDownUnderRallytopromotecruisingintheSouthPacific