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Wartime bravery of North Uist Flying Nightingale Our four page Lifestyle section begins on page 14 Page 13




island news Edition 24

April 2014



JOY AS UIST MENINGITIS CAMPAIGNER SEES VACCINE MADE AVAILABLE Recent news that the Government is to make available on the NHS a vaccine for babies against meningitis B filled Sollas woman Sue Neale with a sense of ‘overwhelming relief and joy.’ Mrs Neale’s son was critically ill with meningococcal B and meningococcal septicaemia as a two year old. She lost two cousins, both boys, as toddlers from the disease. Mrs Neale went on to help found and then chair the Meningitis Trust (now Meningitis Now) in the 1990s. The Trust was formed in 1985 after a lethal outbreak of the disease in Stroud, Gloucestershire. Last year the EU granted a licence for a vaccine against Meningitis B, but the NHS refused to roll it out as part of the routine childhood immunisation programme. Mrs Neale, who moved to North Uist five years ago said: “Those who could afford it bought it for their children, priced upwards of £300 - out of reach for poor families. “Meningitis Now has campaigned tirelessly to force a government U turn, and succeeded.” The Beat It Now! Campaign gathered 36,500 signatures and rallied health professionals and scientists to show their support. Mrs Neale said: “I feel moved that so many families

Sue Neale, founder member and former chairman of the Meningitis Trust.

have fought back and supported the work of the Trust, but also sad and regretful that so many have suffered. “I hope there is a catch-up programme for older toddlers, children and teenagers. “In the meantime the charity

will concentrate on the support of sufferers and their families.” Mrs Neale added: “The children of Dunskellar Croileagan played their part when they did a toddle waddle in May 2010 to raise money for the Meningitis Trust.”

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island news & ADVERTISER - April 2014 Issue 24


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Fred appeals for Men United You will hopefully have seen a lot of publicity about Men United v Prostate Cancer recently. Maybe the TV advert with Bill Bailey? You’re maybe wondering why comedians are getting behind this campaign. Well here’s why I’ve signed up. My late father had prostate cancer. Being diagnosed with the disease is a shock for any man, and indeed their families. Sadly for 10,000 men in the UK every year the disease is fatal. Men United v Prostate Cancer is a movement formed to hit back against the injustices faced by men with the disease. I want to help change the statistic that one man dies from prostate cancer every hour in the UK. Tens of thousands of people have already signed up. Now we must use our voices to campaign for more

research funding, better diagnosis, better treatments and better education about men’s risks and their rights when it comes to prostate cancer, the most common cancer in men. In Scotland our fantastic charity partner and fellow Men United supporter, Men United aims to save lives. It’s a team I’m proud Scotmid Co-operative, has smashed its annual to be part of. By acting as a team we will have more fundraising target of £150,000 in just 6 months - an impact and improve the lives of every man with incredible achievement. Our lobbying work has delivered new prostate cancer drugs abiraterone and prostate cancer. I call on your readers to visit enzalutamide for use on NHS Scotland. And all MSPs, www.prostatecanceruk.org/menunited or search and a growing number of health boards, are backing ‘Men United’ to sign up today. our Quality Checklist to iron out inequalities of care Men United v Prostate Cancer – we can win this! and support throughout Scotland. So we are making Fred MacAulay progress, but there’s so much more still to do and achieve before we beat this disease once and for all. Champion, Prostate Cancer UK

Room 7, East Camp, Balivanich, Isle of Benbecula, HS7 5LA


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Tim Mason Managing Editor

Susy Macaulay Business Manager


Island News & Advertiser

Royal Mail employees get second share allocation Around 100 Royal Mail employees in the Hebrides will receive their second share allocation on April 9. Full-time employees will receive 112 free shares this year,

Youth Club News from IochdairaJuniorwho designed the The youth club recently held competition for designing a new logo for their club and so that we . could get t-shirts with the new logo and in came ns desig y I lot of lovel these were given to Sarah Jane Peteranna to select a winner as Sarah Jane was the winner of the last design. a Sarah Jane found it very hard to select one se choo she tually winner but even and it’s thanks to Chloe Humberstone

Arrangements are well underway for the ‘Latha na Mara’ - RNLI Fund-raising Day - on Saturday May 17 in Lochmaddy Hall. Items for the silent auction so far inclu de a model of a traditional Grimsay boat, hand-made especially for the event by Reverend Donald MacQuarrie; a sign ed Manchester United football; two adult tickets for a 2014 /15 Aberdeen Home League match; a magnificent cloo tie dumpling; two family tickets for ‘Satrosphere’ Science Centre in Aberdeen; a signed photograph of Liverpool FC goal -keeper Simon Mignolet. Full details of the ‘Latha na Mara’ even ts, together with a list of auction lots, will be published in a prog ramme available in local outlets over the next few weeks. Contributions for the stalls, raffle or silen t auction will be most gratefully received. For further infor mation, or to make bids prior to the auction, please cont act Stella Evans (01876 500306) or Barbara Jameson (01876 500849).

Peter Mac

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winning logo. Chloe was given a £25 Amazon Voucher. The youth club would like to thank Chloe for a lovely design and to Sarah Jane for selecting it but a big thanks goes to MacAulay’s Askernish for sponsoring our T-Shirts and Custom Prints for supplying and embroidering

Fèis Tir An Eorna quarter century celebra tions The popular Nort

Nicola Mackenzie


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April 2014 Issue 24 - island news & ADVERTISER

Community councils invite Health Minister to Uist to understand their ‘deep concerns’ about health care provision

Thrift Shop splashes the cash in South Uist The SHARE/Daliburgh Thrift Shop has awarded grants totalling £5,000 to local community organisations. The thrift shop was refurbished in 2007 and opens two days a week, staffed by a pool of 25 dedicated volunteers.

The Association of Community Councils in Uist has invited Health Minister Alex Neil to the islands to hear their concerns about Health Board provision on the islands. Cllr Uisdean Robertson.

The Association says the situation in Uist is of such a serious nature that only a face-to-face meeting would be adequate to help Mr Neil understand their deep concerns. Their concerns include patient hospital appointments, currently mired in a range of difficulties arising from the three day per week air service. One of these is that hospital patients ready for discharge in Inverness on Thursday afternoon are unable to travel home until Tuesday, causing bed blocking.

Another is the increased use of the Air Ambulance since the flights were reduced, including using it to send patients with routine medical needs to Stornoway on non-flight days. Among other concerns being put before the minister are the centralisation of local services including the scaling back of minor operations in Uist & Barra Hospital with the majority now being done in Stornoway; additional costs for isolated people with services such as podiatry which used to be done at their local

surgery or care home now being carried out in U&B Hospital; and the withdrawal of the advocacy service in Uist. North Uist & Benbecula councillor Uisdean Robertson is a lead member on the Association of Community Councils. He said: “Another concern is the current lack of Uist and Barra representation on the health board, resulting in a lack of understanding of local issues. “We want to meet Mr Neil so that he can hear first hand about the worrying situation in Uist.”

MoD turbine block is because Benbecula range needs to justify its existence, claims wind energy consultant The MOD’s intention to close the Hebrides Range in 2007 is at the bottom of its consistent stance to block the development of wind energy in Uist, according to a wind energy consultant based in Aberdeen.


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Ian Downie, Planning and Development consultant with Case Consulting Ltd works with clients wishing to erect turbines in the area of RAF Buchan, where the MoD routinely opposes turbine proposals due to alleged interference with the Air Defence Radar. This range was also threatened with closure in 2007. Mr Downie said: “The Benbecula and Buchan Air Defence Radars having been spared closure were downgraded to remote radar heads. The turbine problems began to gradually worsen from that point on. “I have seen the MOD object to an 11.5m turbine, barely taller than a lamppost, proposed for a site 30km away from RAF Buchan.” Mr Downie said he has been observing closely the MoD handling of turbine proposals for North and South Uist, which have now led to three applications being called in by the Scottish Government. He said: “The North Uist safeguarded area had a radius of approximately 2000 metres. It was suggested in January 2012 that this had been increased to 5 nautical miles which would have left the North Uist community turbines outwith the safeguarded area, but when the safeguarded map was published the radius had been increased to 10 km

thus just including the turbine locations. “Western Isles council has repeatedly asked the MoD to meetings to discuss their objections, but they refused. When the council then approved the applications the MoD then accused them of being irrational, and hinged their objection on that.” Mr Downie said the MoD knew perfectly well that the new radar, a Lockheed Martin TPS-77 proposed for Benbecula next year was turbine-friendly. He said: “The MoD appear to be concealing material information from the Comhairle which could readily have supported the approval of the North Uist community turbines. “My view is that they are doing this because they need to justify the existence of the Benbecula range.” He added: “Don’t be fooled. The new radar may cost millions but it’s a battlefield radar which can easily be put up and taken down. It’s not a long-term investment that can’t be moved.” The MoD’s response to questions about its turbine policy can be seen in full on islandnewsand advertiser.co.uk.

It operates a café which has become a popular social hub during the shop’s opening hours, Thursdays and Saturdays between 11am and 1pm. Money raised by the thrift shop has been distributed back into the community for the past six years – around £30,000 in total. Chairperson Avril Campbell said: “The average award is £500, an amount which can go a long way and make a difference. It often helps schools and clubs travel off or inter-island for various activities which they couldn’t otherwise do.” In the latest round, money is going to Eilain Tir a Mhurain, South Uist & Eriskay Athletics Club, Joint Stoneybridge Cemetries Committee, Daliburgh Over 60s Club, Cothrom Gardening groups for adults and children, Uist Camanadh, Rois Craobh, Daliburgh School Primary 7 school trip, Sgoil Dhalabroig Nursery and South Uist Church of Scotland.


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island news & ADVERTISER - April 2014 Issue 24

Obituary Mary Ann Day (nee MacDonald) passed away on Friday 7 March 2014. Her loss is keenly felt by her husband Nick Day, her family, her relatives, her colleagues and friends. Mary Ann, or Nan, as we came to call her, was the daughter of Roderick and Annabel MacDonald of Plocropool, Harris. She had one brother, Roddy.

Benbecula and North Uist churches vote for linkage

Born in Plocropool, after primary school in Drinishader she attended Sir E Scott School in Tarbert, then went on to study Secretarial Work at Inverness High School. She very soon found employment with BBC Highland, Inverness. Some time after her marriage to Nick Day from Yorkshire, they went to Dursley,Gloucestershire where Nick was employed. Their next move was to Benbecula where Nick was employed by SERCO. Nan found employment at the airport in Benbecula where she worked for twenty years up until a week before her passing. They lived at Kyles Flodda,Benbecula. On each occasion Nan visited her old home in Plocropool where her parents ,who were our neighbours, lived, she would call at our home. Having begun and enjoyed my teaching career in North Uist and Grimsay, and later visited Uist schools when I worked for the Council”s Education Department, I had many questions for Nan about the people I had known during these years. Sitting by the fireside with a cup of tea we would chat and I would catch up on matters, past and present, in the Southern Isles. I looked forward to her visits to Harris. She would also visit other relatives and friends. The esteem in which she was held was evident from the large crowd which attended her funeral at the Church of Scotland in Tarbert, Harris, with many attending who had travelled from long distances. Intelligent and unassuming, Nan was a person of many fine qualities, including warmth, kindness, a positive attitude, a sense of humour and she will be much missed by her family and by all friends and relatives. To them all, and to her husband Nick, we extend our most sincere sympathy.

Benbecula Church.

Carinish Church.

Communicants of Griminish, Benbecula and Carinish, North Uist churches have voted that their churches be linked under the Church of Scotland linkage scheme. Billy Chung of Humanos.

Under current procedure, a transition minister could be in place by the autumn to lead the churches in establishing linkage for up to five years. The minister could apply to stay in post or the congregations could proceed to call a new minister. Under linkage, the two churches keep their property and funds separate and manage their own affairs. The office-bearers of the congregations meet annually to decide on their portion of the contribution to the

minister’s stipend and related expenses, including maintenance of the manse. Up for negotiation would be the services times to accommodate both congregations. The parishes of North Uist and Benbecula have also been granted a part time post alongside their total allocation of two ministers. It is envisaged that this would fund a lay worker to carry out pastoral work around the parishes. Berneray & Lochmaddy and Kilmuir & Paible churches are also proposed for linkage.

Growing cash award in Outer Hebrides school competition A new schools competition has been announced with an ever-growing cash prize.

Catherine MacDonald

Local schools are invited to submit a 300 word article with the theme School Life on the Islands to the Humanos Aid International charity. They must do this by March 31, 2015. In the meantime, Humanos director Billy Chung will be approaching isles businesses to contribute to the prize fund. It currently stands at £175, but Mr Chung has a target to raise it to at least £750.

More information about the competition at the following web address: humanos.org.uk/schoolfund award.html Humanos works with many Uist organisations such as nurseries, schools and Cothrom, donating to them goods such as paper, crayons, toys and garden seeds and equipment

given by supermarkets or shops. Mr Chung appealed for donations to his humanitarian charity to be made in the 28 distinctive blue collecting cans situated throughout the islands. He said: “We can take any currency, paper and coins, and also stamps. These are resold in our new charity shop in Aberfeldy.”

New water filtration plant for Lochmaddy Scottish Water is proposing a new water treatment works for Lochmaddy with improved filtration and additional storage. The utility is also looking at sizing the new works with future growth in mind, and is investigating an option to use the

new Lochmaddy plant to provide water treatment for the whole of North Uist. A Scottish Water spokeswoman said: “All options are still being investigated and we hope to come to a conclusion as to what the best option will be in the near future. We will continue to keep the local

community informed as to our progress with this." Meanwhile the company has submitted applications for three turbines at Bayhead and Lochmaddy to help reduce energy costs at these works, and the applications are awaiting determination.

April 2014 Issue 24 - island news & ADVERTISER


WWI commemorations begin in Uist l to r, back row Cllr Uisdean Robertson, Connor MacLeod, Sarah MacMillan, CEUT chairwoman Chrissie MacCuish, Connor Ewen. Front row Fraser Ballantyne, Mary Morrison, Marybell MacIntyre, Emma MacInnes, Sheena Stewart of Caraidean Uibhist.

The five pupils, all aged 16 and in S5, talked to an audience drawn from Tagsa and Uist Befriending clients and the local community about their experience visiting the war graves in Ypres and the Somme last summer. Fraser Ballantyne, Emma MacInnes, Sarah MacMillan, Connor Macleod and Connor Ewen had prepared a slide presentation showing some of the outstanding moments of their tour. The group who went, 19 pupils and three teachers, Marybell MacIntyre, Joan MacDonald and Robert Gillies all had links to relatives or family friends lost in the war, and some were actively seeking out graves in the area to lay special Sgoil Lionacleit wreaths with heather and tartan incorporated. They assembled the wreaths aboard the ferry to Belgium, an act which reduced one Belgian passenger to tears of emotion. “It turned into an important part of the trip, and was the first in many emotional moments for the group,� Mrs MacIntyre said.

Pupils from Sgoil Lionacleit helped mark the cententary of World War One with a presentation at Taigh Chearsabhagh, Lochmaddy.

Emma MacInnes said the thing that had struck them all was how young the soliders were. She said: “When we went, we were all 15, and so were many of the soldiers. It really shocked us.� Connor Macleod said: “Two out of five didn’t come home. We were shocked to see Uist names in Flanders Field.� Fraser Ballantyne said: “We saw the reconstruction of the trench where Wilfred Owen wrote The Sentry. It made it feel more real.�

Piper to piper. Norman Johson helps Sarah MacMillan before she played at the event.

Piper Sarah MacMillan faced an unexpected audience of nearly 700 at the Menin Gate Memorial when she played The Flowers of the Forest. Connor Ewen gave an impassioned address about his observations and feelings during the trip. He said: “I was really shocked by the poor state of the German mass grave. We learned that the troops had shaken hands during the Christmas truce, and played football, and shown acts of mercy to each other.� There was hardly a dry eye in the house when he said: “I’m very close to my mum. I kept thinking that when those soldiers left their homes, it was the last time they ever hugged their mothers.� The event was organised by Mary Morrison of Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath (North Uist’s historical society) as part of a series of events to gather oral history and artefacts from the time for an exhibition in Taigh Chearsabhagh in November. The next event will take place on Friday April 25 with lunch in TC.

Connor Ewen spoke of his shock at the number of war graves.

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island news & ADVERTISER - April 2014 Issue 24

BarraBulletin Eoin MacNeil sends his regular bulletin of news across the Sound Hello from the sunny side of the Sound! I wish! It has been raining here since I last wrote. However spring has arrived and I know this because of the early arrivals of Barra’s lambs and even earlier sightings of tour buses in Oban. As I waited for my ferry to Barra in the new and packed Wetherspoons, I was amazed at the number of tourists. Here’s hoping for a good tourist season.

Plans to extend Vatersay community centre Vatersay community association has submitted plans to CnES to alter and extend the existing hall and café. The association wants to provide a new office, meeting rooms, café, kitchen areas, public laundry, shower and toilet facilities.

News from Sgoil Eolaigearraidh Darren John P5 Pupils from the school had the opportunity to enter the competition to give the turbine at the end of Scurrival a name. We were really excited about it. Most of the pupils entered and some names were really good. We were pleased that someone from the school was a runner up, well done to Seumas MacLeod whose entry was ‘An Dannsair air a’ ghob’.

Vivienne P1 First we went to Sgurribhal to see the wind turbine. Then we listened to speeches; the turbine’s name is ‘Spàgan’ which means long legs. Next we got a picture taken and then we went into the engine room. Finally it was time to go back to school. It was very exciting.

Barra community working towards the delivery of a new build hospital and care home An Integrated Health and Social Care Hub for Barra is the latest term being used by those in the know. In plain speak what it means is the long awaited delivery of a new hospital, St Brendan’s to replace the ageing and well deteriorated building that exists at the moment. In addition, the Comhairle have identified funding to deliver a new Social Care home beside the new hospital development. At a combined cost of at least £7m people on Barra and Vatersay insist we get it right. It was for that reason more than 80 people attended the community engagement event in Castlebay School. Despite the driving rain and winds gusting over 55mph, the turn-out alone emphasised the project’s importance to the Health Board and the Comhairle. As a consequence of the bad weather, Health Board and Comhairle officials were left high and dry on Uist and so were unable to participate. It did not

go unnoticed that despite the high wind speed and poor visibility the Glasgow plane did manage to land. Ironic because if our inter-island air service had been left intact, these same officials stranded in Uist could have attended this very important meeting. The meeting was however led by the Western Isles Health Board Chairman Neil Galbraith and facilitated by his team of consultants from Capita Health and Wellbeing. Jessie MacNeil, Barra Locality Planning Partnership, opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and highlighted the importance of a continuing programme of community engagement. She also expressed concern that social care models were being discussed at higher levels without the community being included at an early enough stage on the preferred options. The meeting then took a very proactive turn by splitting the large attendance into four groups to

Barra’s got talent! Congratulations to Barra’s worthy award winners

FilmG 2014

I mentioned in last month’s column that a number of community stalwarts were nominated for a variety of national awards. I am pleased to say that they all came back home with the goods. At the National Youth Worker of the Year Awards dinner held at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Glasgow on Thursday 13 March, Katie Denehy (pictured above, centre) who was presented with


island news

the award for Youth Worker (part-time) of the Year. Katie supports the local Youth Council and her many other achievements include working with the Barra Youth Café, Primary Youth Club and supporting young people through their Youth Achievement and Volunteer Awards.





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focus down on a range of option documents produced by Capita. The documents produced included three options for a Health and Social Care Hub. These took the shape of three Indicative 3D impressions, each with accommodation schedules which highlighted each room and its use. After one and a half hours of discussions in groups, the feedback from each group was highlighted and recorded. Issues raised inclu- ded the fact that there should be a link corridor between both buildings, better provision for end of life care, room for additional services and concerns over dementia care in such an accommodation. Palliative care provision was also highlighted as a priority. As the meeting closed and the rain battered down on the school roof, the importance of using the correct materials to ensure adequate soundproofing also sprung to mind!

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A group of our S2 pupils travelled to Glasgow last week to attend the National Gaelic Film Awards Ceremony, having been nominated in two categories. Millie Denehy, Katie MacDonald, Claire Frances MacNeil, Alexander Ferguson, Thomas Iain Paterson and Micheal Brendan MacLeod worked hard to produce An Càirdeas Carach, and their efforts paid off when they scooped the FilmG Award for Gaelic and also the FilmG Theme Award! Well done all!


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April 2014 Issue 24 - island news & ADVERTISER

TV commission for Uist film makers UistFilm has been commissioned by MG ALBA to make a Gaelic documentary about a legendary Uist doctor.

On the IN&A website Construction begins on Lochmaddy pontoons

Uist primary pupils are Highlands & Islands Young Engineers of the Year

World Book Day in Uist

FilmG Isles winners

Keep up with rolling news at islandnewsandadvertiser.co.uk Showcase your art, poetry or music for free on the Island Creative webpage

e.mail islandcreative@outlook.com

An Dr Finlay san Da-Rìribh / The Real Dr Finlay’s Casebook will tell the story of Dr Alex Macleod, North Uist GP from 1932 – 1973. The programme will be broadcast around Christmas this year on BBC ALBA. The story of Dr Alex will be told through interviews with contemporaries, colleagues and patients, illustrated with archive still and moving image and simple dramatised sequences. Dr John Gillies, chairman of the Royal College Of General Practitioners in Scotland and a native of North Uist, said: “Dr Alex cared for his patients 24 hours a day through a time when most had no transport, no telephones and no electricity, visiting on foot, on horseback by boat and even swimming.” The indomitable GP delivered many of the children born on the island, enjoying a formidable reputation as an obstetrician. He was instrumental in the pushing for air ambulance provision for the Western Isles and a national health service, clashing with health bureaucrats in Inverness on several occasions. With his GP wife Julia and dedicated team of district nurses, he worked tirelessly for more than 40 years to improve the healthcare for the islanders of Uist. In 1959, the medical practice was extensively documented by New York-based photojournalist Neil Preissman. Recently in preparation for an exhibition at Taigh Chearsabhagh Museum & Arts Centre, Preissman’s scratched black and white contact prints were unearthed at the old doctor’s house in Lochmaddy revealing a fascinating insight into the life of a GP in the islands at that time. The documentary hopes to make use of these images. Project director Andy Mackinnon said he was delighted at this first commission from MG ALBA. He said: “This is a great development for UistFilm. We really appreciate the opportunity from MG ALBA and their commitment to developing television production within Uist.”

He invited anyone with memories or stories of Dr Alex or who is interested in developing Gaelic media skills to contact him on 01870 603977 or andy@uistfilm.org

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The trustees of Ros Chraobh would like to thank the customers of Lovat’s Store for the generous donation given to our charity. By purchasing MADL labelled goods instore you have made a contribution to the fund which supports local good causes and you are very definitely Making A Difference Locally. We would also like to thank SHARE for their generous donation which will, like all monies received, be used to provide alternative therapies for those who have chronic or long term illness. Our thanks to you all.

Dr Alex Macleod seeing Air Ambulance flight take off, 1959. N.Preissman.

Ros Chraobh is a Uist-based charity to facilitate complementary therapies for people with chronic or long term illness.

Raghnall & Angus Maclain Uist Asco

Scottish seaweed set for Dubai sands. Camels in Dubai will soon benefit from the Outer Hebrides’ rich supply of seaweed as North Uist business, Uist Asco, prepares to export dried seaweed for use as a supplementary ration for the emirate’s racing camels. Launched in 2012 by Raghnall Maclain and his brother Angus and father Donald, Uist Asco (www.uistasco.com)has developed over the past two years with advice from Business Gateway. “Three years ago we had to let go of our quarrying and construction business, along with the men who worked for us, which forced a major re-think,” said Raghnall. “My father has always had an interest in seaweed, and trees, which he’s been planting since 1992 so, thinking about what we could do with the timber, we decided to combine the two and produce dried seaweed. “The first year or so we spent researching and developing the business and the plant. It was at that time we turned to Business Gateway Outer Hebrides for help. Alastair, our adviser, has been very supportive and is helping us pursue an application for funding from HIE. He’s advised me on my business plan and cashflow projections and we keep in regular contact.” Alastair Macleod from Business Gateway Outer Hebrides added: “Uist Asco has had interest in their dried seaweed products from all over the world. This is a hard working concern and an excellent example of a family business supporting the local economy with new jobs.” Find out how Business Gateway Outer Hebrides can help your business by visiting www.bgateway.com/westernisles or calling 01851 808 240.

0845 609 6611 www.bgateway.com

Business Gateway services are delivered by Local Authorities, Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Government with the support of associated partner organisations. Maximum call charge from BT landline is 3p a minute.



island news & ADVERTISER - April 2014 Issue 24

Let’s beat isolation with a good blether Caraidean Uibhist (Uist Befriending) the befriending network wants to establish a telephone and letter writing befriending service: Blether Together. Having a blether is something you can do from the comfort of your own home. It can be just a ‘hello – how are you?’ or something a bit more detailed. It doesn’t have to be a big commitment but it can make a huge difference. Meeting up with a friend a family member over a cup of tea or a coffee, or just picking up the phone to catch up on the news, give someone some support and find out how they are- that can feel like a good blether but how often do we do it? Maybe in the past communities had more time to spare and life ran on a different timetable. Now people have to plan,

organise and be prepared for any and every eventuality, and their timetables are full. Because life is so busy there is little time to drop by for a chat or pick up the phone resulting in some people in our communities feeling isolated. Feeling in touch is an important aspect of being human- feeling connected, involved, being seen, part of the community. And for some people in our community that feeling of being connected can be a real challenge for a whole range of reasons. Physical isolation, living alone, not able to work, retirement, ill health, grief, feeling shy can affect our ability to be in touch and aware of what is going on around us – to feel connected. We have the ‘tried and tested’ ways of keeping in touch – meeting

up, sending a letter or a card and picking up the phone. In the new world of social media we actually have a lot of new and innovative ways of keeping in touch, Skype, email, Facebook. Caraidean Uibhist will be exploring what works and looking at different options for people in different situations to feel better connected.Caraidean Uibhist already has an established and growing network of volunteers who provide face-to-face befriending but recognises that some people would like to be involved in a different way. Can you help? Will you help? If you would like to become a telephone or letter-writing befriender or if you would like to have someone call on you for a blether

please get in touch with Sheena Stewart at Caraidean Uibhist and have a chat!

Tel no: 01870 603233 or e-mail: sheena@caraideanuibhist.org

St Kilda in 3D Uist archaeology enthusiasts, school children and artists have had a sneak preview of the 3D Virtual St Kilda Experience. They were able to fly, run and leap all over the archipelago, dropping into the village and the church, landing on the marriage stone or eavesdropping the conversations of 19th century St Kildan residents. The 3D technology is derived from computer gaming, offering a spectacular interactive experience for the viewer through the eyes of a proxy, or avatar. Dr Alan Miller of the School of Computer Science, St Andrews

A screenshot from the Virtual St Kilda Experience.

University has been working on the project in partnership with Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist A Tuath. On a recent visit to Uist, he told viewers that the software is modeled from free open source data and that he is striving to make the scenes as authentic as he can, using old films and text as interactive features, and eventually making the characters

speak in Gaelic. The Experience will be on display in Taigh Chearsabhagh from May. The same idea is being considered for North Uist’s Udal site, bringing to life its thousands of years of occupation. Dr Miller said he was keen to teach the technology to anyone interested and a workshop will be held for this in due course.

WIN A RUNRIG PARTY ON THE MOOR DVD RUNRIG’S SPECTACULAR 40TH ANNIVERSARY CONCERT THE ENTIRE CONCERT AVAILABLE ON DVD, BLU RAY & AUDIO CD FROM 28 MARCH To celebrate the release of this package we are giving away 3 COPIES OF THE DVD to the first 3 correct answers drawn out of the hat. Entries close 29th XX March 2014 April 2014 Answer the following question: In which year did The Run-Rig Dance Band play their first ever gig? Send entries to: POTM Competition, Runrig Office, 1 York Street, Aberdeen, AB11 5ED or by e-mail: office@runrig.co.uk


Sharpen your elbows it’s sale time Kilmuir & Paible Church, North Uist

ANNUAL BRING AND BUY SALE Paible School Friday April 25 at 7.30pm

MacMillan Cancer Support

SALE OF WORK Paible School, North Uist

Friday May 9 at 7.30pm



April 2014 Issue 24 - island news & ADVERTISER

ht to The project has soug ts s for machair habita on iti nd co e th e ov impr tive agricultural si po h ug ro th s ie ec and sp es management practic


Farewell, Machair Life

So what of the project legacy and its next steps?

Rebecca Cotton, Machair Life+ manager Machair LIFE+ reaches the end of its £2.2 million EU-funded work this month. The project has reached and in many cases surpassed all its targets over the four-year period, adapting along the way and learning valuable lessons during this time. The office at East Camp will remain open two days a week from April 1 to enable the final reports to be written. While working with crofters through management agreements on the ground and via one off payments to encourage wildlife-friendly agricultural practices, the project has also been responsible for four years of crop protection and biodiversity monitoring on the machair.

The project has sought to improve the conditions for machair habitats and species through positive agricultural management practices including: increasing the use of seaweed as a natural fertiliser, promoting shallow cultivation by plough or rotavator, encouraging the harvesting of arable crops with a reaper-binder and late-cutting of arable silage.

The machinery is to be handed over to

Ardbhan Croft for continued use for conservation management of the machair until 2017 with a heavily subsidized package available to crofters for collecting and spreading seaweed. The machinery will be stored in the new

shed on Benbecula, which is owned by RSPB and will be leased to Ardbhan Croft until 2017. A review of the use of the shed will then take place. Payments for late cut silage, harvesting

seed and arable stacks will cease to be funded by ML but it is hoped that much of this management will be supported through the next SRDP program. Crop protection and goose counts have

been handed back to SNH and there is good news that an additional £40,000 has been made available for summer crop protection this year. RSPB will continue to promote the successful crop protection methods that have been developed over the life of the project.

Machair Life promoted the use of seaweed as a natural fertiliser.

Sgoil Lionacleit teacher Marion Morrison enjoys goose curry.

The project also carried out a huge programme of community and education outreach work culminating in a goose curry event at Linacleit School and the completion of a feasibility study for a post school crofting course. A three month project extension allowed for an extra season of seaweed lifting and enabled the building of an agricultural shed, for long-term storage of its machinery.

Croft land management practical skills day course in North Uist

The project has also supported an increase in the quantity and quality of Uist seed available each year through the Arable Stacks While management of crop protection has been a more visible part of its work and a large proportion of its spending, it is hoped that the biodiversity and socio-economic data collated over the project lifetime will help to inform future agricultural policy will be used as a tool for RSPB and other partners to continue to lobby Government and the EU on future support for crofting and high-nature value farming.

Proper fencing, ditching and drainage are the cornerstones of a good croft. They can make all the difference to your livestock’s wellbeing and the success of your crops.

The seed list and advisory information

on all aspects of the project findings will be available from Carnan Stores and SCRPID. SCF will ensure the importance of the uniqueness of machair corn remains a key part of its work.

Learn hands - on how to improve your skills with agricultural contractor and crofter John Allan MacLellan of Hougharry.

A Scottish Crofting Federation day course. £40/£36, includes lunch. To enrol contact susymacaulay@gmail.com/ 01870 602151

SHOW DATES The South Uist and Benbecula Agricultural Show is on Saturday July 26 in Iochdar.

Croft mapping to pinpoint accuracy

Essential for Croft Register De-crofting applications

Contact Philip Jubb for a quote

Tel: 01878 700380 Email: philip.jubb@btinternet.com

continue to be carried out by the RSPB’s Jamie Boyle and Stuart Taylor. Funding and partners are being sought

to continue the education and community programmes for example Machair Art, crofting afternoons and other workshop events. SNH and RSPB will work together to help volunteers interested in careers in crofting and the environment. RSPB is helping to ensure the post-school crofting training feasibility study is followed up. A very positive response has been received so far from UHI to fund and run the course. RSPB will also supervise the teaching hours offered by Ardbhan Croft as part of their bid for the machinery, on the existing crofting and new local food course. RSPB is increasing Machair advisory

work on Lewis and Harris through the recently advertised Corncrake and Machair Project Officer post. RSPB will ensure that all the project

findings reach the highest levels of the Scottish Government and the EU so that support for crofting and high-nature value farming do not leave their agendas.

Western Isles Energy and Property Services Accredited Green Deal Assessor Air Tightness Testing (BINDT) Energy Performance Certificates Thermal Imaging

Berneray sheep dog trials are on Monday July 14 at Borve machair.

Maps for land conveyancing

Machair and species advisory work will

The Staff at Machair LIFE+ would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have supported the Project, including their past and present colleagues on Uist, Tiree, Islay and Coll and especially to all those crofters who have made their time working on Uist so memorable.

ArdBuidhe mapping


North Uist Agricultural Society annual show is early this year, on Thursday July 31 in Hosta. Get your show and summer events listed in IN&A send details to editor@islandnewsandadvertiser.co.uk

Ruaraidh Ferguson

07810 603188

wienergyandproperty@hotmail.co.uk www.westernislesenergyandpropertyservices.co.uk


island news & ADVERTISER - April 2014 Issue 24



Corn sheafs are plac ed inside the cages and the Corn Buntings and other small spec ies can get into eat the seeds.


The mystery of the little cages Over the past few months people have commented on the appearance of small cages in various corners of the islands. Stuart Taylor RSPB Assistant Uist Species Officer

Corn Bunting at Feedsite.

In total 51 cages have appeared at fifty locations between Clachan on North Uist and Boisdale on South Uist. Whilst not as enigmatic as crop circles supposedly formed by aliens, the little structures have got people asking questions such as where are they from? And what are they for? All will be revealed. It is no mystery that the RSPB is working hard to save the ever-declining Corn Bunting but several methods of supplementary feeding and agricultural schemes later the population is still decreasing.

Previous years have seen the creation of small stacks providing feed sites but these have their downsides. Over the course of a season, we have seen them get blown away in high winds, or trampled and eaten by livestock which have wandered into new areas by mistake. The answer seems to be to provide and protect a food source, and so the small cages were created and surrounded by sheep wire. Corn sheafs are placed inside the cages and the Corn Buntings and other small species can get in to eat the seeds. The wire prevents livestock from sticking their noses in and having a crafty nibble and may also offer a little protection from predators such as Merlins or cats. So far the buntings have been seen visiting most of the cages but in much smaller numbers than would have been seen in the

past. In years gone by it was not unusual to see flocks of up to eighty Corn Buntings in their favoured areas but now we are lucky if we see half that number these days. The decline has occurred throughout most of Britain and is thought to have been brought about by changes in agricultural practices and also possibly climate change. Silage bales wrapped in plastic means that the seeds on which the birds feed are inaccessible to them as opposed to the old method of arable stacks. Several crofters around the islands are keen to help and have allowed us to position the cages in likely sites to attract breeding and wintering birds. Only time will tell if this work is successful as the population is judged by the number of singing males recorded between May and July.

Little Gull delights in Balivanich and Howmore Two elegant Little Gulls were spotted in February with one showing well off Balivanich and another seen briefly off Howmore.

Steve Duffield Little Gull.

This dainty visitor is a real delight and quite scarce in the islands with only a handful of records any given year. It does not breed in the UK but is mainly seen on passage along the east coast and was a fine distraction from its larger cousins. From the far north of Canada a showy Kumlien’s Gull (which is a cross between an Iceland Gull and a Thayer’s Gull) spent the best part of the last two weeks of the Kumlien’s Gull. month at Hougharry or Balranald. Tundra Bean Geese have been seen in the Outer Hebrides for the second time in the past three winters.

Tundra Bean Goose, left, Greylag right

These grey geese with bright orange legs (not to be confused with the greylag, see picture) were once classed as a race of Pink-footed Goose but are now split into two main races; the Taiga Bean Goose and the Tundra (which some authorities split into different species). The Taiga winters in small numbers at two sites in the UK with one flock on the Slamannan plateau in the Scottish central belt and the other in Norfolk. The Tundra used to be a vagrant to the UK but is turning up more regularly these days although it is still very rare in the Outer Hebrides. Their first record here was a flock of eight by Loch Stiapabhat, Lewis on 10th December 2011.

A diving bird of special note was the first White-billed Diver of the year seen off Tiumpan Head, Lewis on February 7. This once rarity is now known to be a regular visitor between Port of Ness and Point in small numbers with moulting birds found each spring and migrants occasionally noted off North Uist on their way back to their breeding grounds in arctic Russia. Quite remarkably despite everything the weather had thrown at them some birds thought it was spring with Lapwings beginning to take up territory and Song Thrushes delivering their repeated verse from gardens around the islands. March is really a time of change and traditionally the beginning of spring so who knows what it may bring this year.

For more on recent sightings please visit: www.western-isles -wildlife.com

White-billed Diver

Jon Hearach



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April 2014 Issue 24 - island news & ADVERTISER

OUR ISLANDS OUR FUTURE As IN&A went to print this month, the fifth meeting of the Islands Ministerial Working Group was taking place in Stornoway. The group has been meeting regularly to look at ways of devolving more powers to Scotland’s island councils, regardless of the outcome of the referendum. Chaired by Local Government minister Derek Mackay, on the agenda were state aid, special status, legal and constitutional status, single public authority, revenues and funding settlement, planning and creative industries. Some Southern Isles councillors expressed concern at not being made aware of the meeting, nor being invited to attend as observers. North Uist & Benbecula councillor Uisdean Robertson said: “These issues are hugely important and we need to be sure that the Southern

Isles’ needs are recognised and taken into account.” Meanwhile a Lewis-based group Referenda on the Islands (ROTI) has raised a petition on behalf of islanders in Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles calling for referenda to be held on the status of each of the island groups. The petition is open for online signatures by everyone who supports the idea of referenda to be held on September 25, one week after the Scottish independence referendum.If the petition is successful, residents will be asked to choose between the following options: 1. Do you wish the island group to become an independent country? 2. Do you wish the island group to stay in Scotland? If the result of the Scottish independence the previous week was “Yes”, there will also be a third option:

3. Do you wish the island group to leave Scotland and stay in the remainder of the UK? To sign the petition, it is not necessary to be a current resident on one of the islands, say those behind the petition.

The petition can be found online at: www.scottish.parliament.uk/GettingInvolved/ Petitions/islandgroups or http://tinyurl.com/ islandgroups. It remains open until April 28.

The Month in the North Island News & Advertiser’s regular digest of news from the Orkney and Shetland islands. here and has brought to a close its probe into the fuel market in the isles. At the same time the body is consulting on its investigation into the Western Isles’ market. A statement released today from the consumer protection organisation said further investigation into the local market was unwarranted. Northern Isles MP Alistair Carmichael and Shetland MSP Tavish Scott have expressed disappointment at the decision. Mr Carmichael said more answers were needed from the OFT.


Blow for motorists Motorists seeking a better deal on their fuel have suffered a blow with the news the Office of Fair Trading has opted to end its investigation into the Shetland fuel market. The competition watchdog insists it has found “insufficient evidence” of market manipulation


The two Northlink ferries with their new Viking livery.

New ambulances for Orkney and Shetland

The Scottish Ambulance Service has announced a £500,000 investment in ten new specially adapted 4×4 ambulances for Orkney and Shetland. Seven of the new vehicles are to be deployed in Kirkwall, North Ronaldsay, Papa Westray, Eday, Sanday, and Graemsay, with one vehicle kept as a spare backup. The new vehicles will be delivered to the islands in the coming months as part of a programme to provide modern, versatile vehicles to support the specific needs of patients in the islands.


Ferries now all have the viking look All three of Serco NorthLink’s passenger ships have now been rebranded with their new Viking livery. Passenger ferries, the Hamnavoe, Hrossey and Hjaltland all received the Viking treatment while in drydock recently, with each now adorned in their new livery.

Angus B MacNeil MP Constituency Office, 31 Bayhead Street, Stornoway Isle of Lewis, HS1 2DU

All enquiries welcome


SHETLAND Sperm whale carcase clean up Shetland Islands Council’s Environmental Health Service is currently working to arrange the recovery and disposal of the two Sperm Whale carcasses at Scolla Wick, Unst.

Tel 01851 702 272 E-Mail: macneila@parliament.uk

While there is no specific health risk known from whales, the carcasses are decomposing and, as such, may present a public health risk. There is also a small risk of

explosion from the build up of gases in the gut cavity. As a precautionary measure, notices have been erected warning that the area should be avoided. Weather permitting, the whales will hopefully be removed at the weekend, however the area should still be avoided until the gut contents have washed away – which may take a few weeks or perhaps months depending on the weather.

Western Isles Independence Referendum Question and Answer with ALASDAIR ALLAN MSP Wednesday April 9 at 7.30pm Lionacleit School Theatre


island news & ADVERTISER - April 2014 Issue 24


The memorial is mad e from stainless steel, very appropriate for my father who cam e from Sheffield whe re stainless steel was in vented.

Neighbours Conference celebrates Colonsay scholar Colonsay: Donald MacKinnon’s Island is the theme of an Islands Book Trust four day conference in June. MacKinnon was a Gaelic scholar and first ever Chair of Celtic at Edinburgh University. The conference will mark the 100th anniversary of his death by looking at his life and work, and also at the human and natural heritage of Colonsay, his native island. It will be based in Colonsay Village Hall with events also in Colonsay Hotel and excursions around the island and neighbouring Oransay. From Friday June 6 to Monday June 9. All inclusive price £395 to members, £435 to non-members. For Colonsay residents and full-time students for four days £30. More information from Alayne Barton, 01851 820946


IBT talk on Canna Alasdair MacEachan of the Islands Book Trust will be giving a talk on the island of Canna in Stornoway this month. ‘Cuairt a Chanaidh – A Journey to the Island of Canna’ will take place on April 22 at 7.30pm in An Lanntair.

Memorial to WWII crew lost in collision above Tiree A memorial to sixteen airmen who lost their lives in the skies above Tiree in 1944 is to be erected at the island’s airport this summer. The airmen were the crew of two Halifax aircraft of 518 Squadron, stationed with Coastal Command on Tiree. They flew for up to ten hours in all weathers day and night to take meteorological readings from the Atlantic Ocean, skimming 50ft over heaving seas. On August 16, 1944 the two crews were carrying out their customary test flights prior to going out on a mission when their aircraft collided in mid-air and fell blazing to earth over RAF Tiree, the site of the modern day airport, with the loss of all crew.



LL296 (518Sq) the Halifax bomber which collided with Plt Off Kenneth Organ’s plane over Tiree, pictured flying over Loch Linnhe in 1944.

The man behind the memorial is Ken Organ, son of Pilot Officer Kenneth William Organ, captain of one of the aircraft. Ken, a retired businessKen Organ. man from Sheffield, was born four months after his 24 year old father was killed, in December 1944. He decided two years ago “on a whim” to go to Tiree, where he met people who remembered 518 Sqn, which was formed in Stornoway in July 1943, moving to Tiree three months later. Inspired by his visit, Ken resolved to put up a memorial to the sixteen airmen. He said: “The memorial is made from stainless steel, very appropriate for my father who came from Sheffield where stainless steel was invented. “It stands about four feet high and will have 518 Sqn crest on top and a depiction of a Halifax bomber. It will be sited at the entrance to the airport.” Plt Off Organ’s diary casually records a momentous date in British history. On Monday June 5, 1944 D Day. This is scratched out, and on Tuesday June 6, a new entry is made – D Day.

The weather intelligence brought back by Coastal Command from the North Atlantic was decisive in General Eisenhower’s decision to delay D Day by 24 hours. Plt Off Organ was posthumously promoted to Flying Officer. Despite his tender years he was an experienced torpedo bomber pilot in the Mediterranean before being deployed in Tiree. The memorial unveiling ceremony is planned for 1.25pm on Saturday August 16, 70 years to the minute after the horrific accident. Ken said: “I’m enormously grateful to Mike Hughes and Dr John Holliday of Tiree for helping me in this amazing journey to have the crews remembered.”

Plt Off Organ’s diary.

Renovation of Tiree war graves The Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) is in the process of renovating the war graves plot at Sorobay Cemetery on Tiree. The project is part of a nationwide CWGC initiative to establish border planting at war grave plots of ten or more graves. There are 31 war graves at Sorobay cemetery. The CWGC will replace the turf and introduce headstone borders to be planted with suitable herbaceous plants for the local climate. Once complete, the area will be regularly maintained. The work is being carried out by CWGC staff and local contractors S N Property maintenance.

Iain Anderson, the CWGC’s Regional Supervisor for Scotland, said: “Horticulture has always been an important part of our work, as it helps to create the right atmosphere for visitors to remember the servicemen and women who died in the two world wars. “Most visitors to our war cemeteries abroad, and we work in a staggering 153 countries, will be familiar with the approach the CWGC has – well

maintained cemeteries with planted borders. This initiative is designed to introduce that approach to war grave plots in the UK. “We believe the work we are carrying out at Sorobay will transform the appearance of the plot, will be appreciated by the community and visitors for years to come, and is further evidence of our ongoing commitment to never forget those who gave their lives for this country.”



They were aged flew to the front about 18 to 27 and of boiled sweets. g ba a d an y da a for 8d Alan Hartley

April 2014 Issue 24 - island news & ADVERTISER



Veteran travels to France to commemorate North Uist airwoman’s bravery in WWII The breathtaking bravery of a young North Uist airwoman is being commemorated this summer by the young mechanic who used to service her aircraft. Leading Aircraftwoman Margaret Campbell from Lochportain was one of a small band of ‘Flying Nightingales’, medical orderlies who flew aboard Dakotas from Blakehill Farm in Wiltshire to the front lines to pick up wounded servicemen and bring them home. The mechanic is Alan Hartley, now in his 90th year and resident in Coventry. He will visit Margaret’s grave in Calais this summer and lay a wreath there. Mr Hartley describes himself as a “fully qualified nobody”, but he has spent the past 40 years running the RAF Down Ampney Association and ensuring among other things that the Flying Nightingales’ bravery is properly recognised. He said: “They were aged about 18 to 27 and flew to the front for 8d a day and a bag of Veteran Alan Hartley. boiled sweets for their ears. “They brought back more than 100,000 casualties to England, about two dozen at a time. They brought concentration camp survivors back too, and Japanese prisoners. Some of things they witnessed must have been truly horrific.” Mr Hartley added: “They would fly with no door on, at 120mph, in the freezing cold, sitting on tyres. “They had parachutes on board, but they were locked away on the return journey. The nurses weren’t allowed to use them if they were shot down, because the wounded men would need someone to look after them.” The planes had no Red Cross markings which might have saved them from enemy attack, and they often came under enemy fire.



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Mr Hartley said: “They were on other missions too such as taking ammunition to the front and as such they weren’t allowed to carry the Red Cross.” Margaret’s plane was shot down aged 27 in the skies above Calais on October 24, 1944. At the time she was attached to a Canadian squadron, 437 Sqn based at Blakehill Farm on casualty air evacuation duties, so she is buried in the Calais Canadian War Cemetery at Leubringhem. Margaret is the aunt of Margaret Saxton of Lochmaddy.

A scroll from the king commemorating Margaret’s work.

Myra Roberts, died last year before we knew about her and had a chance to meet her. “I feel she could have told us so much about Margaret. “I got such a picture in my mind of Margaret from that story, it made me weep.”

Margaret Saxton with her aunt’s war medals. Margaret Saxton looks through family papers relating to her aunt.

Mrs Saxton said: “We knew my aunt had died in the war, but apart from that not too much about her. People just didn’t talk about those things afterwards, but I was named after her.” Margaret was one of eight siblings, including Mrs Saxton’s mother Chrissie Ann Campbell of Berneray and later Cheesebay. Mrs Saxton said: “Margaret is the only British person buried in the Canadian graveyard, and this intrigued a Mr Evans from Wales who did a lot of research and tracked us down ago and sent us a photograph of her grave. “He has since passed away, but Alan Hartley has also been in touch and told us about his research into the Flying Nightingales and campaign to have them properly recognised.” Mrs Saxton and her sister plan to visit Margaret’s grave next year. Mrs Saxton said: “We have an eye witness account of Margaret waving goodbye to another nurse and promising to keep a date with her later on. She A signed photograph to Margaret died shortly after taking off from that from a Leading Aircraftman name mission. unknown, but thought to be her “The nurse who recorded that story, boyfriend.

Jobs… Jobs… Jobs… Cothrom Ltd, a training provider based in South Uist is looking for staff in the following areas:Nursery Assistants x 2 (16 hour posts) Applicants must be fluent Gaelic speakers and hold a qualification in Childcare. Interviews will be held in Gaelic. Modern Apprentices x 3 (28 hour posts) Cothrom is committed to assisting young people within the local area by providing the opportunity to gain skills and knowledge in the world of work through our Modern Apprenticeship Training Programme and are looking for enthusiastic candidates aged 16 - 19 for the following posts:Trainee Administrator to undertake duties to support a variety of administration functions and be willing to achieve the SVQ Level 3 in Business and Administration.

Trainee Financial Assistant to undertake duties to support financial administrative tasks and be willing to achieve the SVQ Level 3 in Providing Financial Services. Trainee Nursery Assistant to work within Cothrom Òg while learning all aspects of childcare practice and completing the SVQ Level 3 in Social Services (Children and Young People) allowing you to qualify as a childcare practitioner. Minimum requirements for Modern Apprentices are Maths and English at Standard Grade 2 or above. Intermediates will also be accepted.

Closing Date for all posts is 14th April 2014 To apply please request an application pack on 01878 700910, e-mail enquiries@cothrom.net or download from www.cothrom.net


island news & ADVERTISER Life - April 2014 Issue 24


Harris in Paris

Top Paris fashion house Maison Martin Margiela made it abundantly clear where their fabric comes from in their autumn/ winter collection unveiled last month. Giant Harris Tweed labels graced the backs of coats and dresses throughout the show, leaving buyers in no doubt of the material’s provenance. Fashion blogger StyleBubble writes: “It’s a small detail but a big gesture in my opinion to give an open credit to fabrics, which were the main focal points of the collection. “From the back? The label was on show and there’s no annoying urge to keep it hidden (I tuck people’s labels back inside their shirts on the tube without them knowing…).

“The shout out to British fabric mills was something to show off.”

Images by Edouard Capeuil.

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Blacksmith’s Cushion New outlet for bespoke ironwork and Harris Tweed products Gates, railings, handles, candlesticks etc by the only artisan blacksmith on the islands. All types of work undertaken Harris Tweed cushions Cards Keyrings Parking at Culla Culla Croft, Aird, Benbecula Bay

Contact 01870 603816 for opening hours


Love marzipan? Marzipan Fruit Loaf Love Simnel Cake 5oz butter

A traditional treat for this time of year is Simnel cake, origins uncertain but first mentioned in 1226. It was originally made for the middle Sunday of Lent, Mothering Sunday. It’s a light fruitcake with a layer of marzipan baked into the middle. Another layer of marzipan is placed on top, crowned with eleven marzipan balls to represent all of the apostles, except Judas. Here Uist baker Jackie Warner shares a lighter variation, a firm favourite with her family for Sunday tea at this time of year.

6oz light brown sugar 9fl oz orange juice 8oz chopped apricots 8oz whole glacé cherries 4oz raisins 10oz self-raising flour 2tsp mixed space 2 eggs beaten 10oz marzipan Line a 2lb loaf tin and set oven to 375f, 190c or gas 5 Place butter, sugar, juice and the dried fruits in a saucepan, bring to the boil

and simmer for 5 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool before mixing in the flour, mixed spice and eggs. Pour half the mixture into the tin. Roll out marzipan to an oblong the same size at loaf tin. Remove a small circle of marzipan from the centre of the oblong - about 1cm in diameter. Place marzipan onto mixture then cover with the remaining mixture. Place in oven on middle shelf and bake for about 45 minutes. To test if cake is ready insert sharp knife directly above the circle of marzipan removed. If ready, knife should come out clean. Remove cake from tin and place on cooling rack. Slice...and enjoy. For extra treat, cake can be iced.

April 2014 Issue 24 - island news & ADVERTISER Life

Most Cherished



North Uist Artist Margaret Cowieshares her most cherished possessions

Saturday afternoons in Buckie with her maternal grandmother watching TV, eating sweets and ‘wyving’ are precious memories for Ahmore-based Margaret. My Nanny, Elsie Murray, was always working on something, I never saw her or my mum with idle hands. She called it ‘wyving’ which I suppose was Doric for weaving. I used to show her a jumper I liked and ask her to knit me one and she would copy it without a pattern. These are her needles, double-ended and very sharp, they would go at a blur she worked so fast.

Nanny was a herring girl for a couple of years and worked in Lowestoft where I think she met my grandfather. This is her wisker, or fisherwoman’s knitting belt which they used to support the needles and the weight of the knitting while they worked. You can see it’s been well used.

I went to Glasgow School of Art, but left early to go and live on Coll, and later on Harris. I discovered the art courses in Uist and now I’m in my BA Honours year. For my degree show I’m creating a multi-dimensional piece paying tribute to the history of my fishing forebears through these most cherished possessions. I’m sure my own creativity comes from Nanny and my mum.

This is my brother’s gansey, knitted by my Nanny. He would have been about nine. I love the detail in it, the pattern, the special stitch she used on the shoulders. Even the darning is beautiful. Even though everyone knitted and crocheted in those days, I think my grandmother was particularly good at it.

My grandfather was a trawlerman and worked on the convoys during the war. He died in 1948, and Nanny became head of the family. She was quite matriarchal and very strong, but she spoiled us rotten with kindness. Even after we left Buckie to stay in Mull, we returned home every summer and I remember her home being absolutely pristine and spotless.


Tagsa Uibhist


have secured funding from Shared Care Scotland and The Robertson Trust to provide respite at their Iochdar South Uist Respite Care Home.

Large selection of knitting wool, 3 ply, 4 ply, double, chunky & Aran. Knitting needles, crochet hooks, patterns etc.

Care costs are free for 2 weeks per person per year from the allocated funding. This will be based on a priority of need for respite for carer and the person being cared for.



REDUCED TO CLEAR Sewing alterations available.

Accommodation fees will be £119 per week. Fees are paid in arrears once an invoice has been issued. For further details contact Kathryn Martin Telephone number 01870 602111

Familiar pattern books from Margaret’s childhood.

Contact Sheila Acford

Tel 01876 510397 NEW OPENING HOURS MON - SAT 2pm - 4.30pm


island news & ADVERTISER Life - April 2014 Issue 24

Life If you only do one thing this month Become an exhibition ambassador Taigh Chearsabhagh, Lochmaddy is looking for exhibition ambassadors for their ARTIST ROOMS exhibition until June 28. At least four hours per week to engage with all aspects of the exhibition programmes including invigilation, workshops and guided tours. Training provided. Email Gayle Meikle at arts@taigh-chearsabhagh.org outlining your enthusiasm for the role and why you would like to be apart of the team.

Take an Easter short course on Skye Sabhal Mòr Ostaig is running courses in Gaelic, Music, Crofting or Photography. To book a place visit www.smo.uhi.ac.uk/ gd/cursaichean/cursaichean-goirid/

Just Dance! Paible school, lochdar school and Southend Hall Ceolas dance teacher Laura Johnson is holding classes from April 7 – April 10 across Uist. Something for all ages including Minimovers, hip hop, musical theatre, modern/creative, ballet, contemporary, salsa and yoga. Contact Laura at laura@ceolas.co.uk or 07528 713740.

One verse or two?

Pen a poem with your cuppa


Author James Oswald tells IN&A how his farming life complements his writing Bumping along on the tractor and communing with his livestock are just the tonic farmer/novelist James Oswald needs to aid his creative juices. Oswald recently released his third novel in the Inspector Maclean series, crime fiction set in Edinburgh, has a fourth one ready to go and is working on the fifth. The 46 year old author combines his writing with farming 350 acres of rough grazing at Fliskmillan in North East Fife. He’s currently living in a static caravan while building a house, penning his next novel and tending his animals. Oswald is building up a herd of Highland cattle bought from William Thomson, Barrhead. His dozen or so heifers are now on their third calving, and like his herd of New Zealand Romney sheep, Oswald chose them because they’re ‘relatively self-sufficient.’ The Romneys produce wool almost as fine as merino. Unusually, the wool clip pays for itself, Oswald says, and the sheep are easy lambers, good mothers and don’t need a lot of input.

The wool is the passion of his partner Barbara, who is building up a business selling direct the spun and carded yarn. Oswald took over the family farm in 2010, after the tragic deaths of his parents in a road accident on the A9 in 2008. He had been working in Wales as an agricultural consultant on a research farm. He studied psychology at Aberdeen University, where he began working on his writing skills. In 1993 he published a comic strip, and has written an epic fantasy series and short stories. Oswald initially self- published his Inspector

The Hangman’s Song by James Oswald Pub. Penguin paperback RRP £7.99, eBook £7.99

Support the Uist BRAves

See Vija’s work at Taigh Chearsabhagh Artist Rooms

Sponsor the Uist & Benbecula women who have signed up to this year’s Moon Walk Scotland.

Vija Celmins is best known for her intricate, monochromatic drawings of a select range of subjects. The images on loan explore her meticulous renderings of the surface of the ocean, the vastness of the night sky and her fascination with the microscopic detail of a spider’s web. With a slow, painstaking approach, some of these works take up to a year to complete.

The Uist BRAves include Libby Patterson, Kate Dawson, Gemma Patterson, Rosie Moar, Seonag MacRury, Margaret Bolton, Gretta Campbell and Hanna Morrison. They have signed up to power walk 13 miles through the night, dressed in decorated bras in Edinburgh on June 7. Libby Patterson said: “We all have our own reasons for taking part, some supporting family members who are battling with breast cancer, and in honour of those who suffered from it. Also because the funds raised have a direct impact on health care in the islands. “There are others completing the full 26 mile marathon so Uist ladies will have a quite a presence there.” The Moon Walk Scotland organisers ‘Walk the Walk’ are the sole funders of the Maggie’s Centre at Gartnavel Hospital in Glasgow which opened in 2011 and the planned Centre in Forth Valley due to open next year. Uist BRAves team member GP Dr Kate Dawson said: “Every day through my work I see how Maggie’s supports people from the islands with cancer as many of them visit the centres in Inverness and Glasgow when they are away from the islands for treatment. The Online Centre allows our patients and families access to Maggie’s throughout their illness and beyond.” Follow the Uist BRAves on their Facebook Page for updates on their progress and details as to how to sponsor them.

Fifty this year? Party on! Butt to Barra Babies of ’64 - join the 50th reunion parties on Friday April 4 and Saturday April 5 at Stornoway Golf Club. Babies of ‘64


One verse or two? Pen a poem with your cuppa You’ll find a poem on a piece of card at your table in Taigh Chearsabhagh café, with room to write a comment on it, or even add your own work. It’s the idea of The Uist Writers’ Workshop which regularly meets in TC. They have contributed three tabletop poems, and will be changing them every few weeks. They warmly invite your input.

Maclean novels as ebooks, and found himself with a runaway success selling more than 350,000 copies. After signing to Penguin he became the UK’s biggest selling debut crime author of last year, shifting 170,000 paper and e books. His latest, The Hangman’s Song was described by The Times as ‘Fifty Shades of Hay.’ Oswald says hammering in fence posts and churning over ideas while on the tractor are part and parcel of his creative life- but admits to getting so distracted recently that he almost ran over his neighbour. “Fortunately they know what I’m like,” he says. Meanwhile, there’s another excitement in Oswald’s life- lambing is getting underway in the Fliskmillan polytunnel, and if you want to see how the Romney mums are getting on you can follow on the Lamb Cam at fliskmillan.com.

Organising the delivery of the local YELLOW PAGES The work is mainly from home and is suitable for applicants with spare time during the day.

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We are also recruiting for delivers. To apply for delivery work only, please call us (24 hours) on: 0118 989 9909 / 0800 298 7101 or visit our website: www.deya.co.uk/jobs

April 2014 Issue 24 - island news & ADVERTISER Life

April tasks in the garden

Plan, prepare and sow


April sees the gardening year begin in earnest Try these top tips from Uist Veg Box grower Maria Scholten

Soil preparation: compost (composted seaweed, manure, etc.) gives a good start. Plants or plant sprays can be added to enhance the compost, such as nettle, comfrey, chamomile or yarrow. Watch out in the soil for the New Zealand flatworm, eating native earthworms. Do not spread these worms by moving soil or pots with these worms or their eggs. Kill them with salt or hot water.

Seed quality: seeds that you buy are protected by law and have to have at least 85% germination. This however does not guarantee strong vigorous plants – which depends on variety and management.

Sowing time: End of March/April : tomatoes, c courgettes,

Plant sale at Nunton

Plan your crops and rotations. Think of companion planting benefitting both crops and to get the most of your space. Use marigolds and French marigolds as biological pest deterrents. Excellent reference books in Lionacleit library.

Pamper your perennials

When it comes to filling your garden with vibrant colour year after year, perennial plants are perfect. After dying down and lying dormant over winter, come springtime they’ll be bursting into life again. Plant Me Now’s gardening consultant, Tim Milward, shares his tips for getting the most from your perennial plants.

Spring is the ideal time to plant perennials. The soil will have started to warm up and this gives the plants time to establish and lay down some roots before they’re ready to flower in the summer. Mix plants that flower in different months to keep your garden looking colourful for longer. Safeguard tender varieties of perennials over the winter months by putting down mulch. It’s important to make sure the ground has good drainage too – the most common reason perennials fail is that ground gets boggy and cold which causes the dormant roots to rot. Unlike shrubs, you don’t need to worry about pruning perennials. Simply make sure that they don’t dry out while they’re getting themselves established and you’ll have incredible flowers year after year. Leucanthemum Real Glory

If you have narrow flower beds, choose short perennials to go at the front and taller ones at the back. If you’ve got a wide flowerbed, mix perennials that grow to roughly the same 1height but with differing flowering 1times; this will give you season-long colour.

cucumbers, marrows, French beans, cabbages, calabrese, leeks, Brussels sprouts, squashes and peppers. Later in April: celeriac, other herbs, bedding plants. Do not start chard too early – better in May /June.

Veronica Pink Harmony

Perennials can be planted straight into the ground, but if you want to move things around they’ll work just as well in pots and containers on the patio. Some of the shorter varieties can be used to add colour to hanging baskets in the summer, then planted into the garden early autumn to die back and come up again next year.

Slugs are perennial plants’ greatest enemy. Deter them by surrounding plants with sand or coarse rock which slugs won’t cross. You can also use a saucer of beer to attract the slugs as an alternative to wildlife-friendly slug pellets.

Visit plantmenow.co.uk for over-wintered plants with strong root systems to guarantee flowering in their first year. They’ll be sent out when they’re the ideal size for planting which means you won’t need to grow them on. There are over 127 varieties to choose from and prices will range from £2 - £6.

Say goodbye to chilblains Although spring is here there’s still a nip in the air – enough to merit guarding against chilblains while you’re out in the garden. Try these amazingly well-insulated socks, gloves and hats by Heat Holders. Tog rated 2.3 and seven times warmer than cotton socks. Socks start at £7.99 from heatholders.com

Free delivery to the Outer Hebrides.


Uist Veg Box is holding a plant sale at Nunton Steadings on Saturday May 3 all day in association with organisations and businesses across Uist and Barra. Vegetable and bedding plants, herbs, children’s activities, crafts, workshop on tomato growing, soup, sandwiches and teas. For information, to pre-order plants or reserve a table: bogsaU@hotmail.com or phone or text Maria on 07720634343, also on Whatsapp; follow on Twitter @bogsaUibhist


island news & ADVERTISER - April 2014 Issue 24

Alastair MacDonal d of Lochmaddy came first with 38.2 8, an improvement of almost two minutes on his time of 40.20 last year, when he ca me in third.

Sport SFA LEVEL 1 EARLY TOUCHES (5 -11yrs) Football Coaching Course WHO FOR?

The course is open to anyone aged 16 or over.


Friday 9th May, Liniclate School (1400-1900)


The course cost is normally ÂŁ40 however this course will be offered at a discounted rate of if currently coaching primary aged children. If you are aged between 16 and 24 and are prepared to give 10hrs of your time to coaching primary aged children (up to 12 years) then the course is FREE!!



The course forms an integral part of the SFA Working with Children/Youth License Diploma.


In addition to delivering new content, the course will assist coaches to develop their coaching technique, focus on skill development and will explore the best age specific activities for developing young players.


Peter Budge (SFA Football Development Officer – North Region).

MAX NUMBER 24 (places allocated on a first come ON COURSE – first served basis) To enroll on the course please contact Christine MacQuarrie on 01870 603591 or e-mail c.macquarrie@cne-siar.gov.uk for an application form.

FREE SCOTTISH FA In-Service for Uist and Barra Venue: Liniclate School & Games Hall Date: Saturday 10th May 2014 Time: 11am – 2pm



Alastair wins Benbecula 10k Dreich and chilly were the conditions for this year’s Benbecula 10k on March 15, with the runners facing a nasty chill factor in the wind in the later stages of the race.


1 2 3

86 83 89



Alastair MacDonald 00:38:28 Norman Ferguson 00:38:42 Angus Campbell 00:39:32

Alastair MacDonald, first man.


7 19 21

62 63 64



Shona Morrison Morag MacKinnon Kenna MacInnes

00:46:35 00:52:40 00:53:29

Norman Ferguson of Stornoway in second place.

Forty-one runners aged 17 to 82 took part, and ten walkers. Newcomers were five ladies from Barra, with runners also coming down from Stornoway. The remainder of the field came from Berneray, North Uist, Benbecula, South Uist and Eriskay. Alastair MacDonald of Lochmaddy came first with 38.28, an improvement of almost two minutes on his time Angus Campell as he nears the of 40.20 last year, when he came in third. Shona Morrison, first female in the Benbecula 10k. finishing line in third place. Norman Ferguson of Stornoway took second place with Coastguard, Police Ambulance, Caley Timber, Nunton House 38.42. Angus Campbell came in third. His time of 39.32 added more Hotel, Sgoil Lionacleit and those who helped on the day, than two minutes to his time last year when he came in second timekeeper, water providers, photographer, marshals, tea ladies, and all the other jobs too numerous to mention. (37.20). “The display of baking was something local people should be First woman was Shona Morrison with 46.35, and more than a minute on her time last year. She said she found the wind chill proud of. “But thanks are due especially to the runners.� very trying by the end of the race. Gwen Evans, one of the race organisers said: “Many people The next Benbecula race is the Half Marathon, went to a lot of effort and it was very much appreciated. “We are grateful to all our supporters and volunteers- Fun Run (4.5miles) and Fast Track (2 miles) on June 7.

Girls race through Langass woods.

What is important when coaching primary aged children? I would like to inform you of the SFA National Player Pathway (NPP). This programme will highlight to grassroots coaches that the NPP represents a link between 4’s,7’s and 11’s football and this is a fantastic opportunity to influence the way football is played not only in Uist & Barra but across the country.  The 4-a-side format is world-renowned for being the first building block in teaching the game of football to young people. It allows them to learn the fundamentals of the game and that football is fun. The 7-a-side format is the next step and hopefully the young players can extend their enjoyment and learning to have a greater understanding of the game whilst mastering the skills. However the most important aspect is how you as an adult in charge make this experience fun and appropriate to the child’s age and stage of development. As a teacher of young children hopefully you will derive as much enjoyment from seeing them develop as they will playing the game. The FREE in-service will involve a power point presentation followed by the practical component. The later will cover some basic skills and scenarios which highlight areas of positive and negative aspects of the game - the intention would be that coaches participate in the practical. We would like to invite coaches, parents, administrators, teachers, anyone involved in football to attend. This would allow everyone the opportunity to be influential in the way football could be played in Uist & Barra. To register contact c.macquarrie@cne-siar.gov.uk or Tel 01870 604880.

North Uist woodland setting for Western Isles cross-country championship Langass woodland was the venue for the annual Western Isles Cross Country Championship, held for the first time in Uist. Some 160 youngsters from athletics clubs all over the islands took part. Seniors ran round the course eight times, a distance of almost 10k. An almost constant fine drizzle kept the runners cool, and the woodland’s sheltered position meant they avoided the worst of the winds that day. Organised by North Uist Amateur Athletics Club, the event saw dozens of parents and family members helping out at the event. Refreshments were provided by Dunes Catering and Macleans. Full results and more images at islandnewsandadvertiser.co.uk. On their marks at the cross-country championships.

L to r Owen Johnson (second), Paul Morrison (first) and Hugh MacKenzie (third) winners of the Under 15’s Cross Country race.

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THE ADVERTISER April 2014 Issue 24 - island news & ADVERTISER


YOUR DIRECTORY Have your business seen throughout the islands for as little as £66 PER YEAR. OF LOCAL SERVICES Flat rate £2 per line, minimum three lines, minimum eleven insertions. Call 01870 602151/ads@islandnewsandadvertiser.com to book your space. Accommodation

Business Services

An Taigh Fiodh, Grimsay Luxurious self-catering apartment www.grimsay.com Call Heather 01870 602943

The Western Isles Occupational Health, Safety and Business Support Consultancy. Sandwick Management Systems Call Donald on 07788 963497 Email: donald@sandwick systems.co.uk

Accommodation 2-bed s/c cottage Laxdale area, on bus route Free wifi. Tel: 01851 705771

Agricultural Contractor & Plant Hire Digger & Tractor Hire, Landscaping, Access Roads, Agricultural Sheds, Building Sand, Gravel, Concreting John Allan MacLellan Tel: 01876 510304 Mob: 07786 430989

Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Uist Vac Services Uist & Barra Tel: 01870 602212/ 07765 524 753

Cycle Shop Cycle hire, sales, repairs. Rothan Cycles Tel: 01870 620283 rothan@hebrides.net www.rothan.com

Cafe/Post Office/Gift Shop Lochboisdale Café Open all year 6 days. WiFi. Tel: 01878 700313

New builds, Renovations, Roof specialists. Archie Beaton Tel: 01871 890 374 Mob: 07788 263 080

Western Isles Citizens Advice Service

Barra 01871 810608 Uist 01870 602421 Harris 01859 502431 Lewis 01851 705727

Money Advice 01870 603807 and 01851 700088

Hairdresser Shear Design Unisex salon Bayhead, North Uist Call Joanne 07825 741436

1st - Angus MacIntosh, Grenitote. 2nd - DE Morrison, Hougharry. 3rd - Tom Boyle, C/o Jamie Boyle.

1st - Gina MacDonald, Carnach. 2nd - Iona MacLeod, Grenitote. 3rd - John MacDonald, Crossroads.

December 2013

1st - Mairi MacCuish, Glasgow. 2nd - Angus MacDonald, Sea Breeze, Baleshare. 3rd - Katie Mary MacPhail, Middlequarter. 3rd - Alastair MacDonald, 12 Sollas.

1st - Chrissie Webb, C/o Trumisgarry. 2nd - Alasdair Bull, Glasgow.

October 2013 1st - Mairi Gilfeder, C/o Trumisgarry. 2nd - Caitriona MacCuish, Middlequarter. 3rd - Chrissie Webb, C/o Trumisgarry.

Scottish, Celtic, silver and gold jewellery. Traditional and contemporary designs. Tel: 01870 610288 www.hebridean jewellery.co.uk

Alasdair Allan MSP SNP 31 Bayhead, Stornoway, Lewis. E: alasdair.allan.msp @scottish.parliament.uk T: 01870 602287 (Uist & Barra) 01851 702272 (Lewis & Harris)

Free confidential counselling W.I.Pregnancy Crisis Support Text or phone: 07901 966101 Email: westernisles@ careconfidential.com

Prompt Reliable Service Sketch’s Taxis Tel: 01870 603427 Mob: 07909 637161

Low cost computer repairs and servicing Call VOOVE: 0845 689 0030 (Local Call Rate)

Licensed Tearoom & Shop Groceries, Gifts, Snacks Summer evening meals Ardmaree Stores The Lobster Pot, Berneray Tel: 01876 540288

Jon Hearach Memorials Memorials, renovations, added inscriptions Any cemetery, Home visits. Tel. for our helpful brochure. 01463 711287

Painter and Decorator All types of decoration undertaken. Ally MacKenzie Tel: 01870 602725 Mob: 07723013884

January 2014 1st - John MacDonald, Crossroads. 2nd - Peggy MacLean, Grenitote. 3rd - Jackie Petrie, Sollas.

February 2014 1st - Hector MacPherson, Grenitote. 2nd - Kathryn MacDonald, 13 Sollas. 3rd - Mary A MacLean, Grenitote.

March 2014 1st - Douglas Pillans, Claddach Vallay. 2nd - Ruth and Nev Thomas, Claddach Vallay. 3rd - Paul Wilkie, Grenitote.

Taxis Quick Cab Taxis Country & Airport Runs Tel: 01851 701234 Harris Taxis Tel: 07500 450 387

Satellite Dish Repair Satellite Replacement, Retune and Repair Emergency Call Outs Available Call VOOVE: 0845 689 0030 (Local Call Rate)

Painter/Decorator Skinners Decor Painting & Decorating DIY Shop Howden’s Kitchens Tel: 01870 602423

Training Opportunities for Learning Cothrom Ltd Tel: 01878 700910 www.cothrom.net

Signage -Vehicle livery Labels Design Manufacture - Install Hebridean Graphics t: 01876 500469/ 07836 640524 www.hebridean graphics.com

Clothing, Workwear Canvas, Photo Restoration Balloons & Banners Custom Prints 01870 602515

Taxis Isle of Barra local taxi Tel: 01871 810012 Mobile: 07974 071255

Taxis Airport, ferry, school runs Staff runs & small contracts 24/7 service Menzies Private Hire Tel: 07833 357241 www.mph247.co.uk

Uist Satellite Internet Fast Internet Access for the Islands Get Connected Call VOOVE: 0845 689 0030 (Local Call Rate)

Wi-Fi Installs Commercial and Residential Wi-Fi Installs Whole House or Hotel Wireless Service Call VOOVE: 0845 689 0030 (Local Call Rate)

Sign Makers

Photographic Printing & Graphic Design

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November 2013

1st - Donald John MacLean, Kearsavagh. 2nd - Douglas Pillans, Claddach Vallay. 3rd - Rebecca MacDonald, 2 Sollas.

Uist Computer Repairs

Insurance Services

July 2013

September 2013



Taigh Sgire Sholais 200 Club Results

August 2013

Pregnancy Crisis

Sandra’s Laundry Hours 1-5pm All Year Round Uist Bunkhouse Mobile: 07810 408493

David’s Garden Machinery Grass cutting, small plant repairs, hires tel: 01870 603833 mob: 07880 743437 bagleyr@supanet.com

Available for Hire 15 to 57 Seater Buses 6M Luton Vans. HEBCO Howmore, Isle of South Uist Tel: 01870 620 345 Mob: 07900 806 638

MSP Western Isles


Grass cutting/small plant repairs

Car Commercials Plant & Marine Repairs

Building & Roofing Contractors


TV, Satellite & Broadband Window cleaner

Satellite Broadband TV Aerial and Satellite Dish Call Charles: 01876 580372 or 07748 081871

Window cleaner/ odd jobs Berneray, North Uist, Benbecula Call Colin 01876 540252

Uist Disability Access Panel

NEEDS YOU We try to help anyone with any access issues in the Uists If you are interested in joining us contact: UDAP c/o Tagsa offices orc/o 23 Winfield Way, Balivanich Isle of Benbecula, HS7 5LH

Tel: 01870 603233


April 21 Blue Bin

East Gerinish, Rhughasinish, Lochcarnan, Iochdar, Ardnamonie, Ardivacher, Ardmore, Creagorry, Liniclate & Liniclate School, Torlum, Hacklet, Uiskevagh, Petersport,WestCamp, Balivanich, Locheport, Berneray, ClachanSands, Vallique, Lochportain, Cheesebay, Lochmaddy, Minish, Blashaval, Uachdar, Dunganichy.

Tuesdays April 8, 22 Residual Smerclate, Garrynamonie, South Lochboisdale, South Boisdale, North Boisdale, Daliburgh Commercials and Daliburgh West of, Kilphedar, Strome, Eriskay, Glendale, Kilbride, Rangehead, Hacklet Eastwards, Uiskevagh, Petersport,WestCamp, Balivanich/Aird, Creagorry Commercials, Liniclate Commercials, Liniclate Muir, Uachdar, Dunganichy.

Wednesday April 9 Blue Bin

Monday April 28 Paper/Card

April 14 Blue Bin

Clachan, Claddach District, Bayhead, Knockintorran, Balemore, Kyles Paible, Paible, Balranald, Tigharry, Lochmaddy Commercials, Hougharry, Hosta, Sollas, Middlequarter, Grenitote, Langass Lodge, Clachan-na-luib, Carinish, Baleshare, Claddach Carinish, Grimsay, Island Flodda, Nunton, Aird, Muir of Aird, Gramsdale, Griminish.

Tuesdays April 1, 15, 19 Residual Stoneybridge, Locheynort, Daliburgh, Lochboisdale, Garryhellie, Askernish, Milton, Kildonan, Bornish, Howmore, Drimsdale, Stilligarry, Howbeg, Drimore, Gernish, Rangehead, East Gernish, Rhughasinish, Lochcarnan, Iochdar, Ardnamonie, Ardivacher, Ardmor, Creagorry, Liniclate, Liniclate School, Torlum.

April 23 Paper/Card

Stoneybridge, Locheynort, Dalibrugh, Lochboisdale, Garryhellie, Askernish, Milton, Kildonan, Bornish, Howmore, Howbeg, Drimsdale, Stilligarry, Drimore, Gernish, Rangehead, Liniclate Commercials, Balivanich Commercials.

Thursdays April 10, 24 Residual Clachan, Claddach District, Bayhead, Knockintorran, Balemore, Kyles Paible, Paible, Sollas, Hosta, Tigharry, Grenitote, Ahmore, Balranald, Langass Lodge, Hougharry, Middlequarter, Lochmaddy Commercials, Clachan-na-luib, Carinish, Baleshare, Claddach Carinish, Grimsay, Island Flodda, Gramsdale, Griminish, Nonton, Aird, Muir of Aird.

Wendesday April 2, 30 Paper/Card April 16 Blue Bin Eriskay, Glendale, Kilbride, Smerclate, Garrynamonie, South Lochboisdale, Daliburgh Commercials, Daliburgh- West of Borrodale Hotel, South Boisdale, North Boisdale, Kilphedar, Strome, Rangehead, DI, IOBHH.

Thursdays April 3, 17 Residual Locheport, Berneray, ClachanSands, Vallique, Lochportain, Cheesebay, Blashaval, Minish, Lochmaddy Commercials, Bayhead, Paible, Claddach, Clachan, Carinish, Balivanich.

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hial.co.uk Island News & Advertiser is published by Island News & Advertiser Ltd, Room 7, East Camp, Balivanich, Isle of Benbecula, HS7 5LA Printed by Cumbrian Newsprint, Newspaper House, Dalston Road, Carlisle CA2 5UA

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